Commands to Know


There is an extensive collection of help files on the game and you only need to type ‘help’ to access them. You can also type ‘+help’ for help with commands that are prefixed by a +, such as +mail or +finger.


If you type ‘+finger [name]’ several pieces of information are displayed, including the gender of the character, the knot system(s) the character is on, the position that person holds on Pern, the email address, if provided, the current location (if known), whether they have unread mail, and the last login. To try it type ‘+finger Wen’ and see what is displayed.

To add or change your own information, use the following:

&pos me=[Position (for example: Junior Apprentice Smith)]
&email me=[Email address and/or website address] (This field is entirely optional.)


The knot system is used primarily for communication. Each area has its own knot channel that is identified with a three-letter abbreviation. For instance, the Smithcraft knot abbreviation is SMI. This can also be used to view the roster, by typing ‘+rwho smi’. To see other abbreviations, use ‘+knots’.

‘+help knot’ for more information.


The SmithCraft Hall bulletin board is used to keep members of the craft up to date on happenings within the Hall.

To scan the Smith bulletin board, type ‘+bbscan/smi’
To read a certain notice, type ‘+bbread/smi [number]’
To post a note of your own, type ‘+bbpost/smi [Subject]=[Message]’
For more information, try ‘+help bb’


The +mail system allows players to send messages to people who are offline, kind of like the name suggests.

To see what messages you’ve received, type ‘+skim’
To read a message, type ‘+read [number]’
To send a message of your own, type ‘+mail [Recipient(s)]=[Subject]
After pressing enter, you should see: You begin writing a +mail message.
To add text, type ‘-[Text]’ press enter, and then type ‘+send’
More information can be found with ‘+help mail’


All players on Pern are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the information contained in the Infobot files. Please pay special attention to the sections dealing with rping, characters, theme, and policy. All players are required to abide by the policy guidelines in the +info files.

In addition, there are several files on the Infobot pertaining to Smith Hall specifically. These serve two purposes, to provide more information to the Mush community as a whole, and to provide quick referencing when necessary. We are always happy to improve these files, so if you think they’re lacking in anything, please let us know.

Creating a cot object:

The following is a step-by-step guide to creating a cot.

@create 'your name's' Cot
    (you will receive a message that your object has been created with a # for
    the object. You may use that # in place of the object name when coding it.)
@desc [cot]=description of your cot. 
@set [cot]=enter_ok
    This allows you to actually enter the cot object.
You may ensure that other people don't 'climb into your bed' by enterlocking it, 
the command for this is:
    @lock/enter [cot]=me
Another useful command for objects you own and don't want picked up is @lock.
    @lock [cot]=me

One command that you will need on your cot is @set [name of cot]=dark

This removes your cot from 'view' when people look at the room, so that we don't have lists and lists of cots in the room's contents. The cot is still there, it is just invisible.

Preferably, you would set the following attributes on your cot: @succ, @osucc, @fail, @ofail, @enter, @oenter, @leave and @oleave. Those are all items required to pass a +check [object]. Use HELP [topic] to learn more about those attributes.


In order to remind you to read the bulletin board postings, you are highly encouraged to put a command in your @aconnect to notify you when there are new messages. The default @aconnect is +read, which notifies you when you have new mail. You can replace this command by typing
'@aconnect me=+read;+bbscan/smi new'

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