Solvers' rating
A rating is a numerical value which shows a solving strength of a solver. A solver gains it by solving at two approved / rated tournaments.

A rating can be gained at the WCSC, ECSC, WCCC-Open, or other tournaments which fulfil definite criteria.

Ratings are calculated after each tournament. A rating list is published twice a year. It is calculated on the basis of the results of solving tournaments completed (including the report) by the end of June and the end of December.

The PCCC gives authority to a person(s) or a commission responsible for calculating ratings according to the approved formulas.

Criteria for acceptability of the tournaments at which ratings and norms can be gained
At the tournament at least 10 solvers with ratings from at least 2 countries (15 from at least 3 countries for gaining norms) should compete.

The selected problems should be originals or alternatively unknown published problems. The selected problems should show a clear theme and a good level of quality and difficulty and should represent different styles.

For tournaments organised according to the WCSC rules, the full coefficient may be used to calculate ratings.

For other tournaments at most one half of the normal coefficient is used to calculate ratings. In those tournaments there should be at least 12 problems of different types to solve. Problems for solving can be chosen from seven groups: twomovers, threemovers, moremovers, endgames, helpmates, selfmates and fairy problems. At the tournament at least 5 groups with at least 2 problems must be represented. No group can be represented with more than 3 problems. The tournament could be divided into several rounds and/or days. If all problems are not given the 5 points each the tournament coefficient is corrected for calculating ratings. When fairy problems are included at the tournament it is recommended that the corresponding fairy conditions are announced at least two months beforehand. This is obligatory for the WCCC Open and it must be announced on the PCCC-site and on the WCCC organiser's web-site if it exists.

All tournament documentation (problems with solutions, complete list with the results and ratings, judge's statement on the competition acceptability and possible complaints, etc) should be sent to the responsible PCCC representative (commission) within 30 days after the end of the competition. The representative (commission) has the right to confirm or not the acceptability of the tournament and determines the tournament coefficient. The final decision is approved by the PCCC.

Criteria for gaining norms
Norms for the titles International Solving Grandmaster of the FIDE (GM), International Solving Master of the FIDE (IM), FIDE Solving Master (FM) can be gained if at least 5 title holders with ratings GM 2550 / IM 2450 / FM 2350 and other solvers with the obligatory qualifying rating - 2600 for GM / 2500 for IM / 2400 for FM altogether compete at the tournament.

A norm for the title of GM / IM / FM:
To obtain a norm a solver must achieve a minimum performance rating 2650 / 2550 / 2450. He must be placed within the number of solvers with the qualifying rating 2600 / 2500 / 2400 not counting his own rating (i.e. at least sixth place when there are six solvers with rating min. 2600 / 2500 / 2400, but at least fifth place if he is one of them).
Criteria for gaining titles
International Solving Grandmaster of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm 3 times (at least once at the WCSC or ECSC) and achieve a rating 2600.

International Solving Master of the FIDE: A solver must gain a norm twice and achieve a rating 2500.

FIDE Solving Master: A solver must gain a norm twice and achieve a rating 2400.
The obligatory rating may be achieved anytime (i.e. at any official rating list or as a current rating after a tournament).

This version of the criteria was accepted at the PCCC Congress in Wageningen 2006.

Last update  08-X-06

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