Sci-Fi                             Taking your mind to the limits!

©2002 ßen ßryan

          What could possibly expand your imagination? What can take you to far away places? Science Fiction of course! If you read or watch a lot of science fiction you know what I'm talking about. And even if you don't, just imagine stories of far away places. Star Trek, Star Wars, Enterprise, they are all Science Fiction shows. Almost everyone has heard of those shows. This site is dedicated to the fans of Sci-Fi.

         There are many shows that deal with Sci-Fi. My personal favorite show is Stargate Sg-1. The link below gives more information on the show. Another show that I like is The Outer Limits, but I don't know much about the show because it is different from other shows. It is a series of unrelated episodes unlike Stargate. My favorite movie is Lord of the Rings, but I don't know if it is really Science Fiction. I will have a link about Lord of the Rings later, but I need to get more information about it.


Stargate Sg-1        

Flash Things Link

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