Recipies from the couldron.
This section {allthough it says recipies} is not for food.
It is for incense and oils.
Please be very cautious in how you perpare them.
Mistakes can and will be very dangerous.

Disclaimer:...Spellcrafting Via Welkin carries
no responsability for miscellany or miscalculations.

Making Incense

The process of making herbal incense without the use of salt peter, or even charcoal is actually quite easy. Perhaps the easiest way is by using a binder commonly called Makko. Makko not only serves as a water soluble binder, but as a burning agent as well. Makko is a natural tree bark from an evergreen tree and contains no synthetic chemicals, charcoal, or salt peter. To make incense, simply mix the desired ingredients, in powdered form, with makko and add some warm water. Knead the incense-dough thoroughly and form into cones or sticks and let dry at room temperature for about twenty-four hours. Sandalwood is common to almost every incense formula, and serves as a wonderful base aroma as well as a burning agent of it's own right. If you were making an incense of sandalwood alone, the amount of makko required may be a little as 10%. However, resins like Frankincense are more difficult to burn and must be used in much lower percentages to burning agents such as sandalwood or makko. Otherwise, your incense won't burn properly and may me too smokey or keep going out.

The following are recipies for different types of incense:

Recipe for Cone Incense...
Mix together:
2 parts Makko
1 part Sandalwood powder
1 part Cassia powder
1/2 part Clove powder
Add a little warm water and knead dough completely.
Form in small incense cones.
Dry at room temperature for 24 hours.

Imbolic Incense
3 Parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1/2 Part Red Sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
few drops red wine
To this mixture, add a pinch of the first flower (dry it first)
that is available in your area around the time of Imbolc.

Spring sabatt incense
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Benzoin
1 part Cinnamon
a few drops Patchouli oil
Burn during spring and summer Sabbat rituals

Ostara Incense
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Benzoin
1 Part Dragon's Blood
1/2 Part Nutmeg
1/2 part Violet flowers (or few drops violet oil)
1/2 Part Orange peel
1/2 Part Rose petals
Burn during Ostara rituals

Midsummer Incense
1/2 part Sage oil
1/2 part Pennyroyal oil
Mix well and bottle.

Fall sabbatt incence
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Rosemary
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
Burn during fall and winter Sabbat rituals.

Mabon incence
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Cypress
1 Part Juniper
1 Part Pine
1/2 Part Oakmoss (or few drops of Oakmoss Bouquet)
1 Pinch Pulverized oak leaf
Burn during Mabon rituals

Full moon ritual incence
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Gardenia petals
1/4 part Rose petals
a few drops Ambergris oil
Burn during Esbats or simply at the time of the
Full Moon to attune with the Goddess.

Making Oils

Most practitioners of healing spirituality use oils, often as a magical tool. Preparation of oils is an individual experience.

Now to make the oils, but remember, this is how i do it.
It is not the only way.

It takes 9 days to make an oil.
You will need, some small jars with tight fitting lids or cork tops, leaves and petals from the herbs of your choice, cheese cloth, pure olive oil, and a tiny holed net strainer (paper coffee filters work well also).

Fill a jar with the leaves and petals of the herbs you want to make the oil from. Pour the olive oil over them, just enough to cover them. close the jar tightly and place in a warm spot out of the sun. Let them sit for 3 days. Shake the jar every day, on the third day, strain the oil into clean glass. Place some fresh herbs (the same kind as you did the first time) back into the jar and pour the oil back into the jar.
Do this procedure 3 times.

On the 9th day, pour the oils through the cheese cloth into a clean dark jar and close tightly. If you choose to use crystals and/or stones to enhance the power of your oil, put them into the bottle after the oil is finished. Now set the jar in a place where the light of the full moon can shine on it. let it sit there overnight.
You may want to do some kind of blessing for you new oil to serve you for your porpose of use.

Wahla~~~You have just made your own oil from scratch.

The following are a quick guide for those interested in making their own oils for ritual and magic.

Rites of Passage Oil - for rituals of naming, menstruation/manhood, hand-fasting and parting. Use thyme for courage and lavender for peace. Incorporate a tiger�s eye stone if possible.

Consecration Oil - for consecrating tools, altar, new items. Use clover or cinquefoil for protection, ginger for power, yarrow for psychic power. Add a smokey quartz to cleanse negativity.

Anointing Oil - for entering the Circle and at naming ceremonies. Use cinnamon and sandalwood to strengthen spirituality. Choose an herb for protection that suits the use. Namings would use a stronger protection for the child or adult being named, whereas entrance to a circle or ritual area is protection of the entire area as a whole. Pick your herbs according to the situation.

Divination Oil - for scrying and readings. Use dandelion or fig for divination. Add obsidian for scrying purposes.

The following are some recipies for different types of oils.

Full moon oil
13 drops of sandalwood essential oil
9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract
3 drops of jasmine essential oil
1 drop of rose essential oil
Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon. Use to annoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moon's energy.

Another full moon oil
3 drops Sandalwood oil
2 drop Lemon oil
1 drop Rose oil
Mix well and bottle.

Ostara oil
4 drops frankincense oil
2 drop benzoil oil
2 drop dragon's blood
1 drop nutmeg oil
1 drop violet oil
1 drop orange oil
1 drop rose oil
Mix well and bottle.

Beltane oil
1 drop Sage oil
1 drop Pennyroyal oil
Mix well and bottle.

Samhain oil
2 drop Pine Oil
1 drop Frankincense oil
1 drop Patchouli oil
1 drop Lavendar oil
Mix well and bottle.

Candlemas oil
2 drop Pine oil
1 drop lavendar oil
20 drops of Cinnamon oil
1 drop Sandalwood oil
1 drop Frankincense oil
1 drop Myrrh oil
Mix well and bottle.

I will be adding more recipies for incense and oils
as soon as i get them typed up.
My Grimoire is very unorganized.

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