Seminar Photos
Drs. Murzy Jhabvala and Steve Abert
First instructor's license ever awarded by Sensei Coffman.
2006 group photo Smithfild, RI
Sensei demonstrates "body change"
I feel some weather coming in!!!!!
Out of sight, out of mind! Where's Waldo and his pal??
Three strong,dedicated Black Belts
Greg Karabinus - Ni-Dan  January 14, 2006
Abderrahim Naaman Sho-Dan  January 14, 2006
Dustin Granofsky San-Kyu

Susan Watkins - 9th Kyu
Anteneh Asfaw - 9th Kyu
Nawatu Harris - 9th Kyu

Karabinus   -     Badanes -      May
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