Welcome to my poems page.
I hope you like them and if you have any you would like to
be place here for all to see. Please feel free to e-mail them
to me and i will post them here. But please, if they are
not of your own creation, at least give me the name of the
person that did write it so i can list their name for the credit.
A Silent Cry

You spend your days working and the nights you haven't slept,
for the pillow that you held, hold the tears that you wept
and your nerves are all tangled like a fish in a net.
But is there anyone who knows how you feel.

As you lay awake in bed
with the thoughts running through your head
of the children and the man in your life,
with every breath that you breathe,
there are the faces that you see,
as a child reaches out
with arms that say "I need".
But is there anyone who knows how you feel.

There is a silent cry,
no one hears,
the trouble and the fears,
as the tears from your heart begin to fall.
There is a time in your life,
when you think that you might,
loose it all.
But is there anyone who knows how you feel.

In the middle of the night,
when no one is around,
you sit on your knees and you pray,
Dear God do you know
I am loosing my soul
and the hurt that I feel
I can not bare.

But is there anyone....who really cares....

This poem is of my own creation,
I do not give anyone the right to use it,
So please do not copy it.
A Silent Cry has been copyrighted and is
published in the National Book of Poetry.

The Beauty in the Elements

Earth as in we and spirits roam.
Air that we breathe of every living soul.
Fire that keeps warm and sends the
delight of heat through the body.

Water that flows down the
hill topped mountains.

This poem was written by a beautiful little girl,
Her name is Jordan Liegh Troxell, she is only 11,
but by what you see here, she is an inspiring writer.
Through the twisting turning path I go
Searching for the spirit I used to know
The longer I search the more desolate I feel
Will I ever make it back to the light up on the hill
I vaguely feel the love of those I am searching for
But even they, with all their love, cannot show me the door
Tears come as I search for a sign on the path
I wonder what brought me to this place filled with wrath
I am love and light I say
Have I somehow gone astray
The scent of friends and loved ones I no longer smell
I wonder if maybe I've lost my footing on the path where scent does dwell
Deeper and deeper I go into myself
Searching for things mislaid, probably upon a dusty shelf
Bits and pieces of myself I share
Things within and without scattered here and there
Darkness comes yet again
With it no scent to tell me who is shielded within
Does the being come with love and light
Hopefully this answer I will find tonite.

This poem was written by a wonderful person to which i call, my spiritual sister. One day, we might actually meet face to face.

.With love and light, as we live within our right.
With harm toward none, our magick has begun.
With the Gods and the Goddesses living in our heart,
to all adhere, Merry meet and Merry Part.
Brightest Blessings to you all.

Yes, little ole me wrote this one too.

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