From the Plainfield Daily Press of October 3, 1898


Will Make Its Initial Trip to South Plainfield Tomorrow from Rowley�s Drug Store.

The tally-ho coach that is to run between this city and South Plainfield in connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad train service, has arrived, and the initial trip will be made from Frank Rowley�s drug store, where the ticket office is located, at 12 o�clock noon, and the coach will carry officials of the road and prominent people of this city. The coach will meet the �Black Diamond� express, after which the party will return to this city and dine at the Kensington Hotel.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has issued a neat circular informing the public that a city ticket office has been established at Frank Rowley�s drug store, 218 West Front street, and that Mr. Rowley is the appointed ticket agent. At this place through tickets can be purchased to Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and all other points west.

In connection with this office an up-to-date stage line will be operated by Messrs. Ten Eyck & Harris, connecting with through express trains at South Plainfield. The trains that will be met going east are Nos. 6, 8, 12, 4 and 10, while connection will be made with westbound trains Nos. 1, 9, 3, 7 and 5. Nos. 9 and 12 are the �Black Diamond� express. The stage route will be from the city ticket office, via Park avenue to Ninth street to Central avenue, to Stelle avenue, to Plainfield avenue, thence to Lehigh Valley Railroad station, South Plainfield. For the convenience of the public, the city office will maintain a telephone; and orders for parlor or sleeping car accommodations, or baggage transfer to the station, will receive prompt attention. Telephone number is 122-B.

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