TITLE: The Mating Dance of Wolf and Virginia, Part 2 of 5 An original story by myself: Luna LLena Fandom: 10th Kingdom Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters or situations, they are owned by Hallmark Entertainment and NBC. No infringement is intended. Rating: NC-17... The chase is on and things are about to heat up! Feedback: Please! To the list or privately to me: ComparisLupinus@webtv.net ComparisLupinuswebtv.net THE MATING DANCE OF WOLF AND VIRGINIA, Part 2 of 5 ...in part 1, Wolf's recalls what happened after Kissingtown... .....Which brought him around to the here and now. As his mind had run nimbly thru these recollections he had absently picked up a few sticks of fallen wood. For what?...Oh, the _fire_! To heat water for tea! Obviously his mind had been elsewhere! And he had made up that mind about how to go forward. Now that he was sure how Virginia felt, he would declare his intentions again. They were truly mates already in spirit but he needed to formalize the relationship: make her his mate in reality. And this time he would do it in the wolfy way. The courtship of a pair of wolfs is a beautiful exuberant joy-filled romp: a Fabulous Frolic: a Delight-Filled Dance! So he would ask her to dance... Virginia had acquired a few sticks of wood herself: the whole time never taking her eyes off Wolf. He covered the few steps between them quickly and stood facing her. She looked up at him with the loveliest expression, open and warm, that he'd ever seen. He hesitated a moment, mesmerized by her gorgeous gaze: then shook himself slightly and started, "There is something I'd like you to do for me...uhm, with me...and I think I deserve it, given my multiple savings of your life." She smiled that dreamy smile and responded, "I know what you want to do , and the answer is yes." He gasped, "OH!" Indescribable happiness filled him again. Some small part of him still had feared rejection: hadn't expected her to say that. They were standing inches away from each other in the silky morning mist. He dropped his wood: found himself breathing quite heavily and his heart racing all over again. He managed, "Oh Cripes! I want you so much!" And he reached out and placed his hands on Beautiful Virginia's arms just below the shoulders. "I know." Her reply urged his heart to an even quicker rhythm. "I want you too." He stood stock-still there one second, his mind again racing ahead of his heart. She should run, and he should give chase: this was how the mating dance began with wolfs. A game, he thought; yes - that's the idea! Invite her to play a game with him. Something where she had to run...he could chase her and that would start things off properly. Surely she'd get the idea. "All right," he exclaimed, "You run off into the woods and I'll cover my eyes." And he covered his eyes but he didn't detect Virginia moving so he peeked out between his fingers. "I'm sorry?", there was a look both confused and amused on Virginia's delicate face. "Into the trees and I will cover my eyes and count to a hundred!" "Are you serious?" "Oh yes," sincerely, from behind his hands; hoping his voice wasn't sounding too panicked. Didn't she get it? He hoped she wanted to play as badly as he did. Yikes! Maybe she thought he wouldn't be fair: Yes! that must be it! "I won't cheat. I promise I won't cheat." "That's not the point!" >From between his fingers Wolf could see that Virginia's look had changed from confusion to consternation. Oh Huff! Maybe honesty _was_ the best policy, "All right, maybe I will count a little quicker after fifty, but I promise you'll get a proper..." "I'm not playing Hide and Seek!", she interrupted, but as she said this an almost-giggle came out behind it. Could it be?...He scrunched his fingers together over his eyes again and started to count. He heard Virginia start to say, "No..." but then an instant later, he heard her dart away! It was absolute torment to stand there and count; and he may have, just accidentally, cheated a tiny little bit after all. "Eight, nine, twenty-one, two three fourfivenine, thirty-one, two threefourfourty.....Cooommmmmmiiiiiinnng!!!" Laughing in delight he scampered off thru the forest after her, buoyant with anticipation. Of course he knew right where she was even as she scurried along, thinking she was escaping him. Her intoxicating aroma made it easy to pinpoint her every move. But he let her go; let her run around some, and even used a measure of his skills as a predator so as to throw some sound - make her think he was somewhere else: not able to find her..... She was really moving now, and Wolf took notice of a difference in both the way she ran and the way she smelled. He almost couldn't believe it, but Oh! Goodness Gracious! seems Vivacious Virginia was getting aroused! He was sure of it! She was giving off the most marvelous fragrance now, a fragrance that could only come from one place: the sweet juicy depths of her. He hadn't meant to lose control of himself nearly so early on, but now he had. And so began to pursue her in earnest, leaping over bushes and crashing thru the greenery. He was impeded by the fact that _he_ was becoming fully physically aroused now: made running more than a little difficult. Man, indeed! He huffed to himself. Mere human men had only half the problem he had: not only was he the owner of a rapidly burgeoning erection - his tail was itching and twitching and throbbing as well! Between the swollen appendage in the front and the swollen appendage in the rear he was in quite the predicament! He really would need to get these trousers off as soon as possible! Still running, albeit stumbling a bit, Wolf was rapidly approaching his Luscious Quarry. He began to growl and pant, not from exertion, but from animal desire. So close now...she had stopped in a thicket just ahead: thinking she had eluded him, perhaps. He slowed silently, abruptly, went into a crouch and slunk behind some ferns, barely able to suppress his wolfy whimpers of anticipation. The scent of her creamy wetness was excruciatingly tantalizing from this short distance. And he was really really glad, now, that he hadn't been stupid enough to discard his wolf side, because, truth be told - he was a virgin! It hadn't mattered in his life before: wolfs give themselves to one and one only. Wolfs mate for life. But now he was ready to mate, and it did matter. His animal nature would guide him here, and he would be a fine lover, where a mere man in this situation would be a fumbling fool... Wolf's about to pounce! Find out what happens when he does in part 3, commmiiiing tomorrow! -Luna LLena ComparisLupinuswebtv.net