Alien Feeding

by Honda


©Copyright 2004 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.

This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled: 'Snuff Wars'.

WARNING: This story is intended for adults only. It contains asphixiation and vore.


They went back to the Dolcett III and captain Fraser introduced the alien to a group of pretty women.

"Have a look at these. Are they to your liking?"

"They look very healthy. How long do I need to wait until they die?"

"We can kill them anytime you need their corpses and even straight away if you require their bodies immediately." Fraser responded as a matter of fact.

The alien seemed surprised. He stared at Fraser with a perplexed look on his smooth plastic-like face.

"Is this how you punish your criminals?" he finally asked.

"Oh no, these are all volunteers."

"Volunteers?" the alien exclaimed and seemed even more perplexed.

The alien belonged to a species that called themselves Hymenopterans. They had been one of the many insect races that populated the galaxies. Gradually, due to wars amongst the various insects, the Hymenopterans were left as the only surviving insect race. They had very advanced technologies and had evolved into beings that could adapt to many different atmospheres and environments. They could practically breath everywhere except in space. Their brain capacities had evolved to the point that they had developed telepathic and telekinetic abilities. However, the younger and newer species of the dinosauric and reptilian families feared them and tried to exterminate them.

Initially the Hymenopterans had preyed on the dinosauric and reptilian species as their food source. Later they became lazy and forced the dinosaurs and reptilians to provide them with prey. They had to choose some of their own to give to the Hymenopterans as food. The Hymenopterans were stronger so they were forced to obey and sacrifice some of their own to the Hymenopterans. As the other species became more numerous and technologically more advanced they began to fight back and were unwilling to let the Hymenopterans kill and eat their people any longer. In time, however, the Hymenopterans became the hunted. Over the time of several centuries the other species became stronger and more aggressive. They initially started to kill the Hymenopterans to protect themselves so that they would not be eaten by the Hymenopterans. There were many rebellions initially which later turned into wars until the Hymenopterans were not the dominant race in the universe anymore. The dinosauric alliance and the reptilian federation were gaining power and were driving the Hymenopterans into hiding. Then when they had discovered that the Hymenopterans' eyes could be used as aphrodisiacs, they began to hunt them down for their eyeballs. Eventually the whole Hymenopteran race was hunted to near extinction.

The twelve Hymenopterans that the Onixians found were the last of their species. When their planet was attacked and they were almost defeated, the Queen of the Hymenopteran had selected twelve of her favourites and put them in suspended hibernation before launching them into space in a cloaked spaceship. Then she launched all of their awesome nuclear missiles at the enemy's home planets and also blew up their own planet wiping out all their enemies.

The Hymenopteran spaceship had been drifting in space ever since then. The whole sector of space had been void of life for several millennia as the result of that last disastrous war. The Onixians were the first intelligent mammal species the Hymenopterans had encountered.

Although the Hymenopterans were highly evolved, they were still predatory and carnivorous. They had to eat meat. They had been preying on the inferior dinosaurs and reptiles for centuries and used them as food, but also they had used them as incubators for their lavas. The reptiles in turn had preyed on the more primitive mammals as their food source. Most of the dinosauric races had been herbivores but some had been cannibalistic in nature and preyed on other dinosauric races. The Hymenopterans had never preyed on their own kind but other insect races were known to have done that.

The Hymenopteran alien soon began to realize that the Onixian might be cannibalistic. They had limited knowledge about the primitive and unintelligent mammals, but the mammal races seem to have evolved during the millennia that the Hymenopterans had been dormant.

"How about this one?"

Fraser pointed at a tall brunette standing closest to her. The brunette was very excited when Fraser pointed at her. Her heart was racing and she hoped that she would be picked for whatever the alien creature wanted her for.

"Or this one?"

She pointed at the next women in line who was a chubby blonde.

"This one looks good." The alien responded.

Captain Fraser immediately placed a garrotting string around the chubby blonde's neck and looked at the alien for confirmation. The blonde closed her eyes and began to breathe slowly and deeply. She knew she was going to die soon. She excitedly waited to be strangled. Captain Fraser began to tighten the string around the blonde's neck while she touched her crotch. She began to rub her crotch more intently as captain Fraser began to tighten the string around her neck even more. The blonde gasped sensually as she began to feel the breath squeezed out of her. Breathing became more and more difficult for her as the string tightened more around her neck. Captain Fraser was slowly snuffing the life out of the blonde while the alien watched the process with great interest. The blonde had her legs pressed together tightly and was heavily spasming and convulsing violently as her life was slowly drained away from her. Her face had turned blue and she shook one last time before her body stiffened and then she stopped moving. Her eyes were wide open and staring into the void. Her tongue was protruding with saliva dripping out of her slightly parted lips. A stream of crystal clear yellow piss sprayed from between her legs. She was dead. Completely snuffed and ready for the alien to use in whatever way he desired.

Captain Fraser loosened her grip on the blonde's corpse and held the lifeless body in front of the alien and offered it to him. The alien took the dead body offered to him and began to rip it to pieces and then devoured the chunks of meat while the line of assembled women watched him eat their dead friend and wishing it was them being devoured by the alien creature. The brunette standing next to Fraser was dripping wet by the time the alien had satisfied his hunger. Then the alien realised that he had devoured one of the humans in front of their eyes. They had watched him eat one of their own without doing anything to stop him. In his experience with other species they would had been appalled and grossed out, and he would had been beaten if not killed for such an act. It had lead to the wars that destroyed their sector of space and annihilated most of the native species. But it was an ancient and primal instinct that he could not control. He had not planned on eating the dead woman, but his instinct had gotten the better of him.

However, the Onixians did not seem to be disturbed by it at all. On the contrary, he could almost swear that he saw lust in the eyes of the women watching him eat one from their fellow group member. It felt quite good to have a group of humans watch him eat one of them in front of their own eyes. It somehow felt very pleasant.

For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.


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