Snail Crossword Puzzle


1. invertebrates which have soft bodies and usually have a shell 

2. the respiratory organ of the garden snail 

6. an animal having both male and female reproductive organs 

8. to pass the winter in an inactive state 

11. a tongue with tiny, sharply pointed teeth that is used to scrape of small pieces of food 


1. a tissue of living cells that lines the shell opening of the snail and produces shell material 

3. a substance used by snails to make their shell 

4. a mollusk with one shell 

5. the part of the snail's body that sticks out of the shell 

7. long, finger-like knobs extending from the head of the snail carrying eyes and other sense organs 

9. one of the spiral turns in a snail's shell 

10. the bottom of a snail's foot


mollusks     lungs     tentacles     gastropod     calcium     sole

foot     hibernate     radula     hermaphrodite    mantle    whorl

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