. Bonds of Choice #7 Star Wars: TPM FanFic Series by HiperBunny (message 1 of 3) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qui-Gon settled the last of his things in his quarters and lay down on his bed for a think. Corubia and Obi-Wan had outfitted one of the rooms on the upper deck for his rooms, installed a sort of observation window in the ceiling so he could watch the stars from his bed if he chose. The flitting lights soothed his thoughts, let him relax and consider without needing to remove himself from his personal space. They had offered to make another chamber for Torlamin, but she had declined, on the grounds that she was not often on the Gannet. That was true enough. More often than not Torlamin's duties kept her on or near Coruscant, not far from the observing eyes of the Council. No doubt she told herself that it was an honor. In fact, it showed a distinct lack of trust on the part of the Order to keep her so close. The fact that he and Obi-Wan were often sent to distant systems to solve complex problems spoke volumes to those who knew how to read the subtext. Additionally, much of Corubia's training had taken place on or near Coruscant. Now, admittedly, there were certain health-related issues for her particular species of merbeings that had influenced the forum for her training, but it was still quite odd how often she was kept on-planet, under the training of someone else when Torlamin was sent offworld. Corubiasitting had become one of the main pastimes for Masters stationed at the Temple. The Council had even begun to pick up slack with her case, now that she was advanced far enough. Again, there was an implied honor to having the Council work with one's student. But in the subtext…Qui-Gon sighed. That he had failed to read the subtext regarding Rue Torlamin was weighing heavily on his mind just now. *She's so good at hiding what it is she does. I wonder who else knows? * Well, Kourt, surely. He had a nose for that sort of subterfuge. He made a habit of keeping himself well-informed of activities within the order. Qui-Gon could hear him now. "Ignorance is the strength of the underhanded. Maintain a lack of education in your opponents and you have all the power you need." This seemed to be a lesson Torlamin had learned on her own. *She wanted so much to be part of us, one of us, though she were as ill-suited to the task as any I have ever seen. * Now he wondered just what she thought Kourt was doing in his study. Nothing like what was happening, clearly. *Obi-Wan is in danger. * That was certainly clear now. He turned over onto his stomach, buried his head in the pillows. *It must be done now, and quickly. I can not let him go on as he is, half-informed if that. He must be instructed most thoroughly in his own abilities, more thoroughly even than I was at his age. * Qui-Gon was more than confident that Obi-Wan would see and understand quickly what he was. If they could just get past that damned flaw! His disbelief in his own worth would have to be overcome. It had been Qui-Gon's hope to guide him slowly, let his perspective shift naturally, over time. It seemed that would be a luxury he could not afford. Well then, nothing for it. *I'll just present him with the facts and let him draw his own conclusions. And if he draws the incorrect conclusions, I'll just…give him the answers. * The thought galled him. Qui-Gon was not over-fond of forcing ideas and opinions on his students. He much preferred that they get the sense of achievement that came from working things out on their own. But in this instance, no mistake could be made. No matter how uncomfortable or difficult it might be to fit the ideas of being a High Potential might conflict with Obi-Wan's current self-image, he must be made to understand his abilities and the duties that came with them. *He MUST. * A Jedi's greatest tool, most reliable weapon, was his or her mind. More battles were fought with the intellect than in any other arena. From philosophy to history to language to science, it was information, in great quantity, that paved the road of success for himself and countless others. So it would also be for Obi-Wan. Yes, his heightened reflexes, physical attributes and battle-training would save his life. But what they would save was not Obi-Wan, Jedi Warrior, but the mind that held control over those abilities. Harbored within his body, his mind, was a treasure of wisdom and thought that would create the legacy of a great Jedi Knight. Just as it had for Qui-Gon and others like himself. Over the years, Qui-Gon had seen Obi-Wan interact with many other Padawans. There were few he felt truly comfortable with, though he had many acquaintances. Corubia was far and away his best friend, an association Qui-Gon encouraged as much for her benefit as his. There were others, though, that he knew to be well within Obi-Wan's circle of trust. Two, in particular, had been quite close to him for many years, though their paths did not often cross of late. *I should have made sure he stayed closer to them, * Qui-Gon chided himself. *I'll be sure to correct that, and soon. * When first Obi-Wan had become his Padawan, he had spent much time with Swed, Jinji and Corubia. It was with them that he had come up through the ranks of the Trainees, with them that he found his bearings as a Padawan, and with them that he stood as an equal rather than a superlative. They had created a nice comfort zone for one another, helped one another in their endeavors. Jenji, a gifted artist, had often used Obi-Wan and Swed as her subjects. Corubia had orchestrated pranks on a monumental scale with them all. Swed, well, he was an odd duck even among odd ducks. Given to severe depression and overexertion, he'd needed the others to remind him to rest, to fool around, to stop thinking and working all the time. And Obi-Wan? Well, he'd been in charge. Always. The others turned to him in times of crisis, personal or otherwise. He had never failed them or taken them down the road of failure. Sometimes the paths he'd chosen were…less than reputable, but they were always better for the journey. Somewhere in the last two years or so, their paths had diverged. The assignments of their respective teachers had brought them together less often and schedules had allowed them less time together when they all happened to be in the same place at the same time. It was during this period of separation that Obi-Wan's feelings of unworthiness had really begun to show itself. Qui-Gon had no doubt that it had always been there. Everyone has something like that lurking about. But clearly the approval of his Master hadn't been enough to keep those feelings at bay once his friends had somewhat faded from his life. Or perhaps his master had simply failed to let his approval be fully felt. Qui-Gon tossed restlessly as that thought took hold. *Have I failed him so completely? Did I do nothing to make him feel loved and cared for? * He considered the last two years carefully, tried to understand when it was that Obi-Wan had sincerely begun to loose a grip on his own self-worth. He could trace it neatly to the root, to the exact moment when his Koateleu had sincerely faltered in his self-perception. The path was thankfully a short one, but it indicated something sincerely disturbing. Although there had been hints and snatches of uncertainty, Obi-Wan had not really begun to loose his center until that mission to save the Kurasians. Only then, when he had taken life on his own, without Qui-Gon's comforting presence, had he begun to question his motives and ultimately himself, his worth. Hard on the heels of that came his confession of love for Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon mulled that thought carefully. Could their… relationship… come from some kind of confusion, schism in self-perception? Was it, in short, a mistake? The thought chilled him to the core. He had felt Obi-Wan's love for him, had thought it to be a clean, true emotion…but if it were rooted in Obi-Wan's feelings of unworthiness it could not be allowed to go on. Several questions rolled around in Qui-Gon's mind. Did Obi-Wan's declaration of love come from honest feelings? Was his current reticence to make their relationship a more permanent thing from the feelings of unworthiness he now struggled with? Or had he reached out for love, approval, in this way simply because he hadn't had much of an option at the time? Qui-Gon drew long, deep breaths, tried to calm his heart. If Obi-Wan did not truly love him, he would accept that. There was no other option. He had loved and lost before, he would survive again, if need be. If Obi-Wan offered nothing more than what they had now, at this moment, Qui-Gon would count himself well-blessed and deeply rewarded for all time. He would hope for nothing more, but hold himself still and await Obi-Wan's pleasure with as much grace as he could manage. Until then, there was much work to be done. A great many lessons must yet be taught before such questions could be answered. He must prepare his Padawan to handle problems much more serious and far-reaching than who he did and did not love. He was on the edge of a developmental stage that would be life-altering in the extreme. He would needed all the information available and he needed it now. This very day. "Ignorance is the weapon of the underhanded. I must not put such a weapon into Torlamin's or any other's hand. Not to be wielded over my Koateleu. He is ready." Qui-Gon got up off the bed and began scanning through the information he would need to impart to Obi-Wan. He would arm his student with the one weapon that could never fail him. Self-knowledge. ************************************ Obi-Wan and Corubia installed themselves in the cockpit. They laid in a switchback route to their final destination while Corubia filled Obi-Wan in on the gossip back on Coruscant and undid the 'Faydrus Dekk' hairdo. "Do you remember that Juka Mora? You'll never guess what happened to him." "I'm sure I won't, considering I don't recall him," Obi-Wan replied. "What? I thought better of you than that, Kenobi. You've always remembered their names before." Corubia broke out in a huge grin. "Oh, come on. The one you picked up in the Common Room, right after you lost your apartment. Remember?" "Oh! Oh, right, right! Cor, look. Nothing happened. I crashed out there and went back to Qui-Gon's suite the next morning, ever faithful to my Jedi morality." Obi-Wan let heavy sarcasm drip from the statement. "You know the score here. How could you even think I'd do that?" "You're serious about it not being serious between you two?" Corubia pressed. "Just like I want it. Oh, the sex is great, don't get me wrong! But you know I can't let it get… complicated. He's in deep enough for both of us, but that's a luxury I can't afford. Not now." Obi-Wan stretched and popped his back. Corubia gave him an appraising glance, then asked, "Did I ever tell you the story of Ulanta and Pantreti?" "Oh boy, why do I think there's an object lesson coming my way? You spend too much time with Yoda," Obi-Wan complained. "Well, not so much any more, but this really does apply. See, there was this girl named Ulanta. She wanted to be a great warrior and scholar and so on, never spent any time just being relaxed and maybe taking a partner, right? So then there was this guy, Pantreti, who knew her really well, spent a lot of time training with her, in fact, he loved her. They were perfect for each other, but Ulanta wouldn't acknowledge it. One day, Pantreti declared his love for her, but she got scared and ran away. He pursued. She called out to her goddess," "Goddess? Come on, Cor, you're really stretching it now," Obi-Wan chuckled. "Yeah, well, just go with it, okay? So the goddess looks down and says, yeah, I'll get you out of this, and turns Ulanta into a strong vine. So Pantreti sees this happening and calls to his god, begging for a way to be with his true partner. The god turns Pantreti into a stout tree growing near the vine. Over time, the vine grew and twined itself to the strong tree and the lovers were together for always." Corubia finished her story with a grin. " So what does that tell you?" "Um, deities have really strange ideas of how to help out?" "Skies, Kenobi! Doesn't that story remind you of anyone?" she exploded. "Okay, okay. I get it. You think this is like me and Qui-Gon. So which one am I? Pantreti?" "No, you dimwit Human Being! You're Ulanta! You're the pursued! Qui-Gon's Pantreti, 'He who pursues by standing calm and strong'! Oh, I don't know why I even bother with you!" Corubia sat and took over the flight controls. Obi-Wan pondered that for a long moment. "Uh. Well. So, what about Juka Mora?" "He finally passed his physical. Took him long enough. You'd think a Master like his could get him into higher form faster than that." Corubia's eyes darkened for a moment. "I'm glad we don't have to worry about that. If I had to go through status trials every year, I think I'd die." "Yeah, and it's just dumb luck that Qui-Gon's so good he brings my records up with him. Otherwise, I'd be right along with most of the other Padawans." "Right, Kenobi. You just tag along and Qui-Gon does all the work. I've seen the reports you two turn in. You're good at what you do, more than a perfect partner for Qui-Gon. You know what Luce said she heard her Master talking about with Master Windu? They're saying they want you and Master Jinn as a permanent team. I mean, if you want to, once you pass the Trials." Corubia turned in her chair to look at him. "Would you want to?" Obi-Wan swallowed around the lump that had suddenly sprung in his throat. "How serious do you think they are?" He asked. "I don't know. I only got the dirt secondhand. Why?" "Qui-Gon asked me the same thing this morning. Do you think he's heard something concrete?" Obi-Wan turned a worried look towards his friend. "Could be. He might have made the suggestion himself," Corubia pointed out. "Nah. He's probably worried that he won't be able to scrape me off if the Council puts a hand in. I mean, if they offered it to me, I'd be mad to turn it down. Besides, Qui-Gon … don't you dare repeat this. And this goes beyond that weird crush he's picked up. I think he's starting to like me." Obi-Wan blushed from top to toes. "You THINK he's STARTING to like you? Kid, did you ever get over your assignment anxiety? I think it's pretty obvious he …" she snapped her mouth shut. "Good day, Master Jinn." "Good day, Corubia. Obi-Wan, I want to speak to you. Can you handle this yourself, Corubia?" "Blindfolded, Master Jinn." "That sounds like a good idea. Do so." Corubia groaned and Obi-Wan chuckled as he stood to go. ********************** Qui-Gon led Obi-Wan to the meeting room where he had been punished during their journey to Renal Sejon. Obi-Wan pushed that memory down even as Qui-Gon spoke. "Cloak, boots and socks by the door, Padawan." Obi-Wan forced himself to keep breathing. He could withstand any punishment, any trial. He always had and always would, because Qui-Gon would never try him beyond his strength. Oh, up to the limit and hold it there for a while, but never beyond his ability. Of this Obi-Wan was quite certain. "Sit where you will, Padawan." Obi-Wan chose to curl up on the low ledge by the window. He pulled his knees up under his chin and wrapped his arms around his legs. What it lacked in formality it made up for in Obi-Wan's sense of security. Qui-Gon did not protest, but brought a stack of printouts to the window and settled in beside him. His countenance was calm and unreadable. "Obi-Wan, we're going to look some information over together Information that I foolishly believed you had gathered for yourself. I don't know why I thought you would have done so. Do you know what these are?" Qui-Gon held out the sheaf of hardcopy. Obi-Wan thumbed through them. "These are my training records, from before I was your Padawan." "And these?" Qui-Gon handed over another stack. "The rankings that just came out. What do you want me to do with them, Master?" Obi-Wan was utterly confused. "Just begin with the top sheet of your files and start reading. Tell me if you have any questions. I'm going to go get us some lunch, so I'll be back soon." Qui-Gon stood and headed for the galley. Obi-Wan sighed and began reading. The trainee's records were almost never shown to the subject. Obi-Wan wondered what he was supposed to find in them. *Perhaps there is a clue here as to what's wrong with me. Maybe they already know how I managed to slip through the system. * With that thought, Obi-Wan began reading in earnest, seeking out the kernel of knowledge that would explain which particular cosmic joke had put a Padawan braid behind his ear. He was almost through the file when Qui-Gon returned. He threw it down in disgust and took a mug of tea from the tray. "It's not in there," he growled. "What were you looking for, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked. "I don't know. Something. Look at this! 'Subject is ranked third in his group of eighty. Displays extremely high intelligence, agility, strength, mental acuity. Language skills assessed at the highest levels. Mathematics skills will need to be tested at higher levels for a true measure to be taken.' And here, a year later. 'Subject has mastered three languages in both written and spoken forms in the past year. He has been moved into a physical training group of older trainees.' And this one right before you took me as Padawan. This one, I knew about, by the way. 'Subject unsuitable for regular training. His special needs will require handling of the most demanding sort.' Where is my other assignment? There must have been records made." Obi-Wan flipped through the sheets again, almost frantic. "What other assignment?" Qui-Gon asked. "Wherever they were going to send me. I know they were going to put me out of the Temple, Master Torlamin made that pretty clear from the beginning. They didn't leave me in one place long enough to get comfortable. I don't know. If they hadn't been bouncing me and Corubia around together, I might have gone mad." The file was in serious physical danger, so Qui-Gon retrieved it. "Dammit! I don't understand." Qui-Gon nodded and handed Obi-Wan his lunch plate. "So. Corubia was right. She's a clever girl, that one. You have no idea what this file says, do you?" Obi-Wan shook his head and lit into his sandwich. "Not really. I just wanted to know where they wanted to send me before the Council pushed me off on you." "Okay, let's try this another way. You eat and I'll read. Pretend we're talking about, oh, well I imagine you two were pretty much interchangeable back then. Imagine this is Corubia's file and tell me what you hear." Qui-Gon cleared his throat and picked up a page from the middle of the stack. " ' Subject has difficulty conforming to the level of the training group. Advancement recommended immediately.' Or this. ' Manual skills on par with projected rate. Lightsaber construction held no apparent challenges.' And this one. ' Subject accidentally memorized all texts for the coming term. Class reassignment as listed.' What does that sound like to you?" "Um," Obi-Wan tried to compute what he'd just heard. It just didn't jibe. On the one hand, it sounded like high praise. Only, he knew it was about himself, so why would anyone be saying good things? Qui-Gon waved the question aside and stood. He appeared to be lost in thought as he paced slowly about the room, then turned to face his student once more. "Okay, let's put it another way. With all these skills and abilities do you really think the Jedi would have let you out of their sight for a single moment? Much less put you out of training? I assure you the question was never asked, much less considered. As far as your assignment, yes, it was changed. You were assigned to someone else before they gave you to me. I had to argue long and hard to be allowed to take you, because the Master you were assigned to held considerable rank and had a great deal of pull with the Council. Only when they saw us together that first time did they understand why I was so frantic to have you. And the other Master stood aside in favor of me." "Who?" Obi-Wan's throat was almost too dry for speech. "Master Yoda. He was near aching to train you, but even he is subject to the Will of the Force." Qui-Gon sat again and reached out to stroke Obi-Wan's cheek. "My Padawan. Obi-Wan. Are you beginning to understand? You are no more a burden to me than breathing is. You are special and important. You really are. Especially to me. You must try to understand this if you are to overcome your Enemy. Will you try?" Obi-Wan quirked a smile at his master. "There is do, or do not. There is no try." Qui-Gon smiled back. " Indeed. And if we are to make it through your training, I very much need you to 'do'." "Yes, Master. May I have some help to study all of this?" Obi-Wan was pulling the pages back into their proper order. "It is a shade overwhelming." "Of course, Obi-Wan. And one more thing," Qui-Gon reached out lightning-quick, moving almost too fast for Obi-Wan to see. When he withdrew, the brown silk ribbon had been returned to Obi-Wan's ankle. "I don't know what that means to you, but clearly it is important. Honor me by wearing it." Obi-Wan bowed his head obediently. "Yes, Master." His tone was deferential and low. Qui-Gon stood, "I'm going to go check on Corubia. I'll be right back." Obi-Wan reached down to touch the ribbon. * Now, my Pantreti, I just have to work out what I want this to mean.*