's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links

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Index: Last Names
First Names     Agents     Dealers

  1. Bache, Carl Henrik - .no
  2. Bachenheimer, Frank - Seven Continents Philatelics (US, revenues, US Possessions, ww Disney Stamps), .us-
    Alt. URL: Bachenheimer, Frank (US)
  3. Bacher, M - The Postal History of Adelie Land (FR)
    Cite: Topicals: Polar Regions
  4. Backman, Anders - SilverDalen Stamps (catalogs, author, Channel Isls etc) .se
  5. Baekers, William F. - .nl (perfins)
  6. Bailey & Associates, Robert S. - aka: Palos Verdes Stamps, .us-CA
  7. Bainbridge, Stephen W. - Philatelist; a .co (King George V, Machins), .uk-
  8. Baixauli, Ignacio (and Yolanda Sánchez) A. B. Kontinent (sales) .es
  9. Baker, J. David (Author)
    The postal history of Indiana
    Cite : Dealers : USA : IN
  10. Baker, Rowan S. - Covent Garden Stamp Shop, .uk-LS
  11. Bakker, Edward (classics, .nl, .de, Eastern Europe)
  12. Banks, Barry (and John Hart) - Empire Philatelics (kiloware, packets, GB) .us-
  13. Banser, Phil (US p/h, lit. ..) .us-PA
    "President, ASDA" (c.1999)
    "Vice-President of American Philatelic Research Library"
    Cite: Specialized Collecting : Postal History
  14. Barber, Tracy (and Alex Zdonick) - B. Trading Co (P/H, PostCards, Victorian Trade Cards) .us-
  15. Barefoot Ltd, J. [John Barefoot] (literature, Europe classics) .uk-
  16. Baresch Ltd, Leo (sales) .uk-WS
  17. Barker, Robert (sales: US, WW) .us-ME 04864 ; need addr
  18. Barrell Ltd, Bill (dealer: GB) .uk-LI
  19. Barret, Christian [URL] (.ca, .fr) .fr
  20. Barron, Jr., Martin L. - AmeriCom Philatelic - (Mint U.S. & Classics) .us-MD
  21. Barry, James - Minnesota Diversified Industries - Jenkins Stamp Frames - (sales), .us-
  22. Battersby, K. R. - Hallmark Stamps, .au-SA 5000
  23. Batz, Gerhard - See: Gerhard Batz, .de
  24. Bauduin, Pierre - Astrophilately - (sales)
    Cite: Topicals : Space
  25. Baum, Isidore - Judaica Sales Online (Israel) .ca-
  26. Baumgärtel G. - .ch ? - /philanet/
    Baumgartel, G - .de ; diff URL., diff person??
  27. Baxley, George C. - George C. Baxley Stamps (topicals, covers, PayPal) .us-NM 88311 »
  28. Bean, Frederick - The Stamp Professor (US FD Posters, FDC's, .ru, .fr; PayPal) .us-MN 55447
  29. Beeber, Robert van - Glendale Coin & Stamp (ww) .us-CA-la #
  30. Beesley, Angela Wales, Jimmy (co-creator with Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia.)
    Cite: Stamps : Stamp Issuing Entities : Bibliography
    Cite : Index : Topical Titles : JPP Stamps Wiki
  31. Béhar, Henry - Philately.ch (sales) .ch
  32. Belaev, Sergey - @ ( Topical postal stationery of Russia; trade for ww) .ru
    Including FDC's, Cite: Dealers : Russia : See Also: Traders
  33. Bell, John - Stewart's Stamp Shop - (Australia, Pacific Islands) .au-SA
  34. Belliveau, Robert - Last Frontier Stamps (Pre 1940 US, Alaska PH), .us-AK
  35. Bendix, Jan - Skilling Online Covers and Postcards Sale [EN, DN] .dk
  36. Bendon Ltd., James (P/H & Literature) .cy
    Cite: Topicals: Introductions: books
  37. Bennett, Inc., Matthew (auctions) .us-MD
  38. Bergforsen, Bo- Swedish Stamp and Postcard Magazine, .se
    Cite: Entities Index : Sweden
  39. Berkovich, Felix (Co-author with Divinsky] Jewish Chess Masters on Stamps
    Cite [Ad for Book]: Sports & Games
  40. Berman, Jon - Cornish Stamp Company (P/H) .uk-CO PL28 8QP
    cf 'Berman's Postal History..'
  41. Bezemer, Cor-Paul - Collect+ (sales), .nl
  42. Bibb Jr., H.B. (), .us-AL
  43. Bick, Israel (), .us-CA
  44. Biera, Jorge - .es
  45. Bierman, Stanley M. (author)
    More of 'The World's Greatest Stamp Collectors'
    Cite : Homepage : Xmas Book List  
  46. Bigalke, Jay - Stamp News on the Web
    aka: Stampnews.8m.com & FPMG Cachets ; via eBay Stores
  47. Bigler Collectibles, Chuck (US, WW, FDC's)
  48. Billings, Ian - Norvic Philatelics, .uk (former Soviet Union & GB stamps/postmarks)
    Cite: Topicals: Transportation: Maritime
    note: we house 2 of his Postmarks pages; '404' ; an NBCi site - incl.: Ships, Lighthouses; '404' ; an NBCi site
  49. Birch Stamps, Ray (ww; Non-Commonwealth) .uk-
  50. Bird, Gayland - , Junior Philatelists On The Internet (JPOTI)
  51. Bird, Walter J. - @, Birdland Stamps (.us, Revenues, WW; PayPal) .us-NY 13108
  52. Bizzarro, Albert - @ - Centre Philatelique Universel, Le .ca-QB H2S
    aka: Universal Philatelic Center
    (.us, .fr, .cu, .pl, .ru, .ca ++: New Issue Svc, approvals, supplies)
    ck root
  53. Bjerkolht, Svein (WW)
  54. Bjerrang, Mthias - Svalbard, .se (Polar Post Svalbard)
    Cite: Topicals : Polar Regions
    Alt?/Diff. URL: Norwegian Polar Stamps - Mathias Bjerrang
  55. Bjerregaard Frimćrkehandel, Ege (sales) .dk
  56. Black, Don (dealer) .us-NY
  57. Black (Blank?), Wm F. (Bill)(Queen Victoria, Line Engraved), .uk
    Cite : Entities Index : Great Britain
    or Bill 'Blank' ?
  58. Blackburn, Peggy M. - Blackburn & Blackburn Ltd.
    (Asia, China, Finland, Postcards), .us-AL
  59. Blackston, Kevin J. ['The K']
  60. Blair, J.- Jerry Blair Pty Ltd {ww, mail auctions} .au-QLD 4561
  61. Bland, Dick - Island Stamp & Coin (US, Duck stamps)
  62. Blobel, Andreas F (and Dareg A Zabarah) - Stampede (sales) .de 80805
    aka: 'Briefmarkenhandelsgesellschaft GbR'
  63. Blocker Jr., Truman G. - History of Medicine Stamps, US-TX
    Cite: Topicals Dir. : The Arts : Medicine
  64. Bloxham, Mark (GB, WW; eBay) .uk-TW
    cf I.T. Pickering
  65. Boer, Gert de (WW; .nl, .id, Europa dual currency forum) .id
    http://members.nbci.com/Datacom_Info/st_main.htm ; '404' 9/1
  66. Boies, Dominique (.ca, .au, .nz, .za, GB, UN)
  67. Bols, Bjřrn (.no)  
  68. Bongers, Wim J. - PhilaGuide (directory)
    Cite: Gen. Links: Resources
    Cite: Philately : Netherlands
    Ref.: Terminology: Expertization: Sources
    xRef.: Clubs : Bibliography
  69. Boomer, Bill - Bill's Philatelic Bargains (WW) .ca-SK
  70. Bond Co., J.V. (WWII stamps, currency & collectibles; PayPal) .us-CA 92139
  71. Boon, Jan - .nl - Po & Po - (Netherlands)
  72. Borek Agences, Richard - (Agent) .th
  73. Borek K.G., Richard - (Agent) .de
    ck url: Richard Borek GmbH & Co. KG - Jens Heise-Engelschalk, .de
  74. Bormann, Klaus - .de (WW)
  75. Börner, Silvio - .de (German colonies, DDR)
  76. Bosbyshell, Ron - Hologram Stamps
  77. Bouchard, Paul (France, Canada)
  78. Bove, A. 'Vic' AVB Stamps (US var's, precancels, errors) .us-
  79. Bowman III, Clyde Earl (US)
  80. Boyd, Steven R. (Author)
    Patriotic Envelopes of the Civil War: The Iconography of Union and Confederate Covers
    (Conflicting Worlds: New Dimensions of the American Civil War)
    Cite : Dealers : USA : FL
  81. Boyle, Eoin - Ireland Stamps (Ireland, Europe) .ie
  82. Bradbury, A. G. (GB FDC's; maker) .uk-LE
  83. Brand Stamps, Dick (approvals, topicals ..) .uk-NY
    E-mail, (alt URL)
  84. Brandon, David (Expertization, Collections, Rare & Classics stamps, valuations) .uk-SU GU3 1EL
    [cf Brandon, Mark]
  85. Brandon, Mark ('Investment Advisors', Expertization, KG VI, QEII, Errors) .uk-SU GU3 1EL
    [cf Brandon, David]
  86. Braun, J. - Stampmania;.com (sales: Philatelic Board Game) .us-
  87. Breen, Michael - Red Star Stamps (Soviet, Eastern Bloc) .us-
  88. Brejtfus, Caj - @ - CAJ's Stamp Collecting Page (sales: US Classics (esp. # 11), rr & machine cancels, postal cards)
  89. Brewart, Nelson - Nelson Brewart Stamps and Coins, .us-
  90. Brinson, Charmian (Author w/Kaczynski, William)
    Fleeing from the Fuhrer: A Postal History of Refugees from the Nazis
    Cite : Philately : Research : Israel
  91. Bristow, Mercer - American Philatelic Expertizing Service (APEX), .us-PA 16803
  92. Brito, Alfred [ URL] (.us, .UN, .it; Papal States, Vatican, .cu)
  93. Brown, Jamie (and Valerie Swack) - Stamp It Up.com (Cancelled Stamps Professionally Framed) .us-
  94. Brown, Harry - HB Collectibles (sales) .us-
  95. Brown Philatelics, Keith (Bulgaria, Europe)
  96. Brubiaud, Didier - .fr - Philatelie polaire
    Cite: Topicals : Polar Regions
  97. Druett, David - Pennymead Auctions (Private Treaty, books, postcards, West Indies)
    no address posted: E-mail
  98. Buchanan, David - Scotstamps, .uk-Scot
  99. Buhl, Burkhard (.de & Berlin)
  100. Bulloch, Peter - Bulloch VFNH (sells: finer Canadian) .ca-ON
  101. Bunk, A. R. (topicals) .us-OH ; need addr
  102. Buono, Frank J. - @ - FJBStamps - (sales: WW, WWF, Europa, JFK)
  103. Burger, Thomas [ URL] (German private post)  
  104. Burgess, Tim (GBCC - Pres. c.2007), CA, USA
    1. Introduction to Empire-wide Queen Victoria Issues, by Tim Burgess
    2. The Line-Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain, by Tim Burgess
    3. The Postage Stamps of Great Britain 1840-1901, by Tim Burgess
    "A guide to the Postage Stamps of the reign of Queen Victoria. Covering the line Engraved and Surface Printed Stamps. An introduction of Plating of the Penny Black and Penny Red."
  105. Burns, Philip R. "Pib" - Cryptozoology ; ck root
    Cite : Topicals : Fauna
  106. Buss, Douglas (used stamps)
  107. Butez, Thierry - .fr
  108. Butler, Daniel - Maine Stamp Shoppe .us-
  109. Butt, David (Famous Paintings on stamps)
  110. Brych et Fils, F. (sales: Monaco) .mc
  111. Byrd, Admiral Richard E. (Polar Regions; Quote: 'alone')
  112. Byrd, Sanford L. - .us-MI - African-American Philatelic Experience
    Cite: Topicals : People
    Ref.: Entities Index : Regions : Africa
    Ref.: Entities Index : America (USA)


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