's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links powered by FreeFind Index: Last Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z First Names Agents Dealers __?, Jeff 's Stamp Page faroestampsite.com __?, Josh 's Stamp Page J__?, Norman (American plate numbers) Jackson, Derrick - The 'Seamark Newsletter' Cite: Topicals : Lighthouses Jackson, Ed (Edwin) - See: Ed Jackson esp. re: WPID data links in Entities menus and one exhibit 'Cite:' Jackson Revenue Stamps, Eric (sales: revenues) .us-__ Jaffe Stamps, Inc., Michael SDI (duck stamps) .us-WA 98666 and/cf: Brookman Stamp Co. (price guides etc.) ; same page/entry Jager, Sjoerd - .nl (Philately in the European Union) Jahangir, Mohammad Ali - MAJ Stamps (Pakistan) .pk 74000 Jahn, Eckhardt von - .de (Berlin, Germany, Denmark, US) Jahn, Seren - .de (WW) Jaitly, Suraj (India, thematics) Jakel, Ernst (Germany & formal Czechoslowakia) James, Pete - Awardmaster Philatelics (mall, online auctions +; PayPal) .us-TX Jamsa, Timo - .fi Jan, Nackaerts - Filkom Postage Stamps (sales) .be Janasch, Ronald - @ - Deutscher Philatelie Service GmbH [GR] (Americana, Norman Rockwell, history, military, sports) .de Janik, Bret [PWO] Japhila WW Philatelic E-zine #- [EN] .cz Janning, R. (Netherlands specialist) Jeffries, Hugh (Author) Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue - Eastern Pacific: Including Cook Islands, Aitutaki, Penrhyn Island, Niue, Pitcairn Islands and Samoa (very expensive) Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Pacific Region Jenkins, Janice - Corn Belt Philatelic Society Box 625, Bloomington, IL 61702-0625, USA Jenkins, Tom - Australian Stamp & Coin Co Pty Ltd, .au-VIC ; research Jennings, Brian - GB Stampshop.com (GB Specialist) note: NO onsite links worked for us 8/2001 Jennings, Peter - Chairman: Millennium Commemorative Covers Ltd., @ (First Day and Commemorative Covers) .uk-BR B17 9JU Jensen, Jerry (Author, .de, .pn, eBay) Jensen, K.V. (Ken) - Park Boulevard Stamps, @ (US, UN, WW lots & mixes) .us-FL 34665 Jenson, Rob (Robert B.) (WW, author) Cite: Basic Collecting: Value: What Are Dealer Buy Prices? Jeppo, Y.V. - @ [PWO] DK Philatelic Association [EN] - .in Jersey, Stanley C. (Author) Japanese Military Forces in the Solomon Islands : Notes on Postal History, the War in the Pacific Cite: Dealers : Topical Index : Oceania Jhaveri, Sapan - @ URL (India, Topicals) .in Jhingan, Madhukar & S. [PWO] Stamps of India [EN] .in Jie, Zhou - Definitive World John, Karl - The Stamproom (sales) .uk- cf: Stamproom, .uk-ES Johnson, D.N. (Canada, US, Netherlands, topicals) Johnson, Peter L. - Australian Philatelic Wholesalers Pty Ltd (& retail) .au-VIC Johnson Auctions, Peter (sales: US, auctions) www.pjcurrency.com ; '404' 9/2001 Joll, Dave (@)- .NZ (Worldwide New Issues News) Cite: General Links: Resources (ref., ref.2) Jones, Chris - eStampShop.co.uk (WW; singles to collections) .uk- Jones, Chris - Christina Stamps.com .us-LA AKA: Eric's Stamp Corner (on eBay) (Packets, Singles, Kiloware, Offpaper Mixtures & Lots) Jones, Robert W. (Author) The Philately Of Third Reich Germany 1933 1945 Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Germany Jong, M. de - .nl - The Polar Philately Mailing List website Cite: Topicals: Polar Regions Jurcic, Brian - Australian Bulk (kiloware) .au-VIC Jřrgens Stamp Site, Geir &, .no Jorgensens, Carl - .dk Joss, Don - Orb Ltd. (Bahamas, WW) http://www.islandideas.com/html/orb/ ; '404' Jové i Jové, Josep A multi-lingual site featuring Spanish and Latin American ATM postage data. Cite: Topicals : ePostage Juell, Rodney A. (Editor) Encyclopedia of United States Stamps and Stamp Collecting (Co-Editor w/ Steven J. Rod) Cite : Dealers : USA : FL Cite : Homepage : Xmas Book List Junge & Co. Pty Ltd, Manfred (Australia, Antarctic, WW) .au-NSW 1235 E-mail Jury Ltd., Len (.nz, ww, auctions, .nz cat. publisher) .nz Juzwin, Richard - Richard Juzwin Pty Ltd (.au area, Br C'wealth, P/H, wholesale) .au-VIC 3102 Table of Contents Indexes ©AJWard Submit Data Free counters provided by Honesty.com - Est. 7/25/2001 2
's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links