's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links

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Index: Last Names
First Names     Agents     Dealers Index
  1. Macdonald, Dave - Brookman Stamp Co. (pub. price guides, sales: .us, ww, topicals), .us-WA 98666
    A subsidiary of (& cf.:) Michael Jaffe Stamps, Inc. (duck stamps)
  2. Macdonald, John D R - Australia On-Line Stamps, .au-VIC 3926
    cf.: Macdonald, John D R - William Booth Australia Pty Ltd, .au-VIC ; research
  3. MacGill, T - J F Hills (Pacific, Cvrs, P/S, Mail Bids) .au-WA 6000
  4. MacKay, James (Author)
    'Clubs, Societies and Study Circles' - Cite: UK: Clubs
  5. Mackay, Dr. James (Author)
    World Encyclopedia of Stamps and Stamp Collecting, The :
    The Ultimate Illustrated Reference to Over 3000 of the World's Best Stamps . .
    Cite : Homepage
  6. MacPhail & Co., Douglas {NOTE: No longer in the business c.2008; email}
    (Auction Agent and Auction Information Svcs) .us-MA 02536 (no longer listed)
  7. Maggay, Guy - marcophilie.org (French cancels philately)
    http://www.chez.com/memorial/ (forwards c.2011)
    http://interstamps.hypermart.net/ (sales)
  8. Maglioco, Osvaldo - @ [PWO] Filatelia Policial [SP] .ar
  9. Mahtani, Dinesh [ URL] (.th, .in, .hk)
  10. Mai, Carsten - Briefmarken Ecke (sales) .de
    cf: Briefmarken Ecke (sales) .de
  11. Maier, Dominique - ATM Wiedemann and Maier GbR (ATM stamps/Franking Labels) .de?, .be?
  12. Maier Stamps, Hans - Victor Roussinov (New Issue Svc, thematics, South Africa) .za
  13. Maifeld, Ronald E. [PWO] - Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3) [EN], .us-MI
  14. Maistre, Didier, @ [PWO] - La Philatelie Chinoise [FR], .fr
  15. Maki, Chuck - Tughra Net (Ottoman Empire) .us - See : Chuck Maki ..
  16. Malmstigen, Jan-Erik - - Fĺglar, Frimärken & Vykort (birds)  
  17. Maloney, Dave [David J.] (resources, valuation)- .us-MD
    - CollectingChannel.com
    - Maloney's Antiques & Collectibles Resource Directory, .us-MD
    Cite: Table of Contents (i.e. Homepage)
    Association of Online Appraisers Inc., .us-MD
  18. Mann, Edward - @ - Bx, MD 21788-0216
    Ed 's Stamp Page (Sales: US incl. Plt Blk, Plt Sngl, foreign, topicals, PayPal)
    See his 'Collectors Corner'; good basics; selling his collection
  19. Mann Philatelist, Grahame W. (GB 1840 - 1970), .uk-
  20. Manning Auctions, Inc., Greg (Auctions, Asia) - See: "Greg Manning Auctins, Inc."  
  21. Manta, Victor (Paintings on stamps, Romania ...) .ch
    Ref.: Gen. Links : Resources: Directories; edits ODP's Stamp section
    Victor is also the Founder/Pres. of the :
    Philatelic Webmasters Organization (PWO),
    Hosts the 'Topical Stamps Club' on Yahoo!,
    Hosts a 'Painting & Arts on Stamps Internet Club (PASIC)'
    (see 'Painting' above)
  22. Marasco, David [ URL] (Canadian Revenues, precancels, perfins, plate blocks)
  23. Marchant, Loďc [ URL] (Topical: postmarks, cachets and covers)
  24. Marchot, Guy [ URL]
  25. Marcano, Paul - Stampzonia Publishing (aka: Pacific Wholesale) .ca-BC
    residgned AskPhil.org (c.2000)  
  26. Marcos, Julián Darío (J. D.) - @ (Used: Argentina, Spain, Italy) .AR
    y EEUU, México, Perú, Australia, Holanda, Portugal,
    Alemania y Gran Bretańa
    New: Filatelia - Intercambio - Novedades - Argentina - Espana - Italia
  27. Marek, George - Stamp Hunter Search Engine (sic) .us-
  28. Maresch & Son, R. - .ca-ON
  29. Margulski, Robert - Dinosaurs on Stamps
    Cite : Topicals : Fauna : Dinosaurs
  30. Marriott, Raymond - Ray and Jeanne Pascale - Archer Collection Auctions, The - .ca__ n/a 8/2001
    (WW; online in 'Sept.')
  31. Martin, Roger - OZ Stamp (resources) .au-
    Cite: Dealers : Australia : Victoria (re: APTA want list svc)
  32. Martinez, Francisco Luzon - .es (Spain)
  33. Martínez, José
  34. Martino Philatelics, John (ww approvals)
  35. Marunenko, Igor - .ru (Russia, thematics)
  36. Mastro, Massimo Del D & D Italia Rare Stamps (Italian States) .it
  37. Matos, Hernâni - @ [PWO], .pt
    Hernâni António Carmelo de Matos [PT]
  38. Messoten, Joseph - .be - Golf on Stamps
    Cite: Topicals: Sports : Golf
  39. Matte, Inc., Viateur (Canada, provinces, supplies), .ca-QB H9H [U,E]
  40. Matteson, Nathan J. - NJM Cachets (sales: Handpainted FDC's) .us-MI 49202
    aka: Matteson Stamps
  41. Matzoll, Matt H. - Charlestown Stamps (.au, .nz. Pacific Isls, Antarctic Ter.) .au-__
  42. Maunsell, John - Steveston Stamp Auctions Ltd. (sales) .ca-
  43. Mayer, Bo - .dk [ URL] (Denmark)
  44. McCaddin, Joe (Author)
    Duck Stamps and Prints: The Complete Federal and State Editions
    Cite : Dealers : USA : TX
  45. McCain, Jim [ URL] ; explore root
    article/ref.: Basic Collecting: hinging tip
    Cite?: Authors?, dealer
  46. McCleery Ltd, Candlish (sales) .uk-HW
  47. McCusker, Inc., James T. (FDC's, FDC Auctions~ !!) .us-MA 02767 [U, E]
    Cf.: FDC Auction Central
  48. McDermott, Mike - Internet Philatelics (sales) .us-
  49. McDonald, Bill [Wm. T.] - @ (Revenues) Bx, .us-WA 98239-1287
  50. McEachern, Andrew H. - Stamps International (A/Asia) Pty. Ltd. .au-QLD 4129
    (ww Cinderellas, Mail Bid Auctions)
    & offers a 'Dealer Correspondence Course' - Cite: Gen. Links : Education
  51. McGiffin, Reg & Helen - A to Z Stamp Shop (Canada, GB) .us-ND
  52. McGoff, William - B & B Stamps & Coins (CSA, US. Covers: US, UN), .us-AL
  53. McGowan, H. Lynn - L & M Stamp Co., .us-
  54. McIntyre, Glen - G. H. McIntyre Ltd (sales) .ca-
  55. McKay, Sonia - .gi (Gibraltar, Spain, GB)  
  56. McKellips, Jim - Jim's Stamps (gen. printer and stamp sales) .us- VA 24504, USA
    Cite: our personal ref #
    Hosts the State Revenue Society
    Hosts : The Stamp List (Formerly SCWN) - See: 'VA' link
  57. McLachlan, Steven - Shades Stamp Shop Ltd. (incl. Antarctic, Greenpeace) .nz
  58. McMillan, Tina - @ SDI T/M Enterprises (approvals, W. Europe, Br C'wealth) .us-CA 93907 ; n/a
    Salinas, CA - Phone/Fax: 831-663-3466
  59. McMorrow, Michael- 'Michael-Vermont' (ww P/H and Postcards) .us-VT 05759
    Cite: Philatelic Entitles : USA : VT
  60. McNeill, Lisa [& Tom Paulson] [ URL]
  61. MacPhail, Douglas G. - Stamp Auction Info. Svc. SDI .us-MA
  62. Medone, Marcelo [ URL] (Argentina)
  63. Meech, Alan - Gerald Davis and - A Catalogue of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps for Burma and Myanmar (authors)
    Cite: Entities : Myanmar
    Ref.: Dealers Index : Richard Warren (for sales)
    Ref.: Dealers Directory : Myanmar
  64. Mehta, Ashok (Indian Philately, Handicrafts) .IN 41303
  65. Mehrer's Postal History, Jim (dealer) .us-IL
    Ref.: Topical: Transportation: See Also
  66. Meier, Jill - Insulators on Stamps
    Cite: Topicals : Technology
  67. Meiner, Hans-Werner [ URL] (Germany, fish)
  68. Mel [Hugh] Goldberg - of/See Also: Subway Supplies)
    Ref.: Basic Collecting: Article: Are Collectors Crazy?
  69. Melanson's Stamp Pages, Rhea [ URL] (Domestic Cats, Stamp Identifier)
  70. Mellone, Michael A. (Author)
    U.S. First Day Cover Catalogue & Checklist - Scott 2009 Edition
    Cite : Dealers : USA : FL
    Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : First Day Covers
  71. Melo, Fabio Garret de - .br [ URL]
  72. Menard, Guy [ URL]
  73. Mercer, Michael B. - Parkstone Philatelics (Br C'wealth) .uk-
  74. Mertens, Sue - Director: London Stamp Exchange Ltd. (public auctions) .uk-ES rvw
  75. Messeri, Ugo - President : Associazione Commercianti Filatelici (Tuscany area), .it
    data incl.: Italian Stamp Dealers Assoc. [FNCFI]
    aka: Federazione Nazionale Commercianti Filatelici Italiani
  76. Messmer, Pierre Alexis - .fr [ URL] (Europe: France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, China, topics, covers)
  77. Michel, Frank R. (Author)
    Stamps of the Polar Worlds
    Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Ross Dependency
  78. Mikkelsen, Jeremy - G & C Stamps (ww classics) .us-OR 97149
  79. Miklňs, Zoltan URL; '404'; nbci.com - .be - E-mail ; 'disabled' 8/1 (Hungary, Greenland, ...)
    Host(s)(ed) a 'ads' system with plans for print ver.
  80. Miljenko, Mr. - Phila Service (Agent] .ch
  81. Milkus, Simon - Simon's Stamp Exchange (Collects/sells/trades: Ukraine, ww, Football/Soccer) [EN], .ua
  82. Miller, Arnold - HMA Stamps and Collectibles (sales: Pre 1940 US & Classics) .us-
  83. Miller, David - Salvation Army Collectibles ( Organization) .uk-
  84. Miller, Doug - - Album Publishing Company, .us-NC [U, #]
  85. Miller, Foil A. (Author with Edgar Heilbronner)
    A Philatelic Ramble Through Chemistry
    Cite : Philately : Research : World
  86. Miller, Wayne [ URL] (WW)  
  87. Mills, Mike :
    The Glassine Surfer
    (A website & his column in the APS's American Philatelist jornal)
    Incl.: The Sociable Stamp Society APS, VT 05461, USA
    Former stamp editor/writer for About.com
    old?: http://www.glassinesurfer.com/ '404'? c.2012  
  88. Mills, T.F. [ URL] (resources)
    Cite: Authors & Articles (LandRovers)
    Cite: Topicals Dir.: Transports: Automotive: Philatelic Land Rovers et al
  89. Milos, Michael [ URL] (Canada)
  90. Mingee, Rick - Paperless Stamps/The Electronic Stamp Store (Early US, Fancy Cancels)
    Features: 'San Francisco Cog Wheels Cancels Page'
    Cite: Exhibits : Other
    Cite: Specialized Collecting : Cancels
    Cite: Articles and Authors
    Cite: Entities : US Philately Page: Calif.
    Cite: Dealers : US : CO 80162 ; need addr
  91. Miranda, José Afonso S. [ URL] (Brazil)
  92. Misra, B. B. (Author)
    Postal communications in India, 1773-1834 , c.1959
    Cite: Dealers : India
  93. Mohd, Idlan [ URL] (Malaysia)
  94. Moldenhauer AS, F.C. (Live auctions, .no) .no
    in cooporation with Frimerkehuset AS
  95. Mřller, Sonny - .fo [ URL] (WW)
  96. Mollett, Peter - Philatelist, .uk-HA
  97. Molnar, Les (Author)
    Stamps of Victoria (good c.201503)
    Cite : Dealers : Australia : See Also:
  98. Moody, Keith L. - @ - Ooragnak Collectables (WW new issues, Albums, Accesories, collectibles) .uk-_ ; n/a
  99. Moore, A P - A.S.M. Stamps, .au-QLD 4051
  100. Albert L. Moore (Author)
    Postal Propaganda of the Third Reich
    Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Germany
  101. Moore, Dingus and Louis - Dingus WW Postal History @ {Lang.: GR, IT, SP, FR, EN, PT}
    "I am a private collector [50 yrs.] and am not in business.."
    (selling out his P/H, censored mail, revenues)  
  102. Moorhouse, Brian (sales: Latin America) .uk-CA
    Hosts: The Spanish Main (Latin America club), UK
  103. Morgan, Helen (Author)
    Blue Mauritius The Hunt for the World's Most Valuable Stamp
    Cite: Dealers : Mauritius
    Cite: Philately : Terminnology
  104. Morel, Bruno de - .fr - Guernesey 1940 - 1946
    Cite: Dealers Directory : .gg (featured resource)
    Cite: Entities Index : Guernesey, Germany
  105. Morford, Duane D. - The Personal Touch (Approvals, US, FDC's) .us-CA 95860
  106. Morgan, Kevin - Collections Plus (kiloware, packets .. wholesale) .au-VIC 3158
  107. Morillon, Pierre - NetPhila (sales) .fr 33110
  108. Morris, John - The Age of Arthur (not philatelic)
    An excerpt discussing the historian's process.
  109. Morrow, Christopher - Main Street Philatelic .us-
  110. Morton, Susan E. - U. S. Postal Service Crime Laboratory (Gannif Fakes case)
    Ref.: Topical Dir. : Transportation : By Air
  111. Morville Trading, Philip (wholesale to dealers)
    www.fea.net/morville/ ; '404' 12/1
  112. Mosiondz, Peter (Pre 1940 US), .us-NJ
  113. Mowbray Ltd, J. R. (WW; Agent, auctions) .nz
  114. Moyer Stamps & Collectibles, Bruce M. - (sales: UN) .us-PA 18046 [U, E]
    {aka: Valley Stamp & Coin, Inc. & UN Stamps.com)
  115. Mulder, Chuck - Chuck's World of Stamps, .us
  116. Mulinacci, Andrea - A.M. Phil (Italy, US, .sm, Vatican ..) [IT, EN] .it 53010
  117. Müller, M. Günther - .DE [ URL] (ATM's)
  118. Murray Stamp Shop, Robert - (sales & resources) .uk-Scot
  119. Myerson, J. M. - @ (PCSG / Computers in Philately Committee)
    Cite: India & anywhere APS's WPID catalog is memtioned.
  120. Mykhaylitchenko, Dr D. - Exclusiv PhilFund ("space-polarpost" thema; aimed at 'charity') .ua
    xRef : Topicals Space


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