. Bonds of Choice #15 Star Wars: TPM FanFic Series by HiperBunny (message 4 of 4) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tea was on the table when Qui-Gon returned to their quarters. Obi-Wan had also laid in a supply of sandwiches, which Qui-Gon tucked into with a will. Obi-Wan was not much hungry, taking only tea and a biscuit for himself. It did him much good to simply see his master eat, and eat with pleasure. Because he was a field operative and often subjected to the appalling cuisine of differing cultures, Qui-Gon tended to prefer simple food and lots of it. Obi-Wan might indulge his own culinary pleasures when he had a receptive audience, but for Qui-Gon he was best pleased to provide what was wanted, in great quantity. That his master was provided with a meal that he could honestly enjoy was thanks enough. "You're not eating, Padawan," Qui-Gon observed, reaching for his third sandwich. "I'm not hungry, Master," Obi-Wan smiled, taking a second biscuit. "Then why did you make so much ... oh," Qui-Gon grinned self-consciously. "Thank you." "You're quite welcome, Master. Though I feel I should admit I was baiting a trap," Obi-Wan sipped his tea, trying to assess Qui-Gon's mood. "You want to know where I learned those weapons," Qui-Gon guessed. "No, Master. Knight Hunter told me where you probably learned them," Obi-Wan admitted. "Then you want to know why I never told you I'd been exiled," Qui-Gon rejoined. "Yes, please. If you think it appropriate." Obi-Wan was a little disappointed to see the sandwich put aside. "Well, yes. The answer is fairly simple, really. I'm sure you are more than aware that my ... reputation and ... associations tend to color the perceptions other people have about you," Qui-Gon began. At Obi-Wan's nod, he continued. "What I sought to prevent was my history coloring your opinion of yourself. I don't worry that it would much alter what you think of me. You're a steady sort, I'm sure you understand me as well as I know myself. But knowing your master had been exiled, formally punished by the Council ... " Qui-Gon raised an eloquent brow. Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, I see. I understand." "I'm not ashamed of it, Obi-Wan. It was necessary to my situation. It ... did much to heal me," Qui-Gon explained Well that was explanation enough for Obi-Wan. "Another question, if it please you Master?" "Questions are always pleasing to the teacher," Qui-Gon replied. "Pray, then, who is Master Sarafel? I've never heard of ... her?" Qui-Gon nodded and Obi-Wan went on. "I've never heard of her before today, and now I've heard she spent a year protecting you from possible assassination. Who is she?" "Again, this was kept from you on purpose, Obi-Wan, but not for the same reasons as the other. You were not told of her so as to protect her. She was my Master," Qui-Gon admitted. "Kourt's, too." "But ... Master Yoda ... I thought ... " Obi-Wan reached for his tea, fighting with the concept. "Did I ever *say* Yoda was my master?" Qui-Gon inquired archly. "Well, no ... but ... " Obi-Wan's voice trailed off weakly. "But you two fight so much, I thought ... " Qui-Gon chuckled. "We just tend to disagree, Padawan. Master Sarafel is not a name one can safely speak. Not that it would be dangerous to you, my Padawan. It would be dangerous to her if certain parties knew for a fact that she still lived. We keep her mention to a minimum. Who told you of her involvement?" "Knight Hunter, but I think he thought I already knew about her. Swed didn't seem to attach any importance to the name. Will I never meet her, then?" Obi-Wan was suddenly, intensely curious about her. "Doubtful, my Obi-Wan. If ever you did, you may rest assured that the situation will be either so dire or so joyous that you won't have much time to find anything out from her. I do apologize. I'd like for you to have known your Grandmaster," Qui-Gon smiled a little at that. "My what?" "Um, the master of your master. Like the mother of your mother," Qui-Gon elaborated. Obi-Wan chuckled at that, too. "Well, I have you. And Master Crowe would probably be more than happy to thump me a bit if I need it. I'm pretty well set up, all things considered." "Indeed. And now we must see to your journey, Obi-Wan. I expect you'll find quite a few surprises in your room. I'll do the clearing up. You go make sure you have everything you need," Qui-Gon stood and began collecting dishes. "And you finish those biscuits," Obi-Wan commanded. "They were for you." Qui-Gon obediently bit into the pastry as Obi-Wan headed off to check his supply. A moment later he stormed back out of the room, arms laden with piles of clothes. " *What* is all *this* ?" "You'll be a full field operative, Obi-Wan. As a member of the Order, not as an apprentice. You need to be able to hold your own," Qui-Gon began. "But…" Obi-Wan gestured with a pair of shorts. "I didn't need new EVERYTHING, Master!" "Obi-Wan, however simple this mission seems, you may be headed into danger. I'll not let you out of my care with but shoddy supply to your name," Qui-Gon informed him. "A Jedi in the field must command respect at all times. Fraying cuffs and re-stitched seams may not matter too much on a Padawan, but on a Knight it makes a difference. Dress the part, Obi-Wan, and you'll be all the more ready to play it." Obi-Wan sighed and looked at the new gear. Qui-Gon was right. He'd need to blend with Obream's presentation as much as possible and be prepared to take care of himself if necessary. A Padawan had his master to look after him. A Padawan on a shepherd mission must behave as a Knight if at all possible. He must not let the higher-ranking shepherd be dragged down with the care of a useless work partner. Obi-Wan had nearly stepped into the trap of automatically deferring to his mission leader, from sheer reflex of rank. This was part of the function of these missions. To make a Padawan stop thinking like a Padawan and start acting like a Knight. Which, he tardily realized, he had nearly done. "Okay, Master. I've seen you guide nobles in and out of positions before, as situations warrant. You already raised one good and faithful Knight of the Order. Please, Master Jinn. Council me." He set the clothes down on the sofa and sat down at table again. Qui-Gon smiled, ducked his head once and began talking. There was much to plan before Obi-Wan shipped out. **************************** "Well, Obream seems overjoyed," Obi-Wan reported as he shut down the vid. Sarcasm was heavy on that observation. "He should be. He had every reason to expect a long delay," Qui-Gon replied from his seat on the sofa. "He should be pleased a partner was found for him so quickly." "Well, it is a bit sudden, but if I'm going to start shepherd missions, I might as well get it over with. Tomorrow, then." Obi-Wan looked at his packs. "I can't believe you got all that stuff together that quickly." "Thank Corubia. I think she harassed the life out of her friends in Allocations," Qui-Gon grinned. "She's a good sort to have around." "And to think she laid deep and involved plans to avoid Jackee Rilka at all costs," Obi-Wan sighed. "Anyone working for Lrakin Rilka is probably a good person to cultivate as a friend and associate. Still, the result is rather impressive." Corubia had put together nearly everything a Knight would need for travel in just a few hours. Almost all of it had come from the Temple stores, but some bits and pieces were recognized as personal possessions from all across the Temple residents. Jenji had apparently raided her candy stores, Swed had supplied the finer accessories to the personal linen and Obi-Wan strongly suspected that Master Ar'thapa was going to miss her holocam. But it all came together in a perfect presentation of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight. Qui-Gon levered himself off the sofa. "I hate to dash off like this, but I do have to finish up the removal of stricture on Obream before he's allowed near you. Skies above only know how long the Council will keep me over this. You'd better see to a shower and get ready for bed. I'll see you when I get back." Obi-Wan nodded and headed for the bathroom. Upon exiting the shower, he faced himself in the mirror, trying to reconcile himself to what he was seeing. *I should do something with this…* His hair was too long. Far too long. The Council had, for some reason, forbidden him to cut his hair the last time he'd stood before them. That order had come on top of a good three months without a trim and now the length was getting into a stage that he was unpracticed at managing. He ran his fingers through the damp locks, trying to make them fall into the style unto which he had become accustomed. They fell over again, refusing to cooperate. Damn. *I can't go waltzing around San Saloor looking like a stray cat,* he fumed. Nothing for it. He took his comm link out and chimed for Corubia. "Nall." "Cor, hey. It's Obi. Listen, do you think you could help me out a bit here? It's my hair," he sighed. "Yeah, you were looking a bit shaggy this morning. I'll be right over." She chirped off, leaving him alone with his reflection once more. She arrived bearing an armload of hair-care supplies and instruments. After a quick inspection, she pulled out the clippers and prepared to give him a buzz. "No dice," he stopped her. "Council said I can't cut it." "Really? Why?" she asked, putting the clippers away once more. "No idea. What am I gonna do? I look like a ... a ... " "Knight, really. Except for the braid, of course," she went into the front room and brought back the desk chair. "Sit." She toyed with his hair thoughtfully. He watched her fool around for a minute, deciding how she wanted to go about her work. "Okay, how about this?" she asked, pulling his braid back against his head and holding it flush with his tail. "Okay. Fine. I'd better put it away, I guess," Obi-Wan conceded. She took out her scissors and snipped the tie, then re-wrapped the braid in with it. "Okay, now pay attention. You've never worn your hair like this and you'll need to do it on your own." Obi-Wan nodded and she took out a tube of thick, clear cream. "Extra-hold," she explained, showing him the label. "Now, just this much, and get it in there evenly." He watched her technique carefully. After the gel was in, she began twisting and combing her fingers through, making his hair stand up in little soft fingers. He had to admit, it looked pretty good, lending him an air of disarray that he found quite stylish. She let the tail and braid alone, of course, but made the sides and back a little more tame than the top. "There. A lovely 'just been fucked' look for the untrimmed Padawan." "That's not funny, Cor," he growled. "No, it's actually pretty good," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Besides, now you don't look like you're about to deliver a sermon on moral life. Trust me, the last thing anyone's going to want to hear out of you is ethical theory or spiritual enlightenment." "Really? And how would you know?" Obi-Wan spun around on the chair to face her. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain. I mean, you've never really spent an extended period of time away from both Master and Temple," she explained. "I think this is going to be a lot like when I used to go home. I mean, when you're in the field with Qui-Gon, he's always there to tell you what to do, when to do it, and people respect that. It's training, learning, like that. When you're by yourself ... it's different. Especially with locals who aren't at all used to having Jedi around. I mean, there's a reason I don't go home much anymore." "Why? I thought you liked your family," Obi-Wan tilted his head to one side, curious. "It's just really ... stressful now. I mean, sure, you've never met these people before, but I bet ... " she looked away for a moment. "Listen, there's just something about outsiders that you don't get here at the Temple. Especially with my family. They have ... expectations, usually something they don't understand or can't explain. But it's there all the same ... " "Are you serious? I mean, how do you know?" Obi-Wan stood and headed out to the sofa. Corubia followed and settled in on the other end. "Well, Jenji said her folks were the same. Swed ... he doesn't say much, but I gather his family was really, really upset when they found out he doesn't limit his dating to female humans," Corubia shrugged. "Like I said, it's kind of hard to explain. My parents have this idea about what they want their kids to be, to do. My brother's a banker, for skies' sake and my sister's married and has a kid on the way. She's only two years older than me, you know." "So, but, they know you're not going to be anything like that, don't they?" Obi-Wan was totally confused. "Yeah, intellectually, they know. But for as long as I can remember, they wanted me to come home and join the family business or something. You just can't explain the kind of pressure a mom can put on a kid," Corubia pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. "I remember, they kept telling me 'All you have to do is say you want to and you can come home to stay.' You know that, right? Once you're old enough to have a solid grip on your abilities, you can leave the Temple." Obi-Wan swallowed. "Yeah, if you have somewhere to go." "You didn't miss much, bro. It's tough on a kid. I mean, you go home, they lavish all this attention on you, you don't have to go to classes, they let you sleep late and fool around. Plus, if you go do katas or meditate or whatever where they can see you, all you get is weird looks. And practicing Force stuff? Right out. I almost gave my da a heart attack the first time I levitated something instead of going to get it." She shuddered at the memory. "And saber drills? That's what's keeping me away right now. I was working on Amber Rainbow last time I went home." Obi-Wan chuckled in sympathy. The Rainbow was one of the required sets of forms, the mastery of which required daily practice for months on end. The rule of thumb was 'miss a day, loose a week' in the Rainbow forms. "So there I was, deep in a workout in the backyard. Ma came out and says 'Corubia, dear? Could you maybe not do that right now? I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself." Corubia lay her forehead on her arms then looked up again. "I lost three weeks of work before I got back." "Hurt yourself?" Obi-Wan was at a loss for words. "Yeah. None of them could reconcile the idea of THE JEDI, warriors honest and true ... and me. If there was ever an attack on their capitol, they'd be on their knees praying for a Knight to show up and save them. But me? Their kid?" she sighed. "But it wasn't all bad, was it?" Obi-Wan swallowed, beginning to think maybe he *hadn't* missed much. "No, it wasn't. That's the worst of it. For the most part, it's really GOOD. I mean, I could walk out of here and into just about any job Trimeas has to offer, with the experience and education I have. Ma made very certain I understood what that meant, both personally and financially. I could be a teacher at the university, or maybe a businessperson, whatever. It would be an easy life, back home." Corubia suddenly became very interested in the sofa upholstery. "At least your survey group won't be as bad as my family. They actually know what they want out of you." Obi-Wan snorted. "I wish I'd been able to go home at least once. Maybe it would help me now." "Actually, it's probably a good thing you didn't. It's hard to tell your mom 'Sorry, I know this really, really hurts you, but I just can't do what you're asking of me.' No matter what terms you're on, it's hard to disappoint your family when you could just as easily do something that could make them really happy," Corubia started picking at a loose scale on the back of her hand. "I mean, you read stories all the time about adoptees finding their birth families and going to all these lengths to live up to whatever fantasies their families had about them." Obi-Wan thought about that for a minute. "I don't know. I mean, I'm pretty good, as I am now. Why would they do that?" "You think I didn't get pressure from my family? I did. It was pretty intense right before Master Torlamin made me her Padawan. They kept telling me about all the hard work, all the danger, all the things I'd be giving up if I stayed in the Temple. It's been hard, knowing I could leave. Some days I'd be there, I'd think to myself 'I can just stay. I'd never have to kill anyone again, I'd never be shot at or poisoned again. I'd never have to do that damn ribbon-and-fan exercise ever, ever again," she thumped the sofa once for emphasis. "That had to have been tough," Obi-Wan whispered. Corubia fixed him with a steady gaze. "It was the hardest, longest fight I've ever dealt with, but I stood strong for what I believed to be right. I held on and kept coming back to the Temple, because I'm Jedi. It's what I am and what I was meant to be. You know why I'm not worried about you going off with Obream? Because he can make your life a living hell and it won't make any difference one way or another. Down in the core of it, he can't touch you. You'll be fine, because you're Jedi too. Right down to the bone, you're Jedi. Maybe deeper." Obi-Wan grinned at her. "I'll try to keep that in mind." "Do that. It might be the only thing that keeps you sane. Look, I've got to go see Rigger. Call me if you need anything," Corubia got up and headed to the bathroom for her things. "By the way, that's a good look for you." He waved his thanks, for the compliment and the advice, "See you when I get back." "Count on it, bro," she grinned, thumbing the door open. He sighed, leaning his head back on the arm of the sofa. *I hope you're wrong about this, Cor. Then again, I hope you're right, too.* ********************** Qui-Gon stood in the door of Obi-Wan's room, watching his student put the last of his things into packs. It all seemed so final. His Padawan was leaving him and for all that it was a simple mission, he might not return. All Jedi faced that possibility on every mission. His Koateleu was leaving him ... "Koateleu," he whispered, to taste the word again. Obi-Wan turned to him, smiling. Responding to the name. Qui-Gon smiled back, hoped it reached as far as his eyes, doubted that it did. "Pantreti," Obi-Wan whispered. "You're really not going to tell me what that means?" Qui-Gon asked. "Of course not. A fine Jedi Master like yourself should be able to find out, if he really wants to know," Obi-Wan teased. Qui-Gon looked away, leaving the smile on his lips. "As you will, Koatel. You should get some sleep. Obream might be an early riser, you know." "I doubt it. I would be very much surprised if he was up and about before luncheon," Obi-Wan replied, coming closer. "I have time to spare." Qui-Gon slipped his arms around Obi-Wan's strong shoulders, pressing a kiss to his temple. "If you are sure," he began. "Did you think I would not bid you a proper farewell, my Pantreti?" Tthe younger man smiled. "We can do it here, if you wish," he tilted his head towards his own bed. Something about that phrasing struck Qui-Gon as being odd, but he pushed the thought aside. "My bed, if you will. So that it may hold your memory, if not yourself." Obi-Wan nodded, stepping back. He removed his boots and placed them next to his packs, ditto the belt and sash he wore. His tunics fell open, exposing him from throat to navel. Qui-Gon swallowed once, trying to keep what composure he could. Obi-Wan returned, taking him by the hand, leading him to his own bed. He stayed close, hip brushing against Qui-Gon's on every other step, until they stood beside the bed. Obi-Wan looked up at him through thick lashes, mouth parted ever so slightly, moist. Hungry. Qui-Gon felt his pulse quicken at the sight, then leaned in to taste. Obi-Wan's mouth was a soft, pliant offering, a granting of desire, a dream made real. His flavor was rich and heady, tongue mobile and exciting as he explored Qui-Gon's lips, teeth, strong brush along the gumline which amused Obi-Wan for some reason. The laugh that escaped him broke the kiss and Obi-Wan took the opportunity to begin working on Qui-Gon's clothes. Moments later and they were twisted together on the bed, down to their leggings and a hot passion for one anther's flesh. Qui-Gon spent long moments savoring his lover's skin, touching, stroking, pressing himself to every available surface. It wasn't enough. Couldn't be enough for this night. //Open to me.// **What?** //Let's be ... together, my Obi-Wan,// Qui-Gon nuzzled along his jawline, nibbled an ear, gave the braid a playful bite and tug. //Please.// **As you will, Qui-Gon.** The tone of that seemed odd as well, and it was an oddness that he couldn't simply push aside. Obi-Wan's thoughts were spinning out into his, blending, making themselves known to him. He could sense where he was about to be touched, a bare instant before it happened. He thinned his shield and spun himself into Obi-Wan's mind as well, sharing the pleasure and joy across the link. **Still, be still,** Obi-Wan murmured, eyes glazing with the shared sensations. Qui-Gon leaned back into the pillows, more than willing to obey. His fingers wandered over Obi-Wan's shoulders, across his neck and into his hair. For some reason, he found himself longing for the day when those soft ginger locks would be long enough for him to get a proper grip on. Obi-Wan sensed the wish and chuckled, scattering a flurry of kisses down Qui-Gon's abdomen. At the same time, he was pushing the remaining cloth down Qui-Gon's legs, baring him completely. Strong, nimble fingers stroked and caressed Qui-Gon's thighs, pushing them apart, touching all the right places before hot, hungry lips followed their explorations. Qui-Gon moaned, but it still wasn't enough. He opened his thoughts more fully, lowering all outer shields, letting his wordless feelings of pleasure and love flow out of him and into his beautiful tormentor. Obi-Wan's head came up suddenly, a look of surprise flitting across his face before he returned to his ministrations. Odd, for certain, and Qui-Gon couldn't let it go. //Open to me, Obi-Wan. Please. I love you.// Obi-Wan smiled, taking one finger into his mouth and moistening it. **I think it's time for you to open to me, Pantreti.** Qui-Gon smiled, letting his legs fall wider apart. At the same time, he summoned the bottle of rose oil from the table to his hand. **Showoff. You could have reached that,** Obi-Wan admonished. //Only if I'd moved, which I have no desire to do,// Qui-Gon explained. **Oh? I bet I can make you move,** Obi-Wan smiled and pressed his finger deep into Qui-Gon's body. The unexpected intrusion sent a flash of ... very strong sensation through Qui-Gon. Not pain, exactly, but something else. It had been quite some time since that entry had been less than pleasurable and it brought Qui-Gon up short. "Wait," he gasped. "Wait a minute." Obi-Wan looked concerned, withdrew his hand and stretched out along Qui-Gon's body. "Better some other way tonight, Pan?" Qui-Gon smiled. "Maybe. Let's not rush into anything ... " Obi-Wan propped his head up on one hand, gazing steadily into Qui-Gon's eyes, patiently waiting for his partner to signal his readiness to continue. Qui-Gon raised his hand, put it back down and considered for a long moment. //Let me in. Let me see you ... // Obi-Wan's eyes flicked away and came back, flicked again and fixed on Qui-Gon once more. Slowly his shields thinned and fell away. Qui-Gon was immediately aware of his partner's discomfort at the exposure. He looked quickly and withdrew himself firmly behind his own mental shields, closed his eyes to consider what he'd seen. Obi-Wan cared for him. Obi-Wan was having sex with him. The two concepts stood apart, separate and wholly unrelated. "Oh," Qui-Gon breathed, understanding at last. "I told you that a long time ago," Obi-Wan whispered, defensive. "It's all right," Qui-Gon assured him. "I simply ... misunderstood." Obi-Wan sighed and kissed his shoulder. "Ready?" Qui-Gon kept his eyes closed, considering. "Will you stay with me tonight?" "Why?" *Why indeed?* Qui-Gon thought. If the physical was not a reflection of the emotional, why indeed? Why any of it? "I will, Qui-Gon, if you want me to," Obi-Wan assured him. "Shh, no. No. I ... don't wish to force you," Qui-Gon murmured, ashamed of his request. "Dammit, Qui-Gon! Why are you making things so difficult?" Obi-Wan fell back on the bed, withdrawing. "I'm leaving tomorrow. I won't see you for a few days, maybe longer! Don't you want me to ... " Qui-Gon opened his eyes at last. "Yes. I want you to. Anything at all that you desire, on any terms you wish. I want you to." "Good, because I want this. I want to take this with me, where I am going," Obi-Wan slipped off the bed, removed his pants and returned. "How would you have me?" Qui-Gon murmured, closing his eyes. "Turn over," Obi-Wan purred, lips brushing Qui-Gon's once more. Qui-Gon did as he was bid, wrapping his arms around his pillow. Once more his senses filled with the white-hot pleasure of contact between himself and the man he loved with all his heart. *It doesn't matter. It doesn't,* he told himself firmly. He willed himself to relax, to enjoy, to drink in the sensation of giving himself over to Obi-Wan's desires. He pressed his face into the pillow, letting his hair fall forward as Obi-Wan stroked his hips, buttocks, parting him for a long, intimate kiss ... This time the penetration was easy, slow, and he was more than ready for it. One finger was followed by two, then three and his cock was rock hard and aching between himself and the sheets. He moved his hips, undulating slowly against the two stimulants. *There is no passion. There is serenity,* he reminded himself, clinging to the belief that was a solid fact in the core of his being. Then he was empty, and Obi-Wan's teeth fastened hard onto the back of his neck. He cried out at the sharp feel, sighed as it eased off, moaned as his body was filled once more, pressing into the claim that was laid on his flesh. He pushed up onto his knees, snapping his hips back against Obi-Wan, letting himself be weakened by the pleasure, letting need and lust well up in him and burn his thoughts away. Obi-Wan's strong fist closed over his hungry cock and he thrust into it, soft grunts catching in his throat. "More," he gasped. "Harder." Obi-Wan supplied with a will, bearing down on him, rocking them both with each thrust. His cock found just the right angle, pounding hard on Qui-Gon's prostate, driving him over the edge of orgasm between one heartbeat and the next. Qui-Gon moaned, reveled in the sounds from his lover that signaled his release as well. They fell forward onto the sheets, separating, hands seeking to hold as they caught their breath. "Good?" Obi-Wan panted. "Skies yes," Qui-Gon replied. "Mmm. Good. Sleep," Obi-Wan pulled at the sheets. "Yeah," Qui-Gon agreed after a moment. They managed to get themselves covered with a minimum of movement, spooning together without words. Qui-Gon slid down, buried his face in the back of Obi-Wan's neck, breathing in the scent, memorizing the taste of a few kisses. *I will hold this here with me,* he promised, and drifted off to sleep.