Reader's feedback, Jun 2002

Here are some letters from readers of this website, the newest letters on top. All e-mail addresses and names have been anonymized to protect the sender's privacy. Brackets in red (...) indicate deleted portions.

Some people explicitly request to publish their e-mails unanonymized to allow other readers to send them feedback. If you want to send a personal reply to these people, send it to the email address found in the header of their mail, not to [email protected].

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: I am a Christian Mentor
Date:    Sat, 29 Jun 2002

I read through your wonderful letters and thought I would write you one of my own. I am a Christian mentor for young men in the Joplin Missouri area. I discipline college age guys to make them be the Godly men they should be! I discipline in the most traditional of ways bare bottom over my knee, with my hand or wooden paddle. After every spanking there is a prayer and a hug for the boy who has just learned his lesson. I would be very happy for you post my email and let anyone who is interested feel free to write me and get in touch. All that I do is Bible base and centered on the Word of God. I have helped such wonderful young lives I want to help as many more as I can. I am a proud mentor to any young guy who asks!

(Note: E-Mail address deleted on request in May 2006)

God Bless! Joshua Braun

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: New Position..
Date:    Fri, 28 Jun 2002



The child is simply grabbed around the waist and placed over the parent's left shoulder face down. The parent can be standing or kneeling.

The parent should hold the child around the legs below the knees to stop the child from kicking.

Only use this position for one or two spanks, as it can be uncomfortable for the child.

This position is only for toddlers (aged 3 to 5) years.

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: Placing an uncooperative child into over-the-lap position
Date:    Sun, 16 Jun 2002

If the child won't lie across your lap on a bed or couch, try this. Right-handedness is assumed. If left-handed, replace left with right, and vice versa.

Find an armless chair which, when you sit in it, your thigh is above the child's knee, ideally at about the middle of the child's thighs. Take the child's left wrist in your right hand and take him to your selected chair. Sit down, with the child on your right side. For this to work, you MUST spread your knees. The child's weight will be supported on your lap, and by spreading your knees, you gain stability. Transfer the child's wrist to your left hand and pull him over your lap. Pull him to your left, and lean, if you must. The child has to lean forward against your right thigh, and once you've pulled his center of gravity has moved past your thigh, he will "trip" over your right thigh and instinctively will catch himself with his right hand on your left thigh. He will now be lying across your lap, with his feet off the floor. Now, use your left hand to hold his upper body. The right hand, of course, is occupied with the now positioned bottom.

It is always preferable to get the child to cooperate, but if the spanking is necessary and he won't accept it, try this.


Send your feedback to [email protected]
Last update: May-07-2006

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