Audio Clips from rare songs
by David Sylvian
#samples for private use only#

Good Night
[1441 KB]
   (taken from Akiko Yano's album Ai Ga Nakucha Ne - 1982)

Excerpts from the Time Spent video:

It is as it should be
[447 KB]
(narrated by D. Sylvian)

Bright Existence
[217 KB]
(text: Brenda Hillmann, narrated by Ingrid Chavez)

Daily Routine
[414 KB]
(text: Danin Katagiri, narrated by Ingrid Chavez)

Winamp player
is free available on the net at

back to the Slow Fire index-page

All the songs made available have been long deleted from the artists catalogue. The intention is to make those rare tracks available to fans who are unable to get them anywhere or are unable or unwilling to spend a fortune on internet auctions. Those songs are intended for private use only and are not to be sold or otherwise distributed.

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