Bill Barrell Ltd.
P. O. Box 73, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 4LU
Tel.: +44 (0)1775 840849, Mobile: +44 (0)589 833320 or +44 (0)7801 305461
Fax: +44 (0)1775 840216
"We specialise in the postage
stamps & postal history of Great Britain
from earliest times to date with an accent on quality & the unusual.
Other services include rare & out of print GB books, plating service
of the 1d red, mail order & attendance at many major international shows.
" (I note membership in several societies and in his own history, 1966:
a seat on the Board a progressive step in life our (this is Bill's story)
collector accepts a job as 'tea boy' in the Great Britain department
(of Stanley Gibbons) where he stays for 4 years ..." ; in all, a delightful
site - aj.
Collectors Club of Great Britain
via :
Warners Group Publications plc (Formery via Trinity Publications: cf.)
The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs. PE10 9PH (c.201203)
Tel: +44 (0)1778 391000, Fax: +44 (0)1778 421706
The Collectors Club of Great Britain website is brought to you by Warners Group Publications, the Publishers of a wide range of collecting publications.
Classic Arms & Militaria
Collectors Gazette
Diecast Collector
Dolls House & Miniature Scene
Ramsay's British Diecast
Ramsay's British Model Trains
Stamp & Coin Mart (forwards to Alt. URL w/Upcoming Events section c.2012)
(Upcoming Events noted here as their link on the "View All Events" button was absent March 1, 2012)
(Editor: Dean Shepherd, Leeds : Philatelic Exporter : PE-200612:08)
Teddy Bear Annual
Toy Collectors Price Guide
Warners Group Publications Plc, registered in England: 2572212
All our magazines are printed by our sister company
Warners Midlands Plc, registered in England: 223519
John Cowell (c.201104)
Home Lea, Brickyard Lane, Theddlethorpe
Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire LN12 1NR
Tel.: +44 (0)1507 339818, +44 (0)7765 132573 (mobile)
@-Mail #1,
@-Mail #2
Stamps and Postal History my specialty;
Valuations for insurande, probate or for potential sale
Author: The Bangor Penny Post by John Cowell (1977)
Available via Welsh Philatelic Society {q.v.}
Note: listed contact for Mablethorpe & Sutton Philatelic Society
Formerly at/aka: Pantrek (c.2007)
Scotland-Ross-shire area @ (01520) 733380, (07765) 132573={Mobile}
[email protected], ('404')
agent for Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. (q.v.)
& in 1995 was listed at Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd.
Mail By Rail
Frank J. Wilson
57A Bourne Road, Spalding, Lincolnsshire, PE11 1JR
Tel.: 01775 766117
[email protected], [email protected] ID: Mailbyrail
"The Railway Philatelic Group page has a New URL! (c.2008)
Best wishes, Frank" - Frank sells related material.
& c.2008, "Please note that I am not dealing in the wide range of Railway Philately as previous - just some limited items."
offerings on eBay link above (active c.201201)
& c.2012, "I still provide a NEW ISSUE Service for the Modern Railway Letter stamps of GB."
old: (sales: China); forwards c.201201
old: 'not found' c.2008 (see 'eBay' above)
David Morrison
Mill House, 21 Pond Street, Great Gonerby, Lincolnsshire NG31 8LS
Tel./Fax: +44 1476 591 791
[email protected]
Commonwealth : Postal Stationery, Postal History, Shipwreck Covers, Train Crash Mail, Postage Due Covers.
World (111,645 c.2/6/2008)
Free counters provided by Linc. Est. 2001 ; UK reset 2/6/2008 = 31
Old UK : (644707657 2/6/2008 8:15pm), LI=187