's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
Haiti, A Selection of Seldom Seen & Unusual Items 1843-1904 - Peter C. Jeannopoulos, .us
Haiti Philatelic Homepage - Dr. Gerald Boarino, .us
The Haiti Philatelic Homepage - Dr. Gerald L. Boarino
- Includes: Haiti Philatelic Society data: Mr. Ubaldo del Toro
- 5709 Marble Archway, Alexandria, VA 22310, USA
- Herm Island
Honduras Collectors ( in Yahoo! clubs)
Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong Treaty Ports - Robert J.B. Wilson, .us
- Hong Kong Stamp Catalogue - Lam Wang Yuen (Patrick Lam)
- Hong Kong Stamps' Home Page (Clement Liang - Hong Kong)
- Hong Kong Stamps - Danny Ko, .hk
China and Hong Kong - stampNETion. Daniel Wong, .hk
Hungary & USSR - Jan Lagenberg, .nl
Interfila - Hungarian Philatelic Magazine - .hu
Hungarian Philatelic Magazine - .hu ; diff. URL
Hungarian Airmails - Victor G. Berecz, Jr
Hungary - Dr. Nikola Dogovic
Illustated List of Recent Hungarian Stamps - Sandor Frey, .hu
Hungarian Stamp Collecting - Pierre Vattepain, .fr
Hungarian Stamps and Trading - Zoltan Miklos, .be
- Hungarian Poster Stamps and Similar Cinderellas, by Ch. Blase
- reviewed by the Cinderella Stamp Club, ".. In our opinion, this is one
of the finest books ever published anywhere on cinderellas"; 548 text pages plus
278 pages of illustrations on CD-ROM." - The Cinderella Philatelist:
Volume 42 No. 2 - April 2002. Available from World Poster Stamps,
Table of Contents
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