| Military Records| | Locations|


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records and with increasing public access to those documents, which comprise the National Archives. NARA is officially responsible for maintaining and publishing the legally authentic and authoritative copies of acts of Congress, presidential proclamations and executive orders, and federal regulations as well as service members records of service.

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Documents of interest to veterans

Military records can be valuable resources in personal and genealogical research. We are the official repository for records of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard and other government agencies. These records include:

Service Records
Unit Reports
Casualty List

Note that most military records, including veteran's military service records, are not online. There are casualty reports, photos and other selected military records available in our collection of Online Documents for Veterans.

Organizations that can help retrieving your records

Veteran service officers or (VSO's) are professional people who know the policies and procedures that can assit you as a veteran on multipe items including:

Helping you retrieve your military records. Assisting you on a Veterans Affair claim. Explaining your benefits and how to retrieve a loved ones military record. To reach out to a Veteran Service Officer for assistance click the link below:

  • Veteran Service Officer locator

  • Retrieved from