a game from Matthew/C++
hosted on Philippe Tromeur 's site

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posted 15 March 2002 on To the guys helping to create web-page & pdf of Hybrid rpg, don't attempt to link or create pdf for anything before March of this month of 2002, since everything else in my posts before March of 2002 is riddled with errors or/and typos & it would only confuse the reader, including myself. Anything during & after March of 2002 is ok, assuming it's related to rules & examples for Hybrid rpg based on '86 MU TSR rpg, '80s CONAN comics, Battlestar Galactic tv series, Battlestar Galactic comics, TORG, BESM, Dragonball-Z rpg & anime, Hero rpg, Gurps Basic, Gurps Supers, Digimon, Pokemon, Dungeons & Dragons, Alternity, MU comics, DC comcs, Dr Who tv series, 80s kung fu films, Godzilla films, '80s anime, other anime, MU SAGA rpg, DC rpg, Aberrant, the movie 'Frequency', the movie, 'Firestarter - Rekindled', movie TRON, & Mage the Ascension.

The One Paragraph RPG

posted 13 march 2002 on somewhat corrected 28 March 2002
C1 = [(C or Class)^2]^(1/3)]
C or Class = [C1*(C1^(1/2))]
Height for hybrid or non-elite male humans in ft. = [C3^(1/2)]
COM for ladies (human(s)) = LOG10(C3)
Warp # = (C2/222) for spaceship size less than that of Thanos : (C2/333)
Warp # for large entities like Galactus = (C2/444)
Warp # even larger objects like Eternity = (C2/(999 or more))
xlight speed = -1 + 2^z, where z = Warp #
Life-span = [X*C3], where X = 2 when C2> = 20 else X> 2
C3 = C2^LOG10(C2)
C2 = C1^LOG10(C1)
C1 = CA^LOG10(CA)
TL = [C1/3]
C1 = [TL*3]
if default Psyche = y @ some 'unit', with life-span @ [y/n], then power level = [y*n]
if life-span @ [y-n], then power level = [y+n]. And, vice-versa : if life-span @ [y*n], then power level = [y/n]
if life-span @ [y+n], then power level = [y-n], ( some 'unit' )
COM for guys @ 'unit' C2
COM for ladies @ C1 once you know her C3 'unit'
COM for Galactus @ 'unit' C1
COM for Eternity @ 'unit' CA
my force-field equation for its diameter in millimeters = 10^[C3^(1/4)], which in 'unit' meters = 10^[-3 + (C3^(1/4))] = 10^[-3 + (C3^0.25)], which in kilometers = 10^[-6 + (C3^(1/4))]
humans (males) @ <20 C2, X> 2, due to decrease in TL
and, TL for cold fusion increases with size of object, assuming cold fusion for humans @ TL 8 = [3*8] = 24 C1 = 80.35 C2 by 24^LOG10(24) = 80.35.

About females

posted 7 march 2002 on
I'm not sure if this on-topic or off-topic. But, HERO's decision to use only masculine pronoun is similar to my house rules in my own rpg, as I, "too", also use the masculine pronoun, NOT out of bias, but it's simply too complicated to create female characters in my house rules : reason for "ALL" my errors. So, is HERO assuming the same ? (ELSE) If this is not the case in Hero, its guideline is biased.


the IQ equation

posted 14 march 2002 on
IQ =[10*C1].
So, @ TL 7 @ [7*3] = 21 C1 @ 56 C2, this person would have an IQ of 210 which would mean he would be a master of all TL 7 or less technology. He could even boost his TL to 8, at price of reducing his life-span, allowing him to figure out cold fusion technology or even cloning of small non-human non-dangerous species, unless it's some deadly bacteria or virus.
Notice that 77 C1 = default Psyche of Shaper of Worlds, Silver Surfer, Dr. Doom , Thanos , Forge of X-Factor, & Molecule_Man.
Notice that Purple_Man ( friend of Dr. Doom ) might be at 77 C2.

Other equations

posted 22 march 2002 on

C2 and TL

As a rule of thumb, C2 = most advanced TL of a given year between 1900 & 2000 AD , where a 20 C2 tank = tank of 1920. For a 1964 US nuclear technology = 64 C2 rating. For example, material strength is measured in unit C3 , such as Class 1,002 Adamentium would be 1,002 C3 which would put Wolverine @ 54 C2 default Psyche by 54^LOG(54) = 1,002. Adamentium would then be @ 20.71 C1; its TL = [C1/3] = [20.71/3] = TL of 6.90; so, you'd need an IQ of 207.10 <> to create Adamentium. Life-span is measured in [X*C3] years. Since Wolverine's default Psyche is> 20 C2, he'd have an X value @ 2. His life-span @ 54 C2 = [2*1,002] = 2,004 years @ 54 C2 Psyche life-force. He can increase his power level by factor of 2 from 54 to 108 C2 but this would reduce his life-span by a factor of 2 from 54 to 27 C2.


For a mutant like the HULK or the Juggernaut, their height equation = [C2/[N^(1/2)]] ; so, if u put them @ 64 C2 Psyche life-force, they'd have a height of [64/8] = 8 ft if they're capable to doing, preventing, or able to siphon-off a 64d6 damage which is equal to nuclear explosion @ TL of 1964 US nuclear TL. NOTE that the above 64 C2 is power level that of the MU character Cyclops or Omega_Red ( the super powerful Russian mutant; Omega_Red is about as powerful as Colossus's brother <> who for a brief time was a member & leader of the Morlocks ).


For TL or technology level objects, C2 = [10*[LOG10(mass, tons) + LOG10(velocity, mph)]] . So, a ME(sserschmitt) 262 would be @ 262 C3. [C2/10] = LOG10(mass,tons) + LOG10(velocity, mph). You know it has a top velocity of 500 mph & you want to find its mass. LOG10(mass,tons) = [C2/10] - LOG10(velocity, mph); mass, tons, = 10^[[C2/10] - LOG10(velocity, mph); mass, tons, = 10^[[35.9/10] - LOG10(500)] = 10^[3.59 - 2.69897] = 10^[.89103] = 7.78 tons = 15,561.806 lbs for the ME(sserschmitt) 262 @ 262 C3 = 35.9 C2 = 17.663 C1, giving the original designer or/and engineer an IQ of [10*C1] = [10*17.663] = 176.63 for the military WWII aircraft of the Third Reich @ TL of [C1/3] = [17.663/3] = TL 5.88 which doesn't exactly match that of the TL chart of GURPS Basic, but my interpretation of TL is different @ the low & high end of the TL chart of the GURPS Basic. So, a 20 C2 tank would have a mass of 10 tons & velocity of 10 mph by 10*[LOG10(10)+LOG10(10)] = [10*(1+1)] = [10*2] = 20 C2 TL.

Force Field

Force Field Equation @ DIAMETER in millimeters = 10^[C3^(1/4)] . This equation can be used for nuclear technology as such by the Manhatten Project, as well as for & by the Philedelphia Experiment < Nicola Tesla which would IMPLY that TL 7 was possible in the late 19th century or/and early 20th century>> , latter called project INVISIBILITY, most certainly NOT "teleportation" <> . With this you can calculate that the Philedelphia Experiment & the Manhatten Project was @ 50 C2 TL, plus or minus 6 points. DISCLAIMER : this & other equations are used for purpose of a role playing game & is not based on real science.


posted 24 march 2002 on
PK reading @ Class = [C2/10], where PK reading of 5 = Class 5 ghost = 50 C2, where "Class" in '(Real) Ghost Busters' does NOT equal 'Class' in the '86 MU TSR rpg. NOTE that Slimer is a Class 5 ghost @ PK reading of 5 @ 50 C2.

The Infinite and Beyond

Time Travel

posted 26 march 2002 on
Equation for time travel is simple, meaning whatever you can do @ C2 TL, it would require C1 TL for time travel TL. So, if a ham_radio operator had a 20 C2 default Psyche, he'd need a 20 C1 default Psyche = 49.28 C2 = IQ of 200 to send a message through time to an earth of an alternate time_line : but, you probably won't be successful, as little successful as a ham_operator trying to send a message to Mars. This simple ratio was discovered Nicola Tesla himself, EXCEPT THAT he used complicated physics to explain while I use only a few words. So, Nightcrawler needing 200 C2 power level = default Psyche of 100 C2 or 1.33x more than that of the Darkmaster DEVIMON for teleportation, Dr. Doom @ 76 C1 would need to double his C1 to 2x76 = 152 C1, allowing him 152% time travel but would reduce his life-span by a factor of 2 by [76/2] = 38 C1 life-span; Dr. Doom could simply add + 24 to his default Psyche for increase in his power level & decrease his life-span by subtracting 24 points from his default Psyche, giving him limited time travel @ 100% which is subjective from one's point of view that being %. So, in the movie FREQUENCY, if the ham_operator seemed to have a 25 C2 default Psyche, he'd need 25 C1 = 90 C2 default Psyche = IQ of 250 by [10*C1] to communicate with his past self. I had read that Nicola Tesla , himself, tried to do something like this but wasn't successful, using this simple method but through TL. So, inorganic matter & subatomic particles can easily communicate with this past & future selves ( ? ) : troll science. In Hybrid rpg, smaller particles & objects have less COM than their larger counterparts. You can use this premise for dimensional travel, as used in the tv series "Land of Giants" & in the other movie "Bettlegeuse", where they shrink to a height of 1 inch before attempting to make a dimensional travel power stunt. This same procedure can be applied for time travel as such in the premise for time travel just a couple of sentences above. I had read somewhere that Einstein himself had postulated something like this but there was no TL available to test this theory. So, if you think of a tv @ TL between 6 & 7 = between 18 & 21 C1 = between 37.65 & 56 C2 for/as a modern day (TL) ORACLE (chief designer or engineer of such a tv series or model), you can give a C1 of between 37.65 & 56 to the fictional Greek (?) god ORACLE : this value matches closely to that of the fictional character Hercules in the tv show "Herculeas" & MU fictional character 'Thor'. So, the android Zero of Stryfe would need a 30 C1 default Psyche that of the Darkmaster Piedmon for his massive teleportation power, assuming that the android Zero increase his power level by a factor of [2x152] C2 & decrease his life-span by a factor of [152/2] C2. DISCLAIMER : I may be wrong in my interpretation of theoritical physics & so used in a rpg context, mostly for fun & speculation.

posted 27 march 2002 on (with slight corrections the same day)
TIME TRAVEL : For this, all you do is increase the 'unit' of object [ sentient or non-sentient ] by 2 to figure out cost for/to time travel for an object of a particular mass by which I mean if you had a 20 C2 object or a ham_operator like in the movie FREQUENCY, he'd need 20 CA which comes after 20 C1. 20 CA = 49.28 C1 which is power level that of Thor, meaning his time travel will be extemely limited & mostly relegated to at most dimensional travel which even that is not easy. THEN, Galactus @ size that of 100 C1 human would need 100 CA for time travel but his maximum C1 is @ most 1,000 which relegates or limits Galactus to @ most dimensional travel in same manner that of Thor which is why you'll rarely ever read about Galactus ever doing any kind of time travel power stunts, except for the SPHINX vs. Galactus which even then both had very limited time travel power stunt(s) because of their huge size. Einstein & Maxwell had postulated that you might able to send a very small object such as radio frequency through time with its current TL 6 or 7, later leading to the movie, FREQUENCY. But, NOTE that if you raise the 'unit' by ONLY 1, you can only send & receive message from another dimension or time_line @ that higher default Psyche "IF" he/she/or it had it. The guy in the movie FREQUENCY would have had or NEED 25 C1 if he should have been @ 25 C2; and, if he should have been @ 20 C2, then he'd NEED 20 C1 = 49.28 C2 = IQ of 200 by [10*C1] to communicate with his past self. This reminds me on an Outer Limit or Twilight Zone <> episode where a scientist discovers a way to communicate with an alien of another dimension using TL between 6 & 8, <>.


One way to reduce cost for dimensional travel is in similar manner to that of the movie, "Bettlegeuse" & the ancient hit tv series "Land of Giants", where you'd shrink to a height of 1 inch before attempting to travel to another dimension, meaning you'd need a lot more C1 if you were going to do this in your normal macro body size due to the volume or/and area of the dimensional gate(way) which reminds of an episode regarding 'Skeletor' in the '80s cartoon tv series "He-Man", where 'Skeletor' travels back in time to alter history which is consistant with previous premises for required C1.


# of galaxies = 10^[-1 + (C1/111)] , where an area of space @ 222 C1 would occupy 10^[-1 + (222/111)] = 10^[-1 + 2] = 10^1 = 10 galaxies ; # of stars in a galaxy = 10^[-4 + (C1/11)], where an area of space @ 55 C1 would occupy 10^[-4 + (55/11)] = 10^[-4 + 5] = 10^1 = 10 stars : NOTICE that 22 C1 = 63.40 C2 which is mass of a modern day TL 7,33 US aircraft carrier. A galaxy with 1 billion stars (mass) would have 143 C1 default Psyche. So, a given mass can have more than a particular mass depending on its reference point : by combining set theory with relativity. These equations help one figure out amount of energy needed for time travel such as in the recent movie, "The Planet of the Apes", which combines a theme from the movie, "MATRIX", allowing one to figure out how much molecular control one would have, allowing one to figure out power level that of the fictional MU character 'Molecule_Man', allowing one to figure out the bio-regeneration_creation experiment in one of the Star Trek movies, where Spock is broght back to life after getting killed in an accident : amount of C1 needed "seems" to be consistant with all the storylines. DISCLAIMER : at least, that's how it works in my (free) rpg Hybrid.

The movie "PLANET OF THE APES" & the movie, "Jurrasik Park" : the equation to figure out how many male dinosaurs, extinct species, futuristic species, or sentient humanoid male apes you could create is according to the following equation : 10^[-LOG10(C1) + C1^(1/2)], which @ 100 C1 would be = 10^[-2 + 10] = 10^[8] sentient MALE humanoid apes. To figure out # of sentient FEMALE humanoid apes in the last scene(s) in the recent movie PLANET OF THE APES, you'd use : 10^[-2*LOG10(C1) + C1^(1/2)], which you could, also, use to figure out # of female dinosaurs in the movie "Jurrasik Park". You derive this equation based on the last scene in the recent movie PLANET OF THE APES; the equation can, also, be siphoned-off for time travel. You could use this equation to figure out how many guys you could clone; but, you replace the variable "C1" with the variable "CA" to figure out how many ladies ( human ) you could clone. NOTICE that 26 CA = 100 C1 by 26^LOG10(26).


When used in the variable "n", such as for or to create Digimon Digital Monster(s) & when "n" is @ 15 : its mind is @ 5 <>, body @ 5 <>, & soul is @ 5 <>; or, a total of 15 "n". "IF" mind, body, & soul is used in the variable "C2", then "all" of them equal each other by doppler effect & resonance, by which I mean : 16 C2 = 4 Mind, Body, & Soul <>. So, the AVERAGE mind, body, & soul = [C2^(1/2)] : my interpretation of BESM rpg. BESM rpg rules "seems" to coincide <> that of my "C2" variable by where the AVERAGE Mind, Body, or/and Soul = [C2^(1/2)], meaning a SUM of 15 would give a C2 of 25, meaning if some character in BESM rpg had a Mind of 5, Body of 5 & Soul of 5 in BESM rpg, he'd have a SUM of 15 which after dividing by 3 & THEN square this value gives 25 by : C2 = [(AVERAGE m.b.s.)^2]. But, NOTE that Mind, Body, & Soul as I interpret BESM rpg is NOT THE SAME as Mind, Body, & Soul as used for the variable "n" to create Digimon Digital Monster(s) in my (free) Hybrid rpg.


small corrections 28 March 2002
I really have a brilliant equation for this, where # of meters of teleportation = 10^[C2/100], which for # of kilometers = 10^[-3 + (C2/100)], where C2 = default Psyche, [ ASSUMING that he wants his {Power Level} to EQUAL his {Default Psyche} by keeping his Life-Span @ the same level as that of his Default Psyche] ELSE [ C2 = Power Level, WHERE in this example, Life-Span is DECREASED to allow an increase in Power Level; but, 'Default Psyche' always remains the same FOR that particular lifeform or object, ASSUMING the lifeform or object is NOT seriously injured ]. THEN, # of meters of teleportation = 10^[(C2^(1/2))/10], which for # of kilometers = 10^[-3 + (C2^(1/2)/10)]. So, Nightcrawler would be @ Life-Span of 20.2 C1 if his Power Level is @ 42.72 C1, when he's starting with a Default Psyche of 30 C1. 30 C1 = 152 C2. [152/3] = 50.67 C2 = 20.2 C1 which would be his Life-Span rating 'IF" his Power Level is increased by a factor of 3 which would increase his Power Level to [152*3] = 456 C2 = 42.72 C1. But, his Default Psyche would remain @ 152 C2 or 30 C1, as long as he's NOT seriously injured. NOTICE that 30 C1 = 152 C2 & 40 C1 = 368.63 C2. You can increase Nightcrawler's power level by a factor of 5 but it would decrease his life-span by a factor of 5. So, by putting Nightcrawler @ 300 C2 default Psyche, he'd be able to teleport a distance of between 1 & 300 kilometer or miles, depending which of the two equation you use, former giving him a teleportation distance of 1 kilometer or mile @ default life-span & power level @ 300 C2 but a distance of 300 kilometers or miles by decreasing his life-span by a factor of 10 & increasing his power level by a factor of 10. You can use C3 as # of points for a Syan character in the rpg Dragonball_Z, where 10^9 points in Dragonball_Z = 10^9 C3 default Psyche = 9 COM for a lady (human) with NO power(s) EXCEPT attraction & procreation(s) = 1,000 C2 default Psyche = 53.96 C1 default Psyche. So, my values & equations "seem" to be on the right track & matches very closely "BY COINCIDENCE" that of other rpgs. They can increase their, including mutants females like the MU Rogue, power level by some factor but @ cost of decreasing their life-span by the same factor # : but, ladies have to use MALE com TO figure out their power level & life-span, rather than through their own COM. NOTICE that 100 C2 = 10,000 C3. Velocity for a Syan in Dragonball_Z is proportional to their total points in/of power level or that of the unit 'C3' in my (free) Hybrid rpg. So, a Syan @ 10,000 C3 default Psyche would have a maximum velocity of 10,000 MPH OR KPH @ 10,000 C3 power level, giving him a 10,000 C3 life-span. If he alters his power level & life-span frequently, his life-span is @ X = 1; so, @ 10,000 C3 default Psyche, his life-span is @ 10,000 years. If he increases his power level by a factor of 10, it would decrease his life-span by a factor of 10, giving him a 100,000 C3 power level but 1,000 C3 life-span. COOL !


posted 22 march 2002 on
RULES FOR COMBAT : it's really super simple, meaning all you do is take some of the heroes or super-heroes as : villains or super-villains disguised as heroes or super-heroes; and, you take some of the villains or super-villains as : heroes or super-heroes miscontrued or misunderstood as villains or super-villains. You can take the following super-heroes [ Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Silver Surfer, Professor-X ( Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men ), and the HULK ( Dr. Banner ) as super-villains disguised as super-heroes. I'm not sure what villain(s) I'd want to make a super-hero(es), maybe : Magneto & Darkseid. And, as for Galactus , Lex Luthor, Orion, the Black Racer ( yes, that's a name of a superhuman with power of death but on a small scale : DC comic version of the Silver Surfer ), & the Joker : neither good nor evil. You can just as easily add others to the list "OR" alter this list if you want.

posted 23 march 2002 on
Probably using 66% is good idea, for now, until I can come up with a better % : I got the 66% by [12/18], where for low-ranking mutant(s) 18 represent 18 C1 but for an average human, <> , 18 would represent 18 C2, = 2/3 = 66% which is similar to HERO, except that I prefer to use [66% or more] RATHER THAN [66% or less]. The latter [66% or less] is used in HERO. But, IN SOME SITUATIONS, using [66% or less] is better than using [66% or more] such as domestic situations like if you want to pick up a cup of coffee, you don't want to be using your full strength unless you happen to be mad & want to crush the cup filled coffe in your hand. For those who like to use dice for combat resolution, I'd prefer through TOTAL, once a 'unit' for point distribution is decided upon. Meaning if a ninja [ Chinese Hong Kong movies or Japanese Anime, not American ] has a 30 C2 rating & want to use a FIVE 6-sided dice to represent a total of 30 C2, THEN getting a total of 26 would represent a 100 C3 which would be a kill OR serious injury [ like in the movie, "Return of the Five Deadly Venoms" : but, if you're playing a campaign like this movie, you'd want to limit yourself to FOUR 6-sided dice with point distribution @ 'C2' : since their maximum is @ 24 C2, NOT 30 C2, which is TOO HIGH even for the Venoms ] for any human <> fighting the ninja. It's a cross between HERO, Godlike, & the classic '86 MU TSR rpg, EXCEPT MORE POINTS THE BETTER ON A ROLL, with less points on a roll is not so good, though there might be situations where getting less points is better. EXAMPLE, you're the HULK & want to give Polaris a hug, you don't want to be using your full strength, unless you want to do some serious harm which in that case rolling LESS IS BETTER but if you're trying to deflect a tank thrown at you by Polaris, you don't want to be in your Dr. Banner persona, <> where rolling HIGH IS BETTER, for former not latter. If you're playing Pre-Crisis Superman, you're better off using the 'unit' C1 rather than 'C2', where you'd need [C1/6] 6-sided dice if you're using a/the 'unit' C1, ELSE if you're using the unit 'C2' then you'd need [C2/6] 6-sided dice which @ 100 C1 would be [10,000/6] = 1,666.67 6-sided dice [ A LARGE BUCKET FULL which you don't want to use ]. So, you're better off using the 'unit' C1 to represent the total which you can later convert to C2 or even C3, depending on what is that you want to accomplish. If you're using the C1 unit to represent the total, then @ 100 C1 you'd need [100/6] = 16.67 6-sided dice which is a LOT MORE REASONABLE.

# of dice = [C_something/6] @ 'unit' C_something for point distribution, meaning if he's @ 19 C2, he'd have 3 six-sided dice @ point distribution of C2 but ADD + 1 to each roll to get a maximum of 19 C2. If he want to play with more dice, he could use the C3 point distribution which would give him a [43.17/6] = 7.20 dice, where he'd have 7 six-sided dice but ADD + 1.37 to his roll to get a maximum of 43.17 C3. So, different players can have same, more or less # of dice, as compared to other players, depending on his or her # of maximum points of Psyche & his or her 'unit' for point distribution used on each roll which after the roll can be converted or changed to a different point distribution, along with its 'unit' after the convertion, meaning rolling a 17 on a 3d6 @ 19 C2 would give him 18 C2 which when converted to a C3 'unit' of point distribution would give him or her a 37.65 C3.

Strength Example

posted 15 march 2002 on, somewhat corrected 22 March 2002
My thanks to Philippe.tromeur, Ken St-Cyr, & Steve Miller in helping to create a web-page & pdf version of this Hybrid rpg. It really looks great, both the web-page & the pdf version.
I like to add an STR example using the HULK & Galactus & how the Class 1,000 strength varies for both. I have 3 STR equations : 2 of the equations refers one of them to a mutant & other to a demi-god & the 3rd equation in lbs to figure out what each of the first 2 equations really mean in terms of their respective evolutionary scale. A mutant like Dr. Banner or HULK 's maximum @ Class 1,000 Stregnth in the '86 MU TSR rpg means that it's @ a mutant scale : Class = [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]]. Galactus ' Class 1,000 strength would be on a demi-god scale which was posted earlier @ approximately : [C1*[C1^(1/2)]]. So, you convert HULK 's Class 1,000 strength to C2 which is then plugged into the lbs. of strength equation : C2^[2+LOG10(C2)] lbs. of strength. Once you derive C1 from Class of some demi-god, you then convert C1 to C2, by C2 = C1^LOG10(C1), which this (C2) is then plugged into : C2^[2+LOG10(C2)] lbs. of strength. Class, mutant scale, = [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]] (). Class, demi-god scale, = [C1*(C1^(1/2)] (doesn't apply to Wolverine's Adamentium claws which are NOT rated on either mutant or demi-god scale but [human scale, C3], meaning it's entirely possible to construct those things @ sufficient IQ of @ or greater than than of 200) . Class(mt)^2 = (C2^2)*(C2/10); 10*(C(mt)^2) = [(C2^2)*C2]; 10*[C(mt)^2] = C2^3; [10*C(mt)^2]^(1/3) = C2, using Class STR for a mutant. [Class(g)]^2 = (C1^2)*C1; [C(g)]^2 = (C1^3); [C(g)^2]^(1/3) = C1. So, STR = [3.97 * 10^38 lbs.] @ 200 C1, STR of [10^99 lbs.] @ 1,000 C1 for Galactus , latter is used for power stunts like communicating with the Living Tribunal. Using C2(m) = [10*C(m)^2]^(1/3) @ maximum Class 1,000 STR for HULK , his C2 = 215.44 which if you plug in [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]] gives a value of [215.44*(21.54^(1/2))] = [215.44*4.64] = 999.98 = Class 1,000 STR for HULK on a mutant scale. 215.44 C2 = STR of 215.44^[2+LOG10(215.44)] = 1.27 * 10^10 lbs. which seems about accurate if you use this Class 1,000 STR for HULK during the '80s Secret Wars, as well as his berserk STR.

Notes about Character Creation

posted 19 march 2002 on
FEW MORE CORRECTIONS. You need to keep 3 things in mind for character or object creation : power level, default Psyche, & life-span, where default Psyche for EGO in unit C2 is 2x that of its non-sentient couterpart : but my basic equation was off slightly since I forgot to take into account life-span for non-sentient counterpart of EGO which I'll explain in a moment which when correct would double all C2 estimates for both the non-sentient counterpart of EGO & for EGO himself or itself. IN ANOTHER WORDS IF YOU PUT EGO @ 50 C1 THEN PUT GODZILLA @ 100 C2, USING A FIRE-ANT COMPARED TO A HUMAN ANALOGY LEADING TO THE FOLLOWING RELATIONSHIP : C2, GODZILLA , = [2*[C1, EGO ]]. SO, IF YOU PUT EGO @ 40 C1, THEN PUT GODZILLA @ 80 C2. My earlier estimate of EGO was off by +11 C1, meaning a total of 51+11=62 C1, as I forgot to take into account life-span of its non-sentient couterpart. I had earlier put EGO @ power level that of a neutron star or a black-whole, SINCE it fought Galactus a couple of times & lost [ EGO that is lost, it would have if Galactus hadn't moved on to easier prey : that is a planet that isn't alive & cann't fight back.]. [ NOTE : I'm not sure if you want EGO that powerful. If you want him @ power level that of Jupiter, then give him, that is EGO , a default Psyche of 940 C2, assuming it's counterpart is @ 470 C2 for Jupiter. Then, a 940 C2 would put EGO @ 53 C1. ] In my damage estimate of a star, the damage estimate was correct but I forgot to take into account it's life-span ( that of a large object) for its default Psyche. So, a star @ 281.5 C2 with a life-span @ 281.5 C2 & power-level @ 281.5 C2 would have a life-span ONLY @ 281.5^LOG10(281.5) C3 = 999,872.05 years ONLY which would mean a star would decay after about 1 million years if it's default Psyche were @ 281.5 C2. So, in order for it to have the proper life-span, you need to increase it's C2 life-span almost 4-folds to [4x281.5] = 1,126 C2 life-span which would mean that its default Psyche is @ [1,126/2] = 563 C2. 1,126 C2 life-span = 2.05 billion years. Mass = 10^[C3^(1/4)] metric tons, where C3 = power level & NOT default, giving a mass of 10^31.62 metric tons for a 563 C2 star @ power level 281.5 C2 & life-span @ 1,126 C2. So, its default Psyche is @ 563 C2, "NOT" 281.5 C2. So, my DIAMETER equation for large non-sentient objects = 10^[(C2/100)] km. or miles, rather than 10^[(C2/50)]. This would mean that for where C2 = default Psyche <& NOT power level> in the equation for EGO = 10^[(C2/200)] for its DIAMETER in mi. or km., rather than the incorrect equation 10^[(C2/100)]. This would then give a value of slightly more than 52 C1 Psyche for EGO , since you want him to have a NOT 823.75 C2, but 2x823.75 = 1647.50 C2 = 62 C1, approximately, which is still +10 C1 more than its non-sentient counterpart if it were @ 42 C2. Velocity in mph or kph for non-sentient object is, NOW, @ : 10^[(C2/100)] mph or kph, RATHER THAN 10^[(C2/50)], where C2 is default Psyche, . And, velocity in mph or kph for a large 'sentient' object that "RESEMBLES" a non-sentient object equals : 10^[(C2/200)], RATHER THAN 10^[(C2/100)], where C2 is default Psyche, . NOTE that the velocity of both objects is proportional to its DIAMETER. So, if EGO had a diameter of 10,000 miles, its velocity = 10,000 mph, similar to a planet @ a diameter of 10,000 miles would have a velocity of 10,000 mph. This is why I gave him EXTRA POINTS, allowing him to reach velocity near light speed, but with the EXTRA POINTS, it could also increase its body diameter larger than that of a star without worrying about collapsing itself into a neutron star or a black whole. But, it does have an uppler limit which is why it worries about being devoured by Galactus , who has a C1 value that is between 2x & 6x that of EGO .

posted 26 march 2002 on
The '86 MU TSR rpg put both 'Apocalyse' & 'Molecule_Man' @ 75 C or Class which didn't make much sense to me until I came up with a NEW unit for these two characters that being "C1" when you write them @ 75. This then put them in the same league as Dr. Doom. This allows 'Apocalyse' limited time-travel, along with his power to grow @ an incredible [ figure of speech, not the CL INC used in the '86 MU TSR rpg ] rate & to an incredible height within matter of minutes. As for the Molecule_Man when he's @ 75 C1, he'd have organic molecular control in terms of being able to create 75 C2 life_forms & he'd be able to have 50 C1 inorganic molecular control <>. NOTE that 50 C1 = a black hole or a neutron star <> to give you an idea of what kind of power level these guys are @ when you write them using this notation. The '86 MU TSR rpg puts 'Forge' @ 50 C1 but you need a minimum of 75 C1 time travel unless you're just sending a message back in time like in the movie, FREQUENCY, which in that latter case you'd might only need 50 C1. If you're picking up such a message on the receiving side, you'd probably need only 25 C1 which = 90 C2. So, for 'Forge' to have 75 C1, he'd have to reduce his default Psyche from 50 C1 to 33 C1 by multiplying 75 by 1.5 to get new power level @ 75 C1 AND dividing 50 by 1.5 to get 33 to get new life-span @ 33 C1. THEN, 'Forge' would be @ the same power level as Charles Xavier of the X-Men, if you put Professor_X @ 50 C1 <>. For 'Forge', you could also subtract 25 points from 50 default Psyche to get his new life-span @ 25 C1 AND add 25 points to his 50 default Psyche to get his new power level @ 75 C1. Using this 2nd method, 'Forge' lose [33-25] = 8 points; so, 'Forge' is better off using the 1st method, rather than the 2nd. Getting back to Molecule_Man, @ 75 C1, he'd have Warp 16 which is [-1 + 2^16]x light speed velocity = 65,535 x light speed velocity. The Milky Way Galaxy has a DIAMETER of 150,000 light-years. So, THEN, Molecule_Man would have to increase his power level & decrease his life-span in similar manner to that of 'Forge' to escape the Milky Way Galaxy to possibly escape wrath of the 'Beyonder' in the '80s MU Secret Wars. But, the Molecule_Man couldn't really escape the 'Beyonder' because the Beyonder started @ a much higher default Psyche than the Molecule_Man. The 'Beyonder' likes to jest as to how powerfully god-like he is; so, you'd want to put him @ 2xC1 that of ' Galactus ' or about default Psyche that of 'Mistress Death' or 'Eternity' which is @ Shift Z or 500 C1 which would put Galactus @ Shift Y or 250 C1 would put the 'Living Tribunal' @ 1,000 C1. In RAGNAROK mid '80s MU TSR rpg, the 'Cosmic Cube' @ the hands of the Elders were able to seperate the Id, Ego, & Super_Ego of Galactus . NOTE that Galactus 's Super-Ego is NOT the same thing as 'EGO', the living planet. So, you'd want to put the 'Cosmic Cube' that the Elders were using @ Shift X or 150 C1. Since the HULK is mostly @ 75 C2, when he's not using his other points to get Dr. Strange to take him to another dimension, THEN, the 'Shaper of Worlds' that fought the HULK in '80s DC-Marvel Crossover would get ONLY 75 C1, for 2 reasons : 'Shaper of Worlds' had a difficult time getting to the DC universe from MU & the 'Shaper of Worlds' "seeemed" lost after arriving & needed the 'Joker' to clue him <<'Shaper of Worlds'>> in as to what universe the 'Shaper of Worlds' was in & as to who were the good guys & who were the bad guys : for the latter, I'm sure you know that the 'Joker' would tell the 'Shaper of Worlds' that 'Batman' was one of the bad guys. Since, I'm NOT a big fan of 'Batman', I might cheer for the Joker IF it wasn't for the Joker's nasty habit of TOXIFYING the fish to create a nasty of image of himself, MEANING "if" the Joker could be convinced to give up such a nasty practice, I'd be one of his fans but until THEN, neither a fan of 'Batman' NOR 'the Joker' : both are psychopaths but in different ways, where 'Batman' likes to gobble up any corporate competition(s) like 'Bill Gates', leading to the conclusion in regards to 'Batman' that most of the 'Batman' epsiodes are about 'CORPORATE WARS'. Neither 'Batman' nor 'Bruce Wayne' "NEVER" makes any kind of meglomaniac speeches like his enemies so the audience is left with a clean good picture of 'Bruce Wayne' & 'Batman'. What 'Bruce Wayne' & 'Batman' lack in words & speeches, they makeup in action & deeds. I seem to picture 'Batman' as : Al Copone of Gotham City, meaning 'Bruce Wayne' & 'Batman' are like mobster King Pin(s) of Gotham City. At least, this is how I interpret the fictional DC character 'Batman'. NOTICE that 'ARES', god of war, is @ 18 CA = 37.65 C1 = 304 C2, same power level that of 'Bettlegeuse', 'ROM', & the 'HULK'..


posted 20 march 2002 on
You start with Graviton's C1 = [(1/2)*C1] that of either Xavier or Magneto. The original '86 MU TSR rpg put Xavier @ C0(unitless) 75 & Phoenix @ 50 C0(unitless) Psyche. The way I interpret this is that Phoenix is @ 75 C2 & Xavier is @ 50 C1, with Dark Phoenix being a manifestion of Xavier's twisted mind which later resulted in the Onslaught storyline, meaning the Dark Phoenix could easily be a tacyion projected created by Xavier in similar manner that Spiderman can create [ my pet theory ] a tacyion projection of Venom & Carnage, if you start with the basic premise that the clone that thought he was the original Spiderman was @ 40 C2 which would put the real Peter Parker @ 80 C2 or 2x that of Ben Reilley. THOUGH OF COURSE, YOU CAN ALWAYS INCREASE SPIDERMAN'S C2 OR C1 TO WHATEVER LEVEL YOU WANT, since he was Captain-Universe in several issues after travelling to the microverse : this would then put Spiderman @ 2x80 = Shift-X or 160 C2; NOTE that I put the unit "C2" after 160, where the original '86 MU TSR rpg would just put Class 160 which could easily mean anything if one didn't have background information on the character, meaning the 160 could easily be CA, C1, C2 or C3, or even C4 [smallest unit]. This is why I have considered the original class '86 MU TSR rpg an rpg that used a unitless set of unit, "Class" : it might as well just put a 160 rather than Class 160, since "Class 160" meant different things for different characters, making the unit "Class" a 'unitless' 'unit' for measurement. If you put Graviton @ 26 C1 or 100 C2, it might mean that he could levitate a 10^10 tons object & have it move @ 1 mph. And, using the basic premise of a WWI tank, moving @ 10 mph & having a mass of 10 tons, having a C2 rating of 20 C2 by the following simple algorithm : [10*(LOG10(mass)+LOG10(velocity))] = [10*(1+1)] = [10*2] = 20 C2, my velocity equation needs to be adjusted or correctly slightly, based on the force field equation & with the basic assumption that WWII nuclear technology was @ 55 C2. Using this, the new adjusted mass-velocity equation consist of sum of 2 equations : one for velocity & a 2nd one for mass, meaning a 1,000 ton aircraft flying @ 1,000 mph would be @ 60 C2 TL or technology level <> : [(10*LOG10(VELOCITY)+10*LOG10(MASS))] = [10*(LOG10(V)+LOG10(M))] C2. So, then, a 1,000 ton submarine moving @ velocity of 10 mph = 40 C2 TL. So, a Yamato @ 31,622.78 tons moving @ 31.62 mph would be @ 60 C2, but because the crew of the Yamato were of less quality than that of their foe Yamato was defeated by the Americans during WWII. Using this basic algorithm in MASS & VELOCITY OF "TL" OBJECTS, you can easily apply this SAME ALGORITHM to the original star trek series, especially the espisode where a Q-like entity dressed as French general of early 19th century uses a planet as a gian surfboard to chase the crew of the Enterprise, assuming the Captain Kirk of Enterprise had a persecution complex for getting himself trapped into the Q's web. A planet 10^20 tons moving @ billion mph would get a 290 C2 rating. So, then, you get the following scenerios. But, first Spock would be @ 25 C1 = 90 C2 = TL [25/3] = 8.33 TL; though, Spock could, also, just as easily be @ 50 C1, depending on how you interpret the episodes. Kirk @ either 50 or 75 C1 : 50 C1 would put the Q @ either 75% of 50 C1 = 300 C2 or @ 75 C1. Putting the Q @ 300 C2 would give Kirk a persecution complex, if maximum warp is (1/3) shown in the episode meaning if Warp 9 was really Warp 3. If you want to put Warp 9 = Warp 9, then you'd have to put Kirk @ 75 C1 & if the Q had 75 C1, then Kirk would end up with persecution complex again. So, the Q would have to be put @ 100 C1, so as to put or give Kirk a persecution complex. So, then the doctor would be @ either 25 or 50 C1. So, a 100 C2 asteroid would have to be moving at 1 mph for it to have a 100 C2 rating. If it were movig @ 100 mph, it would have a rating of 120 C2, slightly more or +20 C2 more than previous estimate. 275 C2 star moving @ 316 mph has a 300 C2 ?

posted 21 march 2002 on
For STR, depending on how TL is used, it's velocity, and if used by a mutant or a lifeform depending on its size & # of powers, STR can greatly vary. So, by decreasing # of powers, one can increase his/her/its STR. So, a 40 C2 mutant can have STR @ between 40 & 80, latter from [40*((40/10)^(1/2))] for if he has just 1 power = 80 & former for someone who has more than 1 power. 80 STR would be if the 40 C2 was used by a mutant like the SHOCKER [ though, offocially, he's not a mutant in MU but an engineer with advanced sound technology ] or the 80 STR or 40 C2 used by an engineer for construction of a WWII battleship. 40 STR @ 40 C2 could be used as ENTANGLE, such as by either Ben Reilley [ (deceiced ? ) clone of Spiderman ] or someone like the SHOCKER. 36 C2 could be applied to a character like Terry McGinnis in "Batman_Beyond", though I wouldn't call him a superhero, maybe blind as to his boss's motivations, secrets, & corporate takeovers, though Terry McGinnis thinks he's a superhero, though he does occasionally do/does some good which doesn't necessarily make him a superhero just because he's popular. It's just my opinion, but I've never considered Batman or his prodigy in "Batman_Beyond" (a) superhero(es), latter, Terry McGinnis, being brainwashed by his boss & to do his boss' dirty work so that Bruce can take over rival corporation(s). Notice the use of GRAVITY in the free-energy equation : DP = [PL*LOG10(PL, C2)], @ 1 C2, where PL = power level, & where DP = default Psyche : only problem with this is that its exact value varies if you are using a DIAMETER equation or a MASS equation which @ 100 C2 an object is either size of a asteroid @ diameter of 100 miles which could, also, be a very very tiny small moon or has a mass of 10^10 tons, for latter @ 10^10 tons the equation doesn't seem to work very well. So, Galactus wanting to do a 10,000 C2 damage [by his ULTIMATE NULLIFIER ], he'd need to have a 4x10,000 C2 PL or power level, sufficient to destroy galaxies.

posted (and corrected) 21 march 2002 on
NOTE that 64 C1 = Warp 9. In a somewhat similar process that the members of the Power Pack without their mutant powers would be @ 43.172855 C3; but, the Power Pack with their mutant powers would be @ 43.172855 C2 = 19 C1 = 471.96987 C3. Using the basic premise that the Invisible Woman of the MU Fantastic Four has a C1 of 64 C2 ('C1' in "C1 of 64 C2" should NOT be there ? Yes & no, meaning it's supposed to put her @ 64 C2, in terms of her power level & NOT COM, if Reed Richards is @ 64 C1, with "C1 of 64 C2", meaning C1 @ 22.077 C1 which in C2 = 63.999 C2 = 64 C2 by 22.077^LOG10(22.077).) , with the Thing & the Human Torch, also, @ 64 C2, if you put Reed Richards @ 64 C1; NOTE that if you put Reed Richards @ 81 C1, then you'd have to put the other 3 main mebers, <> of the F.F. @ 81 C2; and, if you reduce Reed Richards' C1 to 49.28 C1, then the other 3 or 4 members of the F.F. would be @ or reduced to 49.28 C2 default Psyche which is similar to that of the MU Wolverine & Colossus, THOUGH you could always decrease Wolverine's power level to that of Sabertooth @ between 30 & 39 C2. In this post, I'll discuss how WWII nuclear technology can easily be used for an invisibility experiment such as the project invisibility : 1943 Philedelphia Experiment with technical help from Albert Einstein, assuming he's @ 21 C1 = 56 C2 which would put his IQ @ 210 by [10*C1] = IQ, ASSUMING that most of his C1 was used for the 'Manhatten Project' rather than the 'Philedelphia Experiment'. What I'm about to say is ONLY in rpg terms, so don't be trying to replicate this in your basement along with cold fusion or your own pet nuclear bomb. You can use the force-field equation which I posted in my earlier post that being DIAMETER in millimeters = 10^[C3^(1/4)]. Wallah ! That's it ! Look how beautifully simple that is without a thousand integral symbols all over the page, making it look like some Egyptian heiroglyphics <> . By using C1 = [TL*3], you get 21 C1 for having mastery over ALL TL 7 or less & even, including, TL 8, at risk of decreasing one's life-span to average human levels. 21 C1 = 56 C2 which exactly enough for something like project invisibility that of the Philedelphia Experiment of 1943, using my weird rpg rules. 56 C2 in C3 = 1138 C3 which in 10^[C3^(1/4)] DIAMETER IN MILLIMETERS = 10^5.808 millimeters which in DIAMETER IN METERS = 10^[-3 + 5.808] = 10^2.808 meters = 642 meters which in ft. = 642x3.28 ft. = 2,105.76 ft. DIAMETER. But, because the project or experiment didn't go very well, all you do is reduce the C1 from 21 to 20 to get a C2 of 49.28 by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C2 which in C3 = 733 C3 which in the force-field equation of 10^[C3^(1/4)] for diameter in millimeters = 10^[733(1/4)] = 10^[5.2] millimeters which in unit meters for a diameter of influence on the object = 10^[-3 + 5.2] = 10^2.2 meters = 158.49 meters which in unit ft. = diameter of 520 ft. But, because the project wasn't a success, you need to decrease this diameter from 20 C1 to 19 C1 which in C2 = 43.172855 C2 which in unit C3 = 471.96987 C3 by C2^LOG10(C2) = C3, which when used in the above force-field equation of 10^[C3^(0.25)] in millimeters = 10^[4.6609943] millimeters which in unit meters = 10^[-3 + 4.6609943] = 10^1.6609943 = 45.813582 meters which in unit ft. = 45.813582x3.28 = DIAMETER OF 150.26855 ft. @ 19 C1 = 43.172855 C2 = 471.96987 C3. This would then mean that most of his C1 56 <> was used for the Manhatten Project : total of 56 C2 @ 21 C1 = IQ of [10*C1] = [10*21] = IQ of 210.

Posted 23 March 2002
When something or someone is said to have power to shrink TO Class something then it's fair to say that it's in unit C2, meaning 50 1 shrinking power = 770 C2 = either Class 770 or Class 353.55, meaning not only is there a margin of error in terms of what # to assign to "Class" but it's kind of subjective as to what # to assign to the unitless unit "Class". At the other end of the power spectrum such as material strength, if you have a object @ material strength Class 3000, then it's fair to say that it's @ 73.233 C2 = 3,000 C3 by 73.233^LOG10(73.233) = 23.2 C1 by 23.2^LOG10(23.2) = 73.2 C2. So, some engineer would need to have an IQ of 232 to construct such a material.

Posted 23 March 2002
When a demi-god like Galactus is @ Class or C or C0 5,000, he's @ 292.40 C1 default Psyche, though I'd prefer to put him @ 219 C1. But, when a super-mutant like Dr. Doom is said to be @ Class or C or C0 5,001, he's @ 83.81 C1 = 5,001 C2 ; we don't bother to measure his STR in mutant scale, since it would be off the scale : between 5,001 & 111,836.94 STR, allowing Doom limited time-travel.

Troll Science

posted 7 march 2002 on
Troll science is used heavily by Norwegian and American scientists? It was shown on the Discovery Channel. It's used to dig up & remove oil from the bottom of the ocean floor. How would you write it up using HERO or any other rpg system you know ?

COM is between 1 & 30 for guys & ladies ; COM for ladies : LOG10(C3) , where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) ; COM for guys & monsters : C2 ; STR for martial arts : C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)] ; STR for mutants : C2 ; Class or C0 ( power level ) = C1*[C1^(1/2)]. So, since time travel at level that of the coming recent movie "Time Machine" is at 100 C1 ; & Dr. Doom is & being at that power level would, too, also, have 100 C1 power level = 100*(100^(1/2)) = 100*10 = 1,000 = Class 1,000 = C0 1,000 for Dr. Doom . If you place Galactus at power level that of Dr. Doom then Galactus ' power level is at C0 or Class 1,000. Since Galactus is more powerful than Dr. Doom , Galactus would get 2x100 = 200 C1 = 200*(200^(1/2)) = 200*14.14 = Class 2,828.43 power level. Molecule-Man during the '80s Secret War perceived himself at a LESS power level than Dr. Doom . If you take that as a fact, then the Molecule Man would get (1/2)*100 = 50 C1 = 50*7.07 = 353.55 = Class 353.55 = C0 353.55 power level. Now, Spiderman is less powerful than the Molecule- Man which would put Spiderman at about (1/2)*50 = 25 C1 = 90 C2 by 25^LOG10(25) = 90 C2 = 25*(25^(1/2)) = 25*5 = 125 = Class 125 = C 125 = C0 125 power level which is power level that of the Juggernuat, Mysterio, and the Green Goblin. And, finally the TL equation = [C1/3]. So, at 25 C1, Spiderman's TL = [25/3] = 8.33 for his web-shooters. This is basically my 1 page rpg.

The earlier COM equation for guys was assuming he is a human & not or wasn't a mutant. If he's a mutant like or at power level that of Spiderman, then it's :
COM = [2*(C2^(1/2))] ; Else, if he's a powerful
mutant like Death's_Head with little time travel power(s) , likes of him would have a COM equation as follows :
COM = [C2^(1/2)], where if you gave Death's_Head
a COM of 30, he'd have a C2 of 900 which is approximately correct in terms of his power level, since this is the power level that of Thor @ 900 C2, which = 52.34 C1 which if you use the equations below, THEN you get a lot less COM for him.
Ben Reilley at 49 C2, his COM = 2*7 = 14 COM. If you make Spiderman slightly more powerful such as in the animated Spiderman cartoon in & of 2001, then Ben Reilley is at (1/2) of C2 of Spiderman. If that be the case, then Spiderman be at @ 98 C2, which is power level that of Juggernaut or Mysterio.
If a mutant is super-powerful like Galactus , then the COM equation = [2*(C1^(1/2))]. But, if the male character is god-like, for example Warlock of the Infinity Watch, then COM = [C1^(1/2)]. You can use the relative power level that of Nightcrawler at same power level as Godzilla to picture COM for different fictional characters using these rules.

Assuming COM for Godzilla is between 12.25 & 24.5, + or - a few points, using the COM equation of mutants between power level that of the Morlocks & Onslaught @ : using COM = [2*(C2^(1/2))], you get maximum length, wingspan, or height for monster(s) such as likes of Godzilla at : maximum bodily/physical dimension : [C3^(1/2)] ft. for super-powerful monster such as Godzilla ELSE [C3^(1/2)] METERS for a powerful monster such as Destroyah in the battle, Godzilla vs. Destroyah, which would put monster C2 range between 15 & 150 C2, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) which you substitute.

When Destroyah is size of a (small) truck, you use Godzilla 's equation for maximum dimension in unit 'feet'. But, when Destroyah is at full maximum size that of a skyscraper, you use the unit 'METERS', rather than THE unit 'feet' in equation : [C3^(1/2)] @ COM is between 12.25 & 24.5, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2).


posted 8 march 2002 on
This is an rpg newsgroup. I post rpg stuff. But, people always stay it's off- topic. Why ? This is a total enigma. I post on topic stuff, but most of you think it's off topic. How come ? I post about Galactus , it's off-topic. I post about Dr. Doom , it's off-topic. I post about Spiderman, it's off topic again. Jeez ! I posted yesterday on COM & it's range of 1 to 30 being similar to my house rules : it's still off topic again. I posted about TL of Spiderman's web-shooters, you guys say it's off-topic, again. I post how Godzilla 's powers work. It's off-topic, AGAIN. I post how STR for martial arts varies from STR that of mutants at the low end of the power spectrum : it's off-topic, again. I post on Troll Science used to dig up & remove oil from the bottom of the ocean floor at TL 7 = 21 C1 = 56 C2 : it's off-topic, again. Every newsgroup resembles a lot like the Borg, where you guys attempt to assimilate me into your system or rpg. What if I don't want to be assimilated, at least not fully as ALL YOU EVER TALK ABOUT IS HERO ? My rpg RESEMBLES 5% of HERO, 5% of GURPS, & 5% of every other rpg which is why I'm only interested in 5% of HERO & 5% OF every other rpg. Would my rpg system be off-topic, just because you don't like or/and understand my rpg system ? Just yesterday I posted one of my most brilliant equations for & to explain power level(s) used in '86 MU TSR rpg to figure out time travel capability of mutants & gods. Was that off-topic, also ? What equation ?
Equation is :
power level in Class or C or C0 = [C1*(C1^(1/2))]

using this single equation, you can literally condense a thousand pages of rpgs & comics into 1 sentence .
This is a large chunk of my rpg, with rest just background on how this equation relates. You can use this 1 single equation to construct almost any character, object, god, universe, monster, human, animal, demi-god or mutant. It's the easiest & smallest rpg & covers simply all genres. By knowing that TL = [C1/3], you can construct any technology level object, assuming that Time Travel starts at TL 15 & goes up to any infinite TL #, with maximum TL for Dr. Doom at TL 33 which is equivalent to the guy in the coming movie, TIME MACHINE, @ 100 C1, giving [99/3] = 33 TL at 99 C1, approximately.


Isn't this exactly the same 'rpg' you posted back during the summer last year?

posted 14 march 2002 on
Yes & no, meaning the premises are still the same but the equations are slightly different, to root out errors. I changed my TL equation from [C1/2.5] to [C1/3]. I changed my life-span equation. Don't recall what equation I used last year, considering there were so many I wrote up over the years, but the 1st life-span equation that I used when the '86 MU TSR rpg came in in '86 was 10^[3*[LOG10(Psyche,Class)]] years : this has been changed considerably to where it now depends on power level of the character meaning if he increase his power level then his life-span decreases; it's now [X*C3]. I, also, doubles the C1 required for Dr. Doom required for time travel from 50 C1 to 100 C1, since it's based on E=mc^2 & I changed the value of a black hole from 152 C2 to 368 C2. If you seen the movie, FREQUENCY, where the guy talks to himself from the past using a supernatural radio : this is now set at 50 C1 in terms of using Maxwell's Equation for time travel rather than the previous 25 C1; Psyche to create TL for time travel is now doubled or is at 2x what it was last year. Other changes is in COM for a lady, where maximum 30 COM for a lady was set @ 300 C2 which is now set @ 10^30 C3 at level that of Galactus , where COM for her is now set @ LOG10[C3]. Mechanon in HERO at 25 INT would be 25 C1 = 90 C2 = 8.33 TL. Previously I had set Living Tribunal @ 750 C1 who is now set @ 999 or more C1, depending on how powerful you want to have or make Eternity or Mistress Death. Another change I've made is previously, velocity of TL was @ 10^[C2/10] mph now equals 10^[C2/20] mph, as long as TL velocity is less than light speed, meaning if it's less than 200 C2 after which warp or hyper space begins for spaceships. Total points in GURPS is between 2xC3 & C2x2, where C2x2 is not the same as 2xC2 : both the latter units are different. Total points in HERO is between C2.5 & C2. Good examples might be the Master of Crime in Dark Champions & Tempus, Master of Time, @ 265 points which would be in C2 or 265 C2; while, Master of Crime @ 629 points is @ 629 2xC3 or C2x2, meaning point total for Master of Crime is exagerated in terms of point distribution of Tempus, who has TL to freeze time within line of seight which he needs 265 C2 : Tempus would not be able to freeze time within line of seight @ 265 2xC3 or C2x2 which is power level of a low-level ninja. My STR equation from the one that I used in the 90s : [(Strength)^[2+LOG10(Strength)]] lbs. which @ Class 10 STRENGTH = strength to lift 1,000 lbs to simulate Captain America vs. the KingPin is now assigned to a C2 variable which you have to adjust when used on humans, the equation that is, adjust for doppler effect, meaning type of animal or human doing the work. This Class 10 strength is now @ 20 C2 = 49 C3. And, Class 30 strength is now @ 30 C2. If you have to fudge when Class value for strength decreass less than 20 in reference to the above equation. 10 C2 might still equal Class 10 strength in terms of defintion of '86.


The Supreme Intelligence

posted 28 March 2002 on the MU fictional character the 'Supreme Intelligence', since he HAD a Soul Gem once in the '80s Silver Surfer comic(s), you'd start with the basic premise that @ Soul Gem gives an incremental 30 C1 Default Psyche + [y], where y = what you started with. So, 2 Soul Gems would make you as powerful as the Silver Surfer by placing you @ [y+Nx[.8*sg]], where N = 2 for 2 Soul Gems, where EACH sg =/has 37.50 C1 Default Psyche, which gives [y+60] C1 Default Psyche, which is why Pip of the 'Infinity Watch' with just 1 Power Gem has 60 C1 Default Psyche because each Power Gem gives an increment of 60 C1 Default Psyche + [y]. So, if Warlock of the 'Infinity Watch' were to have 2 Power Gems, he'd have [y+Nx[.8*pg]], where N = 2 for 2 Power Gems, where EACH pg =/has 75 C1 Default Psyche, which gives [y+120] C1 Default Psyche, where y = what you started with. For the Soul Gems & Power Gems, you want to use the ASSUMPTION the whole collection of Soul Gems would place you @ power level that of Galactus & the whole collection of Power Gems would place you @ power level that of Eternity, assuming you place Galactus' maximum Default Psyche @ 270 + or - 30 points of C1 & Eternity' maximum Default Psyche @ 540 + or - 60 points of C1. So, THEN, the 'Supreme Intelligence' would be @ 152 C2 = 30 C1 during the time that he had 1 Soul Gem. I do NOT know the "exact" properties of those two sets of artifacts, Soul Gem(s) & Power Gem(s), but the way MU storylin was written, it gives the impression that it might ADD points to whatever you started with rather than place you at that level. So, if the 'Supreme Intelligence' started @ 30 C1, then the 1 Soul Gem that he had ADDed the extra 30 C1 TO his Default Psyche, increasing it to 60 C1, allowing him control of his empire throughout the Galaxy ( Milky Way, assumed ). And, as for the 'Ronan the Accuser', his power level is greatly exaggerated by those who write him up using the old classic '86 MU TSR rpg rules, meaning 'Ronan the Accuser' is about as powerful as 'Super-Skrull' or about power level that of the 'Supreme Intelligence' without the/his Soul Gem, placing 'Ronan the Accuser' @ 152 C2 = 30 C1 Default Psyche = IQ of 300 = power level that of the Darkmaster PIEDMON in the tv series 'Degimon'. The same may be applied to the 'Cosmic Cube', where it gives [y+.8*[cc]] C1 Default Psyche, where y = AVERAGE power level that of a MU Elder, with cc = Cosmic Cube's Default Psyche being @ 150 or Shift X C1. You could always start with the basic premise that the 'Cosmic Cube' is @ 200 C1, THEN it would be [y+160] by [y+.8*(200)], for/when the MU Elders get their hands on the Cosmic Cube as it was shown in the '86 MU TSR (Ragnarok) rpg.

A little bit of Galactus

posted 28 March 2002 on you start Galactus @ Shift_Y or 250 C1 Default Psyche, he ends up with a Life-Span @ [250/4] = 62.50 C1 & Power-Level @ [250x4] = 1,000 C1 which closely match that of the rating for Galactus @ ['Class' 1,000 ] in the '86 MU TSR rpg & MU comics. And, if you start Eternity @ Shift_Z or 500 C1 Default psyche, he ends up with a Life-Span @ [500/8] = 62.50 C1 & Power-Level @ [500x8] = 4,000 C1 which closely match that of the rating for Eternity @ ['Class' 4,000] in the '86 MU TSR rpg & MU comics.


posted 13 march 2002 on
If you've seen the movie Firestarter, her limits to set things on fire seems to be a radius of 30 meters & her ability project a flying fireball seems to be a radius of 150 meters. In my system, both should have the same radius for the effect. In HERO, I'm not sure how you would do it. In my system, she would just get a 36 C2 rating, PLUS a few extra points assuming she hadn't used her powers to her upper limits. So, PLUS + 4 points to 36, giving her a total of 40 C2. If you want to reduce her life-span to human levels then reduce her 40 to 20 & the difference of [40-20] = 20 is added to her 40 for her power level:[40+20]=60 C2. 20 C2 = 49. Life-span = [X*C3] @ X = 2, giving her a life-span of 98 years @ X = 2. Her power levels @ life-span of 98 years & default Psyche of 40 C2 would put her power level @ 60 C2 = approximately 21.5 C1 by 21.5^LOG10(21.5) = 59.62. So, her TL @ 60 C2 = 21.5 C1 = TL of [21.5/3] = 7.17 TL @ life-span of 98 years, default average Psyche of 40 C2, & power level of 60 C2. Another way of doing this is dividing 40 C2 by "2" giving you 20 C2 life-span; the "2" is then multiplied to "40" for her power level, giving you 80 C2 which is a slightly higher power level than 60 C2. 80 C2 in C1 = 24 C1 which in TL = [C1/3] = [24/3] = 8 TL @ 80 C2 at life-span at 20 C2 with default Psyche at 40 C2. Using the 2nd method yields a slightly greater power level for the charact-er Firestarter.
Her or Firestarter's power level at 60 C2 is much greater compared to 36 C2. And, it's even greater at 80 C2. To get an idea for this, you assume that the MU character the 'Invisible Woman' once also called the 'Invisible Girl' is @ default Psyche of 49 C2 rating which is power level that of Wolverine or Colossus. And, also, TL 8 nuclear technology & damage is at 24 C1 = 80 C2 which helps to picture power levels for Firestarter at 80 C2 when her default Psyche 40 C2 is multiplied by "2" to get 80 C2 but THEN her life-span is reduced to 20 C2 by 40 being divided by "2", giving her a life-span at [X*C3], where her life-span is @ 49 C3 @ 20 C2, where X = 2, though she could increase her X to 3, but NOT easily, requiring lot of concentration & making of some important life decisions. You can calculate DIAMETER of Special Effect by [C3^(1/4)] in millimeters ; to get this in meters, it's [-3 + C3^(1/4)] = [ -3 + C3^0.25] in meters. You can use this formula to calculate DIAMETER of & for damage by nuclear detonation, damage, by TL when activated. The #s seem very accurate.
A low level mutant with anti-spam power would be rated at 30 C2 Psyche = 16.44 C1 by 16.44^LOG10(16.44) = 30 C2 = IQ of 164.4 = TL [16.44/3] = 5.48 TL.


(and a little bit of HULK)

(and a correction to Godzilla as presented in "Troll Science")

posted 16 March 2002 on
You can construct EGO , elder of MU Universe, the same way as other characters, but place EGO , the Living Planet, @ 40 C1 @ sound velocity ; @ 50 C1 with power of locomotion @ faster than sound velocity . Light speed velocity only when hungry but certainly "not" FTL : reason why EGO feared Galactus is EGO does NOT have FTL, meaning EGO would be like a sitting duck for Galactus & another reason why EGO joined into the membership of the Elders of the MU even though EGO at first didn't want to involve himself with the Elders & wanted to be left alone. EGO gets 10 C1 points more than a planet since it's or EGO is sentient. As for Galactus , by placing life-span @ 62.50 C1 by dividing Galactus ' default 250 C1 Psyche by 4 giving you [250/4] = 62.50 C1, his power-level is increased 4 folds by multiplying 250 by 4 giving you [250*4] = 1,000 C1. On the other side of the power spectrum but not as low as human but @ a mutant power scale, 215.44 C2 is power level that of a planet. "IF" EGO were @ 215.44 C2, it would probably have a DIAMETER of 142.69 miles . As for @ 40 to 50 C1, EGO has a planet-size DIAMETER by the equation FOR " EGO ", the living planet, DIAMETER in miles or kilometers = 10^[(C2/100)], where 'unit' of km. would give EGO more power than @ 'unit' of miles, where C2 = default C2 Psyche. Also, EGO would be able to increase its flight speed during times of hunger & also because of it's small size during times of hunger else it would not be alive for long as its been around for a billion years in MU, as it feeds on planets like Galactus but on a much smaller scale. And, as for the HULK , @ 215.44 C2 default Psyche & reduction in his life-span to [215.44/4] C2 & increase his power-level to [215.44*4], then [215.44/4] = 53.86 C2 life-span for Maestro ( HULK ) & at power-level that of [215.44*4] = 861.76 C2 which is just enough for dimensional travel during the time that Dr. Strange trapped the HULK in some alien dimension to keep the HULK during his berserk from harming the populace or/and city around him. 53.86 C2 life-span @ X=2 equals [2*C3] @ C3 = 993.76 years @ [2*C3] = [2*993.76] = life-span of 1,987.53 years. So, Maestro could have traveled to some alien dimension or not; he, also, was probably using either spontaneous regeneration by molecular control or through cloning or they could simply be Maestro's offsprings to create other HULK s, teleporting other HULK s from nearby pocket dimensions, or they could simply be fragments of his splintered & divided personality in similar manner that of Multiple_Man of X-Facotr. So, in conclusion, Maestro ( HULK ) probably didn't travel to an alternate time-line as he claims he did, definition for which is kind of subjective if you include pocket dimension or not as part of an alternate time-line. It's also possible that the storyline took place a lot further into the future than HULK let on about his counter-part Maestro which in that case then no time travel is used or needed. This would put ROM @ 19 CA, easily capable of being an Elder of MU, as he once made an unsuccessful attempt to harming Galactus , not to mention that he was invited to the meeting of & by the Elders when the Elders attempted to destroy Galactus out of jelousy for being older than them or their current universe.

posted 17 March 2002 on
Because of EGO 's massive size, it's life-span is @ its default Psyche @ 52 C1 while it's power level in terms of its ability to protect itself from harm, as well as project damage onto its foe(s) @, through its 'anti-bodies' or weather control or control of its personal gravity & other forms of energies, is @ 26 C1; but, I'd put its prodigy @ 26 C1. But, my biggest concern was a statement in my previous post that EGO is +10 C1 more than a planet or a sun @ a particular diameter which EGO resembles in terms of its entire body size checks out OK, , considering it or EGO , also, has the ability to create 'anti-bodies'. [Well, luckily the #s check out OK.] They seem to be accurate for the most part depending on how you interpret the MU comics in regards to EGO , the living planet. I wonder if the original MU authors or creators of this character decided to call it " EGO " because of its massive psychic powers, since " EGO " is something that is prevalent in rpgs for strong-willed characters ? I basically gave him or it NO FTL, no faster than light capability. This way, his maximum C2 value should be @ 883 C2 which would be an area of space with diameter equal to that of planet Venus orbitting the sun. You're probably saying that a planet that massive would collapse into a black hole. That's the neat part which I'll explain. DIAMETER of a planet or a star, in unit miles or kilometers, approxi-mately, = 10^[(C2/s), where "s" = 50, where the sun @ 300 C2 would have a dimeter of 1 million miles : it, also, has a velocity proportional to its diameter; it's less costly for non-sentient objects which is by "s" is doubled for EGO , who resembles a non-sentient object. By doubling "s" or 50 to 2x50 = 100 & substituting into the above just mentioned equation, you can have equilibrium which a sentient planet like EGO in MU comics would have @ : DIAMETER, in mi. or km., (for EGO ) = 10^[(C2/100)]. Velocity of planet or a star seems to be proportional to its diameter, meaning a planet with a diameter @ 10,000 miles would have a velocity @ 10,000 mph; and, a star with a diameter @ 1 million miles would have a velocity @ 1 million mph. With "s" @ 100, you get a velocity equation for EGO @ = 10^[(C2/100)], mph or kmph, where @ 883 C2, it would have a maximum velocity of 10^8.83 = [6.76 * 10^8] miles or kilometers per hour. 52 C1 = 880.37 C2 which is, also, power level that of an "average" Elder of Marvel Universe. @ 52 C1, C3 = 880.37^LOG10(880.37) = 4.69 * 10^8. Because EGO has an asexual reproduction, its X=1, rather than X=2, giving it a life-span of [4.69 * 10^8] years @ 52 C1. You can always increase or decrease these values if you want to make EGO more or less powerful depending on your own personal interpretation of this comic book character of Marvel Universe.

posted 17 March 2002 on
I mistakenly put Destroy in previous post @ 150 C2 which is too high, now that I think about it, way too high; Destroyah should really be @ 100.5 C2 = 26 C1 = [26/3] = TL 8.67 life-form. If you start with 3 C3 housecat @ length of 1.5 feet, 9 C3 for a German shepard dog @ length of 4.5 ft. from tip of nose to tip of end of its tail, & a 30 foot long great-white shark @ 60 C3, constructing beasts is pretty easy once you have some kind of base to compare other beasts with. So, I'll be using 20 C2 or 49.28 C3 life-force for a great-white shark @ length in ft. of [C3/2] for a great hunter (animal) ; length in ft. for an ok hunter @ [C3] such as a killer whale; length of [2*C3] for a bad hunter such as the current whate species; and, length in ft. @ [C3/4] for a great hunter. Notice that these formulas only apply to most animals, except insects & humans for which there is another category of formulas which these do NOT apply. So, these formulas lead to for a fictional monster such as a weak version of Godzilla @ [C3/10] ft.; while length for the monster Godzilla in Japanese films @ [C3/100] ft., for being more powerful. This is similar to, but may in some situations or for some species conflict in terms of proper maximum dimension, [ with one of the dimensions of the monster being maximum ] @ [E*[C3^(1/2)]] in unit ft., where E = evolutionary scale for a monster with E = 9 for Destroyah. In the top-most equation for length = [C3/n], in unit ft., where n @ 1 equal an ok hunting animal. In my previous Godzilla post I mistakenly put Destroyah @ 3 or/to 5 which should be or/and been a 9, instead, rather than @ 3 or/to 5, giving a lower Psyche or life-force after computation to get a maximum dimension of about 900 feet in length for Destroyah @ 100 C2 @ E = 9. The 'unit' meter in the previous Godzilla post puts the E value @ 3 which is/was too high a value which if Destroyah had it would have easily survived to defeat Godzilla .

Animals and Digimon

posted 17 March 2002 on
For a lion, "n" = 3, , for a police-dog, "n" = 2 or 3, depending on how lethal it is. A lethal pit-bull might get an "n" = some numeric value between 2 & 4. The variable "n" could be used for/to-represent either efficiency of (a) predator(s) or the ability to defend oneself from other predator(s) : greater the value of "n", greater the danger level of the predator(s) or/and for (an)/(those) animal(s) to defend itself from other predator(s). You can figure out values for attributes & stats for dinosaurs & extinct ancient animals by L(physical maximum dimension) = [C3/n], where n = 1 for ancient extinct predatory hunting whales with teeth : at length of 60 ft., it'll have a C3 = 60 @ n = 1. But, for a current non-hunting whale such as the blue whale @ length of 98 feet would have a n = 0.5 giving a C3 = 49, with L = [2*C3] by [C3/(0.5)] = [C3/(1/2)] = [C3*(2/1)] = [2*C3] @ n = 0.5 for a blue whale : C3 = [L/2]. I'll give some examples for this equation in a moment; also, one way of figuring out power level of Godzilla is to compare a fire-ant to a human, with the analogy of comparing Godzilla to a large asteroid @ diameter of 100 miles with velocity of 100 mph : both the large asteroid moving @ 100 mph with diameter of 100 miles & Godzilla would have the same magnitude of life-force of 100 C2. I'll look up the math for insects later. But, the basic equation for animal(s) for/at one of its dimensions [ length, width, height, or wing-span ] being maximim @ L = [C3/n], where n = 1 for an ok hunting animal such as a killer whale. If you put a killer whale @ a length of 24 feet @ n = 1, then C3 = [L*n], where L = 24 C3, giving a C3 = [24*1] = 24 C3. But, a great-white shark is @ n = 2, so a great-white at the same length of 24 feet would have a C3 = [24*2] = 48 C3 = 19.8 C2 by 19.8^LOG10(19.8) = 48.01 C3. I came across this simple equation when I came across how lethals police dogs can be on the Discovery channel. Animals don't get the same value as humans, because they have less COM @ same L as a human which is why if you increase their COM, you increase their size or how lethal they can be as a hunter. I could be wrong but it looks like that PD & ED have similar numeric values : I'll DOUBLE-check for this later. In my (FREE) rpg, "Psyche" is a combination of : INT, EGO, COM, END, DEX, SPD, & STR, where different combinations of these stats gives different physical manifestations for the life-form(s) & where a life-form's soul uses ENTANGLE for it's physical manifestation for its body through 'resonance' to manifest itself sort of like in the cartoon series, 'The Real Ghost-Busters'. Getting back to Godzilla , @ n = 10 & C3 = 10^4, it's L = 1,000 ft. = 100 C2. If you want to decrease it's length, but keep it's power level & life-span @ it's default Psyche level, just "increase" its "n" value from 10 to 20 which would decrease it's length to 500 ft. You can decrease its length to 250 ft. by increasing it's "n" value from 20 to 40. Another way of looking @ "n" is compare "n" of a giant monster to that of a human-sized mutant at power-level [ @ Class "n" or C2 "n" ] @/for/when comparing the giant monster to a human-sized mutant. If you want to create a giant monster with the same powers, abilities & attributes that of a 36 C2 MU Sabertooth, then give an "n" = 36 to the giant monster @ 100 C2 which would reduce one of its maximum dimension [ height, length, width, or wing-span ] to [C3/n] = [10^4/36] = 277.70 ft. If you want a giant monster to have powers, abilities, & attributes that of 49 C2 Wolverine like in the movie X-Men, then give the giant monster @ 100 C2 a "n" = 49, reducing one of the giant monster's maximum dimension to [10^4/49] = 204.08 ft. If you want to increase it's "L" value but keep the "n" at the same value, just increase it's "C3" value. You can, also, easily apply these same formulas to the monsters in the tv series "Digimon", though the dimensions for the the 'Digimon' universe I'll figure out later : it's supposed to be within the cyber ( micro - like in the movie, "Tron" ) & macro universe.

posted 17 March 2002 on
There was a small error in the rule to create (a) giant monster(s). CORRECTION : when creating a giant monster like Godzilla having powers, attributes, & skills that of a human-sized mutant, "n" = [C2/6.56], with C2 that of the human-size mutant. I got 6.56 by converting 2 meters = 6.56 ft. for a mutant @ height of 2 meters. [[ NOTE : I had mistakenly put "n" = C2 which is an error, for giant monsters having attributes, powers & skills that of a human-size mutant : so, there was a typo or/and error in previous post on creating (a) giant monster(s) like Godzilla . ]] If you apply "n" = C2, you end up with the Juggernaut @ height of 1 ft.; and, the Juggernaut is not 1 ft. tall. But, the equation L in unit ft. = [C3/n] is still corrrect as it is. So, just don't forget to correct my typo or error when attempting to create ( giant monsters like ) Godzilla with attributes that of a human-sized mutant with Godzilla @ 100 C2 = 10,000 C3. So, Godzilla with powers, attributes & skills that of 36 Sabertooth, should be at "n" = [36/6.56] = 5.49. If you want Godzilla to have powers, attributes, skills "THAT OF" 56 C2 Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, "OR" Omega Red, THEN "n" for Godzilla = [56/6.56] = 8.54. So, Godzilla @ 100 C2 = 10^4 C3 which @ L = [C3/n] = [10^4/8.54] = 1,170.96 ft. long. @ n = 8.54, you want to reduce Godzilla length, then give Godzilla a C2 = 75 = 3,279.86 C3 by 75^LOG10(75) = 3,279.86. @ 75 C2, L = [3,279.86/8.54] = 384.06 ft. long. So, with this NEW CORRECTION, "all" the #s check out. @ 75 C2, Godzilla would have a life-span @ 3,279.86 years if it reproduces asexually giving an X = 1. Otherwise, X = 2, THEN, it'll have life-span of [2*3,279.86] = 6,559.72 year life-span @ 75 C2 life-force or Psyche for a/the powerful giant monster @ length, height, "or" wing-span of 384.04 ft.

posted 17 March 2002 on
In my earliar post on a 'correction' that "n" = [C2/h], where h = between 6.56 & 9.84, where 6.56 ft. = 2 meters & 9.84 ft. = 3 meters, when using the Juggernaut or/and the HULK as a standard measuring unit; but, I wasn't sure of their exact height but knew their relative range being between 2 & 3 meters tall. But, I don't think this helped much in trying to figure out a way to accurately predict the value of "n". And, my earlier statement of Juggernaut being 1 ft. tall @ n = 100 may or may not accurate, <_meaningless ?!> since I have no equation to check the accuracy of this statement which may be incorrect to some or to a large degree; but, there's no way to check if it's correct or incorrect, like some possible incorrect AXIOM sitting somewhere & not knowing whether or not it's accurate & usable for some theory or proof. Or, use : DESIRED C3 = [DESIRED HEIGHT x STANDARD C3]/[STANDARD HEIGHT ], with height in unit 'ft.' & C3 of some human-size mutant. Standard height is between 6.56 ft. & 9.84 ft., since we're using height that of HULK or/and the Juggernaut. L = [C3/n]; C3 = [L*n]; & n = [C3/L]. So, if I know what L & C3 value I want, I could figure out "n" & then subtitute it back into L = [C3/n]. Trying to figure out what value to give to the variable "n" is most difficult. I got the basic equation L = [C3/n], which "seems" to be correct. But, this equation is useless to create giant monsters WITHOUT knowing the proper "n" value. If you give the wrong value to "n", you end up with a too large or too small a Godzilla . Trying to get the exact size like depicted in the movies is not easy, at least not at the moment. I thought about substituting the value for human height @ C2 which is how I got L=E*[C3^(1/2)]; but, if I use this then I end up with 150 C2 for Destroyah which is what I'm trying to avoid, meaning I'm trying to figure out how to accurately depict Destroy @ 75 C2. Maybe I could just write down that those or any similar giant monster(s) is/are between 75 & 150 C2. Margin of error ? So, then, DESIRED HEIGHT = [ DESIRED C3 * STANDARD HEIGHT ]/[STANDARD C3]. Yes !

posted 18 March 2002 on
CORRECTION(S). There were several errors in my last few posts regarding Godzilla . It would be great if there was a way to personally edit the web-page to WEED OUT all the errors or/and typos, RATHER THAN just have my posts be linked to the web-page. But, getting back to Godzilla . Another way to figur out "n" in the equation L = [C3/n] is to perhaps use a damage scale through shrinking or/and growth which I'll explain in another post. Damage in [Nd6] = [C3^(1/2)], where 100 C2 = [(10^4 C3)^(1/2)] = 100d6 damage, using the base of @ 20 C2 = 49.28 C3 @ damage of [49.28^(1/2)]d6 = 7d6 damage. So, for (a) giant monster(s), "n" = "N" in [DAMAGE in Nd6], where "n" = 50 @ 50d6 damage that a or such a giant monster can do/inflict or/and prevent. So, Godzilla @ 100 C2 @ 10^4 C3 capable of doing a 50d6 damage with its nuclear blast would have a total length of [10^4/50] = 200 ft.; it could double its length to 400 ft., by reducing the damage of its nuclear blast from 50d6 to 25d6 by [10^4/25] = 400 ft.. But, for human-size mutants like the Juggernaut or/and the HULK, where height in unit 'ft.' = [C2/n], where a 30 C2 mutant @ height of 10 ft. can do a damage of [9d6], [30/(9^(1/2))] = height of 10 ft., & where "n" = [[DAMAGE in Nd6]^(1/2)]. But, for mutants of the MU Power Pack, it works slightly different. You first you Shadowcat as a base @ 75 C2 & then work your way down, givng a value of about 40 C2 for @ member of the Power Pack; another way to get this through either STR or cloning equation giving a similar value of 43.17 C2, if each member's default maximum C2 without any mutant powers is @ 43.17 C3. So, all you do is increase the unit from C3 to C2 for each member of the Power Pack. I wish this was this easy for creating or constructing giant monster(s) like or/and similar to Godzilla is a major headache, meaning it's most difficult trying to come with a proper "n" value for Godzilla . The top-most equation in this post *probably* comes closest to giving the proper value of "n" for Godzilla , where "n" = "N" in [Nd6], where [Nd6] is the amount of damage that Godzilla could do/inflict or/and prevent. Using [C3^(1/2)] for damage scale, it gives a damage of 1,000d6 damage star @ 281.5 C2 can inflict or/and prevent, sort of like Earth @ 200 C2 could inflict a damage of [444d6] on the moon if the moon were to fall out of it orbit & crash into earth; but, the moon @ 150 C2 could inflict a damage of [(54371.73 C3)^(1/2)]d6 = 233.18d6 on Earth, giving a net damage of [444-233] = 211d6 damage onto the moon : I got 54371.73 C3 by 150^LOG10(150).

Voyager crew

posted 19 March 2002 on somewhat modified (twice) 21 March 2002
The estimates for the following fictional characters of Voyager are 2x that of last year's estimate, due to small changes in my warp equation :
  • [Cap. Janeway] : 110 C1
  • [Ens. Paris] : 90 C1
  • [Lt. Torres] : 50 C1
  • [Ens. Kim] : 70 C1
  • [The Doctor] : 30 C1
  • [7 of 9] : 50 C1
  • [Kes] : 30 C1
  • [Cmdr. Chakotay] : 21,5 C1 *
  • [Cmdr. Tuvok] : 21,5 C1 *
  • [Neelix] : 21,5 C1 *
    For these 3 characters, the maximum space distance equation applies which is DISTANCE, miles, = 10^[3*(C2/10)] miles. So, @ 21.5 C1, C2 = 63.4 by 21.5^LOG10(21.5) = 59.62 C2, meaning that @ 59.62 C2, maximum distance they can be from their home planet is @ 10^[3*(59.62/10)] = 10^[3*5.962] = 10^17.886 miles from home = [(10^17.886)/(6*10^12)] = 128,191.78 light-years, THOUGH the Care-Taker teleports them some 70,000 light-years from their starting destination. So, a 20th century astronaut to reach the moon would have to be @ 18 C2 by DP or default Psyche for an astronaut = [[(LOG10(DISTANCE, miles))/3]*10] = [LOG10(250,000)/3]*10 = [5.39794/3]*10 = [1.799*10] = 17.99 = 18 C2.

    * @ 21.5 C1 = 59.62 C2 Psyche rating. Now, using this distance equation for astronauts, one can figure out stats for the fictional characters "Species" in/for the movie, "Species". The mean distance of Mars to the Sun is about 228 million kilometers WHICH in unit miles is [[(1000*3.28)/5280]*228] million = 141.6 million miles from the sun. The earth is 98 million miles from the sun, giving a net distance from earth to Mars that of [141.6-98] = 43.6 million miles = 10^7.64 million miles. So, a minimum C2 required for an astronaut to go to Mars is : [[[LOG10(10^7.64)]/3]*10] = [[7.64/3]*10] = [25.46] C2 = 15.335 C1 by 15.335^LOG10(15.335) = [25.46] C2. Because of his shape-shifting powers, all you do is [2x25.46] = 50.9 C2 would be his default Psyche. His female counterpart is @ the same power level as he is; so, he & his female counterpart have a 50.9 C2 Psyche life-force which equals 20.25 C1 by 20.25^LOG10(20.25) = 50.9 C2, giving each of the 2 original alien 'species' a C1 rating of 20.25 which, also, gives each of them an IQ of 202.5 by [10*C1] = [10*20.25] = IQ of 202.5. They'd be at the same power level that of the MU characters Wolverine & Sabertooth; notice that there is no "or" but rather "&" between Wolverine & Sabertooth, meaning both their attributes, skills, & powers. But, because of the speedy growth of their children, you'd want to give the 2 parents [3x25.46] = 76.37 C2 default Psyche which = 76.37% power level that of Godzilla or a Godzilla-like monster.


    posted 22 March 2002
    BLADE gets [(1/2)*C2] that of vampire leader, meaning if Deacon Frost gets a 71.5 C2, THEN "BLADE" gets a 35.75 C2 or (1/2) THAT OF Deacon Frost. I suspect that BLADE HAS AN "Oedpal" COMPLEX !, as shown in Part I. 'Blade' character <> <> . This might explain why they have 'Blade' in "Blade II" an ally of/to the vampires. Maybe someone have complained about making genocide a good thing or maybe they feared some possible lawsuit & decided to make them allies in Part II : or, a 3rd possibility is that he has a personality similar to Steven Seagal in his martial arts movies where he attacks first & asks questions later.

    Matrix Characters

    posted 22 March 2002
    Moving onto another rant : MATRIX. As a rule of thumb, whatever C1 rating you give the Matrix, you give Neo the same numeric rating except in a C2 rating & x2. IF the Matrix gets a 35.75 C1, THEN give Neo a 2x35.75 = 71.5 C2 rating. NOTE that 35.75 C1 does NOT equal 71.5 C2 : 35.75 C1 = 258.6226 C2. I'm going to wing this without researching too much into the characters or the movie of Matrix, but from what little I know about it, the following C2 ratings can be given to the(se) following characters :

    Morpheus : 'Anti-Matrix' Matrix that developed a glitch in its programming & wanted to destroy itself, a somewhat similar theme that of the Jet Li movie, "The One"; my interpretations is that he wanted to DELETE the program so that he could rewrite it, similar to me wanting to DELETE the web-page on Hybrid rpg so that I could RE-EDIT it without the error(s) or/and typo(s), THOUGH ONLY minor errors or/and typos, meaning you'd want to give Morpheus : [3xC2] that of the MU character Mysterio [80 C2], who's @ same power level that as Spiderman [also, @ 80 C2; not the clone Ben Reilley, whose @ 40 C2] which would put Morpheus @ [Shift-Y C2 or 242 C2 equals 35 C1];

    Neo : led to believe he's 'The One', somewhat similar to the Jet Li movie, "The One" : also, @ 71.5 C2 or 23 C1 rating, similar to that of Neo ; you'd want to give him the same rating that of an AGENT(s), @ 71.5 C2 or @ 23 C1, meaning Neo could easily have been AGENT but brainwashed into thinking the he was human & then brainwashed into thinking that he was The One by 'Morpheus';

    Agent(s) : super-powerful programs; you'd wan to give them maximum C2 that of any human, meaning if maximum C2 for a human is 71.5 C2 then you'd want to give (an) AGENT(S) a 71.5 C2 = 23 C1 rating = IQ of 230.



    posted 24 March 2002
    Bettlegeuse @ 18 CA = 37.645153 C1 by 18^LOG10(18) = 37.645153. You then use this to figure out the episodes in the "Real Ghostbusters" asto what & whom is at what power level, default Psyche, & life-span and those PK reading.

    Slimer & Egon

    posted 24 March 2002
    Slimer in the movie, 'Ghost Busters', should receive a PK reading of 4 or Class 4 rather than 5; latter Class 5 for Slimer in the cartoon version 'the Real Ghost Busters'. As for Egon, his C2 is @ 110 while his C2 that of the cartoon version is @ 220 C2. The storyline of the '(Real) Ghost Busters' is supposed to take place in 2010. You can get the C2 for Egon by [2010-1900] = 110 or 110 C2 as his default Psyche life-force. As for the other Ghost Busters, they should receive [(1/2)*C2] that of Egon or @ 55 C2, including in the 'Real Ghost Busters', maybe (?).

    Dark Master Characters

    posted 25 March 2002
    Lady Devimon ( Dark Master ) : @ 76 C2 Piedmon ( Dark Master ) : 152 C2 = 30 C1


    posted 26 March 2002
    Use @ n = 10 & 770 C3 = 50 C2, if you wanted to construct a Digimon Digital Monster; it'll have a maximum length or height of 77 ft. by [C3/n]. Now, taking several steps back to Destroyah & using one of my old formulas, DESIRED HEIGHT = [ DESIRED C3 * STANDARD HEIGHT ]/[STANDARD C3], where I change the wording slightly to improve readability to give me : Length or Wing-Span of Destroyah = [(Old Length * New C3)/(Old C3)], which @ old length of 15 ft. & old C3 @ 225 C3, where I get 225 C3 by [15^2] = 225. You, then, get a NEW length or wing-span <> @ 666.67 ft. = 203.25 meters @ 100 C2. You can adjust the "n" value to increase or decrease NEW height or length of wing-span. "n" = [C3/(New Length)] = [10,000/666.67] = 15 "n" for Destroyah.
  • Equipment

    Messerschmitt 262

    posted 21 march 2002 on
    For the Messerschmitt 262, the rule construction for this military aircrafter of WWII of the Third Reich does not apply to all TL or mutants with this naming convention : it just turns out that the # "262" has a useful purpose in my rpg that being you can apply or give the # "262" to a point distribution @ C3, making the ME(sserschmitt) 262 @ 262 C3 TL : notice I put the "TL" after the C3 as not to confuse you which I might have done if I had rewrote it as 'TL 262 C3', assuming you did not read the final 'unit' C3, since it's NOT @ TL 262 but @ : 35.9 C2 = 17.663 C1, giving the original engineer or/and designer of the aircraft an IQ of 176.63 by [10*C1] = [10*17.663] = 176.63. You can check the accuracy of the C2 rating for this aircraft by my mass-velocity equation for TL objects in my earlier post which I used to construct <> the Japanese super-battleship Yamato of WWII : the #s 'seem' to check out accurately, as it does for the ME(sserschmitt) 262. And, as for the TL of the ME 262, it would be @ [C1/3] = [17.663/3] = TL 5.88 which, also, seem to check out accurately, meaning it could have been invented a lot earlier if the right set of circumstances existed then.

    posted 22 march 2002 on
    The ME_262, which had a top velocity of 500 mph & weight of 3? tons, should have a C2 rating of [10*[LOG10(mass)+LOG10(velocity)]] = [10*y]. Should ideal y = pi or 3.14 for a 1-manned military aircraft for WWII ? [10*(.4771213 + 2.69897)] = (10*3.1760913) = 31.76 C2. The fact that it was equipped with armor-piercing (?) bullets & a beautiful shape to its overall body would give it extra points which would raise its C2 rating to an estimate that of 35.9 C2 = 262 C3 for the ME 262.


    posted 26 march 2002 on
    Planetoid Equation : 10^[C2/S], FOR diameter in miles or kilometers & velocity in mph or kph, where S = 200 for EGO, 150 for a rogue planet, 100 if part of a solar system which is part of a galaxy, & 50 if it has a short life-span. Its life-span = 10^[2*(C2/S)] years.


    posted 28 march 2002 on
    [ZU_23] 23 MM (millimeter) Anti-aircraft Gun would simply be @ 23 C2 TL rating. You can use the force field equation to check for accuracy of damage by the [ZU_23] by using [C3 = 71.50 (C3)] = 23 C2 by 23^LOG10(23) & subtituting into the 'C3' variable in the force field equation in DIAMETER in millimeters which = 10^[C3^(1/4)]. Since, the result(s) are close enough & NOT an exact science, the results are good enough for an rpg. NOTICE that for the [MEsserschmitt_262] of the Third Reich, I use a 262 C3 TL rating for it, which would be @ 35.9 C2, since it's a manned (WWII military) aircraft. The naming system rarely ever matches, but for these two cases, it just happens to match by sheer COINCIDENCE.

  • timecube
  • timecube RPG (+ review )
  • F.A.T.A.L.
  • wuthering heights roleplay
  • opinion

    posted 28 March 2002
    The following URL, ,in reference to the MU SAGA rpg has a couple of or a few ATTRIBUTES & FEATURES very similar my (free) Hybrid rpg, with ONE such SIMILAR attribute & feature in reference to this/the following particular quote from the above mentioned URL with the following ATTRIBUTES & FEATURES :
    "Material Strength 20 (17 for secondary adamantium). Equipment and items made from adamantium are unbreakable."
    In this quote, the <<"Material Strength 20">> would simply be 20 C1 TL rating in my Hybrid rpg; and, <<"17 for secondary adamantium">> would simply be 17 C1 TL rating, meaning 20 C1 = 49.28 C2 by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C2 = 733.10 C3 by 49.28^LOG10(49.28) = 733.10 C3. At 20 C1 material strength, it would have 733.10 C3 material strength which is equal to Class 733.10 material strength in the '86 MU TSR rpg @ 733.10 C3. And, the 17 C1 material strength would be 32.66 C2 material strength by 17^LOG10(17) = 32.66 C2 which would be 195.98 C3 by 32.66^LOG10(32.66) = 195.98 C3 which would be Class 195.98 material strength in the '86 MU TSR rpg @ 195.98 C3. NOTICE that in my rpg, 20 C1 = IQ of 200 by IQ = [10*C1], where [10*(20,C1)] = 200. So, the engineer would need an IQ of 200 to create an ADAMANTIUM @ Class 733.10 material strength. But, to create a weaker version of this @ material strength @ Class 195.98, the engineer would need an IQ of 170 by IQ = [10*(17,C1)] = 170.

  • What Roleplaying is about

    posted 28 March 2002 on
    Few posters @ wrote on the THEME,

    >Several people wrote:
    >>>>> No dice are needed
    >>>>> Decide on a character

    Left out the part on to figure out which equation(s) & when to apply the equation(s) to (what)/the character or/& object. For example, END(urance) is measured in 'Class' "C2 rating" IN THE '86 MU TSR rpg for anything or anyone less powerful than Dr. Doom after which it's measured in the demi-god scale that of Galactus, whose END(urance) in "Class" is @ [C1*(C1^(1/2))], because he doesn't over exert himself, though some of high-powered INT mutants of MU earth have their END(urance) measured in 'Class' C1 or [(1/2)*C1] because they over exert themselves. You can use END(urance) as a guideline for his/her/its Life-Span after converting the C2 or C1 to C3 & THEN substituting into the Life-Span Equation : [X*C3], years.

    >>>>> Then tell a story
    >>>> A story teller?
    >>>> You want to write a novel.

    and COUNTER-THEME to my (free) Hybrid rpg :

    >>>> I'd rather roleplay.
    >>> I prefer the dice:
    >>> click-clack, probabilities;
    >>> they have no bias.

    I disagree with the last part, since you have to assign meaning to the rolls (dice) rolled which require(s) bias, whether or not the bias is correct or incorrect, or simply personal opinion of events or personal interpretation of events, in terms of the rolls (dice) rolled.

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