's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links powered by FreeFind Index: Last Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z First Names Agents Dealers Gagliardi, Jennifer (rabbits) Galan, Mario Alfredo - Fossil Stamp Club Cite: Topical Dir. : The Physical World Galletti, Greg - World Forum Philatelists (UN; incl. museum) , .us-MD 21771 Gallo, Ana Maria - Ana Libri Press (publisher) .us-WA Owned by? and Publishes Dr. Frederick Highland's 'The Mystry Box'; stamp related fiction ... old URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~ana_libri Gardiner, Stewart (Author?) A General Illustrated Catalogue of Exhibition and Event Poster Stamps Cite : Dealers : UK : Scotland Garfield, Simon (Author) The Error World: An Affair with Stamps Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : EFO's Cite : Philately : Terminology Garvey & Sons, J. - Joseph Sr. and Les Garvey (ww, auctions, appraislas) .ca- Gelen Space Mails Generali's Online Stamp Shop, Michael - .us-TX 78651 » Geraldes, Joaqium (Lisbon World Exposition, International Year of the Oceans) Germeten A/S, Kjell (sales) .no Getz, Ronald F. - R. Getz Philatelics (US Issues, Approvals, and Mixtures) .us- Gibbons, Stanley - (Affilate) - aka/see: Commununitie.com, .uk-LO See Also: Gibbons: .uk-HA, .au-NSW, .au-Vic, .nz Cite: Catalogs Page Gidding, Curtis E. SDI First Day Cover Shop [Alt. SDI URL] (sales: Covers and Stamps) .us-MO 63366 Curtis says he's a "..member of the Estate Advisory Service for the APS." Gilbart, Ken - took part in the investigation of 'The Ganiff Fakes; Ref.: Topical Dir. : Transportatio : By Air Gilbert Stamps, Jonathan (British FDC's) .uk- Gilbertson, Allan (classical composers, mathematicians) Gillard, Didier [URL] (Switzerland) Giovan, Philately by Angelo (Italy, Vatican, San Marino) .it 42015 Alt URL Giroux, Gary (Revenues) Gitner Philatelists, Henry (US, topicals; Fauna) .us-NY Gladman, Peter - Peter's Stamps (sales) .uk-KT Gobeil, Bob - @, Bobby's Toys & Collectibles (US & WW Stamp & Postcard Packets) Goca, Fatih - IPLTD (Iran, Turkey, Germany) .tr Godden Limited, Frank (Luxury Stamp Albums) .uk- Goeggel, Dr. Hugo - Comestibles Italo S.A., .co Expertiazation : .co, .br, .ec Sr. Pres. : Clubs: Western Hemisphere : FIAF Contact: Club Filatélico de Bogota Goldberg, Hugh ['Big Mel'] {deceased} - of/See Also: Subway Supplies Ref.: Basic Collecting: article about collecting: Are Collectors Crazy? (His wife Virginia carries on..) Goldberg, Marshall - Academy Stamp Co. (US, autographs) .us-CA-la Gompf, Gary (sales: packets) Gonçalves, Florent - Francephilately (sales) .fr Gondocz, Andrew - d@ [PWO], .ca-ON Oh My Gosh!: 'Stamps and Postal History of the United Arab Emerites' Hosts a stamp related charity too! Cite: .ca Dealer Menu (charity) Ref.: Entities Index : Regions: Mid East Ref.: Entities Index : UAE Ref.: Topical Index : Censored Maill (Aden) Gorhau Hobbies, Fred (U.S and U.N. Year Sets) .us- Göttelmann, Ralf U. - Director: Philatelie France [FR, EN] (directory, advertising, sales) .fr Goyal, Vaibhav (Interests: WW, images: Insects, Age 13 a/o 9/1+-) Graham, Ray - Quality Company, The (Irish postage Stamps and Framed Postal Art) .ie Granger, Neill (Author) Stamp Collecting (First Guide) Cite : Homepage : Xmas Book List Graungaard, Thomas (Specialised Stamp Catalog of Iceland) [online & in Engl], .DK Cite: Entities : Iceland Gray, Kent (Sec. of State Revenue Society, Author) Green Philatelic Research Foundation, Vincent Graves (Expertization) .ca-ON Greenberg, Ken - Collector's Gallery (US classics, Revenues ..) Bx, .us-CA 93063-0323 Greene, Tim - EverGreene Stamps.com (WW) .us- Alt: EverGreene Stamps - Tim Greene (US, WW) .us- Greenhut, Ralph - MCXI Philatelics (ww) .us- Gregory, Fred - Post Office in Paradise (Hawaii), Cite: Dealers : US : HI Cite: Research : USA : Hawaii xRef: Titles : Post Office in Paradise Griffith, Ronald C. - The Stamp Tree, @ SDI (U.S. Approvals, U.S. Mint and Used) .us-WA ; e-mail only! Griffiths, A (Author) SPECIAL STAMP HISTORY: 1936 PROPOSED EDWARD VIII CORONATION ISSUE Cite : Dealers : U.K. Menu Grimshaw, Sheila - Norfolk Island Stamps, .nf Grinchenko, Konstantin - Asian Stamps (sales, resources), .ua Cite : Entitles : Regions : Asia Groio, Horacio Eduardo (sales: WW), .ar old: www.sinectis.com.ar/~edu-gro Groot, Alex A.M. de - Indonesia Filatelie Tempo Doeloe - (Ducth East Indies) .nl Großheide, Arnim - Der Stamp Shop (ww) [GR, EN] .de 49074 aka: Briefmarken-Ladengeschäft und Briefmarken-Versandhandel Groten M.D., Arthur - Image Nostalgia (gifts, pins, etc.) .us- Gultekin, Ozaltinordu (Turkey) members.xoom.com/ozaltino1/stamp.htm ; '404' 9/1 Gummesson AB, Rolf - Per Gummesson (Scandinavian Since 1939) .se Gunderson Stamp Company, Jerome, .us- Alt URL: Jerome Gunderson, .us- Table of Contents ©AJWard Submit Data Free counters provided by Honesty.com - Est. 7/22/2001 2
's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links