's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
- R. M. Andrews (sales)
- R.J. Chatwin (sales) .uk-WY
R. Howard Courtney (Dubai, Indian Postal Stationery EFOs)
- R. Karassek -
@ (Worldwide), .de
- Zum Witthage 8, 28870 Ottersberg - Fax: 0049-4293-783068
- Old URL
- R. Knaus - StampCat donationware
- R. Krenz - Stamp.de - See: Karenz
- R. Mustacich (sales: Battleship revenues)
- R. Pegeot, .fr
- R.O. Strads, .uk-BU
- Radomir Danenberger -
Internet Philatelistic Shop (Czechoslavakia, auctions) .cz
- /english/Auction.htm
Internet Philatelic Shop - Radomir Danenberger, .cz
- .cz/INDEX_E.html
Ragnar Hanson, .se
- Rainer Fuchs -
Rainer's Stamp Corner
(Philately: Tibet, Columbia, Peru,
Russia and Iran) .de
Rainer Reimund, .de (ATM)
Rainer Schweder, .de
- Ralf U. Göttelmann - Director :
Philatelie.fr (France) [FR, EN] (directory, advertising, sales)
- Ralph Greenhut -
MCXI Philatelics (ww) .us-
- Ralf Krenz - Stamp.de/Phildirekt - See: Karenz
- Ralph Leighton - the
Robert P. Feynman Stamp Campaign
- Box 182, Belvedere, CA 94920 USA
- '.. a critical step' in an organized effort
to persuade the U.S. Postal Service to issue a postage
stamp to commemorate Richard Feynman.
- 'Feynman collectibles' Ref.: Dealers Index :
Tuva Trader, The
Ralph Schneider (German and Austrian Areas) .us-
- Randy Neil - Neil Creative Media (Website Design, Hosting & Ad Agency)
- Past Pres. of the APS ...
Raphael Cournault (french postmarks & cancellations) .fr
- Rastsislau Permiakou and Mikhas Karpovich -
Belarussian International Stamp Co. , .by)
- (CIS: .ru & reps, Baltic States)
- Cite: Entities : Notes on the
Former Soviet Union
- Ray Graham -
Quality Company, The (Irish Postage Stamps
and Framed Postal Art) .ie
- Ray and Jeanne Pascale, Raymond Marriott -
Archer Collection Auctions, The - .ca__ n/a 8/2001
- (WW; online in 'Sept.')
- Ray and Pam Penhey -
P. Penhey & Associates
(sales: Br C'wealth)
.uk-SU(?) n/a 9/1
- Ray Smith (Canada, US Plate Blocks, ChanneI Isls, Europe) .ca-
- (casino chips, baseball, ww)
- http://www.escape.ca/~rsmith/ ; 'Not Found' 11/1
- Raymond Goebel, Dr. (Expertization: pre philately - 1900
France and Colonies)
- Raymond W. Kerstetter - Luray-Belmont Co. (ex-USSR, .yu)
.us-VA 22303
- Raymond E. Petersen - Connecticut Cinderellas -
(WW; incl. Revenues)
.us-CT 06127
- Ref.: vars?
- Raymond Weare, .za
Reanie Stamp Page (Disney)
- Rebecca Holdridge, Terry & -
Iowa Stamps & Coins (US, supplies) .us-
- Reg & Helen McGiffin - A to Z Stamp Shop (Canada, GB)
- Régis Patinet -
Courrier d'Autrefois, .fr
- Reid Eisenhauer -
Acadia Stamps (sales) .ca-
Acadia Stamps - alt/old URL; ck
- Rein B. Van Den Brink, @
Stamp Printing and Production {Alt. URL} [EN, NL]
, .nl
- Cite: Glossary : Bibliography : See Also:
- aka: "Druktechnische Filatelie / Postage Stamp production methods"
- Reinhard Hofrichter (Expertization : WW2 Geerman Airmail)
Reinhold Lovenich, .de (ww)
- Rémy Berra-Gautschy (Expertization) .ch
- Renato Fiorencis -
Crostamp, Croatia
- covering: Croatia, Slovenija, Bosna i Hercegovina,
Italy, France, Yugoslavia
- geocities.com/crostamp ; '404' c.200910
- René Demuth (Expert: .lu) .lu
- Rene Hillesum - Sheraton and Peel (public auctins)
.nl rev
- Rene Simmermacher (Expertizatioon:
Reto Ambrosini (Switzerland, Space)
Rhea Melanson's Stamp Pages (Domestic
stamp identifier)
Ric...: Ricardo - Richard - Rick (seperate page)
'Rob' or 'Robert' - See Also: 'Bob'
or 'Robin'
- Rob Faux -
The Faux's Den .us-
- Rob Follett - Emerald City Stamps (Br. W. Indies)
- Rob (Robert B) Jenson (ww, author)
- Rob Leigh -
Balloon Mail, .us-
- Rob Smit - Postbleed (Topicals, new issues, WW)
Rob Van Opstal (Netherlands)
Rob & Titia Vlaardingebroek
- .nl
- a.
Titia and Rob's Stampcorner [EN]
- features: Stamps designed by H.H. Kamerlingh Onnes
- b. NFVSkandinavie (Dutch Philatelic
Association Scandinavia) [EN, NL]
- Rob van de Weghe -
Stamps on the Web.com [DU, EN]
(Netherlands & Colonies, Canada & Prov.; PayPal) .us-WA
- Robert E. Barker (sales) .us-GA
- Robert van Beeber - Glendale Coin & Stamp (ww)
.us-CA-la #
- Robert Brunel (Expertization: WW2 Ger. Occ.: Albania)
- Robert Danzig (sales) .uk-IW
Robert P. Feynman Stamp Campaign - Ralph Leighton,
- Box 182, Belvedere, CA 94920 USA
- '.. a critical step' in an organized effort
to persuade the U.S. Postal Service to issue a postage
stamp to commemorate Richard Feynman.
- Ref.: Dealers Index :
Tuva Trader, The
- Robert Françon (Expertization) .fr
Robert Grant (Stamps, Collectibles - No Dealers) .ca-
- Robert Herman (WWF album pgs), .us-FL 32134
- Cite: Topicals : Fauna : WWF
- Robert W. Lyman (Expert: BNA, .nz)
- Robert Margulski - Dinosaurs on Stamps
- Cite : Topicals : Fauna :
- Robert Murray (sales, resources)
- Robert P. Odenweller (Expertization)
- Robert Paratore,
Auction Essentials 4u (free Auction Info & Tools; not just philatelic)
- Cite: HomePage/'Table of Contents',
- Cite: Topical Index : Auctions
- Robert Schaps
- Robert Stokes (approvals; free offer)
.us-OH 43055
- Robert Williamson - The Stamp Album
(Asia, Australasia .. Postal Bid Sales)
.au-VIC 3149
- Robert J.B. Wilson
[URL] (India, Hong Kong)
Paquebot Cancellations {ship markings}
Roberto Cassano (cancels)
- and - Chess on Stamps
(Cite: Sports & Games)
- Roberto Rosende, Dr. (Expertization:
Robin - See Also: Rob
- Robin David Gwynn, Dr. (Expertization: NZ, wreck mail)
- Cite: Topical Dir. : Transportation :
See Also
- Robin Harris -
Adminware Corporation (Canada), .ca-
- ck filename
- Robin Linke (sales: S. Pacific, auctions)
.au-WA 6014
Rod K.Smyczek, .us-TX - Rod 's Briefmarken Zeitung (EN)
- Articles & Stamp News; in English
- Articles cover a wide varitety of philately - esp.: Germany
Roger A. Barton (Military Postal History)
- Roger Calves (Expertization)
- Roger Pearce - StampLink.com
- Cite: Gen. Links:
Resources (directory)
- > Pearce & Assoc: (financial consulting & accounting services),
- > Site sub-specialty: .nz directory: xRef.:
- Roger Callan -
Great Britain 1967-77 First Day Covers
(incl. PHQ's, Postcards, Postal Stationery) .uk-
- what a PHQ?
- Roger Martin -
OZ Stamp (resources) .au-
- Cite: Australia Dealers :
Victoria (re: APTA want list svc)
Roger's Stamps Page (fine used thematics)
- Roger-Louis Loeuillet (Expertization)
- Roland Austin, @
- Chr.: 1954 Liberty Series
Study Committee
- Cite: Authors : Index
- Roland Daebel
(Expertization: .is, The Iceland Pages) .DE
- Roland Klinger,
@ (US Flag over Porch stamps)
- Roland Meiners (Expertization: German Southwest Africa)
- Roland Novak (Expertization: .de: Am. & Br. zones Michel 73-100)
- Rolf Haspel (Expertization)
- Rolf Frieder Müller (Expertization: WW II : fieldpost, Michel 1-12, 14-15, 17)
- Rolf Tworek (Expertization: 1916-1945)
- Rolf-Dieter Jaretzky (Expertization)
- Roman Aliev (CIS)
- http://members.xoom.com/cis_stamps/ ; '404'
- Ron (Ronald C.) Alfin - Alfin's Philatelic Connection
(ww, approvals, Disney) .us-NY
- Ron Bosbyshell -
Hologram Stamps
Ron Herscheit (Sweden, norway, Denmark, Iceland) .nl
- filasoft.nl/
- Ron Johnson (sales)
Ron Herscheit (Sweden, norway, Denmark, Iceland) .nl
Ron Rice
[PWO], .us-__
India's Princely States Report [EN]
- Ron and Eunice Shanahan (.au)
- members.xoom.com/leisurewrite/xmpage.html ; '404' a/o 9/1
- Ron Stolk (aka: "Stampman") - N & J Stamps (auctions, supplies)
.au-WA 6965
- Ronald C. Griffith - The Stamp Tree,
(U.S. Approvals, U.S. Mint and Used) .us-WA ; e-mail only!
- Ronald Janasch,
@ -
Deutscher Philatelie Service GmbH [GR]
(Americana, Norman Rockwell, history, military, sports) .de
- Ronald E. Maifeld
- Plate Number Coil Collectors Club
- Ronald F. Steuer (Expertization:
- Rosania R. Soares -
Golden Replicas Dot Com (sales) .us-
- Cite: Dealers Topical Index:
- Rose and Tom Wiley -
Gateway Stamp Company (sales) .us-
Rosemarie Greuel (Asia) .de
- Claudia (or Rosemarie) Greuel -
Briefmarkenversand Rosemarie Greuel
(WW thematics, covers, postcards) .de
- [
Alt URL] (Asia) .de
- Russ Romei -
Stamp Fair.com (Supplies, kiloware, auctions) .us-
- Ross A. Towle (WESTPEX show, FIP P/S Comm. CCC SF CA), .us-CA
- Ross J Smith, Dr ( STS-51L Memorial Home Page )
- Cite: Space
- Rowan S. Baker (Covent Garden Stamp Shop)
- Roy Hamilton-Bowen (Expertization)
- Roy & Debbie Lingen - Pennies per Stamp Approvals :
aka/See: Lingen's Postal History,
- Roy E. Mooney - REM (the REM 7/1/71 Catalog)
- Roy Simpson, (GB Machins sales and resources)
.uk-WM B45 ODN
Roy Weber
- Rudy Roy (Auction Agent)
.us-VA 23455
- Ruggero Benussi (Expert: .yu)
- Ruth or Alfredo Marcus
- Ruud van Capelleveen - Absolute Figures
(accounting services, software, web design)
- Publishes Filahome Internet Magazine
Ryan Woosley (US)
Table of Contents
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