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Aruba {Just north of Venezuela and 'one of the three ' ABC islands' (for Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao) of the Lesser Antilles, specifically the Leeward Antilles. ...on 1 January 1986, after elections were held for Aruba's first parliament, Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles and officially became a country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Full independence was set for 1996... On 10 October 2010, the Netherlands Antilles will be dissolved and Curaçao (also) will become an independent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius will become special municipalities of the Netherlands ... within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.} - {Wikipedia}
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Curacaose Postzegel Vereniging (CPV)secretaris: Kaya John Menge 8 Curaçao Per fax op faxnummer (599-9) 736 1969 See Also:CIA's Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members: See: Aruba ... Wikipedia: Curaçao
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