's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
Palau's John Lennon Commemorative Stamp - Commeration Ceremony side note
- "..Soon after, Lonnie Ostrow, the representative from IGPC, took the podium. He recounted a moving tale from his fourth grade class. John Lennon had just been shot the day before and the teacher played Lennon's music and told her students about him. She then asked if there were any questions and after a couple questions by other students, Lonnie burst out, "Why the hell would anyone want to kill John Lennon?!" The teacher, who couldn't answer the question, began to cry. I bet that teacher is still trying to come up with the answer.
- Conclusion, " Does anyone know where Palau is?
- (nice looking stamp though)", Sam Choukri, c.1995
- The Stamps of Palau - John London, .us
- now an ad for tiles.. c.2001?
- http://solo.abac.com/streamrdr '404' c.2008
"...a small country having so large a history..."
Mark Twain, The Innocent Abroad, 1869 *
- Palestine Stamps Gallery -
* Tan Wee Cheng,
@post1, .sg
- From: "Wee Cheng's Amazing Travel Tales & Photos"
- aka: Nomadic Tales from Tan Wee Cheng
- - 148 Countries/ Political Entities since 1993
- old: weecheng.simplenet.com/mideast/israel/gallery-palestinestamps.htm
A Short Introduction To The Philately Of Palestine
- Collectors' Societies and Other Organisations
- "This is a concise list of collectors' societies, study groups, journals, and websites, covering broadly the field of collecting stamps and studying postal history of the Holy Land and Palestine. "
- Wikipedia's
Postage stamps and postal history of the Palestinian National Authority
- Wikipedia's
Postage stamps and postal history of Palestine
See Also: Israel
Panama - Patrick Lamastus
- P.O. Box 678498 . Orlando, FL 32867-8498
- http://www.geocities.com/Paris/3248/ 'forwards' c.2008
Postal History of Canal Zone Panama Canal Review -- May 1964 (CZBrats - Panama Canal)
- Cited in Authors & Articles
PNG - Papua and New Guinea
Postal History of British New Guinea and Papua - John Redgrave, .au
- British New Guinea and Papua - John Redgrave, .au
- members.ozemail.com.au/~redgrave/stamp.html '404' c.2008
- Joe Hahn's
Paraguay Handbook
Peruvian Locals - Rainer Fuchs
ABdA's Philippine Stamps - Arturo B. del Ayre, @ - very active c.2008
( pseudonym or 'nom-de-plume': REY ADEL)
- Cite includes Glossary, Discussion Forum, Articles...
Philippines - ABdA (Alt. URL; good c.2008)
- b. Legazpi City, Philippines
- www.geocities.com/~abda/ - ABdA '404' c.2008
philippinephilatelists - a YaHOo! group (c.2009)
- The Philippine Philatelist
Nigel Gooding,
- The Philippine Philatelist -
- Including:
Queen Isabella II Collection - 1854-1864 Issues and Forgeries
- And other Collections
- "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE COMES CLOSE!" - Abraham Luspo Jr., .ph (c.2009)
- Another Nigel Gooding,
site: NigelGooding (Book sales page)
- Philippines Stamps - Spanish-Philippines, Nigel Gooding
- www.users.bigpond.com/ngooding/ '404' c.2008
The Philippine Philately: Philatelic Terminology, Danilo L. Signo,
@Hotmail, .ph
- he's a member of 'Apo Philatelic Society'.
- (his other site: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1467/stamps.htm is '404' c.2009)
Treskeidecamania (c.2008)
- Anthony's .."Life Beyond Numbers: An Accountant's quest
- for the Unusual Find on Philippine Philately and Numismatic(s).."
- Location: Bacoor, Cavite, PH
- See Also:
The Philippines and some of its 7,000 islands
- Part in Italian and 1/3 in English : Search: ' History: ' - 1895 Revolution stamps of the Philaippines
Pitcairn Island
Pitcairn Exhibit - Jerry
Jensen (GPS), Solutions Plus,
- Ref. Authors/Articles; incl. .pn, .de
- Phillips Stamp Site (US and Pitcairn Island Stamps,
@AOL c.2001
- www.stamp-site.com/ ; click-thur directory c.2008
The Postal History of Przedbórz,
Sam Ginsburg, Berkeley, CA, USA (samgins at yahoo dot com)
Polish Stamps with Related Areas - Andre Mongeon,
@, .ca
Polish Stamps - Jan Prygoda, .us
Go Poland! - A Short History of Poland Through Stamps
Stamp Encyclopaedia Poland, Ben Nieborg
The Netherlands
- An online catalogue for the stamps of Poland and related areas.
- old: http://members.home.nl/bnieborg/ ; forwards c.2008
- ->See Also: Dealers:
- Polish Stamps
- Profilex - Dr. Janusz Konopka (sales,
Agent) .pl
- Box 18, Tuszyn 97-315, Poland
- www.ld.onet.pl/filatelistyka/ '404' c.2008
- "Pro-Fil" -
[email protected],
- os. Centrum B7, 31-927 Kraków, Poland
- Tel.: +48 12 643-01-72, Fax: +48 12 643-01-72
Interios Postais de Portugal
- "Web site de Hernâni Matos
- Delegado e Jurado FIP de Inteiros Postais da FPF."
Illustrious Portuguese Navigators - Pedro H. Duarte,
Filatelia em Portugal - Carlos José Gomes Pimenta,
@fep, .pt
- A General Resource.
In the past . . .
- Stamps of Portugal - Nuno Maia Goncalves, .pt
- http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Mall/5443 '404' c.2009
- Portuguese India Stamps - Benegal (Benny) Pereira, .us
- www.empire.net/~cammot/pereira/acollect.htm '404' c.2008
Table of Contents
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