Andrew Vaughan Philatelics Ltd.
P. O. Box 6051, Tamworth, Staffs B78 3JB
Tel +44 (0) 1827 250175
Fax (0) 1827 739073
Alternate 'Secure Site' URL)
Specializes in Great Britain
S. Burton (U.D.P.A)
60 French Avenue, Mile Oak, Tamworth, Staffs B78 3PB
Gerald Kirkham, 17 Beech Close, Ladderedge, Leek, Staffs ST13 7AF
Tel +44 (0) 1538 385532
Word: Spam (noun), Date: 1994
Etymology: from a skit on the UK TV series Monty Python's Flying Circus
this from:
John Rice Stamps Co. /
J R S Fairs
John G. & Jane Rice
PO Box 3340,
Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 9NS (old: ST17 4TE)
Tel.: +44 (0)1785 259350, Fax: (01785) 259650
E-mail John@,
- Organizes shows/fairs covering the Hale and Manchester areas.
- Especially 20-21 Jun 08 : Stafford Stamp Fair - 50+ National & International Dealers
- & Lichfield, Altrincham: 2nd Sun., Sutton Coldfield . . .
- "Don't forget that you can still purchase stamps from us online and browse our entire catalogue via our main site at 'John Rice Stamps' above."
1 Streetly Drive, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield B74 4PY - Tel.; (0121) 3535212 (c.1995)
[email protected] '404' c.2008