Snuff Wars II

A New World

by Honda


©Copyright 2004 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.

WARNING: This story is a sci-fi story which contains elements of cannibalism, snuff, bdsm, ws and bestiality.


Part 8: Alien Encounter

�Captain Fraser, we�ve discovered an alien spaceship floating towards us on our starboard.�

�Is it armed?� Fraser inquired.

�It seems to be heavily damaged, I don�t think that any of its weapons are functional. They seem to be drifting powerlessly.�

�Could it be a trap? Are the damages real or could they have been self inflicted as a decoy?�

�I believe not. From the looks of it, the damages have been caused a long time ago and they are way too extensive. My evaluation is that they are real damages.�

�Well, let�s hail them.�

�Aye, aye, Captain, opening hailing frequencies. There is no response, Captain. Should I hail them again?�


�Still no response.�

�How many life signs do you read on board the alien ship?�

�There�s about a dozen of them, but very faint.�

�Assemble a boarding party, we�ll go aboard. Call Admiral Tabero to the bridge.�

Captain Fraser took a small team consisting of herself, engineer Rachel and three female warriors. They beamed over to the alien spaceship and found it in a state of obvious neglect. Fraser instructed her warriors to split up and look for the crew of the alien spaceship while Rachel remained with her. They began to search and eventually they found twelve life support units containing creatures that looked like overgrown wasps. The alien creatures were in a state of stasis. Rachel examined the life support units and believed she could operate them and wanted to try to awaken one of the aliens.

Captain Fraser gave her permission to continue and awaken one of the aliens. Everyone gathered around curiously looking at the strange alien creature. When the alien awoke, it immediately leaped out of its stasis unit and attempted to run to the exit. The Onixians all kept their cool and stood back and watched the scared alien attempt to flee. Then captain Fraser approached the alien in an attempt to calm it down.

�We come in peace.�

The alien stopped and stared at Fraser for a while and then began to respond in perfect Onixian.

�Who are you and why have you invaded our world? Your species looks unfamiliar. We have never met you before.�

�We are Onixians of the human species. We are from the planet Onixia. We�ve found your spaceship drifting in space and heavily damaged, so we just came aboard to see how you were doing.�

�We are on the ship?� the alien seemed to be surprised.

�One of your own we believe, but we can�t be certain since we�ve never encountered your species before� Fraser responded.

The alien waved in the air and a holographic view screen appeared. It made a few movements like pressing some invisible buttons and then they could see the stars and the vast blackness outside. The alien then stared speechlessly at Fraser again for a while. After a short time it spoke again.

�You seem to be telling the truth. Your species appears to be quite simple and non-hostile.�

What the alien wanted to say was that the Onixians had primitive minds and therefore their minds were easy to read and that they posed no threat to him or her.

�You are looking for a planet called Terra,� the alien stated.

�Yes, our mission is to find that planet. How do you know that? Have you heard of Terra?� Fraser half responded, half inquired.

�I can read your memories. That�s how I learned your language. You don�t possess the mental capability to shield your past thoughts.�

�You can read our minds?�

�Yes, we are able to read your minds, but only past events. With your species, we cannot communicate telepathically so verbal communication is required. I know where Terra is. What would you offer in return for such information?�

�We don�t know what is of value to you, but we can help you repair your spaceship and share some of our supplies with you or we can work out something that you find of value.�

�We need your bodies.�

Fraser looked somewhat perplexed and surprised.

�We need the bodies of some of your people. We need the vessels that hold your souls. We want those bodies when the souls leave.� The alien clarified.

�You want the corpses of our dead people?� Fraser tried to verify.

�Yes, that�s it� the alien exclaimed happy that Fraser understood.

�How many do you need?�

�At least twelve.�

�Twelve bodies for the location of Terra?� Fraser repeated.

The alien thought about it for a while and then responded thinking that Fraser was negotiating.

�Yes, that�s acceptable.�

�Ok, we will give you twelve bodies.�

�They have to be fresh, the fresher the better. They are only acceptable if they have not been dead for too long.�

�That won�t be a problem at all. You will get very fresh bodies. Please accompany me back to my ship and you can select them yourself.�

They went back to the Dolcett III and captain Fraser introduced the alien to a group of pretty women.

�Have a look at these. Are they to your liking?�

�They look very healthy. How long do I need to wait until they die?�

�We can kill them anytime you need their corpses and even straight away if you require their bodies immediately.� Fraser responded as a matter of fact.

The alien seemed surprised. He stared at Fraser with a perplexed look on his smooth plastic-like face.

�Is this how you punish your criminals?� he finally asked.

�Oh no, these are all volunteers.�

�Volunteers?� the alien exclaimed and seemed even more perplexed.

The alien belonged to a species that called themselves Hymenopterans. They had been one of the many insect races that populated the galaxies. Gradually, due to wars amongst the various insects, the Hymenopterans were left as the only surviving insect race. They had very advanced technologies and had evolved into beings that could adapt to many different atmospheres and environments. They could practically breath everywhere except in space. Their brain capacities had evolved to the point that they had developed telepathic and telekinetic abilities. However, the younger and newer species of the dinosauric and reptilian families feared them and tried to exterminate them.

Initially the Hymenopterans had preyed on the dinosauric and reptilian species as their food source. Later they became lazy and forced the dinosaurs and reptilians to provide them with prey. They had to choose some of their own to give to the Hymenopterans as food. The Hymenopterans were stronger so they were forced to obey and sacrifice some of their own to the Hymenopterans. As the other species became more numerous and technologically more advanced they began to fight back and were unwilling to let the Hymenopterans kill and eat their people any longer. In time, however, the Hymenopterans became the hunted. Over the time of several centuries the other species became stronger and more aggressive. They initially started to kill the Hymenopterans to protect themselves so that they would not be eaten by the Hymenopterans. There were many rebellions initially which later turned into wars until the Hymenopterans were not the dominant race in the universe anymore. The dinosauric alliance and the reptilian federation were gaining power and were driving the Hymenopterans into hiding. Then when they had discovered that the Hymenopterans� eyes could be used as aphrodisiacs, they began to hunt them down for their eyeballs. Eventually the whole Hymenopteran race was hunted to near extinction.

The twelve Hymenopterans that the Onixians found were the last of their species. When their planet was attacked and they were almost defeated, the Queen of the Hymenopteran had selected twelve of her favourites and put them in suspended hibernation before launching them into space in a cloaked spaceship. Then she launched all of their awesome nuclear missiles at the enemy�s home planets and also blew up their own planet wiping out all their enemies.

The Hymenopteran spaceship had been drifting in space ever since then. The whole sector of space had been void of life for several millennia as the result of that last disastrous war. The Onixians were the first intelligent mammal species the Hymenopterans had encountered.

Although the Hymenopterans were highly evolved, they were still predatory and carnivorous. They had to eat meat. They had been preying on the inferior dinosaurs and reptiles for centuries and used them as food, but also they had used them as incubators for their lavas. The reptiles in turn had preyed on the more primitive mammals as their food source. Most of the dinosauric races had been herbivores but some had been cannibalistic in nature and preyed on other dinosauric races. The Hymenopterans had never preyed on their own kind but other insect races were known to have done that.

The Hymenopteran alien soon began to realize that the Onixian might be cannibalistic. They had limited knowledge about the primitive and unintelligent mammals, but the mammal races seem to have evolved during the millennia that the Hymenopterans had been dormant.

�How about this one?�

Fraser pointed at a tall brunette standing closest to her. The brunette was very excited when Fraser pointed at her. Her heart was racing and she hoped that she would be picked for whatever the alien creature wanted her for.

�Or this one?�

She pointed at the next women in line who was a chubby blonde.

�This one looks good.� The alien responded.

Captain Fraser immediately placed a garrotting string around the chubby blonde�s neck and looked at the alien for confirmation. The blonde closed her eyes and began to breathe slowly and deeply. She knew she was going to die soon. She excitedly waited to be strangled. Captain Fraser began to tighten the string around the blonde�s neck while she touched her crotch. She began to rub her crotch more intently as captain Fraser began to tighten the string around her neck even more. The blonde gasped sensually as she began to feel the breath squeezed out of her. Breathing became more and more difficult for her as the string tightened more around her neck. Captain Fraser was slowly snuffing the life out of the blonde while the alien watched the process with great interest. The blonde had her legs pressed together tightly and was heavily spasming and convulsing violently as her life was slowly drained away from her. Her face had turned blue and she shook one last time before her body stiffened and then she stopped moving. Her eyes were wide open and staring into the void. Her tongue was protruding with saliva dripping out of her slightly parted lips. A stream of crystal clear yellow piss sprayed from between her legs. She was dead. Completely snuffed and ready for the alien to use in whatever way he desired.

Captain Fraser loosened her grip on the blonde�s corpse and held the lifeless body in front of the alien and offered it to him. The alien took the dead body offered to him and began to rip it to pieces and then devoured the chunks of meat while the line of assembled women watched him eat their dead friend and wishing it was them being devoured by the alien creature. The brunette standing next to Fraser was dripping wet by the time the alien had satisfied his hunger. Then the alien realised that he had devoured one of the humans in front of their eyes. They had watched him eat one of their own without doing anything to stop him. In his experience with other species they would had been appalled and grossed out, and he would had been beaten if not killed for such an act. It had lead to the wars that destroyed their sector of space and annihilated most of the native species. But it was an ancient and primal instinct that he could not control. He had not planned on eating the dead woman, but his instinct had gotten the better of him.

However, the Onixians did not seem to be disturbed by it at all. On the contrary, he could almost swear that he saw lust in the eyes of the women watching him eat one from their fellow group member. It felt quite good to have a group of humans watch him eat one of them in front of their own eyes. It somehow felt very pleasant.

Soon Admiral Tabero greeted the alien and they discussed the deal the alien had made with Fraser and other things that could be beneficial to both races. Then the alien caught up reading the computer logs on his ship to find out what had happened and then he awoke the rest of the aliens. Admiral Tabero found out that the alien they had been speaking to was actually their leader. He called himself Szehbawizxm but told admiral Tabero to call him Sam instead knowing that the Onixians would had had a difficult time trying to pronounce his real name. Ten of the aliens including Sam were male. They had one female amongst them, their princess who would become their queen once she was fertilised.

The fertilisation process was quite interesting, particularly for the Onixians because they had to help out in order to make it happen. Sam explained to Admiral Tabero that they needed the Onixians to provide them with food to strengthen them and also they needed incubators. In return they would give the Onixians their space maps containing all the known galaxies and point them to Terra as well as sharing their advanced technologies. In addition they also wanted some help in repairing their ship. Admiral Tabero assigned his best engineers to the task and they immediately started to work on the alien ship. Admiral Tabero also agreed to extend their hospitality to the other Hymenopterans to visit their spaceship and receive free food. The aliens explained their technologies to the Onixian engineers and showed them how to repair it as well as how to build their own. The Onixians had developed a lot of the technologies already but the alien technology was far more advanced than their own and in comparison their own technology appeared quite elementary. The Hymenopterans were more advanced by several millennia. Even if the Onixians did not suffer their setback caused by the civil war, they still would have had a long way to go to catch up with the aliens. The most significant and useful advances that the Onixians wanted to utilise were the self-recharging power cells that were very small yet very powerful. Using those energy sources would be very advantageous. The Onixians quickly adapted the technology to build portable holographic video projectors and cloaking devices that were small enough to be carried by individual warriors. The Onixians previously only had a ship wide system. The technology for the portable holographic projectors was adapted from the space map, which was a holographic projector with a huge database containing information about many galaxies. The breakthrough was that it was only the size of a dice and had an almost infinite power source. It also had a neurologic interface, which the Hymenopterans had to modify so that the Onixians were able to use it.

While the engineers were busy with repairs, Fraser was busily studying the space map with the help and guide of Sam. Admiral Tabero was discussing the fertilisation requirements with the Hymenopteran princess Akira. Princess Akira was smaller and plumber than the other aliens and her skin was soft and green. She almost looked like a human. She looked quite delicate and fragile. The fertilisation process involved all the Hymenopterans. It was a group event similar to a gangbang. Each of the males would take turn and insert a long thick organ, which roughly served the same purpose as a human penis into the princess and inject her with their seeds. The princess would then lay fertilised eggs the size of little marbles. The males then had to divide the eggs up amongst themselves and using their thick organs, which had suction cups at the head to individually pick up each of their share of eggs and insert them into their assigned incubator. The body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius was perfect for the incubation. The selected incubators also had a very convenient opening between their legs through which the eggs could be inserted.

Eleven volunteers were selected, one for each of the Hymenopterans. Each woman had stripped naked and were laying on their backs with their legs spread wide open waiting to provide their services as incubators. Pamela was one of the eleven to be chosen to become an incubator. Her pussy was already dripping wet and hot when her assigned Hymenopteran approached. Upon seeing his enormous tool she was eager and itching to start the process. The Hymenopteran picked up the first egg with his thick and long penis. The egg stuck on the cock�s head and made it look even more enormous. Pamela�s pussy began to ooze with her love juices just at the sight of it. She was in ecstasy when it touched her pussy lips. Then when it slowly entered her she was in absolute bliss. When it was all the way inside of her the Hymenopteran ejected the egg. Pamela could feel it hit her uterus inside her. Then the Hymenopteran slowly pulled his tool out again and picked up another egg. Again he slit his monstrosity of a cock deep inside Pamela. She sighed with deep content as she was filled up completely and then felt the egg being deposited within her. The process was repeated many times over and over again. It took over an hour until all the eggs had been deposited inside of Pamela. She was brought to orgasm several times during the process. Pamela felt absolutely like a sow being inseminated for producing little piglets. She loved the feel of the huge cock-like tool penetrating her hot pussy and filling her up with those little eggs. She knew that they would hatch after a few days and would grow and nourish themselves inside of her. The little Hymenopterans would eat her from the inside as they grew larger and spread themselves out throughout her body. By the time they would dig themselves out of her body she would probably be dead. The thought of this made her even hotter and it drove her mad with lust. Then the alien rubbed Pamela all over with his tool. It produced some honey like liquid that was golden in colour and transparent. It also became hard after a while like a cask. The Hymenopteran coated Pamela�s entire body with the honey-like liquid. Pamela�s tits stiffened when he coated them. When he was about to coat her face, Pamela opened her mouth wide and took it into her mouth and tasted the sweet taste of the liquid. She then sucked on his tool like she would on a huge cock before the liquid hardened and she could not move any parts of her body anymore.

All eleven women received the same treatment and it was all captured with the new holographic cameras. Most of the Onixians that were off duty were watching the incubations but since all eleven women were incubated in parallel they had to choose one of the events to watch live. Unlike before when they only had one holographic cinema for everyone to share, they now possessed the technology for personal and private holographic recreation.

After the fertilisation and incubation, the Hymenopteran all felt hungry and the Onixians quickly found volunteers to be fed to them. The Hymenopterans already found out that eating their meat raw and while it was still alive was more enjoyable and delicious. Their new friends also tolerated it. In fact it was actually encouraged and almost demanded. It seemed that all the women wanted to be eaten alive and feel their flesh being ripped off their living bodies. What amazed the Hymenopterans most was that everybody was doing it willingly. Nobody was forced to feed themselves to them. It really looked like they wanted and enjoyed it. The Hymenopterans had no reasons to complain. They only wished all the aliens they had met in the past would had been as friendly and understanding as the Onixians. Although the Onixians were not as mentally capable as they were, they did enjoy talking to the Onixians and hear about their stories. There were complete computer records available to the Hymenopterans, but they enjoyed extracting the colourful information and stories directly from the Onixians rather than their computers. Not only would the Onixian women tell the Hymenopterans stories about their adventures but they would also let them touch and fondle their bodies, in particularly their breasts, which the Hymenopterans found quite pleasurable. For some unexplainable reason they felt an unstoppable desire and urges to touch the women. They could not figure out why they felt like doing it but the Onixians assured them that that was a natural and normal urge and behaviour. As well as that the Onixians were quite curious and wanted to touch the Hymenopterans� tools that they used for the fertilisation.

At first they did not understand the Onixian women�s strange requests since their tools was used for excreting liquid waste materials and occasionally for fertilisation of the queen but they soon discovered that it was quite pleasant to be touched the way they were touched by the Onixian women. They quickly learned that there were two main things that then Onixians liked to do to their tools called handjobs and blowjobs. Some also referred to the activity as fellatio. Still, the Hymenopterans loved the feeding part best when they were offered delicious Onixian females to feast on.

The Hymenopteran Sxchnghlusxprlochzizm who was nicknamed Slurp by the Onixians was reminiscing on his first Onixian meal. He was offered to choose one woman from a group of five voluptuous and mouth-watering creatures. It had been a very hard choice but at the end he had decided on a strawberry blonde with ample breasts. Not that the other ones did not have huge breasts, but this one�s were a little bit bigger than the others and Slurp was greedy for tit meat. She had smiled broadly when he had selected her and the others congratulated her and then left quickly after each had hugged her. Back then he did not know why they went away in such a hurry but he later found out that they were rushing to a control station from where they could observe him eating their friend. They did not want to miss the beginning so they had left in a hurry. Slurp believed the Onixians were a little weird, unlike any of the other species he had encountered before but somehow he liked them a lot. They were so friendly, willing to do and try out anything and very accommodating. They were also surprisingly quick learners for a species with such small and underdeveloped cranium capacity.

Chantelle the lucky blonde could not wait to feel Slurp�s teeth sink into her flesh. She practically forced her right arm between Slurp�s teeth and made him bite on it. And biting he did. He sank his sharp teeth deep into her arm�s soft flesh. Chantelle felt the pain as her skin was punctured and the teeth sank into her flesh. Then as her blood was being sucked from her arm she began to feel a tingling building up that became a rippling and powerful wave of orgasm when Slurp bit off a chunk of meat from her arm. More waves of powerful orgasms began to built up and ripple all over her body as Slurp began to eat her alive.

He bit her on various places and each time took out a big chunk of meat. Chantelle was trembling and shaking terribly with lust while he bit into her left breast. She could feel his teeth sink all the way into the soft meat of her breast. And then she felt a wonderful and powerful orgasm flooding her with ecstasy and absolute bliss when he bit off half of her tit. The second bite took off her entire breast. Chantelle was lost in endless orgasms at that instant. Orgasms after orgasms just followed while Slurp was slowly eating the rest of her. Slurp was very happy. He had not tasted such delicious meat for a long time. Having living fresh meat just increased his appetite and the pleasure of eating it.

After only a few days, the eggs were hatching and beginning to eat their way out. Each of the mummified incubators could feel themselves being eaten from the inside. Pamela was in terrible pain as she was being eaten alive from the insides. Each of the eggs, once hatched would immediately start to sink their tiny little teeth into her and begin to eat away some of her internal organs. Pamela felt the horrible excruciating pain as more and more of the little insects hatched and began to eat away her organs. Eventually she died and her body was hollowed out by the hungry hatchlings. Soon they managed to eat their way out and holes began to form all over Pamela�s dead body. Her carcass was literally covered with little holes that were made from the inside and many little insects crawled out of them.

However, it seemed that seven out of the eleven male Hymenopterans were infected with AIDS (Additional Irregular Daughter Syndrome). The Hymenopterans lived in a hive system with their queen being the only female. When their numbers expanded beyond a billion or the queen was old, then a daughter would be born to either replace the queen or to colonise another wasp nest. Usually, female offspring was very rare. Only one in a trillion lava would produce a daughter. AIDS was a disorder that caused equal amounts of male and female lavas. It was a rare disorder and usually the female hatchlings would have been devoured by a special class of wasps called Balancers. However, there was no Balancer in the current group of Hymenopterans. Their former queen had not expected that any of them would have been infected by AIDS and thus had not included a Balancer as part of her arc to preserve her species. Balancers weren�t really Hymenopterans either. They were a sub species that had evolved differently.

The Hymenopterans had a big problem at hand and did not know what to do. Only a few days later, all the lava had fully grown and turned into adult Hymenopterans. The females looked much like human women in size and proportions. They, just like their new queen, had olive green skin, two round and unused glands on their chests that very much-resembled tits and some furry growth between their legs. The Hymenopterans had long discovered genetic programming and all their offspring inherited the instincts and knowledge of their parents. Thus once they had fully grown, which took only a few days, they could speak and operate complex machines and weapons without training. All the knowledge had been passed on to them genetically and they knew everything instinctively. However, female Hymenopterans also had a very high rivalry instinct. Therefore there could only be one female, their queen, amongst a group of Hymenopterans. They really needed a Balancer to get rid of all the surplus females. Only a Balancer could kill the females. All other Hymenopterans instinctively could not kill another of their own species except when there was an official declaration of war between the two queens. And even if that was possible, they still could not kill females of their species. Only the instincts of a Balancer could kill a female Hymenopteran. However, they currently had one queen and too many female would-be princesses that would eventually be fighting their queen for supremacy. It would destroy them all.

Queen Akira was very concerned and none of her loyal males could think of anything they could do about the situation. But then Szehbawizxm or Sam had an intriguing idea. He suggested that they could try and ask the humans for help. It really was an internal matter, but since they were unable to resolve it, maybe they could utilise some outside help. The Onixians seemed nice and they had a very understanding nature. They seemed to respect and tolerate other cultural values and beliefs that were different from their own and did not act with prejudice. Queen Akira went to try seeking some help from Admiral Tabero and told him about her problem. She initially wasn�t sure whether it was the right thing to do and was very hesitant with her request. However, Admiral Tabero was very understanding and tried to help. He offered Queen Akira that his people could terminate the females for her. Queen Akira, however, insisted that they had to be devoured since that was their tradition that the surplus women were devoured. She really hoped that the Onixians were willing to do that for her people. It was the natural way for them. Excessive females would destroy their culture. In her case there wasn�t much left to destroy and could mean extinction for her species. Female rivalry had caused the destruction of many large hives before and they really could not afford any of that if they were to survive and rebuild their civilisation.

Admiral Tabero gladly lent a hand to help out Queen Akira with her problem. It would strengthen their relationship and could only be mutually beneficial. The Hymenopterans had many far more advanced technologies. They had offered to share some of their technologies for a bit of help. Providing additional help could only mean that they could acquire more of the advanced technologies. In addition, Queen Akira looked quite delicious and one would expect that her daughters must have some of her qualities. Admiral Tabero was really curious how they would taste like but had not been sure about whether it was rude or not to ask such a thing. He knew that different cultures had different customs and protocols and he didn�t know much about the Hymenopterans yet in that respect. He had wondered whether he should ask them if they would mind to have some of their females butchered but decided to defer such matters for later. Queen Akira�s request to help her out and eat some of her daughters was quite an intriguing request for which Admiral Tabero gladly provided assistance.

The matter was agreed on and the Hymenopterans send all their females, except their queen, of course, to the Onixians so that they could devour them. Admiral Tabero told his crew about his agreement with the queen and asked for volunteers to help out in the matter. Not surprisingly, he immediately was overwhelmed with the numbers of volunteers. Basically, all the Onixians wanted a taste of those Hymenopteran females. He had to divide his crew into little groups each receiving a female Hymenopteran to feast their taste buds on.

Ralph and Caroline were together in a group that was assigned a Hymenopteran female designated F374. The Hymenopteran females were not given any names since they weren�t intended to be around for long and merely assigned a number according to the order of when they hatched. F374 just looked like a younger version of the queen; pretty much like she was before her fertilisation. F374 was smaller and plumber than the male Hymenopterans, about the height of a human. She had soft olive green skin that felt just like the soft silky feel of a woman�s skin. The Onixians had never touched the queen before and did not know whether she just looked like a human female or whether she actually felt like one as well. Ralph and Caroline now knew after they thoroughly groped F374 and checked out her body from head to toe. Ralph was amazed that F374�s chest had two mammary glands that just felt like breasts. They were toned hard muscles but also felt soft from the outside. For the Hymenopterans those glands had no functions at all. They were just evolutionary leftovers that served no purpose.

The Onixians, however, immediately found a use for them. Janet who also was in the group was very intrigued and wanted to try something out. She injected F374 with some fast acting hormones to stimulate the production of milk in her mammary glands. To everyone�s surprise, when Janet squeezed F374�s tits they were actually able to produce milk. She squeezed both of F374�s breasts simultaneously and immediately two thin streams of milk began to form. Ralph opened his mouth and knelt down in front of F374 so that one of the streams of milk was going straight into his mouth. Then Caroline knelt down beside him and also opened her mouth wide to receive the other stream of milk. Then everyone in the group took turns to sample the fresh alien milk.

When everyone had his or her turn, it was time to devour F374 who had a special request. She wanted them to eat her alive. Nobody had any objections and her request was granted. F374 was asked to climb on top of a big metallic table and she spread across it on all fours. She was then secured to it so that she could not move anymore. Janet then grabbed a saw and began to slowly saw off F374�s left wing that was attached to the upper back of her body. Soon some blue liquid emerged and flowed out of her wounds. The blue liquid must have been her blood. Caroline licked some of it to see how it tasted like and was surprised to find it quite sweet tasting.

Ralph meanwhile was exploring F374�s genitalia in more details. She had an opening similar to a human female between her legs. The outer lips were elastic and felt very much like soft rubber. When he poked around them, they slowly opened up and he was easily able to put his entire fist into it. Ralph began to explore the insides of F374 and pushed his entire arm in and found something smooth and soft. He wrapped his fingers around it and tried to pull it out and was amazed that it actually came out easily. When he finally pulled his fist back out he discovered what he had found. He was holding something that looked like small little eggs. The round little things were translucent and transparent at the same time and illuminated a golden colour like soft honey. There were thousands of delicate little golden eggs. They almost looked like caviar.

Janet immediately took one of the eggs and popped it into her mouth and ate it. It had an unusual but pleasant taste. Janet could not describe the taste since she had never tasted anything like it before but she knew it tasted good and she wanted to eat more of it. Caroline also tried some and immediately liked the taste as well. Soon everyone was fighting for their share of the tiny delicious golden eggs.

When they had finished with the appetizer it was time for the main course, which was of course F374 herself. She had been secured tightly and could not move anymore. She now looked much like an upside down turkey on a platter. The table had been prepared for the feast. Everyone had a plate with a knife and fork on each side and there were many dips and sauces of various flavours scattered neatly around the table so that everyone was able to taste the variety of different flavours. Everyone sat down at the table and looked at their meal. There were little pots with boiling water between each pair of diners. They were planning on having a steamboat meal with the fresh meat from F374. Janet was given the honours of making the first cut and she did that by severing their meal�s tits. She used a filet knife to carefully cut off both of F374�s breasts. The Hymenopterans seemed to be immune to pain, or at least they showed no signs of the effect. F374 remained motionless and didn�t utter a single sound nor did her face distort when Janet cut deeply into her chest and cleanly severed her breasts.

Then Janet carefully divided the breast meat into equal portions for everyone. The breasts were still squirting some milk when Janet cut into them and the meat ended up being covered with sweet milk. Then Janet served a piece of tit meat to each of her fellow diners who gracefully accepted their little treat and consumed their first morsel of Hymenopteran female meat. It must have tasted deliciously since everyone smacked their lips. Janet could not wait till she had served everyone until she got to try her own portion. When she was finally able to taste it she was almost driven to ecstasy from its wild flavour. The raw meat tasted so good that nobody bothered with cooking it in their little steamboat boilers. They just ate the meat raw. Everyone grabbed their filet knife and began to cut off pieces of thin meat from F374 and dipped it in various differently flavoured sauces. Some even ate the meat without bothering to use any additional sauces or dips. They wanted to taste the real and unblemished flavour of the meat. Sometimes they had to use a hammer to smash the hard shells of F374�s body. Many parts of her body had no bones and once the hard outer shell was broken there were only meaty bits to be pulled out for consumption. F374�s fingers and toes were a bit tricky to eat. Janet had to smash the shells around F374�s fingers. It really reminded her of eating a lobster. The delicate and delicious meat had to be skilfully pulled out of the broken shells. Soon the hungry diners had reduced their meal to a pile of broken shells and bones. It had been a very delicious and enjoyable meal. Everyone hoped that there was more to go around.

Queen Akira was very pleased that the Onixians were able to help her depose of her excessive successors in a dignifying way. Since the Hymenopterans were not cannibalistic they could not have devoured the females themselves and killing them any other way would had been undignifying. The infected male Hymenopterans had to undergo various physical examinations to determine whether there was any way that they could be cured, but despite their advanced technologies the Hymenopterans had no cure for AIDS. Queen Akira decided that the Onixians had a very effective and dignifying way of dealing with their problem and was considering to use their solution as a long term solution and have all future females caused by AIDS send to the Onixians for consumption. She only hoped that they would agree to it and help her out long term.

At the end Admiral Tabero and Queen Akira forged an alliance and they came to an agreement to help each other and share resources. Queen Akira felt that she had struck an incredible favourable deal for her people. They only had to share their technology with the Onixians, explain their discoveries and adapt them so that the Onixians could use them. In return the Onixians would provide them with human females as food and incubators as well as eat their females for them. The Onixians provided three important services to the Hymenopterans while they only provided the Onixians with their knowledge and technology. The Hymenopterans felt that the Onixians were giving them more than they received back. They felt like they owed the Onixians a lot for their kindness and generosity. The Onixians on the other hand thought they were giving a great deal. Not only were they provided with the location of Terra and many advanced technologies, they were also given delicious Hymenopteran females to eat. Both sides were extremely happy about the deal and were looking forward to many future co-operations. But first, they had to go to Terra and find their lost people. When the Hymenopteran had sufficiently repaired their ship, the Onixians bid them farewell to continue their mission and went to seek out Terra.

Please read the next series: Terra, Paradise Lost -- Part 1: The Discovery (by Honda)


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