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Cartoon Network Interactive

Chunky Puffs! YUM! YUM! YUM!

Jamin' Wit The Doc!

Ed, Edd n Eddy


December 3, 2015

  JXP: What made you decide to create The Dr. Demento Show?

   DR: It started in 1970 as a rare rock oldies show, and people began requesting funnysongs from the 1950s-60s like “Purple People Eater” and “They’re Coming To Take Me Away.” The more of those I played, the more popular the show got.



  JXP: Which radio station was the show available in the past?

   DR: Hundreds of them.  The show started on KPPC in Pasadena, CA.


  JXP: You were the reason that Stan Freberg (RIP), Weird Al Yankovic, Luke Ski and TV's Kyle A Carrozza made it to the big leagues. What was the first song that each of them gave to you?

   DR: Freberg was big long before I came along; I heard his records when I was a kid.  Weird Al’s first was “Belvedere Cruising.”  Kyle sent me a cassette with a dozen or so songs on it, when he was 15 or 16 or so, and “Bob From Accounting” was the one I chose to play.



  JXP: Throughout your career, what was your favorite song?

   DR: Fairly impossible question. I can tell you “Fish Heads” is the most requested song ever.


  JXP: Do you make songs yourself or play any weird instruments?

   DR: I make up verses to “Shaving Cream.”


  JXP: Any advice for a singer like me?

   DR: Sing for as many people as you can, or play your tapes/soundfiles for them, so you can get a feel for what people like best.


  JXP: What is your favorite music genre?

   DR: I enjoy a huge variety of music. 


  JXP: What were your influences on the show?

   DR:  I pretty much developed it on my own, with lots of input from my listeners.  The most influential DJ on my career has been Steven Segal, aka “The Obscene Steven Clean,” who worked with me at KPPC.   We’re working on a documentary on my career, and hopefully that will answer all your questions.


  JXP: Can I have your autograph?

   DR: Send a SASE to Dr Demento, PO Box 884, Culver City, CA 90232.

I know I said only cartoonists and voice actors for this, but CMON. In my defense, this is DR. DEMENTO, the man who brought Weird AL Yankovic, the great Luke Ski, TV's Kyle, Spike Jones and others in their field. Another inspiration for my music. I got a hold of him on his show, requested a song made by TV's Kyle, one of his firsts entitled Bob from Accounting (which can be found here), to be played (i hope) in January and he answered a few questions of mine. So folks, if you listen to the show, and you hear someone by the name of Louie Candel, IT'S ME!!!