The SWL Award

The SWL Award is awarded to websites that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The website presents scientific research results about spanking as a parenting tool
  2. The website presents a balanced view of the possible benefits as well as the possible dangers of spanking children
  3. The website provides help and advice for parents on safe, nonabusive spanking
  4. The website provides help and advice for children or teenagers who have an issue with being spanked or not being spanked
The following criteria disqualify a website from receiving the SWL Award:
  1. The website does not discuss spanking as a parenting tool
  2. The website presents an unbalanced view of spanking (i.e. either only positive or only negative aspects)
  3. The website is inappropriate for minors or contains offensive language
  4. The website is not freely available to anyone (e.g. requires membership)

The SWL Award was created in December 2003. Winners of the SWL Award are entitled to place the SWL Award icon on their website. They will receive a link from this page, including a short description of their site and a linked banner (up to 468x60 pixels) if desired. Webmasters can apply for the SWL Award by sending an email with their site's URL to [email protected]. It is also possible to suggest a website that is not your own if you can provide an email address to contact the site's owner or webmaster.

Winners of the SWL Award

  • none so far!

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Last update: Dec-08-2003

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