Smudge Creatures  Adoption

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Here you will find many of my favorite norns, grendles, and ettins. They have been raised with love and care, so be sure not to abuse them! Some of them have only lived in my world. Adapting may be tough. Feel free to post them or their offspring on your site, as long as you notify me.

Also! PLEASE! If anything won't download, click here.



Santa Hohoho! Merry Christmas! To be able to view santa as he really is, you need his sprites. Get them here.


Bob Bob is an ok grendle. Although the other grendle's peer pressure taught him to be mean, he still has a soft side.


Sheen Sheen wanders terra nornia in search of something, but never says what. He seems to have been separated from his kind while in the egg. He has no idea of where he came from. To view him, you need his sprites.


Creatures 2


Borgie Yourgie was a normal norn, but was assimilated by a borg norn, and was then named Borgie. He died standing up (so, of course you can't adopt him!). Sorry, he's not up for adoption, because he's dead!
Egor Egor only had 4 organs and 6 genes. (not enough for even an ettin to function!) As you can see, he was part grendle. Sorry, he isn't up for adoption.
Lucy Lucy has some problems! She is over 1 hour old, and is still considered a baby! I haven't tested her much, but she tends sleep for ages until I inject her with the Sleepiness Decrease chemical.
Rainbow Ooh! So shiny! Rainbow has very neat colors, and tends to be very jumpy at things. She never acts naughty, though.
Hugo is a cheese maniac! He likes to play with other norns and to explore the far reaches of Albia (Even the splicer room, although I'm not sure he realized what it was for). He's also quite partial to peanut butter and likes to play with the teaching computer. He has no tail.


Grendie Grendie is a very cool grendle. He is tinted green. Even his eyes glow green!


Gingo Gingo is half grendle, half ettin. He is slightly more aggressive than most ettins, and he hates living in the swamp (below the cross breeder). Make sure to give him a lot of attention.
Turtle Turtle is an awesome ettin. He is part bony grendle, so he isn't very aggressive. I called him turtle because he walks slow, and he looks like a turtle. Bony Grendle sprites are required to view him. Get them here.
Rett Rett is strange! He is constantly stressed out, and needs lots of attention. Be sure to love and care for him. I do like his blue tint though.


Creatures 3


Chroma Chroma is a chromatic bengal norn that changes colors as she grows up. Although the picture is of baby Chroma, the download is an adult Chroma, after she has had a child with Chrome. You need the chromatic norn sprites to view her.
Chrome Chrome is also a chromatic bengal norn that changes colors as he grows. The download is an adult Chrome, after he has had a child with Chroma. You need the chromatic norn sprites to view him.
Chromo Chromo is a chromatic bengal norn that changes colors as he grows. He is still a baby, but he knows the entire language. He is the child of Chroma and Chrome. You need the chromatic norn sprites to view him.
Eggsum Eggsum is a third generation Bengal/Bruin norn. She loves to wander, and can be stubborn about eating. She knows the entire Albian Language.
Strangely enough, Emboo is a male norn! Be sure to add his genetics into your norn family's gene pool!
Clawz Clawz is an aggressive female norn with long arms -- grendle arms! She is sure to get along with your hardman norns.


Tailz Believe it or not, Tailz is actually a grendle! She looks almost completely like an ettin, but has a grendle tail. She knows the entire Albian Language.
Gratsa is part ettin, part grendle. She is a generation 2 creature.


Valgo is a generation 2 male ettin. He is a normal ettin, but he is male. Now your ettins can breed!
Twen is a must have generation 2 ettin. She will add love and care into any ettin family.
Sepen Sepen is a generation 6 ettin. He may be a little violent, but he needs a lot of love and care as he struggles along with his misshapen body.
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