. Bonds of Choice #24 Star Wars: TPM FanFic Series by HiperBunny (message 3 of 3) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Obi-Wan settled back against the arm of the sofa, a large mug of cocoa cradled reverently in his hands. Neither he nor Qui-Gon had said a single word as they drank. It was a sort of ritual, though one they had not enacted in nearly five years. Juice and water were their most common beverages. Tea was the drink of talk and laughter, sharing and submersion in the business of living. Cocoa was, by silent agreement, the magical elixir for times of trouble. When things looked grim, when troubles came, when punishment must be selected and accepted, when they were about to embark on a particularly dangerous mission, one of them would simply take down the tin of chocolate powder and prepare this, their most visceral of meditations. Though they never spoke nor touched through the Force, this mutual and silent indulgence never failed to bring them together. What mere koans, keto, forms and poses sometimes could not achieve, hot chocolate was certain to spark a powerful harmony between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Neither of them had ever questioned this, nor studied it too deeply. Rather, they accepted and were grateful for it, as one must be in the presence of a Force-sent blessing. Obi-Wan looked into his mug. Marshmallows. Not a good sign. Obi-Wan took his time in drinking. Since Qui-Gon had prepared and poured, it was he who would break the silence. Obi-Wan spent the time savoring his drink and lingering on the simple pleasure of being with his Master. When both cups were empty and sitting on the low table, Qui-Gon finally spoke. "Well then. Where shall I begin?" Obi-Wan curled up on the end of the sofa while Qui-Gon stood to pace the room. He was calm, collected, serene, but only just. His emotions were trying to get the better of him, trying to fray and flap in the breeze of unexpected occurrence and sudden revelation. "Pantreti?" Obi-Wan said, interrupting his restless movement. "Yes?" "Come... come sit..." Obi-Wan opened his arms and moved his legs apart, not really sure how to ask. "Come here so... so I can protect you..." All the breath seemed to rush out of Qui-Gon in an instant, his eyes stilled in shock. Then time moved forward again and he dove into that welcoming embrace. He buried his face against Obi-Wan's chest and slid his arms around his student's ribcage. Obi-Wan slipped his arms around Qui-Gon's shoulders and leaned his cheek against soft, fragrant hair. They lay still for a long time, breathing in unison and letting go of the tension, stress, pain, replacing all that with the scent and feel of each other. Eventually Qui-Gon twisted around so that he could lean back against Obi-Wan. They threaded their fingers together over Qui-Gon's chest and watched the shadows lengthen. Neither of them moved to raise the lights. Darkness folded around them and they continued to focus upon each other. Obi-Wan let his head slip forward so that he could rest his chin on Qui-Gon's shoulder. That contact was like a cue. Qui-Gon began to speak. "I was so lonely, Obi-Wan. I was only nineteen, but they were talking about my Trials already and I didn't know how to stop it. Can you imagine such a thing? Master Yoda wanted me knighted young, wanted it and couldn't make it happen, no matter what he tried. They can't call a Padawan a Knight unless the teacher goes on record saying the Learner has passed his trials. That is actually a law in the Order, under the Vigil regulations. It saved me, I think. The only way around it is if the master is dead and even Master Yoda wasn't willing to kill my master just to... to put me in the field too green to survive. "So, anyway, Master Sarafel made it perfectly clear that she wouldn't pass me until I was ready, no matter what the Council said. Skies only know what kind of pressure they put on her, what all she protected me from. What she couldn't protect me from was bad enough. I tried to make friends, but... I was... quite different from the others. Even more than I am now, if you can imagine such a thing. I took to picking up willing bodies, sleeping around... just to... not be alone..." Obi-Wan turned his head and kissed Qui-Gon's neck. "It's okay." Qui-Gon shifted on the sofa and Obi-Wan strengthened his grip to prevent him from bolting again. After a moment, Qui-Gon relaxed again. "So one night I was at this club, you see. I met a young man... quite beautiful, really. He was sweet, kind... then when we got back to his rooms he... changed. He hit me, called me a slut, and... and I didn't fight back. Didn't want to. It all felt so incredibly *real* to me, you see. As if... as if this was what everyone had always *wanted* to do to me, but hadn't quite dared. The Council wanted to call me a dangerous beast. Civilians wanted to call me a murderer and a callous bastard. Lovers wanted to call me a whore. More than that, they wanted to say that and for me to carry on doing precisely what I had been doing all along. And all I wanted was that honesty. So I let him beat me, let him fuck me. All the time he kept saying 'I'll stop if you want me to,' and I kept saying 'Don't stop...' "And then I came back to the Temple and it was all unreal again. Our next mission was pure hell. Fighting, death, filthy politicians playing power games with other people's lives, including mine, and all of it neatly wrapped up in the guise of government. It made me ill. So when I got back here, I went to the clubs again. I think it was about two years later when Master finally put a stop to it. She permitted me to see a professional, if I chose... but I never did. Then Kourt helped me a little, taught me some things, and that was it. The pain... it is so real, so beautifully honest... it seems safe to me, to hurt without harming anyone or anything, including myself. And in those moments when I feel that pain which I have chosen, I surrender to the Force all that I must do to serve it." Qui-Gon turned so he could see Obi-Wan's face. "I take little pleasure in the pain, nor do I crave it constantly. It's a... sort of release, a detoxification of my spiritual self. And yet, for all that, it is a sexual need... I need the pleasure with the pain, or it just doesn't work at all." Obi-Wan frowned in thought. "I understand," he finally said. "Do you? Do you really, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon squeezed his hands. "I think so. You see, Master... I'm very lonely as well. I take lovers, but only for the pleasure of coupling. I never wished to risk caring for anyone, though I never admitted that to myself. I... I was afraid. Too scared to be alone, too scared to be with someone else... so I ended up with this. I slept with you the first time because it was exotic and I wanted to be with you. I *cared* about you, then, and I didn't want to admit it even to myself. Then we didn't talk, and everything got so fucked up... but you do care about me. You do love me, even long before I let myself love you. Then, that night... you really aren't going to take over my life or try to change me, are you?" Obi-Wan asked. "Of course not. I like you how you are," Qui-Gon assured him. "Why?" "Because even when I wouldn't see it, you have been honest with me. You have never lied, never said anything calculated to deceive me… except in bed. And that, my love, is why I will not lie with you. I can't… can not trust you to speak the truth. You do not wish to open your thoughts to me, so that I may feel the truth. Therefore, it is not possible for me to know the truth of you," Qui-Gon shifted a little. "Without the honesty, there is nothing worth having." Obi-Wan was silent for a long moment, then he raised his hands to cover Qui-Gon's eyes. "As one who can not see, I will offer you the pages of my flesh." Qui-Gon's breathing quickened, then slowed again under his will. "Are you sure, Obi-Wan?" "Yes. Quite sure. But I will ask the same of you, my Pantreti." "I could give you nothing less, Koateleu." "Then let us read the language written on the body." ******************** Obi-Wan made himself as comfortable as he could upon the rough carpet before Qui-Gon's window. The moonlight and ambient illumination of Coruscant washed over him, the only light in the room. Qui-Gon lay next to him, breathing slowly and deeply to center himself for the reading. Obi-Wan was aware of his own nervousness, but felt no urge to still or release it. The Language would speak it clearly, anyway. One of the first skills any Jedi student learns is the art of sensing and translating the traces of life, of the Force and the marks it leaves on the matter of the universe. Like fingerprints, like trace-scents and tastes, like shades of long-removed color or long-forgotten voices, all things leave their various impressions in the stuff of life. So as it was possible for Obi-Wan to sense where Qui-Gon had sat and what frame of mind he had been in at the time, so was it possible for him to touch and feel, far more intimately, the truth of Qui-Gon's… Qui-Gon-ness in his body. While it was very possible to shield thoughts and emotions from another person's mind as well as mask the proofs of those thoughts from even an intimate observer, it was also possible to let those masks fall. Among the Jedi, Obi-Wan knew, there were few things more intimate than laying hands on another person's physical form and being allowed to read the traces and impressions of their soul as made upon their flesh. Those impressions, unmasked and untainted, were like unto the pages of another's essence. Those impressions were marked in the secret language of the senses, and written on the body. Obi-Wan had long suspected that the reason for the Jedi's very elaborate, totally concealing costume was a matter of self-preservation. Living flesh, especially flesh exposed to touch, was like unto a public announcement of one's inner self. Unless something overpowering, such as great emotional stress, physical trauma, sexual arousal or a very recent and deep physical and mental purge was in place, the body was a richly illustrated text open to perusal. It was, therefore, a highly sacred act for one Jedi to allow another Jedi access to his or her body in the absence of such a mitigating factor, with all Force-signatures offered for inspection. That they lay together, nude and unaroused, was enough to set all of Obi-Wan's alarms ringing. That Qui-Gon had not so much as looked at him let Obi-Wan know those alarms were being heard loud and clear. Obi-Wan took a deep breath, released his anxieties and laid one hand upon Qui-Gon's. "Now, please." Warm breath stirred Obi-Wan's eyelashes and moved on as Qui-Gon took the scent of him. Obi-Wan pressed his palms more firmly to the floor and relaxed his shoulders, letting his mind drift upon the moment. When Qui-Gon's lips pressed to the inside of his right elbow, he opened his eyes and tried to regain control of his own breathing. Moist tongue, then nothing as Qui-Gon lay beside him once more. In the pool of blue evening light, Qui-Gon spoke. "Written on the body are the miseries of the young man. With no hope of love you have pushed yourself through life, desiring that which you believe will never be. So deeply, so completely do you believe you will always be alone, it is impossible for you to see that you are part of another, even now." Obi-Wan drew in a sharp breath and tried to relax the tightening in his chest. He closed his eyes again as Qui-Gon moved over him once more. Long hair trailed over his chest, ghosting impressions of Qui-Gon. These Obi-Wan spoke as his mind interpreted what his spirit gleaned. "Written on the body are memories of long-past wrongs. A strange melange of pride and shame have created in you cravings of unparalleled depth. Though you wish to believe they are sane, are acceptable and pure… some part of you still cries out that you are filth and deserving of pain. Sublimation of that voice cuts at you." Fingertips traced Obi-Wan's navel, then withdrew. "Bright love burns within, great copious love, so deeply hidden that it begins to damage you. Containment is not possible, not advisable, but admitting such love, even to yourself, would cause you great discomfort and confusion." Obi-Wan reached out and brushed his fingers along Qui-Gon's shoulder blade. "Once a bird of prey flew over you. You followed its flight with your eyes, wishing to the skies that you could be so free. The song of the Force and your own duty kept you on the ground." Three kisses fell along Obi-Wan's ribcage and Qui-Gon spoke. "Written on the body is the knowledge of your own desirability. Also there I taste the hand of cold lust. That ice-touch has closed its fist around your heart. Will you not let me break you free?" Obi-Wan sat up and tasted Qui-Gon's throat. "Oh my love, why do you believe you are set so far apart from me? We are twins in our strangeness, and similar in our own hearts." Qui-Gon twisted his fingers through Obi-Wan's hair, letting his long braid twine around a wrist. "You are so very giving, so willing to work and so full of this need to please. Do you really think you must earn the right to be cared for?" "Yes." "It is not so." Obi-Wan drew back, putting a handspan of distance between himself and Qui-Gon. "That night I was lying in bed and I could *feel* how much you cared about me, how deep it ran. And I looked at myself, honestly... and I love you just as much. It seems rather foolish to deny that, now that I see it." "Would you rather deny it?" Qui-Gon gently whispered. Instead of answering, Obi-Wan put his hands in Qui-Gon's hair and pressed his brow to Qui-Gon's. "My breath. Read my breath." Their lips sealed in an openmouthed kiss, air passing from one to the other in a direct feed of input. Obi-Wan focused down onto the scent/taste/feel of Qui-Gon, trying to discern, analyze, catalog all that was being shown to him. He pushed up onto his knees, dragging Qui-Gon along with him. A few moments' fumbling and they knelt together, pressed to each other from knees to mouths. Obi-Wan struggled to draw air through his nose, to keep contact, to find and connect and understand. **I saw a vision of the future, my future, and it was you.** //I read the threads of destiny and you were mine.// **The universe is a cold and lonely place. Darkness and desolation surrounds me, is in me.** //I am with you. You need not be alone.// **My heart is a broken and suspicious creature.** //My heart is a scarred and masochistic self.// **We are none of us perfect.** //I wish to be forgiven for my imperfections. I want absolution for my wrongs.// **I forgive you.** //Let me love and heal you. Let that be the work of my life.// **Let me love and protect you. Let that be the reward for my labors.** **//Be with me love me I love you sweet my only my other self let me be all things everything to you my only love my brazen lover my gentle sweet place of rest be only with me yes please yes oh yes//** ********************** When at last their kiss ended both men stood and dressed. They took that time to disentangle their thoughts once more and become two separate persons with separate skins. When they were grounded and centered in their own bodies again, Obi-Wan took Qui-Gon's hand and led him back to the sofa. They resumed their seats as they had lain before, Qui-Gon reclining against Obi-Wan's chest. "So..." Obi-Wan closed his eyes and sought the will of the Force. Letting it guide his actions, he pulled his charm cord over his head and held it so it dangled in front of Qui-Gon's eyes. "Any idea what this is?" Qui-Gon chuckled. "This is your hope, or so you've told me." "Yes. But do you know what this little charm is? Here's a hint: It's from Feldar." Qui-Gon studied the charm for a long moment, then shook his head. "No idea. It's from your home planet? When did you go there?" "I've never gone home. I only left. But apparently, this came away with me... or something like that. I imagine every child in the Temple brings *something* like this with them... some little scrap of their past. Mine is a betrothal charm." Obi-Wan spun the cord so the crystal and stone caught the lights of the ships passing outside the window. "At least, that's what Corubia tells me. She found a holo of one like this in a file about Feldarian marriage rites. Children are given these on their nameday and exchange them with their betrothed. Since I had a name upon arrival, I suppose I received it then." "So, how does this charm represent hope to you, my Koateleu? I can't think you wish to go home," Qui-Gon held himself very still while he waited for the answer. "I suppose it started when I first realized what it meant to be Feldarian," Obi-Wan sighed. "It finally occurred to me just *why* most of my friends went home to visit their parents... and I did not. My family didn't want me." "Obi-Wan, you know Feldar has very strict laws and customs about..." Qui-Gon began. "I know. I know that, I understand and accept it all, now. But *then*... I just knew that I'd been born somewhere and that my parents weren't coming for me. Because I was supposed to be a Jedi," Obi-Wan specified. "And then... Torlamin." Qui-Gon breathed deeply, focusing on remaining calm and centered. "She made you doubt that you would ever BE a Jedi." "Yes, she did. That was somehow worse, because it was all I had, all I'd ever known. Plus, I had nowhere to go and no one to be, if I didn't become a Jedi. Somewhere before that I figured out that I was somehow... *different* from the other children, but I didn't know quite how." "Your Potential," Qui-Gon surmised. "Of course. But there were no explanations, no reasons for my separation from my crechemates, you see. I didn't *belong* anywhere, and nobody other than the gang really wanted me. Pan, I'll be honest with you: if it hadn't been for Cor, Jen and Swed, I don't know if I could have even finished my early training. I clung to them for support, for... almost everything. Knight Elan, too, but less so. And then... then you came along..." Obi-Wan didn't know quite how to say what he meant. "I took you away from them, put you into a whole new life, one where you felt... unloved, unwanted..." Qui-Gon's throat contracted around the words and he closed his eyes. "No. Never that. You've been so good to me, Master. So very patient and kind at all times. I think I was just so... so damaged when you got me that I couldn't see everything for what it was. Then... Obream." "And that was just the end of a long string of hurts for you, wasn't it, my Koateleu?" Qui-Gon petted soothing strokes along Obi-Wan's leg. "No wonder you don't want me. It's okay. I... I understand that you don't, and why." Obi-Wan's arms closed in a crushing grip around Qui-Gon's chest. "No, you DON'T understand! Not at all! I want to love you. I want to be loved *by* you. What I DON'T want is to presume that I WILL be loved, wanted, all of that, and then discover that I was completely wrong. The Force tells me that will not, should not happen between us. YOU tell me that, which is more important to me. The very Language of your being shows me the truth and purity of your intentions. What I *need*, Qui-Gon, is something that will last, that will remain and be as firm as all that I lost when I was brought to the Temple. I... I want a family." "So your hope has been to one day marry?" Qui-Gon breathed. "To have a family of my own, yes. A spouse, a partner I can lean on and raise scads of Padawans with. Don't you see? I have no mother, no father, my first mentor betrayed me and my second couldn't undo the damage of the first. I have siblings, but they look to *me* for leadership. You, Qui-Gon... you're the only person I've ever really trusted to look out for me. I do trust that, so much that I haven't wanted to threaten it by trying to prolong, deepen what it is we have. But now I see that, because of that fear, I've nearly lost you and everything that you could be to me." Obi-Wan brought the charm up before Qui-Gon again. "I want this to mean something again." "And without a total commitment from your partner, love would be meaningless to you. Correct?" Qui-Gon leaned his head back onto Obi-Wan's shoulder. "I know exactly what you mean. And yet we, all Jedi, grow up believing that we will live our lives alone. Taken from our families, given to a Master who will one day cut us loose to make our own way in the world, never given any instruction on how to love, who to love... it is a difficult path." "You never said it would be easy," Obi-Wan reminded him. "I thought I understood, thought I had accepted it all, but then... then you..." Qui-Gon closed his eyes. "I would not lie to you, Padawan. But what can I do, so that you may one day come to accept me and my love for you? What do you want it to mean, Obi-Wan? I never was anything like a father to you, and being your lover... I am that now, but it seems such a relationship has been devastatingly tainted in your perception." Qui-Gon swallowed once. "What is it you're asking me to be to you, Obi-Wan?" "Master Qui-Gon Jinn, I'm asking if you will be my husband." Silence stretched out between them as Qui-Gon traced the surfaces of the charm. "Obi-Wan, as your Master, I can't allow you to marry so young," he began. "After my Trials, then..." Obi-Wan began. "You may be knighted sooner than you think, my love. It is your youth I worry you will lose," Qui-Gon explained. Obi-Wan leaned forward so that his lips brushed Qui-Gon's ears. "What youth?" Qui-Gon chuckled and reached to stroke Obi-Wan's hair. "True enough, my child of the Temple. Will you grant me, then, the right to choose the time and place?" "I grant that easily, Pantreti," Obi-Wan replied. "Then Obi-Wan Kenobi, I will marry you, and love you all the days of my life," Qui-Gon whispered, turning to face his student. Obi-Wan twined his fingers with Qui-Gon's, his hand trembling almost imperceptibly. "I will marry you, Qui-Gon Jinn, and love you all the days of my life." They leaned towards one another, so close their lips touched as they breathed the Force-enhanced oath. "By the Light and my life, I pledge myself to be yours."