Here are some rules I assume for Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game :
NPCs' Skills
The way Skills are used by PCs are clear, but what about the NPCs ? 

Unopposed skills
Those skills indicate what the heroes must fear from this villain, and what are his methods. A World-Class skill means the use of the skill may spawn an adventure. 

Magneto has the skills : robotics and computers, so he may design and send robots against our heroes. 
He has Energy Control as a World-Class skill, so you should one day design an adventure with Magneto as the main Bad Guy involving nuclear bombs or plants, lightning-tapping devices and so on. 

Opposed Skills (combat and others)
A skill give no bonus to opposed actions but absence of the skill make the action one level more difficult (or makes it one level easier for a PC to dodge). 
The basic use of punches and kicks is used without skill (boxing,brawling, martial arts have special effects). 
Powers are used regardless of skills (the mastery of powers includes some skill as well), unless they are based on contingent damage (such as poison), or are bonuses to a given attack (such as claws) ... 

Skills and Doom cards for villain attacks
with no skill for the attack, the villain may play no Doom card from the Doom Bank 
with a skill for the attack, the villain may play one Doom card from the Doom Bank 
with World-Class skill for the attack, the villain may playany number of Doom cards from the Doom Bank 
If the attack is the use of a power, or a basic punch / kick, he may use any number of Doom cards 
If the action is not an attack, the villain may play any number of Doom cards he ever wants from the Doom Bank 

Magneto has no combat skill. If he ever wanted to shoot someone with a gun (asuming he's played as a PC), the action wouldn't be easy (Agl + 4), but average (Agl + 8). If a hero (a PC) ever wanted to dodge this, it wouldn't be easy (Agl + 4), but automatic (Agl + 0). 
His Magnetic Control power may be used without considering skills in the process (except maybe when devising very special stunts, such as Scrambling, easier against computers than guns). Same if he wants to punch you in the face.
Character creation

Powers giving bonuses (such as damage + x or armor - y) are limited to 1 card at character creation, unless it comes from an equipment. 

The cost of an equipement is : its total number of powers (0 if only one power) plus its score in points. serious limits subtract one point, and powers limited to one card* (or otherwise limited) are 0,5 points (round the total up). 
'normal' effects are free (for example, a magical lightning staff may be used as a +2 blunt weapon for free) 
stunts, if any, are counted as 1 power 
* you can't share a card between 2 powers ; but the score of the power is still equal to the total of the cards invested. 

So, for example, Juggernaut's armor is 11 points (+7 value + 4 powers - including 'armor' of course), Iron Man's armor is 44 points (value 16 + 28 'full' powers), Dardevil's stick is 9 points (1 power = 0 points, 9 value, the +2 damage is free),Captain America's shield is 18 (15 value + 3 powers ; 2,5 powers, in fact, as he 'only' has a +5 damage bonus) and Cyclops' visor is free (its characteristics are not really powers). 
Venom's suit is not really an equipment, it's a character !!! 

There are still some problems with this method :
Captain's shield should cost more... (a +15 bonus is really fantastic !)
Maybe every +5 bonus should double the total cost of the equipment, or something like that...
Mail me your ideas...
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