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Cartoon Network Interactive

Chunky Puffs! YUM! YUM! YUM!

A Brief Exchange
With Donovan Cook

Ed, Edd n Eddy


Second interview with 2SD creator, Donovan Cook.

February 27, 2014

JXP: Secret is not what he was in the 60s; nor was Morocco. Secret was more of a suave spy and he did not have his lisp. His bunglingness moved to Morocco. And Morocco is childish. Why is that?
   DC: Our goal wasn't to copy or imitate the original series but rather to be inspired by it to make something that was new and unique while still honoring a connection to the original. Paul Rudish and I did most of the original redevelopment work and we simply focused on things that we thought would be funny and fun to watch.


JXP: Why is that? What was it like or how was it working with Craig McCracken, David Feiss or if Genndy Tartakovsky was involved?
   DC: Craig was amazing as you would expect. Back then we were all just kids (early 20's) so it was all about long hours, trying new things, testing ideas and trying to live up to our heroes. Craig was fun to work with and always full of genuinely unique ideas.


David Feiss is a tremendous cartoonist. We didn't work that closely. He did a couple storyboards from his home. In fact I don't think I ever actually met David in person.


Genndy was very involved in the first season of 2SD and Secret Squirrel. He did a couple storyboards then because of his tremendous skill in animation direction I switched him over to that kind of work. Genndy reviewed and improved the animation and layout work on literally every episode of 2SD in that first season. After season 1, Genndy sold Dexters to HB/Cartoon Net and only came back on Season 2 to direct one episode of 2SD, "Jerk" which is a great one.


JXP: How and/or why did you get comedian Mark Schieff as the little dog.
   DC: I saw Mark's stand up act on TV back when I was developing the show and instantly tagged him as the voice and energy of the Little Dog.



JXP: For Kenny (the boy), did an actual child actor voice him? If so, who and how did you get him?
   DC: The voice of Kenny was perfumed by a kid actor, (I can't recall his name right now). We found him through the traditional method - the HB casting department brought in many kid actors to audition. I listened to them all, picked a handful of favorites, shared those with the crew, got feedback then chose the kid we used. He was a good little actor - fun to work with.



JXP: Whos your favorite voiceover actor?
   DC: Favorite voice actor? Hard to pick one absolute favorite. I'm still very fond of Brad Garrett but he's more of an on camera actor who also does vo work. I'm a big fan of Tom Kenny, Tress McNeal, April Winchell, Rob Paulson and Jeff Bennett. Also really like working with Maurice LaMarch, Russi Taylor, Mark Hamill, Bill Farmer and Tony Anselmo.



JXP: What cartoon was your main inspiration for this kind of stuff
   DC: Flintstones. Chuck & Tex. Ward Kimball.



JXP: How long does it take to produce a 7-minute 2SD episode and a 7-minute SS episode?
   DC: If you were to sit down by yourself or with a small team to make just one 7 minute cartoon - from brainstorming the concept through finished cartoon -- minimum 3 or 4 months (but that is with everyone working very hard and fast). Within the context of producing an entire series, it takes anywhere from 6 or 7 months on up to a year to go from beginning to end.


JXP: How come you stopped making SS episodes in the 2nd season and only made one new 2SD short per 2nd season episode?
   DC: While the audience liked the Secret Squirrel cartoons, the feedback we got was that they found it confusing to go 2SD-SS-2SD. People actually got confused and thought it was a different show or that the channel had accidentally been changed. It was the HB/Turner execs who made the final decision not to make any more SS cartoons.


JXP: Were you involved in the CN bumpers at the time it aired on Cartoon Network?
   DC: Correct, I do not have easy access to any of the 2SD or SS music trax.


JXP: I'm planning on bringing Secret Squirrel back in my cartoon show because of your show. What are your thoughts on that? And BTW; Animaniacs premiered at the same month at the same year as your show. Just 8 days later.
   DC: Bringing back SS again would be fun - make it great. (Be sure you get permission from Warner Bros or be ready to hear from them.)


JXP: Do any of your projects have at least a similar design, art style or animation to 2 Stupid Dogs? Just wondering.
   DC: Most of my projects right now are features so they don't really look like 2SD.


JXP: What were the first episodes of 2SD and SS you made?
   DC: If I recall, the first 2SD cartoon we made was… "At The Drive In" The first SS was essentially our pilot which was, "Goldflipper" (trivia, initially storyboarded by me but I didn't finish it so Rob Renzetti took it over and finished it.)


JXP: Any hidden sexual innudo like Ren and Stimpy? Any naughty jokes or anything like that?
   DC: Hidden sexual innuendo? Yes. No. Maybe. You decide.


JXP: Who is Hollywood [aint that cute but its wrong guy] based on and how was he created?
   DC: Who is Hollywood? Oh if I had $1 for every time I was asked this question -- I could buy a really expensive lunch at the Smoke House across the street from Warner Bros. Hollywood was inspired by a neighbor I had for a week or so while shooting a short film at a beach house in San Diego. See if you can find him in the background of the film… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRD2ZmOvAqQ&list=UUeU-4CGaOiW5sULiY5XGdTw&feature=share&index=3


JXP: Why did it end; how did it get canceled? it was such a wonderful show.
   DC: Why did it end? Why indeed? It ended because the fan base while brilliant and loyal was not quite big enough. The studio wasn't making enough money off our Stupid little friends.


JXP: Why did the second season of 2SD look more Ren and Stimpy-ish?
   DC: The 2nd season of 2SD looked looser, (more "Ren and Stimpy-ish") for two reasons: Craig McCracken moved on to start making PowerPuff Girls so I had a new design staff. Also, because I was trying to teach myself how to make cartoons on season 1, I had a lot of ridged rules about how we could and couldn't do things. EVERYTHING had to be very flat and limited. When we got into season 2, I had learned a lot and felt more confident to loosen things up a bit.