Reader's feedback, Feb 2001

Here are some letters from readers of this website, the newest letters on top. All e-mail addresses and names have been anonymized to protect the sender's privacy. Brackets in red (...) indicate deleted portions.

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: comment to the site
Date:    Mon, 26 Feb 2001

You would think that if one could put so much thought into causing physical pain to another individual as punishment that they could take all that time and effort towards a non-painfull punishment out of love. If someone loves someone else, they shouldn't have to think about whether causing them pain "for their good" is the right thing to do or not, they should know that it's not the loving thing to do. Even if the child is completely out of control in their oppinion, they can get help if they can't do it themselves. There should not be a site on the internet giving directions on how to hit somebody.

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: a little story
Date:    Thu, 22 Feb 2001

i found your site very interesting. i am the mother of nine children, and they can get a little out of hand. we use the three strike rule in our house, first strike, a time out and maybe loss of privilege, second strike, a time out and loss of privilege, third strike, time out and loss of more privileges also a final warning is given, that the next misbehavior will be followed by a spanking.

we use a lot of your suggestions. once a child has earned a spanking, they are sent straight to their room, because there is nine kids, they share rooms, so any other children are asked to leave the room, and then both me (or my husband) and the child have a cool out, until we are calm, then i go upstairs and we talk, the child is explained that he or her has done something wrong, i always tell the child that they are loved, and that the only reason that they are getting the spanking is because i love them.

as far as being bare bottom, i pull down both pants and underpants, to the ankle, that way they can't squirm around, i usually administer 1 spank per year of age, (i.e.: 10 years old, 10 spankings) i usually use 2 positions, either over the lap, or the child stands in front of me (sitting down) and faces the wall, (perpendicular) the only other position, used only when a child refuses to comply with a bedtime rule, is the "diaper position" which usually is a less severe spanking, due to the fact that brothers, or sisters may be in the room, but all my spankings are done with a hand.

thank you

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)
Date:    Sat, 17 Feb 2001

Thank you so much for your site on spanking. It is so good to have somebody dealing with an issue that really has no need for explanation.

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: Another spanking Implement.
Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001

I was often spanked with a spatula by my Aunt. My panties were pulled down as well. I felt that it was quite effective. It left me with a sore bottom and even my kids are spanked with it once in a while now.

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: C... in Scotland
Date:    Sat, 3 Feb 2001

We have three boys ages 11, 9 and 6. My wife and I do not believe in grounding or any kind of deprivation. Rather we have always agreed that smacking is the best way to discipline our children. As the father I smack - always with a flat and open hand on bare bottom. I use the legs-up/diaper position when I spank (to have eye contact). I am obviously careful NOT to accidentally hit any of the boy's genitals. Recently though my oldest boy has started to protest he is too old for spanking and have me take his trousers down in prepartion. Please e-mail with any suggestions to make my son more co-operative. He has been told he shall be spanked for misbehavour for some years yet. However, I have to find a way to allow me take his trousers down without the present struggle.

Thanks and regards

From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: Feedback on site
Date:    Thu, 1 Feb 2001

I just wanted to tell you how appalling and sadistic I found your site. There is no right or loving way to hurt a child. Children are people and deserve the same respect that is given to others. For instance, when a child hits another child he/she is called a bully, when aspouse hits his/her spouse they are charged with domestic abuse, and when an adult hits another adult they are charged with assault. From this pattern one can see that as a society we do not condone hitting, however, it is perfectly ok to strike, beat and "lovingly spank" children. I am not sure why there is a double standard in this situation. Spanking a child does not teach them how to behave correctly it only teaches them to fear people that are bigger and stronger than they are. By using violence to deal with the problem of misbehavior you are not teaching them how to problem solve in the real world. When your child grows up and has to deal with real people and real problems he cannot use violence to solve his problems. Discipline means, "training that develop self control and character." This means teaching the child how he/she could have better handled the situation. For example if a child hits another child the parent should calmly discuss with the child how he felt and the reason that he hit whomever, then discuss how that made the person feel; and finally what they could have done differently. By treating children with respect and allowing them to voice their opinions and feelings you are "training" them to be productive members of society that are armed with good communication skills. I am 17 years old and have never been hit in my life. I am an honors student, a brown belt in karate, and a very well rounded human being. The reason that I am this way is because both of my parents treated me with respect and not like a "thing." Respect is a two way street. If you expect respect you must first give it. The fact that we expect children to respect people that purposely harm them is ridiculous. Once again it appalls me that there are sites out there that instruct parents on the "right" way to hurt their children. You people are all sick and need help!!


From:    [email protected]
To:      [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)
Date:    Thu, 1 Feb 2001


i was spanked by my mom and it helped me

spanking is taken the wrong way

i wish i could still get spanked for misdeeds


Send your feedback to [email protected]
Last update: May-03-2001

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