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The Netherlands / Nederlands

  1. Postzegelblog - 'Het online postzegelmagazine!' (Dutch only)
  2. Stamps of the Netherlands (c.2008)
  3. Philately of the Netherlands - Bob Janning, .us (c.2008)
  4. Philately in The Netherlands - R.T. van Capelleveen. nl (Filahome online magazine)
    Š 1998 - 2008 by AbsoluteFigures.com
    Alt URL: Filahome Postzegels is een uitgave van Absolute Figures
    Š 1998 - 2008 Alle rechten voorbehouden.
    home.wxs.nl/~absolutefigures/filahome.htm '404' c.2008
  5. Holland, The Issue 1891: "The Infant Queen" - Wim J. Bongers' PhilaGuide
  6. Japanese Occupation of Dutch East Indies - Discussion Group - Andrew Freeston, .us
    aka: 'Dai-Nippon Postal Collectors'
  7. Dutch Stamps - images; Daddy's Hobby - J. Westerhof, HWteZ@, .nl
    "All stamps - more 11.000 - available on CD-rom - please contact HWteZ
    old: members.chello.nl/h.westerhof1/Mijn_postzegels/postzegels_8.htm '404' c.2008
  8. Filatelie-verenigingen.pagina.nl - Dutch link list (9/01, 4/08)
  9. De Nederlandsche Veldpost
    (Nederlande Militaire Postmerken) (c.2008)
    "This site is Dutch only and will never ( > 1400 pages ) be translated."

    ->See Also:

    filatelie (Dutch philatelic resources website)
    Zoek "Postzegels" in nationale telefoon gids (Gouden Gids) (c.2008)

In the past...
Postzegelcentral Noord Nederland, .nl
interstamp.stampcollectors.com/noord.htm '404' c.2008
Netherlands 1852-2000 - piratboy
members.nbci.com/Piratboy/dutch/index.htm '404' c.2008
The Netherlands - IPP Publishing, Fred Brands, .nl
www.philately.demon.nl '404' c.2008
Dutch Stamps- Teunis, .nl
www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/9621/html_en/pzmain.htm '404' c.2008
Postalhistory, .nl
http://www.postalhistory.demon.nl/ '404' c.2008  
New Caledonia

  • New Caledonia 1859-1900 (Richard Frajola - United States)
    New Guinea
    now PNG - Papua and New Guinea

    1. New Guinea and Papua, Postal History of British - John Redgrave, .au
    New Hebrides
    (Formerly an Anglo-French Condominium, now Vanuatu)

    1. New Hebrides, Virtual Stamp Album - Roland Klinger and Martin Treadwell, .de
      old: http://mitglied.lycos.de/NewHebrides/
      old: http://members.tripod.de/NewHebrides
    2. "New Hebrides / Nouvelles-Hébrides 1892 - 1948" exhibit pages of Sheryll Oswald
    3. Wikipedia's (c.2009):
      Postage stamps and postal history of the New Hebrides
    New Zealand

    1. New Zealand - Warwick Delamore
    2. New Zealand and Pacific Island Stamps - Paul Leighton, .nz
    3. New Zealand Chalon Portrait Stamps [Alt/old] - Garry Law, .NZ
    4. New Zealand International Flight and Airmail Covers - Garry Law, .NZ
    5. New Zealand Dependencies - Stamps & Postal History - Paul den Ouden, .ca
    6. New Zealand First Day Covers - Charles Eggen, .nz
    7. Glen's New Zealand Stamp Page - Glen Len, .nz
      Glen's old page: members.xoom.com/nzstamp/ ; '404' 9/1
    8. New Zealand Stamp Site - Jamie Adler, .nz  

      >See Also:
    9. collectors.co - A general NZ Collectibles resource incl.: stamps
      Mike Pearson
      PO Box 24-050, Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand
      Tel. ++64 21 631-731, Fax ++64 21 789-730

      Mike notes:
      Webfarm for providing a reasonable virtual web hosting price & service

      General NZ information:
      New Zealand phone number structure:
      Country code: ++ 64
      Area code: 4
      Phone number format: 123-4567
      note: The "++" is whatever you dial for an international call from your country.
      NZ Telecom's :
      White Pages, and
      Yellow Pages

    1. Nicaragua - Franco F. Solórzano
    2. Nicaragua - NicaStamp - Franco F. Solrzano ; diff URL
      See Also: Club: Nicaragua Study Group
    North Cyprus ; non UPU
    ( Cf.: Cyprus)

    1. North Cyprus Stamps - Y.Y. Senturk, .uk

    1. Norwegian Posthorn Series
    2. Norstamps, .no
    3. Geir og Jorgens Fiermerkeside Norway - Geir Harald Lunde, .no
    4. Norwegian Postal Cancellations; Stamps - Morten Ludvigsen, .no
    5. Norwegian Railways on Stamps - Jon Digranes. .no
    6. Norwegian Stamps - Frode van Dijk, .no
    7. (Norwegian) War- and Fieldpost Association, 2615 Lillehammer, Norway [NO, EN]
      (aka: 'Krigs- og feltpostforeningen')

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