Here is where you'll find out the latest on your favourite T.V. show and the actors in it.

- has set up a page for some great promotional artwork of the upcoming "Buffy Animated". Click here to get there.

- Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) told South Florida Sun-Sentinel that he expects that Buffy's seventh season will, sadly, be it's last. "It's supposed to be, from what I know," Head told the newspaper. "If it is, it will be born out of everyone wanting to move on."

On a lighter note, Head also told fans to expect a lot more of Giles this season. This season he is going to be in a minimum of 10 episodes. And as for how Giles will fit into the now grown up Scooby Gang, Head said, "I don't know how they're going to do that. It will be interesting to find out."


- It has been announced that a sequel to the hit movie "Scooby-Doo" will be going into production following it's $54.2 million dollar opening last weekend. Read the full story


Marti Noxon confirms Buffy Season 8 at
Sci Fi Wire:

- Despite rumblings that next season will be Buffy the Vampire Slayer's last, executive producer Marti Noxon told SCI FI Wire that she thinks an eighth season of the UPN show is likely, even though its star's contract expires after season seven. "I think that it's very likely there will be [a season eight]," Noxon said in an interview. "I'm not sure if Sarah [Michelle Gellar] will come back or not, but it's really up to UPN and 20th Century Fox if the franchise continues. It would be very hard to continue the show without her, but they might try."

Buffy the Vampire Slayer begins its seventh season in the fall�its second season on UPN, after five years on The WB. Noxon took over as executive producer in 2001, when creator Joss Whedon focused attention on the upcoming SF series Firefly, which debuts on Fox in the fall.
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