
Here is a brief summary of this website's recommendations on spanking:


Don't use punishment without first setting up clear and agreeable rules.
Don't use spanking for minor offenses.
Don't spank without adequately explaining why, in each case.
Don't use spanking implements that are too severe.
Don't use uncomfortable, unsafe or degrading spanking positions.
Don't increase the severity if spanking does not seem to work.
Don't give further punishments in addition to the spanking, such as withholding affection.


Set up clear rules and be consistent.
Talk with your child calmly about the incident before you give the spanking.
Make sure your child understands the necessity of the punishment and accepts it.
Give spankings only in privacy.
Give spankings only on the buttocks with your flat open hand.
Use a comfortable and safe spanking position, such as "over the lap".
Choose the severity of the spanking to match the offense and the child.
Reassure your child by showing your love and affection afterwards.

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Last update: Sep-17-2001
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