
 's World Stamp Dealers Directory

Warwickshire County

Avon Mixtures, P. O. Box 23, Rugby, Warks CV21 1YT  
Oak Stamps, P. O. Box 28, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 1YT  
Warwick & Warwick Ltd.
Dennis Talbot PTS-06, ASDA-07
Chalon House, Scar Bank, Millers Road, Warwick CV34 5DB
  • Tel +44 (0) 1926 499031, Fax +44 (0) 1926 491906
  • @-mail
    Established in 1958. Collectibles Auctioneer ("Public stamp auctions are held monthly"), Private Treaty Sales, Valuations. Probate. Cards accepted: Access, MasterCard, Visa, Eurocard.
    "Public auctions of postcards, cigarette and trade cards, autographs and printed ephemera are held four times a year."

    old: Pageant House, Jury St, Warwick CV34 4EH

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    World: (111,803 2/2009 8:34pm)
    Free counters provided by Honesty.com. Warwick Est. 2001 ; UK reset 1/30/2008 (2/9 = 45)
    (644707674 2/9/08), Wa=250 2/9/08