's World Stamp Dealers Directory
Canada: New Brunswick
New Brunswick borders on the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. It was a part of Nova Scotia until it became a separate colony in 1784. In 1867 it became part of the Canadian Confederation.
AB · BC · MB · NB · NL · NS · NT · NU · ON · PE · QC · SK · YT
Stamp Shows in New Brunswick
Acadia Stamps
Paul Bourque CSDA-11
P.O. Box 27005, Dieppe, NB E1A 6V3Tel.: (506) 875-2684 [email protected] Specialties: British Commonwealth, Canada, Worldwide
Corner Block Stamps
Brian Herteis CSDA-11
21 Maple Ave., Sackville, NB E4L 4C5Tel.: (506) 536-8640, Fax: (506) 536-2762 [email protected] Specialties: Canada, Great Britain, Far East
DTS International (c.1997)
Mr. Denis Tanguay (cf.)
C. P. 84014, Gatineau, QC J8P 7R8old: http://www.dtsi.qc.ca/dtsi/
Eastern Auctions Ltd.
Mr. Yohann Tanguay (cf.) CSDA-11
PO Box 250, Bathurst, N.B. E2A 3Z2Local Tel.: 1-(800)-667-8267, Overseas Tel.: 1-(506)-546-6363 Fax: 1-(888)-86-STAMP (Fax: 1-888-867-8267 ), Overseas Fax: 1-(506)-546-6627 E-mail Eastern, or: [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]
- Mail Auctions; bids by bid sheet (available online), telephone, fax or email
- Public Auctions; All phone bids must be confirmed in writing, by mail, e-mail or by fax. . . . You can fax or e-mail your bids 24 hours a day until 11:00 AM A.S.T. on the closing date of the auction.
- Consigments accepted.
- See Also their 'sister' company via : Gary Lyon below.
Gary J. Lyon (Philatelist) Ltd.
Gary J. Lyon CSDA-11, PTS-11, APS-11, NSDA-11, ASDA-11
P.O.Box 450, Bathurst, N.B. E2A 3Z4Local Tel/Fax 1-(800)-66-STAMP ( 1-(800)-667-8267 ) Overseas Tel 1-(506)-546-6363, Fax 1-(506)-546-6627
(his 'sister company' is Eastern Auctions above)Specialty: "Newfoundland, Canada, Mail & Public Auctions" A collector since the age of five, Gary Lyon began selling stamps while in high school.
Glen's Stamps & Supplies2145 Northwest Road, Trout Brook, NB E9E 1N1 [email protected] Tel.: (506) 622 2331 Worldwide Stamps & Supplies
Imperial Sports Cards, Ltd.aka: The Print
Roger Noel
P.O. Box 2032, Lameque, New-Brunswick, E8T 3N4 (c.2000)
5120 E Route 113, Haut-Lameque, NB E8T 3L4 (c.?; Ref. URL c.2012)Tel (506) 344-9013, 1-800-263-5655 Fax (506) 344-5150 [email protected] Agent for Russia c.2000 old: http://theprint.safeshopper.com/ '404' c.2012
- From: ISCard [[email protected]]
- Sent: Wed 1/25/2012 12:21 PM
- To: AJ Ward [[email protected]] ; editorial license - aj
- Subject: Re: Imperial Sports Cards ?
- Hello Art-----thanks for your memo, i am still here but getting older i do not do too much as far as selling on retail.
- I still have some issue from the 90 never used and would be interested to sell all these lots----maybe you could be interested.
- Keep in touch
- Regards
- Roger
- ----- Original Message -----
- >From: AJ Ward
- >To: [email protected]
- >Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:03 PM
- >Subject: Imperial Sports Cards ?
- >Wondering if you are still in business as 'Imperial Sports Cards'?
- >And do you still have any philatelic leaning?
- >Yours,
- >A.J. (Art) Ward
- > AJ's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links
- >http://ajward.tripod.com/stamps/links.htm
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