DankPods Fan Page - Niki "Tiny Tony"

 DankPods Fan Page - Niki "Tiny Tony"

DankPods Channel | Drum Stream | Garbage Time | The Drum Thing | Bitey Frank (IG)


"Tiny Tony (full name Tony Kowalski) is a red Fiat-Maluch 126, also known
as a Niki. According to Wade, he got it for a low price and said "no
wonder it was cheap" when he uncovered a myriad of rust, engine, and
interior problems, the latter of which are currently the worst." -DankPods

List of Videos Tony is in (Garbage Time)

I got a Fiat 126P/Niki. (Jun 11, 2021)
"Fixing" my Fiat Niki Maluch. (Jul 24, 2021)
Quick Niki update, it's worse now. (Oct 11, 2021)
The Niki is "an car". (Mar 5, 2022)
Pushing Tony all the way... to 100kph. (Sep 2, 2022)
Garbage Time is now a car channel. (Nov 12, 2022)
Fuel economy battle: Jeff VS Tony. (Jan 5, 2023)
Tony goes to the dyno. (Jan 27, 2023)
Can Tony run on WD-40? (Feb 3, 2023)


The idiot is finished, and broken again. (Jan 11, 2022)


Tiny Tony's Card


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