Ghostbusters II Trivia
Welcome to the Trivia section! Here you'll learn some very cool and interesting facts about Ghostbusters II. Now, I know this isn't that kind of Trivia, but I might consider an Interactive Trivia page sometime. Anyways, read on and educate yourself.
Will Deutschendorf & Henry Deutschendorf, who played Oscar, are the Nephews of deceased Singer John Denver.
Kevin Dunn & Chloe Webb both have uncredited roles in Ghostbusters II; They both appear as the two Guests on World Of The Psychic.
Right after the World Of The Psychic scene, the No Ghost logo from GB1 can briefly be seen on the Wall behind Venkman and and his Producer.
Director Ivan Reitman's Kids both have Cameos in Ghostbusters II; His Son Jason plays the Kid at the Party during the beginning that says the Ghostbusters are "full of crap", and Reitman's Daughter, Catherine, plays the little Girl with the Puppy in Egon's Lab.
The scene where the Titanic arrives at the Docking Bay during the Chaos Montage, originally that scene was planned with the crashed Hindenburg appearing as a Ghostly Blimp.
The scene where Vigo Transforms into a Hideous Monster towards the ending, originally was planned to have him Transform into a very ugly Demon (to see the original version of Vigo, click here, and for some more info, check out the Behind The Scenes Page.
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In Janine's Office, you can see a business card with the GB2 No Ghost logo on it, the News Headlines seen during the Victory Montage in GB1 appear on the walls of Janine's Office, and there is an invoice that says:

110 N. Moore St.
New York, NY 10012
(212) 555-6311
Although not stated in GB2, the Scoleri Brothers are Tony (the Skinny one) & Nunzio (the Chubby one).
The "Ghost Fever Grips New York" Newspaper Headline seen during the Victory Montage from Ghostbusters appears on one of the Walls in Peter's Apartment. 
Bobby Brown, who did the On Our Own song for GB2, has a Cameo; He plays the Mayor's Doorman who asks the Ghostbusters "You Guys Got Another One Of Those Proton Packs? My Kid Brother Really Wants One". He is also credited as Bobby Baresford Brown.
During the Chaos Montage, there is a Movie Theater Marquee that is advertising the movie Cannibal Girls. Cannibal Girls was directed by none other than Ivan Reitman (the director of GB2) and was released way back in 1973.
In the scene where Egon looks up some information on Vigo via the Occult Reference Net, Vigo's full name is shown as Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf. Wilhelm Von Homburg portrayed Vigo in GB2 and Oscar (as said earlier) was portrayed by Hank Deutschendorf & Will Deutschendorf.
Valery Pappas, who plays the Woman seen arguing with her Husband in Egon's Lab at the beginning, provided the voice of the Ghost Bride in the Extreme Ghostbusters episode, Till Death Do Us Start.
The Psychiatrist Venkman talks to with the other GBs while at Parkview Mental Hospital is Bill Murray's Brother, Brian Doyle Murray.
During the Victory Montage, when the Ghost Jogger appears, in one of the shots, you can see the Shandor Building from GB1 appear in the background.
During the Courtroom scene, if you closely behind Ray after he shouts "No We Didn't!", you can see Winston Zeddemore in the Jury. Also, isn't it weird that he wasn't around when the Scoleri Brothers attacked?
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