
by Honda


©Copyright 2004 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.

This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled: 'Snuff Wars'.

WARNING: This story is intended for adults only. It contains snuff.


At the next rescue attempt when a group of Caukarom soldiers stormed out of the fortress again, the Hitokuya were instructed to loose against the Caukarom and let them pass to get to the settlements. The Hitokuyan warriors did not like the idea much but obeyed. They let the Caukarom pass their blockade but put on a bitter fight nevertheless. They could not bear to just let them walk pass without giving them a fight. However, since they were to loose they did not kill many Caukaroms and paid a heavy price for sparing them. Many of their warriors were shot dead by the Caukarom. If they had been able to slit their throats, which they usually did, many of those warriors would not have been killed. However, this fierce battle was brutal enough that the Caukarom did not suspect it to be a trap. The Kanipu acted surprised and fled the battlefields when the Caukarom suddenly appeared from behind them.

The Caukarom soldiers were very happy. They had reached one of their settlements. It was the first time they were able to do that so it was a truly auspicious occasion. They were finally able to save some of their people and bring them back to the fortress. Sergeant Wilhem was the leader of this group of brave Caukarom soldiers and he ordered his men to gather all the settlers and prepare them to evacuate to the fortress. The settlers greeted him like welcoming a hero back. They had been besieged by the Kanipu and were unable to flee by themselves. Helplessly they had to watch their neighbouring settlements go up in smoke as the Kanipu attacked one after the other. Quickly sergeant Wilhelm tried to lead the settlers back to the fortress. He ordered his men to keep watch to detect any potential attacks. They could not afford to be trapped while they were escorting the settlers back to the fortress.

And then the attack began. A combined group of Kanipu and Hitokuya came charging at them. Sergeant Wilhelm ordered his men to form a straight line of defence and when they fired at the attackers they quickly dispersed and disappeared. However, suddenly, they were attacked from behind as well and a few of the settlers quickly fell victim to the attack and were killed. His men managed to shoot a few of the attackers before they ran off, but they could not protect all the settlers. The raids were lead by prince Gakidou personally. He wanted to make sure that Fraser's plan was executed properly. He had lost many of his brave men in order to make this plan work and he wanted to ensure that all those lives were not wasted. It would have been easy to kill them all but that was not the plan. They had to be able to fight their way back into the fortress. His men had to be careful not to kill Fraser's infiltrators who sneaked into the crowd of settlers when they attacked. In total they had to allow the Caukarom to rescue three settlements so that the infiltrators would not be detected as strangers. Skilfully he led one attack after the other, slowly coercing the Caukarom to retreat to another settlement that they had selected.

Sergeant Wilhelm was trying his best to protect the settlers, but the attacks on his group were quite frequent and unpredictable. He did not have enough soldiers to put up much resistance or sustain any long fights. Most of the male settlers were armed as well and they helped Sergeant Wilhelm defend their women as best as they could. However, they were just outnumbered and easy targets. Their escape route was blocked. There were too many enemy warriors trying to prevent their escape. He had to find an alternate way back to the fortress. The attacks kept on coming and they were almost at another settlement so he decided to go there to seek temporary shelter and enlist more help.

Princess Leia and her warriors were already near that settlement. They had hidden all around the settlement as planned and were waiting for the Caukarom rescue team to enter it before she would begin her attack on the settlement. When the Caukarom entered the settlement, princess Leia signalled her warriors to start the attack. They stormed into the settlement and started to burn down the houses and kill the women that fled the burning inferno.

Hilde was one of the infiltrators selected by Fraser. She had learned to speak Caukarom and their skilful doctor Jasmine had helped her alter her physical appearance so she was indistinguishable from the Caukarom. She then took the clothes of one of the slain Caukarom women and assumed the identity of the dead woman. Then she joined a group of fleeing women. Princess Leia tracked her progress carefully and ordered an attack on that group of women, which resulted in half of them being slain. Leia watched as her warriors attacked the women and slit some of those women's throats. One of the Hitokuyan warriors grabbed a woman standing next to Hilde and he slashed her throat so that her blood splashed on Hilde's face. Then he hit Hilde and she fell down pretending to be unconscious. At that moment a group of Caukarom soldiers rushed in to help the women and Leia signalled her warriors to slowly retreat. Their first mission was accomplished. The Hitokuyan warriors killed a few more Caukarom before they left and let them escape back into the forest where they would be safe for a while until the next attack led by prince Gakidou and his warriors.

Meanwhile Sergeant Wilhelm was counting his losses. He had lost many of his soldiers in the last attack, way too many. However, they were joined by quite a lot of armed male settlers and much less females. The males could boost his fighting force and there were fewer women to protect. Overall, it worked out quite nicely for him. He felt ashamed for a short moment for having such an unethical thought. The lives of all Caukarom were equally as valuable, both males and females. His situation was practically desirable since they were in the middle of the battlefield, but ethically he should not have considered it to be lucky that there were less female than male survivors in the settlement. Anyway, he quickly discarded that line of thinking and continued to concentrate on the task at hand. He had to quickly organise the settlers and prepare them to fight their way back to the fortress before their enemy returned for another attack.

Prince Gakidou and his warriors were watching the Caukarom organising themselves from a distance. If it weren't for Fraser's plan, he would have launched a surprise attack and killed them all quite easily. They were like fish out of the water. But he knew better than succumb to such a foolish and impulsive urge. He wanted to be a responsible leader like his father had been and not act rashly on instinct. He knew exactly what his mission was. He had to sneak another spy into the group of Caukaroms.

He looked at the young woman standing opposite him. She was so young and innocent looking, just a sweet darling of a girl. But Gwen was ready for her task to infiltrate the Caukarom. She had had a hard time learning to speak Caukarom fluently but all her hard work had not been in vain. Gwen now looked like a Caukarom and could speak their language just like one of them. Prince Gakidou could not believe that the young girl standing across him was really an Onixian and not a Caukarom. In addition, she was a very dangerous assassin as well. If Fraser had not told him so personally, he could not had believed that such a sweet innocent looking girl could be a trained killer. He could have fallen in love with that girl. She was so cute and charming. Little did he know that she also was a little psychopathic bitch who enjoyed torture and pain.

Everything was set and they were ready to attack the Caukarom and lure them into another settlement. Sergeant Wilhelm, however, had other plans. He was trying to fight his way back to the fortress at any cost this time. Prince Gakidou was not able to change the Caukarom's escape path no matter how he directed his attacks. Gwen had to lend him a hand. She really surprised him when she asked him for a few warriors. She really took control of them and led the small group of warriors into the bushes where they started a big fire burning the small forest directly in their path. The result was as expected. Sergeant Wilhelm had no other choice but turn around and head towards the next settlement. Just at that moment, the wind turned and the fire spread in the direction towards the settlement that they were heading to. The Caukarom had to run. They had to escape the fire and get to the settlement before the fire got there and help the settlers. The settlers would be trapped otherwise. They were surrounded by their enemy and they could not leave the settlement without being slaughtered but if they stayed there they would be burnt to charcoal. Sergeant Wilhelm and his group rushed to the settlement as quickly as they could to rescue them. But when they arrived the settlers there refused to abandon their homes and were trying desperately to fight the fire. They believed that they would be safe as long as they remained in the safety of their settlement. Sergeant Wilhelm and his men had to help them in their desperate attempt until he could convince them to flee.

Prince Gakidou and his warriors quickly rushed to the scene as well and were joined by Princess Leia and her band of warriors. There was an awkward silence for a short moment while prince Gakidou and princess Leia were staring at each other and exchanging glances. Then they started to talk and together they discussed what to do.

"The foolish Caukarom will all burn to death if we don't do something."

"We can't let that happen."

It was ironic but they decided that they had no choice but to save the Caukarom. The problem was how they were going to do that without making the Caukarom suspicious. Again, Gwen had an idea.

"We will attack them from the north only and force them out of the settlement. They will be able to escape either to the west or the east since the fire is approaching them from the south so they would not be going there."

Both prince Gakidou and princess Leia agreed that it was a workable plan. They quickly instructed their warriors that were guarding the west and the east side of the settlement to abandon their posts and move towards the north for a combined attack. They had to drive the Caukarom out of the settlement in order to save them; otherwise the fire would get them.

The Caukarom were still busy with putting out the fire and trying to save the settlement. This settlement was much larger than the others and even had a defence perimeter with small trenches all around it. The settlers were quite ready to defend their homes but now they were facing an even worst enemy, one that had no feelings and could not be scared. The fire was quickly making its way into the settlement. Already a dozen houses towards the south of the settlement were on fire. There was no hope for saving those homes, but the Caukarom were desperate to fight the fire and prevent it from consuming more buildings.

Sergeant Wilhelm and the village elder had a heated discussion while everyone else was trying to fight the fire. The village elder wanted Sergeant Wilhelm to stay behind and help his settlement put out the fire. He was certain that they could manage the fire. Sergeant Wilhelm, however, did not believe that they were able to beat the fire. He was also worried that their enemy would use the opportunity to attack them or start more fires.

"Those savages wouldn't dare to come close to our settlement. They are scared of our streetlights and we are stocked up with ammunition. We have trenches all around the settlement where our men can safely take shots at any attacking savage. Those savages won't stand a chance against us. Just make sure your men help us put out the fire quickly and you'll be safe here."

"You are wrong. Those savages are fierce and brutal. They have already killed many of our soldiers and nothing can stop them, not even our guns."

"You sound like a coward scared of the enemy even before the fight."

"I'm no coward. I have fought them and I've lost many good men. Those savages have better weapons than us."

"You really are a coward. They are savages. Our guns are invincible. Don't blame your incompetence on your weapons."

Sergeant Wilhelm got very angry and drew his dagger and was about to attack the village leader, but he just stopped himself in time. He could not believe how stubborn and shortsighted some settlers were. They really believed they were invincible. But then again, Sergeant Wilhelm and his soldiers once believed that they were invincible as well. However, that was before their great invincible army was slain like defenceless rabbits. It had been a very costly and painful lesson for them and these settlers still had not learnt that lesson yet. He really wanted to spare them that lesson if only they would listen to him.

Just at that moment, a hail of burning arrows rained down on them from the north. It was followed by a frontal attack by both prince Gakidou's and princess Leia's warriors. They charged into the settlement and poured hot oil into the trenches. The painful death screams of the Caukarom guards posted in the trenches could be heard for a while. It was immediately followed by the terrible screams of dying women. Prince Gakidou had caught three women, possibly the wives of the soldiers in the trenches who were bringing them food. He had them burned to death. Two of his warriors had piled up some dry twigs around what seemed to be a storage facility and set it ablaze. Gakidou then grabbed one of the women and tossed her into the fire. She screamed bitterly from the pain but she tried to escape the fire and managed to come running back out of the blaze while her entire body was on fire. Gakidou had to throw an axe at her and split her skull to protect himself since she was charging towards him. The women dropped dead with the axe firmly embedded between her forehead and she began to smell like roasted pork.

Learning from that experience, Gakidou instructed two of his warriors to break the remaining two women's arms and legs. Two burly men suddenly grabbed the two terrified and stunned women who had just watched their friend being killed. One of them began to twist the woman's arm he was holding. She tried to struggle and get free from him but he was too strong and had a very tight grip on her. Then with a sudden twist he broke her right arm. The woman was shocked but before she could react the man broke her other arm as well. Now the woman was visibly screaming in pain but her cruel captor wasn't finished with her yet. He roughly pulled her left leg up and abruptly twisted it until it broke. Then he threw her down on the ground while he held her other leg locked with his legs between his calves. That broke her other leg as well. Then he swooped up the defenceless woman who couldn't move anymore since all her limbs were broken and carried her over to the burning building. He then unceremoniously threw her into the burning fire' s flames and watched her agonised screaming, as she was slowly being burned alive.

The other man then copied what his friend had just done with the woman he was holding. The terrified woman desperately tried to beg for mercy but the Kanipuan soldier had no idea what she was saying neither did he really care. He was just following orders. He really hated the Caukarom and wished them all dead. He considered killing those women a just punishment and retribution for his brother's murder by the Caukarom many years ago.

Sergeant Wilhelm and the village elder stopped arguing. They now had another problem to worry about. Their argument had become pointless. The settlement's defences did not hold so there was no point in staying in the settlement or trying to save it from the fire. The enemy was already in the settlement setting more fires to the buildings and killing indiscriminatively. The village elder was shocked speechlessly and too stunned to make any decision. He just stood there in total disbelief at the situation. He could not believe that the savages so easily broke their defences. Meanwhile Sergeant Wilhelm took charge and ordered everyone to evacuate and abandon the fire fighting effort.

However, in the confusion of all the fighting and the inexperience of many of the settlers, everyone just ran for their lives in any direction they chose. Some stupidly went south and were caught by the advancing fire, others went north right into the hands of the attackers and were instantly slain. A group of young women were stupid enough to run north and ran straight into prince Gakidou's hands. He had been stabbing a pregnant woman to death when three frightened girls suddenly bumped into him. He glanced up at three terrified faces holding his bloodied knife and instantly felt an urge to rape and torture them. However, he felt someone grabbing his wrist stopping him from attacking the girls. It was Gwen. She walked up to the three scared girls and told them to strip. The three girls couldn't believe their ears. This girl who looked like one of them and spoke their language was actually helping the savages. She was just the same age as them. But Gwen wasn't like them at all. She smacked the girl closes to her in the face. Instantly the girl began to strip while the other two watched with total disbelief. Gwen then smacked the next girl but that one blocked her face with her arms preventing Gwen from hitting her face. But that did not stop Gwen. She just elbowed the girl and then sank her knee into the girl's guts. The poor girl fell over in pain but Gwen wasn't satisfied yet. She grabbed the girl and pulled her back up into an upright position and then kicked her in the head with a spin kick. The girl lost her balance and fell sideways, but Gwen jumped up and went for another spin kick, which send the poor girl flying backwards crashing into the third girl. Then Gwen glanced at the third girl who immediately went on her knees and begged Gwen to spare her.

Gwen menacingly walked up to her and pulled her by the hair and dragged her over to where prince Gakidou was standing. Then Gwen dropped the girl right in front of Gakidou and commanded her to suck his cock. Prince Gakidou had an obvious boner. He had never seen a girl abusing other girls like that before and it turned him on incredibly. He also understood what Gwen had commanded the girl to do which made him even hornier and he immediately freed his cock, which sprang to live and rubbed on the girl's face. The girl opened her mouth although she felt utter disgust and began to suck on prince Gakidou's cock while tears welled up around her eyes. Gwen slapped her on her ass hard and told her to do a better job. The girl felt so humiliated and disgusted but began to suck harder on the cock. Then Gwen made the other two join in as well and suck Gakidou's cock in turns. The two other girls obeyed silently in fear of being beaten by Gwen. Gakidou was enjoying himself. Having three girls suck him off was a terrific experience. He could still hardly believe that a darling like Gwen could be that brutal even having witnessed it personally. Then they all were stunned when Gwen began to strip off all her clothes. She had a gorgeous body with a figure of a goddess. Gwen then pushed the three girls aside and took charge of Gakidou's cock herself. She brought his cock to eruption and swallowed all his cum. The three girls watched in shock and awe. Then Gwen picked up some of the three girls' clothes and put them on. She looked lovely and innocent in those clothes. Then she picked one of the girls and made her get down on all fours and spread her legs. Gwen then began to finger her pussy and insert her fingers into it. First one, then two until she had four fingers in the girl's cunt. The girl was too scared to resist but it could be seen on her face that she was disgusted about what was being done to her. Then her face distorted from the pain as Gwen began to push her entire fist up her cunt. Gwen was merciless and pushed her fist deeply into the whimpering girl's tight cunt while the other two watched in horror at this terrible violation of their friend. Prince Gakidou was quite amused watching Gwen fist fuck the girl. Then finally Gwen pulled her fist back out of the girl's cunt and the tortured girl collapsed.

Prince Gakidou then drew his sword and made the first girl kneel down. It was time to end the fun. He had more killings to do. The terrified girl obeyed and knelt down trembling. She knew she was going to be executed but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was doomed either way. At least her execution would save her from the psycho bitch's abuse. Prince Gakidou aimed at the girl's smooth tender neck and sliced off her head with one quick draw of his sword. Gwen immediately jumped in and kicked the severed head like a ball sending it flying against the other watching girl who screamed hysterically. Gwen then walked up to her and grabbed her head with both her hands and twisted it breaking her neck with a single snap. Then she let the lifeless body drop to the ground. Prince Gakidou was amazed and very impressed at the speed and efficiency of the killing. He had to admire this girl for her skills and intelligence. Then Gwen picked up the remaining girl she had fisted before and holding her head by the hair, she forced the girl to kneel upright. Then with her other hand Gwen pulled a dagger and quickly cut open the girl's belly gutting her like a pig. When she was finished Gwen looked back at prince Gakidou and smiled at him and then ran off to infiltrate the Caukarom.

Prince Gakidou then continued the attack and was able to drive the Caukarom out of the settlement before it burnt down completely. Meanwhile Gertrude, the last of the infiltrators picked by captain Fraser was preparing her own infiltration. She had been accompanying princess Leia's group, which was attacking the Caukarom settlement as well. As a result of the attack, many of the Caukarom had been killed and they were split into two groups, one that fled to the west and one that fled to the east. Gertrude joined the group that fled to the east, which was led by sergeant Wilhelm. The group that fled to the west had no real leader. The village elder was in that group, but he was an absolutely useless character who was just a wreak after a nervous breakdown. The worst was that he had the admiration and loyalty of the settlers and they still considered him their leader. However, he was in no condition at all to lead them. Gwen was with this group of Caukaroms. Somehow they had to rejoin the other group and get rid of that looser of a leader, the village elder.

Princess Leia had been monitoring the situation and she knew that sergeant Wilhelm was the man they had to be driving. They had to coerce him to lead them back to the fortress. The village elder was too useless. He would just get them all killed, which would have been good for the Kanipu and Hitokuya in different circumstances but in their current situation they needed the Caukaroms to get back to their fortress safely. Princess Leia waited until sergeant Wilhelm had finished organising his group before she attacked them. Hopefully he would lead them to the other group and they could rejoin. While she was waiting, prince Gakidou and his warriors joined her and they had a quick chat. Then the Hitokuyan warriors attacked the Caukarom lead by sergeant Wilhelm screaming loudly and rattling the bushes in an attempt to scare them. The Kanipuan warriors assisted them and their tactic worked. A lot of the Caukarom were scared and wanted to run. Sergeant Wilhelm had no choice. Most of his soldiers were dead. His fighting force was composed mainly of the male settlers and they outnumbered his soldiers. They weren't very disciplined nor did they know much about the military protocols. It was better for them to run than fight so sergeant Wilhelm ordered a retreat and they fled from the attacking Hitokuyan warriors. Princess Leia was able to easily manipulate sergeant Wilhelm's escape route. She had quickly picked up the skills required to lead her warriors and also managed to learn a few tactics, which she expertly used now to make the Caukaroms do what she wanted them to do. Princess Leia was a real natural talent, which was lucky for her people. Prince Gakidou really admired her braveness and beauty.

Soon sergeant Wilhelm's group could spot the other group resting in a clearing ahead of them. They quickly joined them and sergeant Wilhelm planned to use the combined force to confront their attackers and fight them, but having accomplished her goal, princess Leia called off the attack and her warriors stopped attacking the Caukaroms and left them alone.

The Caukaroms were safe for a while and now they had to somehow get back to their fortress. Again, the village elder wanted to take control and lead the group since he was the legally elected council leader. It was his right to lead them since most of them were civilians. But sergeant Wilhelm disagreed since this was a military rescue mission. In his opinion, he should be in charge plus he had more experience in military tactics and fighting in general. The village elder still believed that sergeant Wilhelm was a coward and refused to let him lead. His fellow settlers from his settlement all supported him. But the settlers from the other settlements supported sergeant Wilhelm. They knew what he had risked and done for them. The group could not have two opposing leaders. Something had to be done about it.

Again, Gwen resolved the issue. That night when most of the Caukarom were sleeping, she sneaked out and worked on her plan. The next morning, when the village elder went to the small river to get some fresh water, she followed him and pretended to be a scared, lost little girl. The village elder, being a dirty old man, used the opportunity to have his hands all over Gwen, pretending to be checking that she was all right and not injured. Gwen let the old pervert have his little fun but then Gwen pretended to have lost something up in the nearby bush and begged him to help her get it for her. Gwen skilfully manipulated him and gave him the impression that he would be a great gentleman and hero if he did that for her. The village elder fell into her trap and went to the bushes to fetch the item for her. Gwen grinned evilly while she watched him walk over to the bush. The old man searched for a while and soon discovered something. It looked like a pair of red undies. He went closer for a look and then picked it up. The undies had been tied to a small mechanism with a very thin almost invisible string. When the old man pulled on it, it released the mechanism. A sharp wooden stake suddenly shot up from the ground and went straight through the village elder's chest. Gwen happily chirped up behind him and said:

"Now be a good old man and die. Do you want me to tell your villagers that you are a pervert and how you tried to feel me up? Just die and I won't tell anyone."

The village elder tried to grab Gwen in anger but that only caused his wound to tear open more and he coughed up a lot of blood and collapsed. Gwen ran back to the group of Caukaroms crying and screaming hysterically.

When the villagers followed her back and found the old man, he was already dead, clutching the pair of panties tightly between his fists. Having eliminated the troublemaker, there were no more problems. Sergeant Wilhelm was able to take control and lead them all back to the fortress with little trouble. There were only a few minor attacks by the Kanipu but overall they managed to get back to the fortress without any further major losses. Prince Gakidou and princess Leia had instructed their warriors to let the Caukarom get back into the fortress. They only attacked them a few times to make it less obvious that they intentionally let them escape.

For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.


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