Annik - Monday, June 03, 2002, 4:25 PM

Smith Dining Hall
As you step into this large room, rows upon rows of tables first greet you. The scars and spots in the wood and the benches distinguish them as apprentice benches, victims to younsters' curiosity about their first blades. Farther into the hall are groups of round tables with chairs, journeymen tables it would seem and finally across the top of the room sits one long table. The master's table is on a slightly raised dais, no doubt to allow the masters to keep a better eye on the apprentices during the meal. A swinging door near the apprentice tables gives a glimpse into the bustling kitchen.
A large metal door to the west leads out to the main meadow.
Obvious exits:
Kitchens Main Meadow

Loren steps in from the kitchens, looking back through the door as a soft crash occurs, then with a shrug progresses to the master's tables. He nods to Master Wen before taking his seat.

Wen enters and sits at her usual place at the Masters' table, in clear view of the apprentices.

Annik walks in and smiles at everyone gathered. "Evening, all," she says as she goes to her seat.

Desh scratches his cheek; he was writing on a slate, but he sets that down once Annik comes in and addresses them. "Good evening."

Niobe was here just a tad early, her pencil, paper, and such at her side. She's being good this evening, instead of rolling her eyes at a particular Journeyman.

Carissa takes her seat quietly at the Journeyman's table and turns to look around.

Loren stands briefly, as Master Annik sits. "Evening." he returns.

Niobe grins at Annik. "Hi, Master." Only the slightest twitch to one side of her mouth.

As if by an unspoken signal, several drudges come out of the kitchens and begin setting the tables with the usual assortment of beverages and baskets of fresh bread.

Kuroyi murmurs a soft "Evening," in response to the Craftmaster.

Wen nods politely to Annik. "Good evening," she replies.

Looking about the hall, Loren frowns at a couple of apprentices busily gossiping. One notices his hard look and stops, nudging the other.

Annik gets settled in her seats and motions for klah as one of the drudges comes around with the beverages.

Loren also takes a mug, but of cider instead of klah. "Jannea has me off klah in the evenings." he murmers to Annik in explanation. "She thinks it'll help me sleep better." he sighs.

Wen has her normal wine, sipping from it quietly as she waits.

Niobe is busy sketching something again, though she keeps one ear and a roving eye out for possible trouble.

Carissa stays silent in favor of looking around slowly, not quite knowing anyone around her as it is.

Desh has himself a mug of cider, which he sips, lips quirked slightly at the corners.

Annik hides a grin as she shakes her head sympathetically. "But at least this is the liquid stuff, and not that super-concentrated sludge..." She trails off, shuddering.

After the drudges have disappeared back into the kitchens for awhile, they return. This time, they set down bowls full of crisp greens and vegetables, all mixed together in a light vinaigrette.

Loren reaches for the bread, putting two slices on his plate and scoops a ball of butter from the butter crock. "Well, yes. Though I do miss the jaw exerise that afforded. Good for the teeth." he comments wryly, then busys himself with the salad.

Niobe smiles a greeting at Desh and Kuroyi in one of her looks up from her drawing. A small wink is given to both as she notices the arrival of the vinagretted greens. Yum!

Wen takes some of the vegetables, glancing up now and then as she munches slowly.

Carissa eyes the dish and sighs in resignation. The Journeyman next to her laughs softly, "Take it you don't like greens either?" Risa shakes her head and with a sour look on her face.

Annik serves herself some greens and begins to eat, though after a moment, her brow furrows thoughtfully. She mutters to Loren, "... than normal. I'm... that's... thing or..."

Desh is already eating, dissecting his portions with a knife rather neatly.

Loren glances up from his plate, scanning the apprentices tables. "Hmmm.. maybe there's a change in the weather coming." he replies, then finishes off the last of his greens.

The drudges allow sufficient time for the greens and vegetables to be eaten before they appear once again. Now they bring in large platters of grilled wherry with seasoned rivergrains on the side.

"This is very good," Desh says quietly, to no one in particular.

Loren straightens up, taking a strong interest in the new dish. "Ah.. my favorite. I told the cook to have extra ready for the master's table." he confides to the other masters. "She wasn't happy about that." he shrugs then busies himself with filling his plate.

Carissa can get into this dish and doesn't hesitate to abandom her greens in place of the wherry eagerly.

As soon as she serves herself, Niobe sets into the rivergrains, leaving the meat for second. "M-hm," she nods to Desh, paper and instruments of sketching now safely put away from greasy avian meat.

Annik shrugs and scrapes the last of her greens together. "Maybe. I suppose autumn'll be arriving soon," she says, putting her fork, with the greens, in her mouth. "Mmm hmm mm hmph," is her reply as she chews. She piles plenty of wherry and rivergrains on her plate as they come around.

Wen takes her time finishing her greens, taking only a small amount of wherry and rivergrains.

A bit of wherry drops off Desh's fork, improperly speared, and drops into his lap. He looks down at it, forehead wrinkling up more as if vaguely irritated, and then reaches down to pick it up, toss it back onto his place, and spear it again.

Loren tilts his head and nods. "That could be it..." he trails off then to Wen, "Have you any insight's Master Wen?"

Wen looks up at Loren, waiting until her food has been thoroughly chewed and swallowed before answering, "I don't see that there needs to be a reason. They all seem well to me."

Carissa eats in silence, listening with one ear to the conversation around her, though she finds herself staring off into space more often than not.

Annik now seems oblivious to any conversation, as she's almost completely engrossed in her food. Both wherry and rivergrains disappear from her plate with great speed.

Desh finishes up his plate very quickly, in the manner of young men everywhere. And young men who are learning how to be Smiths? They can eat a /lot/.

Niobe idly finishes her smaller portion of meat, at least glad it wasn't red this time.

Carissa stops shoveling food into her mouth when she realizes the woman sitting across her is staring. She blushes, and puts her fork onto her plate.

Finally, there comes the moment that many look forward to: dessert. Tonight, the drudges bring out slices of warm redfruit pie, accompanied by dishes of whipped cream.

Desh eyes the woman staring at Carissa, then says politely, "I am certain that if you ate well at mealtimes instead of going to the kitchens to eat small snacks, you would be less disruptive. Besides, it does not 'help your figure' at all when you end up eating the same amount, anyway," he informs the other woman.

Niobe smiles as the pie is brought out, but then frowns a bit to learn it is warm. Darn - she likes her's room temperature. Well, no time like the present... The young woman takes off the crust, and spreads the fruit and filling all over her plate, trying to cool it down quickly.

Arkady comes in from the main meadow.
Arkady has arrived.

Annik has just cleaned her plate when the pies comes in. "Ooh, let me have that one," she says, eyes wide as she spies her piece of choice. Several spoonfuls of whipped cream go on top of it before she eats.

Desh accepts a large piece of pie, bowing his head to demolish that. Gobbling down pie's hardly a chore.

Loren loads his now empty plate with a thick wedge of refruit pie, then dollops a few ladles of whipped cream over it. "Mmm.. the Nabol shipment brought more than just copper ore, I see. Lord Tyrie always has the best redfruit." he comments just before taking a huge bite.

Wen declines the pie, but motions for her wine to be refilled. Still quiet, she does notice Arkady slipping in.

Arkady enters the dining hall as quietly as possible and slides into an open spot at the apprentices table just in time to accept a piece of pie.

Carissa eyes the pie suspiciously and then carefully lifts a slice onto her place and jabs it to make sure its dead.

Annik wastes no time in consuming her pie, washing it down with her klah.

Desh finishes his pie with one hand, raising the other to make a few markings on his slate.

Finally! Her pie now sufficiently cooled, Niobe gulps it down - between each large bite, sipping a good gulp of fruit juice.

Loren sighs and pushes his polished, empty plate away and sits back in his chair. "That was a fine meal." he comments and hides his mouth as his stomach agrees. He looks about the hall, noticing who's siting next to who it seems.

Annik smiles as the drudges begin to clear away empty dishes. "Now that we've gotten the food taken care of, let's hear some reports." She looks toward the Journeymen's table and asks, "Carissa, how're things at High Reaches?"

Arkady shovels the pie into her mouth with gusto as she takes in the details of the hall and its inhabitants. When the pie has disappeared she licks her fingers and looks around the apprentice table for any left-over dinner. Finding not much she sighs and pours herself a mug of klah and settles back in her seat.

Carissa shrugs, "Alright, though, I did get an interesting request the other day for a flamethrower that shoots.." she pauses, eyebrows raising with the recounted memory, "Sweets.. Apparently there's a bronzerider that needs his tail-end.. Erm, sorry!"

Desh's eyebrows go up; he blinks several times at Carissa.

Niobe stifles a whoop of laughter, glad that she has her napkin, still.

Annik chuckles as she shakes her head slightly. "I see. Anything else?"

Carissa turns red and ducks her head. The Journeyman across from her shoots her a disapproving glance and mutters something about no maturity for her age. "Um, the Weyrleader sends a request for more AGno3.." she considers, "Otherwise, things are as usual.."

Loren frowns oficiously, but there's a hint of a smirk left unhidden. "Indeed." he murmers.

Annik nods and turns to Loren. "More agenothree for High Reaches. Make a note of that?" she asks before glancing over at Wen. "You have a few things you want to do?"

Loren does, taking out a scrap of note-hide. "Seems all the northern weyrs are getting their autumn orders in early, though with the end of the pass in sight, I was hoping the quantities needed would be falling off." he sighs.

Wen nods at Annik. "Yes, I do." She turns her gaze to the apprentie tables. "Apprentice Niobe, please come here."

Niobe gulps, her golden-brown eyes going wide. Honest I didn't /do/ anything! Nevertheless, she stands, looking more daring than she feels, and approaches Wen.

Desh tilts his head, watching Niobe approach the Masters table.

Sipping her klah, Arkady watches Niobe approach the masters table.

The craftsecond puts away the note hide, then watches Niobe, a glint of humor tinges his eyes when he notices her trepidation.

Wen whispers something to Niobe.

Carissa has her hands up, twitches on the table and ready. Niobe need not worry. She sits in silence, her eyes fixed on the apprentice.

Annik is silent and expressionless as she watches Niobe and Wen.

Niobe blinks and nods, a little confused, then smiles a bit. A small nod to Master Wen, and she strides over to the Apprentice table with glinting eyes, stopping next to Desh. "Congratulations, /full/ Apprentice Desh." And the woman gently offers you your new knot.

Desh's lips quirk up at the corners, and he rises to incline his head to Niobe before taking the knot. "Thank you, Niobe," he says quietly. He turns toward the Masters Table, bowing his head again. "And thank you."

Carissa is quick to applaud, and even throws in a little whoot.

Wen nods approvingly as Desh receives his new knot. "Congratulations. Now I would like you to please come here."

With a broad smile Arkady watches Desh accept his new knot. She moves as though to slap him on the back but apparently thinks better of it and returns to sipping her klah.

Loren applauds softly and nods approvingly to Desh.

Niobe joins Carissa, and applauds Desh! She quickly turns eyes back up to Wen for further instruction, though.

Annik applauds at Desh's promotion.

Desh blinks twice, knot still in his hands as he makes his way toward Wen, walking a little awkwardly - so many eyes on him. He arrives in front of Wen.

Wen motions for Niobe to sit back down. "Thank you." Turning to Desh, she now whispers something to him.

Niobe quickly sits back down, not wanting to steal Desh's moment in the sun.

Kuroyi quietly cheers as Desh gets his promotion.

Desh's lips remain quirked, and he nods to Wen, gathering something in his hands and turning away from the Masters Table. He makes his way down the Apprentice Table, stopping at Kuroyi's seat and presenting him with a knot. "Congratulations, full Apprentice Kuroyi," he says solemnly.

Niobe laughs and cheers Kuroyi's promotion.

Annik smiles and applauds for Kuroyi now.

Wen nods her thanks to Desh, then looks to Kuroyi. "Congratulations."

Kuroyi blinks, startled, at Desh. "Uh.. thank you.." he says, looking around.

Desh applauds once Kuroyi's taken his knot, even as he heads back to his seat. His dark eyes shine with merriment, even if he still looks grave. He retakes his seat.

Carissa applauds again, grinning big, "Yeah, Kuroyi.."

Overcome by the excitement of two promotions in one night, Arkady /does/ slap Kuroyi on the back.

Loren appluads again, his grin never ceasing, as another apprentice moves up in the ranks.

Wen glances at yet another apprentice. "Senior Apprentice Marak, please come here." The young man nods quickly and stands, walking up the Masters' table. Wen leans forward and whispers again.

Niobe quickly glances over and gives Desh a toothy smile and an exaggerated wink.

Desh blinks twice at Niobe, looking faintly puzzled. He even turns a little in his seat to look behind him.

"Congratulations!" she whispers to the befuddled boy.

Senior apprentice Marak nods and accepts something from Master Wen. He turns and wends his way back towards the apprentices tables, threading slowly amongst the watching young face, evidently relishing the suspense. He slows near one apprentice then another, eliciting more tension with wicked glee. Sensing Master Wen's piercing look, he heads straight to one table and pauses next to Niobe. "Senior apprentice Niobe," he pauses to hand her a new knot, "will you please join us?" he asks in a clear voice.

Annik applauds for Niobe. "Congrats!"

Desh raises his hands to clap with much enthusiasm again, all his emotion in his eyes still.

Carissa whoops, "Congratulations, Niobe!"

Wen just barely smiles at this latest promotion. "Congratulations," she says to the new Senior.

Arkady claps her hands together wildly to forstall any urge to slap Niobe on the back.

Loren applauds too, chuckling softly at Marak's antics.

Kuroyi cheers for Niobe.. as soon as he finishes fixing his new knot to his shirt.

Niobe almost starts out of her chair, so surprised is she by the presence and voice at her side. Rather dumbly she listens to Marak speak, and the rest of the Smiths applaud. Duuuuhhhhh... After a few long seconds, a huge grin seems to split her face in two, and she accepts the new knot, a small sprinkle of happy tears misting her eyes. "Oh... Thank you, Marak! Thank you, Master Wen - everyone!" And she rises to make her way to the odd little table of Senior Apprentices.

Wen folds her hands neatly on the table. "That is all of the apprentice promotions for this evening," she says, glancing at Annik and Loren.

Marak escorts Niobe, enjoying the spotlight, then resumes his seat, looking expctantly to the master's table.

Niobe seats herself at this new table, blushing terribly.

Annik looks at Loren with a faint smile. "You have some news to report before the... announcement?"

Kuroyi blinks curiously, and looks around his table with eyebrows raised, mouthing the words, "What announcement?" toward Desh.

Desh peers back at Kuroyi, blinking twice and shaking his head. His shoulders rise and fall in the gentlest of shrugs.

Niobe peers now at Annik and Loren, thought she still smiles widely.

Arkady glances around the apprentice table. Seeing that nobody seems any wiser on the subject of announcements than she is herself she returns her attention to Annik.

Carissa shifts her attention back to the front once more, an eyebrow raised. News, and an announcemnt. Joy.

Loren nods to the craft master then stands. "Hall status report." he begins, "This turn has gone well, so far. Ageenothree, steel and glass production is ahead of schedule, so we can reduce the work hours as the peak of the summer heat nears. Applications for senior and full apprentices' sevenday holidays will be accepted, though approval as always depends on your master's reports on your work, so do not slack off. You will also need to provide your own transportation, as usual." he bows to Wen then continues...

Annik listens to Loren as he makes his report.

... We hope to build a surplus before winter, so when those who've earned their holiday return should expect to work as hard as ever. ... There are rumors at some of the holds in the west of a building project. Our posted smiths are keeping an ear open for new developments there, so some of you might spend the winter working on it. We'll post the news as we get it." He smiles to Annik, "That's all I have."

Kuroyi perks up at mention of the word holiday, and grins as he listens to the rest of Master Loren's report.

Niobe moans very quietly at the words, 'more work.' Oy! Did the Holders and Weyrs think Smiths were untireable?

Desh's left eyebrow is quirked in an expression of curiosity. His head is canted to the right.

Carissa hears Niobe's groan and hides a laugh. All part of being a smith.

Arkady looks very interested at the mention of a new building project.

Annik nods at Loren and stands, smiling mysteriously. "Some of you may or may not know that Loren and I have been looking for another Craftsecond since I stepped up. I'm sure there've been plenty of rumors, as I've heard some of them. This decision took a lot of consideration, but I believe we've found the right person for the job. This is someone who has worked hard throughout their time here, and someone who has shown their dedication for this craft..."

Niobe quits ruminating about loads of work with this announcement, and stares intently at Annik, then Loren. Oh...

Carissa falls silent, looking between Annik and Loren, and immediately her eyes begin roving the Master and Journey tables, the see of faces as blank as her own.

Energy flagging, Arkady watches the masters table curiously and reaches for the now cooling klah pitcher.

Wen silently keeps her eyes on Annik and Loren, listening.

Loren stands again and bows to master Annik. He removes something from his pocket and steps off the master's raised floor, wending his way towards one spot of Journeyman's table. He stops besides Carissa and offers her a craftseconds knot. "Please wear this with your current knot and come sit with us?" he asks politely.

Niobe surges to her feet and shrieks like a banshee, applauding wildly!

Kuroyi joins in the loud applause, even giving a few whoops of congratulations for Carissa. "She seems kinda surprised," he says to Desh, over the clapping.

Arkady catches some of the excitement and claps loudly for Carissa before reaching again for the klah pitcher.

Annik breaks into a huge grin and applauds.

Desh breaks into applause again, corners of his lips quirking upward as he pounds his hands together.

Wen claps politely, but does show some cheer through her expression.

Carissa blinks stupidly at Loren, and then meets the eyes of the dumbfounded eyes of her table mate. A slow stupid grins plasters on her face. Numb fingers reach for the knot, "Thank you.." she murmurs quietly, staring at the knot in her palm.

Loren waits patiently to escort Carissa, offering an arm in case her knees get wobbly.

Carissa looks about ready to cry as she stand up, a suspicious eye turning to Annik. She stays silent with her eyes on the floor, following Loren's feet. "Thank you.." she murmurs again.

Annik pulls out the chair she used to sit in when she was a Craftsecond. "Congrats, Journeyman Craftsecond Carissa. We'd be honored to have you sit with us."

Loren leads the way back to the master's raised table and waits for Carissa to sit before taking his own seat.

Carissa does the first embarassing thing she's done in awhile. She clean misses the chair trying to sit down and ends up staring at the Dining Hall from beneath the table.

Kuroyi coughs suddenly, trying ot choke down laughter. "That was graceful," he murmurs to his table.

Desh blinks twice as Carissa falls. Poker face continues; Desh, laugh?

Niobe can't help it, and rocks back and forth with laughter, doubled up with it's intensity.

Loren snorts and offers a hand to Carissa. "That's got to be uncomfortable, the chair will be much better. Try it!"

Annik smiles gently at Carissa, but says nothing at the moment.

Arkady whinces as Carissa hits the floor. "ouch" she murmers to herself "thats gotta hurt"

Carissa nods, "Well, at least I know the floor won't drop me or pull away.." she eyes the rest of the hall and quickly slides into the chair, dropping her face into her hands, "I'm so sorry.." she murmurs to the rest of the table.

Niobe gasps, trying to control herself as Carissa rises from her undignified, but hilarious position.

Loren retakes his seat, then takes a sip of cider.

Annik grins at Carissa. "It's okay. Could be much worse."

It take an act of sheer will, but Niobe finally masters her hysterics, and wipes tears from her eyes, sitting up straight again.

Carissa looks over and sighs helplessly, "Yes, I suppose my pants could have fallen down rather than the rest of me.."

Kuroyi manages to regain control of his laughter as well, though his eyes gleam brightly with humor.

Annik sits back down at her own seat. "Carissa, since you'll now need to be around the Hall, I will contact the Weyrleaders at High Reaches and let them know that you'll be coming back here permanently."

Carissa nods, keeping her hands balled up in her lap, "Yes'm."

Annik lights the OOC lamp!

Kuroyi gets the package of chocolate creme doublestuff oreos.

Annik gets out her mountain of pillows. Whew. *drools* Ooh, I love those kind of oreos.

Desh says "Too full of... stuff."

Niobe grabs the custard-filled cream puffs, and strats showering everyone with them! ;D

Arkady pries open a tub of Cherry Garcia ice cream and hands out spoons

Niobe belatedly asks, "Is anyone here diabetic?" :)

Arkady chuckles

You say "Of course, my aunt calls now..."

Carissa is still having problems.. O.o

Loren returns from explaining to his wife about the failure to install Red Hat Linux on the spare pc today.

Niobe says "Oh dear. Poor Loren..."

Carissa should probably eat..

Wen has things to do, so I'd better go. Congrats to everyone on their promotions!

Annik gets off the phone. So... how is everyone?

Niobe says "Thanks wen! "

Loren says "G'night Wen!""

Niobe says "Carissa is still freakin'..."

Carissa says "Bye Wen!!"

Carissa laughs and blushes faintly.

Wen waves.

Wen heads out the large metal door to the meadow.
Wen has left.

Arkady is good.

Niobe is buzzing!

Kuroyi is great thanks =D

You say "Everyone enjoying being a Smith?"

Niobe says "Three cheers for the cewlest Craft on Pern!"

Desh says "Smithiness is yay."

Carissa grins, "Smiths rule ^^"

Arkady says "I worked on my cot some a few days ago. So far I'm having fun."

Arkady listens happily to the rain.

Niobe says "And the cewlest Craftmaster on Pern! :D"

Kuroyi is loving it

Kuroyi says "Send that rain this way, Arkady please."

Loren says "Rain is good. Might get some here tomorrow."

Carissa so seconds Niobe and then runs out of the computer room to snag a snack, smacking into 4 walls in doing so.

Niobe says "Keep it away from here! (Seattle)"

Arkady says "I live in colorado. We need all we can get."

Annik grins. Good to hear. Umm... as far as OOC goes, I'd like to get some classes going regularly. This is not an easy thing to do, but I think with the new apps, it may be possible.

Niobe says "We had a massively wet Winter. :p"

Niobe cheers!

Loren nodnods. I drove through Colorado last month on the way to Utah. Bad drought west of the eastern range.

Kuroyi cheers, "that'd be awesome, Annik. I'd love to come to a class

Arkady says "I would be very interested in classes. What type?"

Arkady says "they are saying hundred year drought. Arggh, I just planted a garden!"

Kuroyi says "it'd be a good opportunity for us to see people we dont ususally see too, for instance I'd never met Arkady or Loren before today, noton my schedule"

You say "I've got a sand casting class that's been ready to go for a long time, and then I also want to do a class on alloys. I'm also willing to teach whatever you people think would be interesting."

Niobe says "Both!"

Desh says "Those both sound cool. At what rank do people start teaching classes?"

Arkady says "I would be interested in both of those. Any chance of a ooc mushcode class?"

Annik looks at Loren and Carissa. "And you two will do a class or two of your own." :)

Niobe says "And, different ways to set gems into metals (like bezels, prongs, etcetera...)"

Carissa oohs, Score

You say "It's a requirement for Sr Apps to teach a simple lesson before going on to Jman, but it's usually the Jmen/Masters who're supposed to be doing most of the teaching."

Desh nodnods.

Carissa wraps an arm around Niobe and winks, "How to excape from Chinese Food Take-Out Boxes?"

Niobe asks, "What constitutes a simple lesson, Annik?

You say "That's cutting it a bit close, Niobe. We're not supposed to do gem settings as much as the Miners."

Annik can try to squeeze it in somewhere, though. ;)

Loren nods to Annik. "I think I can spare time for that. I can do one on cloisonne' and machines, I think.

Niobe mrows. "/I/ have to do it, in my specialty. :)

Carissa s'poses she should stick to what's she's good at? :/

Niobe says "Thanks, Annik. :)"

Arkady says "Machines sounds interesting. :)"

You say "Well, a simple lesson is... just that. Pick a subject (to be approved by craft leaders) and do something quick that you'd be teaching to JrApps/Apps. So something at their level."

Niobe screeches, "Channel settings!" (one she forgot about)

You say "And as for code classes, we can certainly do those. I can teach some simple ones, I believe Loren could teach you a thing or two, and Talbak has offered to teach some code."

Niobe nods to Annik, and will talk to you about it later. :)

Niobe bweets! Help with understanding the evil coding is good! :)

You say "The main thing right now, if you want a certain class, is to ask us (CM/C2s/AM). Until/if we get a regular schedule going, we need these to be requested."

Arkady says "would you like requests +mailed?"

You say "Reason is, there weren't that many active apps till recently, so there was no telling whether anyone would show up. And I know from experience, that it's a major letdown when you research something, schedule a class, and then no one shows."

Loren nodnods.

Carissa nodnods O.o

You say "Yes, +mail is good. :)"

Desh uh huhs.

Niobe says "sand casting, alloys, mushcode, different ways to set gems into metals, cloisonne, machines... All of these sound great for classes. I nominate all of them!!!"

Kuroyi nods, "If you schedule a class on a night i'm not working I'll be here

Niobe says "How are weekend for people (Friday -Sunday)?"

Arkady has a very erratic schedule. :(

Annik wishes we had an &hours for +finger here.

Carissa considers.. would it be possible to post that sort of thing on the Craft Website, Annik?

Niobe says "We could suggest it to the Wizzen, couldn't we?"

Kuroyi says "Weekends are best for me"

You say "Which sort of thing, Carissa?"

Annik nods Niobe. Yeah, we could.

Loren says "Um, we should be able to set an &hours variable on ourselves and make it visual, Annik."

Annik knows, Loren, but it's not as neat. ;)

Carissa shrugs, "like, a spreadsheet or something with when people are on for the most part.."

Annik ohs, yes we can. People just have to let me know... by e-mail preferably.

Carissa nods

Carissa is so smart.. pickles *drool*

You say "Okay, anything else about classes?"

Niobe says "Is Annik's e-mail addy on the website?"

Annik gasps as she realizes it isn't in her +finger. But yes, there's a link to it on the website.

Niobe grins. Good. :)

Annik smiles. There we go, all fixed.

Carissa blinks and turns on some music in the background.

Loren fixes his +email too

Carissa coughs.

Niobe asks Carissa to please cough again... :/

Annik looks at Loren. Hmmm. Can you think of anything in particular?

Carissa eyes Niobe and happily sits on her.

You say "Oh, how do you all think of the promotion process now?"

Kuroyi says "I liked it', it really added to the suspense"

Niobe says "Seems to be moving along better than the old way... ;D"

Kuroyi says "What was the old way?"

Arkady has nothing to compare it to :-)

Niobe says "I have no idea, actually. ;>"

Loren says "As far as putting things on the website, that's pretty easy to do as an update. But making something dynamic is a lot harder, since Yahoo doesn't allow that on the webserver. There are calendar and schedule thingies on the mailing list though."

Carissa nods, "I think it'll work better, because you don't get.. bored, stuck.."

Niobe seconds Carissa - and then shoves the great oaf off of her!

Carissa isn't a great oaf :P only.. semi-oafish

You say "The old promotion requirements were a lot more... numerous. To get past JrApp required an object, RP, and tent time/class."

You say "Instead of just one thing."

Carissa thinks that with the lack of gathers, that was hard to fulfill..

Loren puts in "We do have a mailing list on Yahoo -

Annik nods. People were getting stuck on the tent time, which is why I added the option of taking a class, but people still didn't seem to have much interest.

Niobe can't understand. I like classes. :)

Annik nods at Loren. Of those here, we're all on it except one person.

Carissa considers, "2.. Tanon, and Talbak."

Annik means those here now are all on it... except one person here who isn't.

Carissa ohs! Me stupid

Talbak comes in from the main meadow.
Talbak has arrived.

Arkady says "Hello Talbak :)"

Talbak says "Hia :)"

Carissa oohs and sits on Talbak.

You say "We've been talking about classes and things, Talbak."

Niobe Gahs! Not here, Carissa..!

Talbak grins and nods. :)

Carissa prods Niobe, "Silence, slave ;)"

Kuroyi has a quick question, exactly how closely related are the starsmiths and the smithcraft?

Loren says "Starsmiths derived from the smithcraft, like the woodsmiths did."

You say "In the books, they're an offshoot, but here the main thing in common they have with us is the study of glass for lenses."

Niobe says "So are they an adjunct Craft, or totally seperate, by now?"

Kuroyi nods, I see

You say "Totally separate here, like the woodsmiths."

Niobe Ahhs.

Carissa mrs, "Metal, stars.. uh.. I s'pose stars are big balls of gaseous material, and we do chemical.. hrm O.o"

Kuroyi says "the woodcraft makes more sense to me, to me the starsmith craft would just basically be astronomy"

Loren says "Both became separate halls because their requirements made other locations more desirable, so Woodcraft is near the Lemos forests and the starcraft is in the mountains near Bitra."

Carissa thinks our closes are the MinerCraft?

Niobe Ohhhs. ;)

Kuroyi nods, Yeah minercraft

Loren says "Starcraft also does all weather forcasting"

Public announcement: Dhinara clears her throat, "I realize this is a rather late hour for most of you, but I'm going to hatch the first half of my Gold Arista's eggs at High Reaches. Either +GO HRW-BOWL, then LS ... or @tel #840 then LS .... happy hatching! (Oh. Also bring an acceptable IC reason for being there, please.)

Niobe says "Can I go, please Annik - PLEASE??!!!"

Annik nods, if only the Miners were still PC.

Loren says "Minercraft is another offshoot from smithcraft, ICly."

Carissa nods.

Annik shakes her head. Trust me, Niobe, there'll be plenty of chances for that.

Talbak says "Yeh... When did miners off shoot?"

Loren says "I don't know when the books say. I guess maybe by the second pass."

You say "Miners were pretty much their own craft by the ninth pass."

Niobe sighs heavily. "I only want one... And i'm a good girl, too."

Carissa nods, "Most likely.. too hard to mine materials and work them.."

Talbak laughs at Niobe, sure you are.

Annik patpats Niobe. You'll get one, I can promise you that. Just not during a meeting, okay?

Loren says "Smelting needs to be done close to the ore mines, ore costs too much to ship across to us."

Talbak grins, "Are any new classes aranged now?" :)

You say "Nothing scheduled as of yet."

Talbak says "When's the next meeting gonna be? :)"

You say "In about a month, probably."

Talbak nods...:(

Niobe patpats Talbak.

Carissa pats Talbak

Talbak pokes the silence to see if it says 'oach'

You say "Anything else that anyone wants to discuss?"

Carissa sits on Talbak again.

Talbak says "Are the promotion requirements or anything changing?"

Desh doodles. Still here, just not much to say. (:

Annik shakes her head. No major policy changes.

Carissa is zoning, sorry ^^

Talbak nods.

You say "If there's nothing else, I've gotta get going. Thank you all for coming. :)"

Niobe is half in, and half out of consciousness - or something...

Talbak says "See ya."

Desh says "Thanks, everyone!"

Loren takes his leave. You all have a great day tomorrow!

Loren goes home.
Loren has left.

Annik waves! Have a good night/morning/afternoon/whatever.

Carissa giggles, "Sweet Dreams, Annik

Niobe says "Toodles! :)"

Talbak says "See ya Annik"

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