's World Stamp & Philatelic Directory

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Canada: Québec

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Canadian Postal Museum
within the :
Canadian Museum of Civilization
100 Laurier Street, Gatineau,
Quebec K1A 0M8 (J8X 4H2)
Federation Quebecquoise de Philatelie (FQP)

La Société d'histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ)

Stamp Shows in Québec


Code | Organisation
G0A 4Z0
Hugo Deshaye (Philatelist) Inc.
aka: Jacques-Cartier Stamps **
Mr. Hugo H.D. Deshaye CSDA-11, APS-07
P.O. Box 1000 Station Forces Box 444, Courcelette, QC, G0A 4Z0
Tel.: 888-516-5446 (website c.201201)
(418) 407-1088 (c.2011 CSDA), (418-844-1588 c.2007 CSDA)
[email protected]
eBay ID: hugo-philatelist
Specialties: Auctions, Canadian Postal History, Postcards, Shows (cf.)

old: ** http://pages.infinit.net/sergeant/
old?: 102 Garceau St., Courcelette, QC G0A 1R2 (c.1999, 2007)

G1B 2H8
Club philatélique Le Castor FQP-11 (03)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
126 Saint-Raoul, Beauport, QC, G1B 2H8
Contact: Guy Dinel : [email protected]

G1H 2T4
Société philatélique de Québec (SPQ) RPSC-11, APS-05 FQP-11 (03)
/ Quebec Philatelic Society
"Première société philatélique d'expression française en Amérique du Nord".
( FQP Data Pg.)
SPQ, CP 70076, succ Québec-Centre, Québec, QC, G2J 0A1
Courriel: [email protected] (c.2011 RPSC)
Président (FQP c.2011): M. André Lafond [email protected], Tél. : (418) 628-2118

Meets / Réunions: 19 h à 22 h premiers et troisièmes mercredis
(du troisième mercredi de septembre au premier mercredi de juin.)
(7:00pm, 1st & 3rd Wed. - from 3rd Wed in Sept. to 1st Wed in June)
At : au sous-sol de l'église (basement of church:) St-Rodrigue,
4760 1ère Avenue, porte 10 à Québec, QC, G1H 2T4

Shows : Postalia (known Apr. 2005, Mar25, 2006, Mar/Apr 2007, Oct. 2007: Spring/Fall)
(note: Postalia show: "Sponsor/Affiliate: SPQ, SHPQ, SNQ and CCQ."
(& hosted RPSC's Royale 2008 convention)
Show Contact (c.2005): Hugo H.D. Deshaye, @ (cf.)
c/o: 102 Garceau St., Courcelette, QC

G1M 3E5
La Boutique du Timbre-Poste et De La Monnaie Enr. (T.P.M.) (f.1986)
Jean-Pierre Samson CSDA-11, APS-11
C.P. 9693 Succ. Ste-Foy, Québec, QC, G1V 4C2
Retail Store:
Place Fleur le Lys
552 Boul. Wilfrid-Hamel, Quebec City, QC, G1M 3E5
TÉL. : 418 524-7894, FAX : 418 524-0092
[email protected], [email protected]
Comic Books, Cartes, Monnaie, Timbress Poste (stamps) ...
Stamp Specialties: Canada, France (via APS), Topicals, Worldwide

& 2nd Shop (via website c.2010):
TPM Hobby & Collection
5401 Boul. des Galeries, Quebec City, QC, G2K 1N4
Tel./Fax: 418 614-7876
[email protected]

(G1R xxx); example post code in:
Québec, QC
Club des Grands Collectionneurs du Québec FQP-11 (03)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
Québec, QC
Président : M. Mario Labonté, [email protected], Tél. : (418) 871-4464

G3L 4A9
Club de philatélie de Lasalle de Saint-Raymond Inc. FQP-11 (03) (f.1993)
[email protected] ( FQP Data Pg.)
Publication / Premièrement le journal: Le Bluenose lasallien (est publié deux fois par année)
Meets : (??)
At : Résidence des Frères, Téléphone : 418 337-4408 (Ref.)
455 Côte Joyeuse, St-Raymond, (Québec), G3L 4A9
During the Month of Philately (October)
and the Francophonie Week (March), exhibitions of various themes are held.
Président : Gaétan Borgia, [email protected], Tél.: (418) 337-4429

G5M 5N5
Union Philatélique du Grand Rimouski (UPGR) FQP-11 (01)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Résidence des Frères du Sacré-Cœur
325 St-Jean-Baptiste Est, Rimouski, (Québec), G5M 5N5
Contact: Jean-Claude Proulx, [email protected], Tél.: 418-724-4957

G6P 9N2
Société philatélique des Bois-Francs FQP-11 (17)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
45 Rue de l'Ermitage, Victoriaville, QC, G6P 9N2
Responsable: Mme Anita Lacroix, [email protected], Tél. : (819) 752-5947

G6V 5W9
Les Petits Timbrés de Lévis (Jeunesse) FQP-11 (12)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : 27 Dorval, Lévis, QC, G6V 5W9
Contact: Jean Leclerc, Tél.: 418-835-1863

G7H 1S0
Canada Post / Postes Canada
150 Racine E, Chicoutimi, QC
Tel.: 418-690-0480
Post Office Philatelic Counter

G8B 2J4
Club Philatélique du Saguenay FQP-11 (02)
( FQP Data Pg., facebook pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
Annual Meeting/show: (known March 21st, 2011)
Contact: Clément Fortin, [email protected], Tél.: 418 668-7396
1435 rue Léveillée Ouest, Alma, (Québec), G8B 2J4

G8H 2L2
Club Philatélistes du Lac FQP-11 (02)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
723 Boul. St-Joseph, Roberval, QC, G8H 2L2
Présidente: Mme Jacynthe Beaudet, Tél. : (418) 275-2162

G9A 5S3
Cercle Philatélie Mauricie FQP-11 (04)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Séminaire St Joseph de Trois-Rivières (info) (au Cafétéria),
858 rue Laviolette, Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 5S3
Président : M. Gaston Kirouac, Tél.: (418) 362-3356
Pour Informations : M François Gélinas, Tél.: (819)-377-2132
or: M Marc Morin, Tél.: (819)-373-1820

G9B 7P2
Les Découvreurs de la Mauricie FQP-11 (04)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
160 Julien Proulx, Trois-Rivières, QC, G9B 7P2
Présidente: Mme Pierrette Renaud, Tél.: (819) 377-2852

H1H 1T9
Timbre Ville Johnny
4698 Rue de Charleroi, Montréal-Nord, QC H1H 1T9
Tel.: 514-327-8181
Catégorie: Timbres pour collectionneurs / Stamps For Collectors
Collectibles, Hobby shop...

H1H 4B0
Canada Post / Postes Canada
The Post House / Maison De La Poste
11200 Boulevard Pie IX, Montreal, QC, H1H 4B0
(Post Office)

H1J 1Z8
Club philatélique St-Léonard FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
8180 Collerette, Montreal, QC, H1J 1Z8
Contact: Pierre Maggiar, Tél.: 514-252-8225
Président : M. Fernand Dorais, Tél.: (514) 321-0265

H1L 2K8
Club « Le Chez-Nous de Mercier Est » FQP-10 (06)
( Ref. Pg.; au bas de la page (at bottom of page))
Meets : (??)
At : Le Chez-Nous de Mercier Est, Tel.: (514) 354-5131 (?)
7958 Hochelaga, Montreal, QC, H1L 2K8 (?)
Responsable : Mme Marguerite Gauthier, [email protected], Tél.: (514) 351-8248 (cf.)

H1N 2M6
École St-François-d'Assise (Club jeunesse/youth) FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
2700 rue Lacordaire, Montreal, QC, H1N 2M6 (?)
Responsable: Mme Marguerite Gauthier, [email protected], Tél.: (514) 351-8248 (cf.)

H1T 2Z9
Les mardis, mordus du timbre FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets / Rencontres : 2eme et 4eme mardis (2nd/4th Tues.), 13h à 16h
(Échanges, cahiers de bourse, vendeur, encans, ventes de garage.)
At / au : Centre Alphonce Desjardins (Rosemont)
6755 36e Av., Montréal, QC, H1T 2Z9
Président : M. Luc Therrien, [email protected], Tél.: (514) 648-1448, or: 450 996-0713

(UNK) : Montréal
Académie Québécoise d'Études Philatéliques (AQEP) FQP-11 (06) (f.1982)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
Présidente: Michèle Cartier, [email protected], Tél.: 450 763-1833
Responsable : François Brisse, [email protected], Tél.: (514) 697-2952
L'Académie est un organisme à but non lucratif qui a pour objectif de mieux faire connaître la philatélie par la diffusion de travaux de recherches et d' études produits par ses membres, ainsi que de l'information qu'elle possède et recueille auprès de divers milieux.
(The Academy is a nonprofit organization that aims to raise awareness of philately through the dissemination of research work and studies produced by its members and the information it collects and has diverse backgrounds.)
"The knowledge one can gain about a country and a period in history from studying stamps is more important than the monetary value of the stamps involved. Knowledge is priceless."
(La connaissance peut avoir sur un pays et une période dans l'histoire de l'étude des timbres est plus important que la valeur monétaire des cachets en cause. La connaissance est inestimable.),
Jean Lafortune
(.."an appraiser and adviser for (un évaluateur et conseiller pour les) La Fédération québécoise de philatélie and is a founding member of (et est un membre fondateur de) l'Académie québécoise d'études philatéliques" {cite})

H1V 3R2
Federation Quebecquoise de Philatelie (FQP) APS-05
Publication: Philatelie Quebec (6/year)
C.P. 1000, Succ. M, Montreal, QC, H1V 3R2
"Note : Le bureau administratif est ouvert de 8 h à 12 h et
de 12 h 30 à 16 h 30 tous les mardis et jeudis" (Tue/Thur office hrs c.2011)
Contact (c.2005 APS): Mr. Sylvain Laferriere, [email protected]
Tel.: 514 252 3035, Fax: (514) 251 8038
4545 Av. Pierre de Coubertin, Montréal, QC H1V 0B2


La Commission Jeunesse est toujours à la recherche de bénévoles ...
(The Youth Commission is always looking for volunteers ...)

...présentement 48 clubs et plus de 2000 membres qui se répartissent dans 12 régions.
(...currently 48 clubs and over 2000 members which are divided into 12 regions.)

Note : Le chiffre entre parenthèses après le nom du club indique la région administrative du Québec.*
(Note: The number in parentheses after the name of the club indicates the administrative region of Quebec.*)

* e.g.:
Club xxxx FQP-11 (12*)

H1X 2Z3
La Philatélie à l’école Ste-Anne (Jeunesse/youth) FQP-10 (14)
( Ref. Pg.; au bas de la page (at bottom of page))
Meets : (??)
At : Écoles Ste-Anne (school of)
6855 13E Av, Rawdon (Montreal), QC, H1X 2Z3 (?), Tel.: (514) 725-4179 (?)
"minutes north of Montreal"; google
Responsable: M. Jean Couchouron, [email protected], Tél.: (450) 882-4466

H2G 1C1
Marche Philatelique de Montreal
Luc Legault CSDA-11
2005 Belanger Est, Montreal, QC, H2G 1C1
Tel.: (514) 721-3531, Fax: (514) 721-7187
[email protected]
Specialties: Retail Store: Canada, New Issues, Supplies

H2K 2H5
Montréal Timbres et Monnaies Inc
aka: Montreal Timbres-Monnaies International Incorporé
Claude Champagne ASDA-11
1878 Rue Sainte-Catherine E, Montréal, QC H2K 2H5
Tel.: 514-527-1526
[email protected]
Auction Firm, Canada, Europe, France & Colonies, German Colony States, Germany, Great Britain , Monaco, Newfoundland, Postcards, Precancels, Revenues: Canada, Switzerland, Want Lists, Western Europe, Wholesaler, World Wide

old: [email protected]

H2R 2S5
L'Union Des Philatélistes de Montréal RPSC-11 FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets / Réunions : 19 h 00 tous les 2es et 4es mardis (de septembre à juin)
At / au : (Patro Le Prévost {Recreation Center?}: 514-273-8535 ?)
7355 boulevard Christophe-Colomb, Montreal, QC, H2R 2S5 (c.2011 RPSC)
Visiteurs bienvenus.
Président : M. Normand Caron [email protected], Tel.: (514) 274-0480

H2R 2S5
Patro Le Prévost Inc. FQP-11 (cf.)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
7355 Christophe Colomb, Montréal, QC, H2R 2S5
Contact: Christiane Blanchette, [email protected], Tél.: 514 273-8535 #2

H2V 2A9
Michel Arslanian APS-08
P. O. Box 1004, 205 Cote Ste Catherine, Outremont, QC H2V 2A9
Tel.: (514) 277-3540, Fax: (514) 488-2959
Specialty: Canada, France & French Colonies

H3B 1H4
City Stamp Montreal Ltd.
Robert Cooperman CSDA-11
Mail: Box 245, Cote St. Luc, Montreal, QC, H4V 2Z2
Shop: 1134 Rue Sainte-Catherine O (west) - Suite 865, Montréal, QC, H3B 1H4
Tel.: 1-800-615-2596, or: 514-875-2596, Fax: (514) 875-2802
[email protected], or use the contact form online.
eBay Store; very active c.20120125; 8,280 items.
Retail Shop. Specialties: Canada and Provinces, esp. Newfoundland
"Don't miss our eBay store." ~We can also sell your collection for a 5% fee.~
ACHAT - PAYONS COMPTANT Expert en collection de timbres...
Payment Options: Visa, PayPal, Mastercard, Discover

old: Suite 404 & Bx 544 c.1999-2007; same city, zip . . .

H3B 1H9
Valentin Philatelic Studio, Inc. 1
M. Valentin
(P. O. Box 98 - Sta. _ ?), Montreal, QC, H3B 3J5
1117 St. Catherine W. - Rm 103, Montreal, QC, H3B 1H9
Topicals, Topical Covers, Want Lists, shop. (all data c.1999)

H3B 3K3
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
The Post House / Maison De La Poste
1250 Université, Montreal, QC, H3B 3K3
Tel.: 514-846-5401
(Post Office)

H3B 3Y5
Rousseau Collections - Stamps and Coins at The Bay
Rousseau Timbres et Monnaies à La Baie
Mme Lyse Rousseau ASCAT-96, CSDA-11 *
585 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest; Rez-de-Chaussee, Montréal, QC, H3B 3Y5
Tel.: 514-281-4756
[email protected], [email protected] *
ACHAT - VENTE - ÉVALUATION Or - Argent - Bijoux -...
Catégorie: Timbres pour collectionneurs , ...plus Monnaie-Pièces pour collectionneurs & fournitures
(Stamps for collectors, gold, silver and platinum buyer. coin dealer, supplies, etc.)

Specialties: Canada, Conservation Stamps, Canada Errors & Varieties
"Publisher and editor of the Darnell Stamps of Canada catalogue and the EFO special edition,
Lyse Rousseau wrote THE books on Canadian stamps!"

Note: " Wildlife Habitat Canada (cf.) is governed by a diverse Board of Directors. It is currently comprised of 10 members..." - Mme Lyse Rousseau ("President, Rousseau Stamps and Coins at The Bay") is one c.2008 - ajw. (Ref. URL noting, "Rousseau Collections (wildlife, philatelic and numismatic gallery) is a leading partner in the development of the stamp collection. Rousseau is responsible for the production, marketing and sale of the collection, paying a royalty to the Fondation de la faune on each stamp sold. " c.201201)
Rousseau Incorporated 1 / or: Galerie ROUSSEAU
C. P. 1104 - Succ. B, Montreal, QC H3B 3K9
230 Rue Saint Jacques, Montreal, QC, H2Y 1L9

Formerly: Mme Lyse Rousseau-Darnell (ASCAT 1996 List)
677 Ouest Ste. Catherine, Montreal, QC, H3B 3Y6
Stamps of Canada Catalogue

H3C 2M2
Lighthouse Publications (Canada) Ltd. (USA link)
(a dept. of Leuchtturm Albenverlag GmbH & Co., Germany)
Roger Rainville CSDA-11
255 Duke St, Montréal, Québec H3C 2M2
Tel. (1) (514) 954-3617, Fax (1) (514) 954-3618
Lighthouse Publications. Philatelic supplies. "Distributor for Stanley Gibbons, Michel, KaBe."

(see also: Lighthouse Pub. in .us-NJ)

H3H 1J1
Canada Coin & Stamp Finder ( Ref. URL)
Maxime Herold NSDA-11 *, CSDA-11, IPDA-11, APS-11
1-2075 Av Lincoln, Montréal, QC H3H 1J1
Tel.: 877-412-3106, or: 514-551-0492, Fax: (323) 315-2635
[email protected]
* Maxime Herold NSDA-11
2075 Lincoln Blvd - Apt #3, Montreal, QC H3H 1J1 (Moved to Ontario c.2014+-)
Tel.: 514-238-5751
Current holdings (c.2011): "Outstanding collection of Germany, German, States (&) Colonies, Berlin & DDR.
(& a) Hungarian Collection: Includes many of the key items and the popular souvenir sheets. "
Specialties via CSDA/APS: Canada, Canada Errors & Varieties, British North America, Rarities
Services Offered via APS: Appraisals, Auction Agent, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service

H3L 2S3
Timbres Durapro (Les) 1, 2
10369 rue Clark, Montréal, QC, H3L 2S3
Tel.: 514-385-6122
Stamps For Collectors

H3M 1W8
H.P.K. Stamps Montreal
formerly: Reisz Stamp Company 1, *
Angelo E. Komatsoulis CSDA-11, APS-08 *
2260 Nicolas-Perrot, Montreal, QC, H3M 1W8
Tel.: (514) 333-9524, Fax: (514) 843-7383
[email protected]*, [email protected]
Specialties: Canada, Europe, Israel, New Issues, Worldwide

old: 4629 Park Ave., Montreal, QC H2V 4E4 @ 514-843-7213 (c.1999-2007)
[email protected], www.reiszstamps.com

H3S 2W6
Beaver Universal Philatelic Distributor
Dr. Roland R. Roth APS-08 *, CSDA-11 **
* 29-3300 Ridgewood Ave., Montreal, QC H3V 1B8
** BP 44643 CP Barclay, Montreal, QC, H3S 2W6
Tel.: 514-731-1686, Fax: (514) 221-2055
[email protected]
Specialties: Canada, Western Europe, Postcards

old: P. O. Box 510 - Stn. C.D.N, Montreal, QC, H3S 2V3 (CSDA-07)
3330 Avemue Ridgewood, Montreal, QC, H3V 1C1 1 (same ph number; diff. fax)

H3Z 1E7
Westmount Philatelic Investments 1; c.2011
Julian Giorgi
4495 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, QC, H3Z 1E7 (c.1999), (514) 935-8772 : (Ref)
"STREET", MONTREAL, QC, H3Y 2W8 (c.2011)
or: 174 boul Saint-Joseph E, Montreal, QC, H2T 1H5, (514) 935-8772 (Ref.)
stamps, stamp for collectors, collector, coin dealers, dealer, supplies, etc

H3Z 1G1
Montreal Philatelic Club RPSC-11
Meets : 7:30 p.m. "Monthly" (known for 3rd Thur. c.2007)
At : Westmount Library, Tel.: (514) 989-5299
4574 Sherbrooke St. W, Westmount, QC, H3Z 1G1
Contact : Lloyd Slaven, [email protected], Tel.: 514-735-3941 (cf.)
25 Levasseur, St. Constant, QC J5A 1M9

H4A 3J1
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
The Post House / Maison De La Poste
950 Decarie, Montreal, QC H4A 3J1
Tel.: 514-744-4460
(Post Office)

H4A 3P4
Gordon Brooks Philatelics
Gordon A. Brooks APS-11
P.O. Box 100 - Sta. N.D.G., Montreal, QC H4A 3P4
Tel.: (514) 722-3077
[email protected]
Full Time via Mail, Show Bourses ..
Services Offered: Appraisals, Approvals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service
Specialties: Revenues (incl. topicals), Cinderellas/Poster Stamps, Postal History, Perfins

old: P. O. Box 396 - Sta. N.D.G., Montreal, QC H4A 3P7 (c.1999, 2006)

H4B 2X9
Club Baltique de Montréal (N.D.G.) FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
14-4640 Grand Boulevard, Montréal, QC, H4B 2X9
Président: J.J. Raudsepp, Tél.: 514 486-5717
6133 Sherbrooke W. No 1, Montréal, QC, H4A 1Y4

H4H 2P3
Club Philas, [email protected] (cf.) RPSC-11 FQP-11 (06)
(Club de philatélie jeunesse de Lasalle)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
1142 Lloyd George, Verdun, QC, H4H 2P3
Pres.: Johanne Perreault, [email protected], Tel.: (514) 767-4864 (c.2011 RPSC)
(Appears to be spearheading 3 award winning youth groups! - ajw c.2011; my French is weak!)

H4V 1G3
Harold B. Gordon CSDA-07, APS-08
614-6505 CSL Road, Montreal, QC, H4V 1G3
Tel./Fax: 514-488-0445
[email protected]
Canada, WW Postal History, Auction Agent*, Appraisals
(* A specific reference is also made by John Talman Ltd., Ontario)

old: 5507 Elgin Ave., Montreal, QC H4V 2G7
Tel.: (514) 486-1028, Fax: 514-489-9899
[email protected], [email protected]

H5A 1J1
Timbre Orbit / (Stamps Orbit) 2, 1
C.P.: 1067 Succ. St-Jacques, Montréal, QC, H5A 1J1
Tel.: 514-861-8086
Timbres pour collectionneurs
coin dealer, supplies, etc, stamps for collectors

H5B 1C1
Club Numiphile Hydro-Québec FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Hydro Quebéc Building
75 René Lévesque Ouest - 3 ième étage, Montréal, (Québec), H5B 1C1
Président : M. André Dumas, [email protected], Tél. : (450) 371-9236, 514 777-9620

H5B 1B4
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
The Post House / Maison De La Poste
5 Complexe Desjardins Station, Montreal, QC, H5B 1B4
Tel.: 514-499-9668
(Post Office)

H7G 2J1
Club Philatélique Phila-Laval FQP-11 (13)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets / Réunions : premiers et troisième mercredis à 18:30 hrs. (1st/3rd Wed.)
At / au : Centre Communautaire St-Louis, Dans la grande salle (Room) # 105
25 rue St-Louis, Pont-Viau (Laval), QC, H7G 2J1
Présidente : Mme Murielle De Lottinville, [email protected], Tél. : (450) 622-5266

H7V 3P4
Judaica Sales Reg'd / Wonderful World of Stamps (Topicals Etc.)
Isidore Baum APS-11, CSDA-11
PO / CP 55 Succ. St-Martin, Laval, QC, H7V 3P4
Tel.: 450-687-0632, Fax: 450-687-3143
@judaica, @topicalsetc
eBay ID: judaica-sales
Specialties: Israel Philately, Judaica Philately, Holocaust Memorabilia, Russian & topical locals..
Israel New Issue Svc at 15% OVER FACE, plus a minimal $3 charge for postage and handling (plus registration fees if the shipment is valued over $50.)

From eBay page c.201201, "Welcome to a whole new world of Judaica on the internet. Judaica Sales Reg'd, is the largest Judaica paper collectibles dealer in North America and Overseas. We have been in business over 25 years, servicing Judaica collectors, both beginners and advanced in over 20 countries worldwide."

From: Wonderful World of Stamps, "...servicing Topical collectors, both beginners and advanced in over 20 countries worldwide. . . ." Major areas on website: Russian & other Topical Locals, Disney Stamps. "We are also purchasers of all types of topical material, from better quality individual items to entire topical collections. Although we normally do not deal in covers, we are also buying topical cover collections from time to time. So if you are considering disposing of some or all of your topical collections at one time or another, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us."

Old c.1995: 6900 Decari Boulevard, Store 108-A, Montreal, QC H3X 2T8 (Tel.: 514-344-8036)

H8P 1T3
Club philatélique des Rapides (C.P.R.) FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : 7644 rue Édouard, Lasalle, QC, H8P 1T3
Contact : J. M. Plante, [email protected], Téléphone : 514 366-7416

(H8Y xxx); example post code root in: Montréal-Pierrefonds, QC
Club de philatélie St-Marc FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
in: Montréal-Pierrefonds, QC
Responsable : M Samir Jamati, [email protected], Tél. : (514) 620-6853

H9C 2T4 (index)
CSRC Collectors Club (philatelic?)
C/o Walter Klus
600 Maque, Isle Brazzard, QC H9C 2T4

Ref URL: http://www.julaine.ca/canbiblio/sampletext/orgs2.html

H9H 0A3
Julie Matte Inc
Julie Matte CSDA-11
P.O. Box 189, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 0A3
Tel.: 514-696-9142, Fax: 514-696-7491
Specialties: Canada, Newfoundland, Supplies ("Our low prices are in Canadian dollars")

Formerly: Viateur Matte, Inc.
Viateur Matte APS-05
P.O. Box 150, Pierrefonds, Qubec, H9H 4K8
514-696-7491, fax 9142
Canada, provinces, supplies

old: http://www3.sympatico.ca/viateur.matte/  

H9H 5G8
Stéphabel Stamps for Collectors
& Auction-123.com (active c.2011)
& The Auction Store (c.1997; inactive c.2011)
Gérard & Nicole Rault
PO Box 40 526, Kirkland, Québec, H9H 5G8
2963 Boulevard St Charles, Kirkland, Québec, H9H 5G8
Tel (514) 630-1790, Fax (514) 630-7899
[email protected]
Auctions, retail; don't miss their Stamp Market - a searchable database online. (books c.2011)

Now (c.2008) features: " Make Money Selling Stamps Part-time -
How To Start A Low Startup Costs High-Profit Stamp Selling Business By The End Of The Day"

(c.2011) features: " What Philately Teaches", John N. Luff (a free e-book!)
edited by Gérard Rault, "The Rebel Stamp Dealer"  

H9J 1N5
Peter E. Rennie Postal Auctions
Peter Rennie
49 Boulevard Kirkland, Kirkland, QC, H9J 1N5
Tel.: (519) 426-2969
[email protected]
Specialties: Mail Auctions, Auction Agent, Buy/Sell Britain, Colonies, Canada.
- (A specific reference is made by John Talman Ltd., ON)
(not currently doing mail auctions c.2011)

H9K 1K1
Club philatélique de l'Ouest de Montréal (CPOM) (Jeunesse) FQP-11 (06)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : 18105 rue Meloche, Pierrefonds, QC, H9K 1K1 (Map)
Contact : Jean-Paul Alloi, Téléphone : 514-626-7454

H9R 2V6
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
Pointe-Claire Dorval Postal Station
15 Donegani, Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 2V6
Tel.: 514-697-2040

H9S 4E3
Lakeshore Stamp Club, Inc. APS-05, RPSC-11, FQP-11* (06) (f.1961, e.100+)
aka: Club philatélique du Lakeshore inc.*
( FQP Data Pg.)
Publication: The Shoe Box (multipage newsletter)
Meets : 7 p.m. 2nd & 4th Thur. (Sept.-June)
At : Church of St. John the Baptist, Tel.: (514) 697-1714
233 Ste-Claire, Pointe-Claire, QC, H9S 4E3
Shows: LAKESHORE (42nd annual: known Apr. 2005; May 13-15, 2011 {to coinside with Royale 2011})
Pres. (c.2011; show c.2005): Francois Brisse:
[email protected], [email protected], 514-343-1088, 514-343-7586
Case Postale 1, Pointe Claire-Dorval, QC, H9R 4N5
Contact c.2011 RPSC: Lloyd Slaven, [email protected], Tel.: 514-735-3941 (cf.)
25 Levasseur, St. Constant, QC, J5A 1M9
Président (c.2009): M. John Stewart, Tél.: (514) 684-3822

J0E 2K0
Karl P. Kolatschek
Box 721, Sutton, Quebec J0E 2K0
Tel.: 450-538-2469, Fax: 450-538-0538 (all data c.2000)
[email protected]
Canada, Germany - stamps, coins, sports cards ..

old: http://sites.netscape.net/kkkdoctorhook/homepage/

J0H 2B0
Club philatélique de l'école Saint-Pierre FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
831 Chemin Milton, Saint-Valérien, QC, J0H 2B0
Contact : Gérard Beaulieu, Tél.: 450 549-2037

J0K 3L0
Club philatélique St-Thomas (de Joliette) (Club Jeunesse) FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
817 Av. des Pins, St-Thomas de Joliette, QC, J0K 3L0 (Map)
Contact: Jocelyne l. Rousseau, [email protected], Tél.: 450-759-6209

J0L 1C0
École Mère Marie-Rose (club scolaire/school club) FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : École (School) Mère Marie-Rose
351 Chabot, Contrecoeur, QC, J0L 1C0
Présidente : Mme Madeleine Carrière, [email protected], Tél.: 450-645-2342, old?: (450) 746-3826

(J0R xxx); example post code root in: St-Sauveur, QC
Club les Philas et les Télies (Jeunesse) (cf.) FQP-11 (15)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
In : St-Sauveur, QC
Présidente : Mme Andrée Bruyère, Tél.: (450) 227-4913

J0R 1T0
Le Timbre Jéromien 2
2845 Boul Curé-Labelle, Prévost, QC J0R1T0
Tel.: 450-431-1470
Catégorie: Timbres pour collectionneurs ,
...plus Monnaie-Pièces pour collectionneurs & fournitures

J0S 1H0
Café philatélique Du Suroît FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : École Arthur-Pigeon
1 rue Arthur-Pigeon Local 144, Huntingdon, QC, J0S 1H0
Présidente : Mme Monique Vincent, [email protected], Tél.: 450 264-6984

J0T 1J3
Club philatélique St-Faustin-Lac-Carré FQP-11 (15)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Maison des Arts & de la Culture (salle la Doyenne {Dean's Hall})
1176 de la Pisciculture, St-Faustin-Lac-Carré, QC, J0T 1J3 (Map)
Président.: M. Jacques Charbonneau, @ #1, @ #2, Tél.: (819) 688-2391

J0Y 1Z0
Karl Marquis Philately {KMPhilately}
860 rue Royale
C.P 1748
Malartic, Quebec J0Y 1Z0
Tel.: 819-757-2616 *, Fax: 819-757-2617 *
[email protected]
Online Stamp Auctions

* old?: 411 Ave Lac Plaisant, St-Elie-de-Caxton, Quebec, G0X 2N0
819-757-2616, Fax: 819-757-2617 (cite; cc)

J1C 1A1
Zimo Stamp Inc.
Jean Dallaire CSDA-11
Box 578 Bromptonville Stn, Sherbrooke, QC, J1C 1A1
Tel.: (819) 846-1771, Fax: (819) 846-1881
[email protected]

J1H 1M4
Phila-Sherbrooke Inc. FQP-11 (05)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Bibliothèque Éva-Senécal, Tél.: 819-821-5860
420 rue Marquette, Sherbrooke, QC, J1H 1M4
Président: M. Guy Desrosiers, [email protected], Tél.: (819) 563-5475 (cf.)

J1J 3E6
Revue philatélique Québec FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
275 Bryant, Sherbrooke, QC, J1J 3E6
Contact: Guy Desrosiers @, Tél.: 819 563-5475 (cf.)

J1S 2L8
Richard Gratton AIEP-10
P.O. Box 202, Windsor, Québec J1S 2L8
Tel. +1 819 8464512, Fax +1 514 8456776
[email protected]

Member AIEP: Expertization: Canada; British North America

c.2014 Sec., c.2015: Webmaster: FIP Commission for the Fight Against Fakes and Forgeries

J2B 1L8
Northwind Stamps
Robert Cantwell CSDA-11 *
795 Rue Lafontaine, Drummondville, QC, J2B 1L8
* Tel./Fax: (819) 477-9537, Fax: (819) 477-4840 (old? c.2010 CSDA; not 2011)
[email protected]
Specialties: Canada. Scandinavia : Stamps, Postcards, Covers
"I am primarily a Scandinavian specialist, offering stamps from all periods, classics to modern to new issues. I also maintain a strong selection of postal history as well as vintage postcards.

The following countries are included in the Scandinavian group: Sweden, Norway Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Danish West Indies (now U.S. Virgin Islands), Iceland, Finland, Aland.

I also deal in Canada pre-1950, and the former colonies of British North America. These would include Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Victoria and British Colombia.

I have good strength in Newfoundland, with nearly all catalogue numbers represented in various conditions and grades." (c.201507

J2G 2W1
Club philatélique et numismate de Granby FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : (à La Ruche): Tel.: (450) 372-0912
279 Rue Principale, Granby, QC, J2G 2W1
Président : M. Gilles Lamoureux, [email protected], Tél. : (450) 372-8243

Ref URL: http://www.julaine.ca/canbiblio/sampletext/orgs2.html c.2012 lists:
A/s Gilles Lamoureux
149 Laurier, Granby, QC J2G 5K3

J2G 8W8
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
297 Rue Principale, Granby, QC, J2G 8W8
Tel.: 450-372-3987
Philatelic Counter (Designated Bilingual)

J2N 1J3
École St-Romuald (Jeunesse/youth) FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
650 rue Yamaska Est, Farnham, QC, J2N 1J3
Responsable : Martine Fortier, [email protected], Tél. : (450) 293-3147

J2N 2B4
Arpin Philately, Inc. (in Francaise {French} and English)
aka: Arpin Philatelie, Inc./Vista (API/Vista)
Daniel G. Arpin (@) APS-11
Louis Arpin (@) APS-11
Box 148, Farnham, QC J2N 2B4
In USA: P. O. Box 50, Higate Sprints, VT 05460, USA (LSN-20070101:61:31)
Tel.: (450) 293 2343, Fax: 450-293-1819
[email protected], [email protected]
Approvals, online Stamp Blog - "Dealing in postage stamp collecting and collectible stamps on approval . . . Free stamps offered, online store, special offers on Canadian stamps and more! Personalized professional service." . . . Arpin Philately was founded by Louis Arpin in 1969. Originally located in Philipsburg (Qc), our company moved to Farnham (Qc) in 1992. The present owner, Daniel Arpin, is the oldest son of Arpin Philately's founder."
Online secure payments: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Paypal or
Check or money order (Canadians and Americans only), Bank draft ($CAN or USD$)

old: http://www.virtusmedia.com/API/
&: Formerly at: P. O. Box 240, Philipsburg, QC J0J 1N0

J3B 6V0
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
246 Rue Champlain, Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 6V9
Alt ver.: 246 Champlain St-Jn-Sur-Rich, St-Jean, QC
Tel.: 450-347-5337

J3E 1X5
La Timbrathe'que Enr.
Patrick Chalifoux CSDA-11
C.P. 84, St. Julie, QC, J3E 1X5
Tel./Fax: (450) 922-1399
[email protected], [email protected]
eBay Auctions
Specialties: Auctions, Canada, Newfoundland, Worldwide ; Buy / Trade.
~..reach us by mail, by E-mail or {at} one of the 35 annual stamp shows we attend..~
"CSDA life member and Director for Canada, Quebec."

J3G 3K7
Club philatélique de la Vallée-du-Richelieu FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
240 Rodin, Beloeil, (Québec), J3G 3K7
Président : Claude Melançon, Tél.: 450 467-7576
240 Rodin, Beloeil, (Québec), J3G 3K7

J3P 3E7
Club Timbres & Monnaie de Sorel Inc. FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Lucie St-Martin (home?)
120 Barabé, Sorel-Tracy, QC, J3P 3E7
Président: Claude Antaya (Éthier), Tél.: 450-742-0980

Ref URL: http://www.julaine.ca/canbiblio/sampletext/orgs2.html c.2012

J3X 6J3
Hubertimbres FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
Contact: Pierre Lavigne, [email protected], Tél.: 450 676-2776
4435 Bourassa, St-Hubert, QC, J3X 6J3

J3Y 6J3
Club Opti-phili Maurice Duplessis FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : 4435 Bourassab, Saint-Hubert, QC, J3Y 6J3
Présidente : Suzanne Brazeau, [email protected], Tél.: 450 676-2776 (cf.)

J4B 5E6
Association des Numismates et des Philatelliste de Boucherville Inc. (A.N.P.B.) FQP-11 (16)
( Ref. URL, FQP Data Pg.)
A.N.P.B. Inc., C.P. 1111, Boucherville, QC, J4B 5E6
Meets : (??)
At :
Président: André Montpetit, [email protected], Tél.: 450 632-4745

J4K 1M1
La Société Philatélique de la Rive Sud RPSC-11 FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : 19h30, 2e et 4e lundis (débutant en septembre pour se terminer le 2e lundi de juir.)
At : Centre culturel Jacques Perron
100 rue St- Laurent O, Longueuil, QC, J4K 1M1 (via RPSC c.2011)
via FQP c.2011 : - (??)
Meets : Tous les 2ième et 4ième lundis du mois, sauf exception.
At (Lieu des réunions) : Centre Jeanne-Dufresnoy,
1 rue Curé-Poirier est, Longueuil. (coin Chemin Chambly)
Président: M. André Allaire, [email protected] Tél.: (450) 635-0937

J4T 1Z6
R D Philatélie 2
2022 Edouard, Saint-Hubert, QC, J4T 1Z6
Tel.: 450-462-4371

J4T 2Z6
Club Opit-phili quatre saisons FQP-11
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : 3825 rue Windsor, local 201, Saint-Hubert, (Québec) J4T 2Z6
Présidente : Suzanne Brazeau, [email protected], Tél.: 450 676-2776 (cf.)

J4Z 1C4
Club Prophil (Club Scolaire {School club}) FQP-11 (16)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Ecole Tourterelle
2240 rue André, Brossard, QC, J4Z 1C4
Président: M. Jean-Pierre Picard, Tél.: (450) 678-9850

J4Z 2B8
G.L. Timbres et Monnaies (GL Stamps and Coins) (f.1970)
Guy Lestrade CSDA-11, APS-08
3325 Bernard, Brossard, QC, J4Z 2B8
The office is open Monday to Thursday. Thanks.
Le bureau est ouvert du lundi au jeudi. Merci.
Tel.: (450) 656-4914
[email protected] (masked)
eBay ID: glestrade
eBay Shop (very active c.201201)
eBay Shop (in French; active c.201201)
Since 1970. We specialize in Mint Never Hinged French & Colonies. Canada. Topicals (1960 to 1990). Want list service.
Especially: French Polynesia, St.Pierre & Miquelon, FSAT, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna and Canada
old?: P. O. Box 63, Brossard, QC, J4W 3L7 @ Tel.: (514) 497-4347
old: 110-2152 Lapimiere, Brossard, QC J4W 1L9 (c.1999) &@ 450-656-7729
old: http://GuyLestrade.Com '404'
older: http://www.StampFinder.Com/GuyL/guyl.cfm

J6A 8H7
Club Timbres et Monnaies Repentigny FQP-11 (14)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
1 Place d'Evry, Repentigny, QC, J6A 8H7
Président: M Daniel Legal, [email protected], Tél.: 450-654-1445, or: 450-470-3001 (7

J6E 3Y5
Jacques J. Famery
1450 Perrault, Joliette, QC., J6E 3Y5
Tel.: 450 760 5109
[email protected]
(CSN online Ref. c.201201)
"Worldwide Stamps, Packets & Supplies"-CSN
but from his email, "I deal in Worldwide approvals, also make offers of single stamps to my Approvals customers."

J6E 5Z6
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
877 Rue Papineau, Joliette, QC, J6E 5Z6
Tel.: 450-752-6612

J6S 4W2
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
180 Victoria Valleyfield, Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, QC J6S 4W2
Tel.: 450-373-3030

(J6X 4J5); Terrebonne example post code
Centre d'interprétation et de recherche philatélique du Canada (CIRPC) - Terrebonne FQP-11 (14)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
Président directeur général: Stéphan Vallée, QC : [email protected], Tél.: 450-961-9740

J7A 3Z6
Cou-Gar Stamps
Ernest Garand CSDA-11
360 Des Plaines, Rosemere, QC, J7A 3Z6
Tel.: (450) 775-8036, (450) 965-9150*
Fax: (450) 965-9160
@cougarstamps, @topicstamps*
eBay Auctions (ID rns28), eBay Auctions (ID eg1947)
Specialties: Eastern Europe, Vietnam, Cuba, N. Korea, Topicals, Worldwide

old: P. O. Box 30006, Pointe Claire, QC
Tel.: 514-626-2850, Fax: 514-626-7555 = {514 is ONT.; 519?} c.1999-2007

J7E 4K2
Laurentian Stamps & Coins (Timbres et Monnaies Laurentien)
Andre Viau APS-07
(also a licensed travel agent. c.2011)
PO Box 541 Main PO, Ste-Therese, Quebec J7E 4K2
Tel.: (450) 939-4622 (travel agency: 450-939-4623)
[email protected]
Coins & Stamps with online shopping available. (c.2011)

old: Box 236, St-Eustache, QC, J7R 4K6
Tel. (Toll free): 1-888-666-2526, (450) 472-0222, Fax: (450) 472-1714
older: P. O. Box 266 - Cartierville Stn, St-Laurent H4R 2V8, [email protected] (c.1999)

J7G 2J7
Club Philatélique "les Timbres" de Boisbriand RPSC-11, FQP-11 (15) {e. 125}
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : adulte: lundis soir de 18h45, junior: samedis de 9h (Septembre - Mai)
At : Centre socia-cul-turel de Boisbriand
480 rue Chavigny, Boisbriand, QC, J7G 2J7
Show : BOISPHILEX L'Expo (known 16 Avr 2011)
Pres. Sortant: Mrs. Linda Nadon, [email protected], Tel.: (450) 435 8604
M. Maurice Touchette, V.Pres.: [email protected], Tel.: 450-435-5973
Présidente : Louis-Georges, [email protected]
955 boul. Grande Allée, Boisbriand, QC, J7G 1W6

J7N 1Y2
Secrets to Stamp Collecting
Formerly: Timbres-Theme, Inc.
Mrs. Janice Dugas APS-11
14355 Rue Manseau, Mirabel, QC J7N 1Y2
Tel.: (450) 475-8181
[email protected]
A Full Time Dealer on the Internet, at Public Auctions, or by Mail.
Services: Auction Agent, Buys Stamps, Supplies/Albums
Specialties: Topicals, Canada, Philatelic History/Memorabilia, Non Scott Listed items

old: Timbres-Theme, Inc.
Janice Dugas APS-01
1221 est, rue Fleury ( C.P 35046 ), Montreal, QC H2C 3K4
Topicals, Approvals, Want Lists
http://www.cam.org/~janiced (c.1997)
http://www.TopicStamps.Com (c.2000; now (c.2012): Ernest Garand)

J7R 4W6
Club philatélique des Deux-Montagnes FQP-11 (15)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At :
200 Henri Dunant, Deux-Montagnes, (Québec), J7R 4W6
Président: Denis Pépin, [email protected], Tél.: 450-472-9332

J7V 0K2
Collectable Stamps .com
aka: Dalor Watch
Darryl Lesser CSDA-11
5133 Harwood Blvd., Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC, J7V 0K2
P.O. BOX 1347, Hudson, QC, J0P 1H0 (for both names)
Tel.: (450) 458-0656, Fax: 450-458-2640
[email protected]
Specialties: British Commonwealth, Canada, United States
Note: Stamps are a secondary line; watches are his main business. - aj.

J7Y 1B1
Anicet Rethier Inc.
Mr. Anicet Rethier CSDA-11
54 ave Forget, St-Jerome, QC J7Y 1B1
Tel./Fax: (450) 436-1813
[email protected]
Specialties: Canada, British North America, France and Colonies

J7Z 5L3
Canada Post / Postes Canada 2
380 Labelle Boul, Saint-Jérôme, QC, J7Z 5L3

J7Z 5T4
Cercle Philatélique Castor Laurentien FQP-11 (15) (e.10)
( FQP Data Pg., Ref. URL)
Meets / Réunions : 2 fois par mois : 1er et 3e lundis
At : (??)
Shows / Sorties pour expositions : 4 fois par année
Président : M. Robert Goyette, [email protected], Tél.: 450 432-3004 ou 450 435-0310
1990 14e rue, RR.1, Saint-Jérôme, QC, J7Z 5T4

( J8A xxx) root post code: St-Hippolyte, QC
Club de philatélie des Hauteurs FQP-11 (15)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Meets : (??)
At : Club jeunesse à St-Hippolyte, QC
(unk addr)
Président : M. Claude Normand, [email protected], @ #2, Tél. : (450) 563-2830

J8C 2Z7
Universal Philatelic Center (Le Centre Philatélique Universel)
Albert F. Bizzarro APS-08 *
(& Jeanne Chapleau c.2001 **)
* 130 Anny, Ste Agathe Des Monts, QC J8C 2Z7
* [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
514-632-1010 (c.2005), * (819) 323-4298 (c.2007)
Fax: 514-632-4660 (c.2005), * Fax: (819) 323-4298 (c.2007)
Canada, United States, France

old: http://www3.sympatico.ca/centrephil/emaitre/
http://pages.infinit.net/ctrephil '404' c.201201
** http://pages.infinit.net/ctrephil/ephilate/ a/o c.2001
(.us, .fr, .cu, .pl, .ru, .ca ++: New Issue Svc, approvals, supplies)
older: P. O. Box 60 - Sta. R, Montreal, QC H2S 3K6

J8X 1R1
Amicale des Philatélistes de l'Outaouais RPSC-11, FQP-11 (07)
( FQP Data Pg.)
Rencontres : Tous les lundis soir de septembre à mai. De 18 h 30 à 20 h 30,
au : centre communaitaire Fontaine
120, rue Charlevoix, Gatineau (secteur de Hull), QC, J8X 1R1
Meets : 6:30pm, each Monday (Sept.-May)
At : Fontaine Community Centre
120 Charlevoix St., Hull, QC, J8X 1R1
Show: known Monday, April 4, 2011
Contacts: Ronald Lefebvre, Président, [email protected], Tel.: (819) 643-2621
439 rue Duquette ouest, Gatineau, QC, J8P 3A7
Alain Bossard, Directeur, [email protected]
1157 Emperor Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 8C3

J9H 2M1 Perforations (c.2011)
Todd Sturgeon
4 Chomedey Gatineau, Quebec J9H 2M1
Tel.: 819-685 3242
[email protected]
eBay Shop (since 1999)
Worldwide issues.



2. Montreal listings for "Stamps For Collectors"
Search results 1 - 40 of 40 for "Stamps For Collectors" around Montreal


3. pagesjaunes.ca Results : Timbres+pour+collectionneurs/Montreal+QC
"Entreprises pour Timbres pour collectionneurs, Montreal QC"

See Also:
Canada Post Store Locations in Montreal
All Canada Post Locations in Canada
YellowPages.ca : Specialty Stores > Apparel & Accessories > Stamps For Collectors : Qubec

"f." = Founded in year xxxx
"e." = Estimated number of people involved.

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World Est 4/2001: Free counters provided by Honesty.com. CA Est. 3/2001, QC Est. 5/2001