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©By Grace soileau


Father LaBlanc, the priest who baptized me; taught and instructed me in my Catholic Faith; heard my First Confession, gave me First Communion and help me make my Confirmation.
Also for all our Catholic Priests and Sisters throughout the world, and everyone who have given up so much to be in Religious Vocations. May God give them the strength to stay on a Straight Path towards Him.

Go Ye Therefore and Teach All The Nations

Graphics scan off one of my old Catechist certificate.

Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Increase the number of our priests! Make them strong in faith, always alert to your people's needs, ever profoundly spiritual, understanding and charitable.
Grant to priests zeal in their vocation, success in their labors.
May they do all things for love of You and love of neighbor. Amen
O Holy Mother of God, pray for our priests, that they may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen


The Bible dictionary describes Apostles as "Twelve men chosen by Christ to enjoy special jurisdiction and to teach."
There were many people who formed part of Jesus' entourage. The Bible is a book about people like you and I who followed the Lord. It is about men and women of faith who followed God's Call. We can read about how God worked in their lives and how they responded to God's call. These people can inspire us by their lives and their examples can strengthen our faith. These people gave their faith and their love for Jesus the best that they had. Some giving their life for this up this faith and for love of Jesus. We are all call to witness for Jesus and be his Apostles, all in our own way however small.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church has this about apostolate:
(863) "Since, like all the faithful, lay Christian are entrusted by God with the apostolate by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, they have the right and duty, individually or grouped in associations, to work so that the divine message of salvation may be know and accepted by all men and women throughout the earth."
(905) Lay people also fulfill their prophetic mission by evangelization,"that is, the proclamation of Christ by word and the testimony of life." For lay people, "this evangelization...acquires a specific property and peculiar efficacy because it is accomplished in the ordinary circumstances of the world."
This witness of life, however, is not the sole element in the apostolate; the true apostle is on the lookout for occasions of announcing Christ by word, either to unbelievers...or to the faithful.

The article below was written by a Priest in February 1992 and was printed in our local newspaper. Since I clip and keep many articles I now have them to use for the net. I kept it because it made me think of myself, I wanted to be an apostle but I am so imperfect.


"Leave me, Lord", said Peter. "I am a sinful man." However Jesus said to Peter "Do not be Afraid. From now on you will be catching men." (Luke, 5:11) Now this is an amazing point. Peter was a sinner, but Jesus chose him as an apostles. Often we have the mistaken idea that because of our failings God does not want to see us. People frequently use this as a reason for not doing God's work. This is one of the devils favorite temptations. satan, the "accuser of our brothers," (Revelations, 12:10) accuses us of not being good enough to do God's work. However God looks at things much differently.
Sometimes people do not want to do something because they are afraid they may not do it well. However we need to do something so we can get better at it, "Practice makes perfect." We start doing something even though we are not perfect, it is in doing that our abilities grow. Jesus invites us to be apostles, even though we are not perfect. Jesus knows that the best ways to grow in our faith is by sharing that faith with others. We cannot wait until we are perfect to share our faith. We would never share our faith, and it is in the sharing that our faith grows. Because I am a priest people come to me for confession. While I pray with them about their faults it reminds me over and over again that I am no better than they. However, not only does God gives grace to those going to confession but He also gives grace to the priest. God touches my heart as I listen to people describe their struggle to grow in holiness. God used these moments to call me to continue the struggle to overcome sin in my own life.
Despite our past failings God calls us to do his work. It is in doing God's work that we will grow in holiness.


"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you."
John, 15:16

I have always read anything I could get my hands on about my faith. Family and friends know this so they bring me little books, articles from books and newspaper. Sometime I will see something that catch my attention and I clip and keep. If I go to a workshop and get something that I like I will never get rid of it nor forget about it, I am a "Keeper" of articles. As a "Web Keeper" I dug out all the old clippings and papers from workshops and put them to use.
When I decided do a site for the web I had no idea where to start, first off I did a lot of reading on the language for html. Put together a rough draft and with the help of our middle daughter Jessica got it all together. After lots of time, trial, error, crying, anger, determination and help from my husband I got it working. All I wanted was to tell people on the World Wide Web a little about my love for Jesus, my faith, family, church and town. I had no idea how much e-mail I would get and how many people lives I would touch. My site grew so much we moved the Church to it own URL. So with this I guess in a small way I am being an apostle, helping to spread God's word and it the same time trying to grow in holiness.

If there ever was an imperfect apostles it is I! I am just a stubborn old woman! Just ask any one of my family members, they are very honest. My family, especially my husband and our youngest daughter keeps me in line and will just come out and say hey old woman, "YOU ARE NOT BEING A VERY GOOD CHRISTIAN."(only 4 or 5 times a days)
When someone ask me to do something for them I do it, not always perfect but I put my best into it and I will go out of my way to do it for them. When someone tells me they will do something I except it to be done, and get very angry and upset (one of my many faults) when they don't do it. I don't expect more from them then they do from me. One thing that I know is that I love Jesus and thank him for always being part of my life. I don't remember at what age I got to know Him and I have no memory of Him not being there, He was just always there. When I was a very young child and people would tell me I was lucky, my answer was, "no I am not lucky, I choose Jesus and his Blessed Mother Mary to be part of my life and they are there for anyone who wants them as part of their life."
Not that long ago someone told me that maybe Jesus choose and called me. It me feel so special to think that our Lord Jesus would have called me to him and I heard. How very blessed I am that Jesus would want me, this imperfect person.
Thank you, Jesus and dear Lord Jesus I love You

Note: This is something I added after I visiting 2 sites that I could have enjoyed but for some of the text.
I have always respected other people Christian Faith and you will not find on any of my pages anything against other Christian Faith but I am tired of going to these sites where the first thing they write was they were Catholic but never got anything out of it. The other faith is so proud to write "we have this new person and he or she used to be Catholic"
I just don't understand people who like to tell you that they were Catholic but they never prayed, attended Mass, read the Bible or try to learn more about their "Catholic Faith". Someone comes along and talks these people into going with them to a bible study of another faith and they like tell you "I have found the Lord, have you". I got news for them "THE LORD WAS NOT LOST, THEY WERE THE ONES THAT WERE LOST". Wake up it takes more than just saying you are Catholic and love Jesus, you have got to show up and take part at Mass, go to Confession, receive Communion and let Jesus know you love him. Remember you will not get more out of anything than you put into it. When you love someone you give them all you can and sometimes more than you can. I know when you love your family you will do whatever you can to make them happy why not do it for Jesus, and do it all for love. Help plant a seed of God and love in someone life without bashing another person Faith. I truly believe that Jesus would want that of us.

Reading:Mark 4: 13-20


I believe that the Word of God has many times been planted in my life, often because of another who received the seed in ready soil, brought forth a harvest, and shared that goodness with me.
I believe that the call to be a sower of the Word is a privilege and a blessing, that one can never earn the right or claim the duty, that it is a gift freely given and a ministry to be constantly celebrated in gratitude.
I believe that great things can come forth from even the tiniest seed planted in love and cared for tenderly in the heart of another.
I believe that only God knows what sprouting and greening will come from the Word planted through my ministry. I am content in knowing that I have tried, with the Sower's grace, to seed that Work in faith and with joy.
I believe that even the most insignificant aspects of life can be the seed of God's giving, that deeper faith can root and mature in very ordinary soil.
I believe that some dying of seed has to take place before it can give itself over to life, that every heart has its germination time, its dark moment before the future hallowedness of harvest comes.
I believe that it takes much patience to sow seed, to freely give it away to the heart of earth, to allow it to take root and to grow in its own good time.
I believe that my life will always know its season of hope, that I will find flowers after every finality of ice and snow, that I will find green, growing things after every harsh, barren reign of winter's rage.
And most of all, I believe in the sower of all seeds, in the Giver of all good and growing things; my Lord and my God!

Wrote by Sr. Joyce Rupp, OSM
I got this a few years back at a workshop that I attended at Saint Thomas More in Lafayette.
I thought that it was such a beautiful poem so I kept it and now share it with you.

"You are to be my witnesses...
even to the ends of the Earth." Acts 1:8
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©By Grace soileau