's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links powered by FreeFind Index: Last Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z First Names Agents Dealers V__?, Phil - Phil 's Postal Page pvweb.com Vaccarezza, Fabio - .it (ww locals) Vaivarins, George - Mayfair Vita Stamps (AU, EU, Cvrs, New Issues ..) .au-QLD 4001 Valenti, John - The Classic Cancel @ (Used U.S., P/H, Advertising Covers) Bx, .us-IL 60090-0211 Van Acker, Bart - .BE ( European stamps) [EN] Van Alstyne, John (& Sherry Straley) SDI, (stamps, lit., acces.) .us-CA 95825 Van Capelleveen, Ruud (Author/Editor) Filahome Magazine (& Encyclopedia) {Philatelic, Online} Cite : News : News (sources) Cite : Dealers : .nl xRef : Dealers : Index : F Van Den Brink, Rein B. - @ [PWO] Stamp Printing and Production [EN] .NL Van Opstal, Rob (Netherlands) Van Pypen, G. - Pacific Stamps (Themes, Phcrds, p/s, n/i, wholesale) .au-QLD 4565 Van Roy, Luc (Diamonds on Stamps) Cite: Topicals : Environment Vanderven, Alphons - .nl URL] Vanduffel bvba, Luk (.be, collections & accumulations) .be Vasquez, Jordi - .es (Spain, Andorra) Vaughan Philatelics Ltd., Andrew (sales: GB) .uk-ST Verdura, Carlos (WW) Verelst, Leon - @ (Europa, Topicals: Birds, Orchids, Aviation (airships)) [FR, EN] Verissimo, Luiz Carlos (thematics) Vernon, D.H. (Author) Cancellation Study of Gilbert and Ellice Islands , (1977) Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Pacific Region Vezdrevanis, Konstantinos (Greece) Viau, Andre - Laurentian Stamps & Coins (Sales: Canada +) .ca-QB Alt. Zillions of Stamps URL old: http://www.aei.net/~andrev/ Vidar, Jan - .no (souvenir sheets, fish, Xmas) Vigfus, Palsson - .is (Iceland) Vihervaara, Ari - .fi Yilmaz, Baris - Switzerland Vincett Ltd., Clyde - .ca-AB Visser, J. A. (Agent) .nl Vlaardingebroek, Rob & Titia [PWO] - .nl a. Titia and Rob's Stampcorner [EN] features: Stamps designed by H.H. Kamerlingh Onnes b. NFVSkandinavie (Dutch Philatelic Association Scandinavia) [EN, NL] Vogel, Michael - .de (Germany, Berlin) Vrhnjak, Bojan Vuolanne, Marjut - .fi Table of Contents ©AJWard Submit Data Free counters provided by Honesty.com - Est. 7/25/2001 2
's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links