Secret Santa Fic Swap

Two Little Words

Author: Jay of Lasgalen
Beta: None
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Elladan/Erestor, Elrohir
Warnings: Smut!
Request: One of the twins with any of the following (but not each other): Legolas, Glorfindel, or Erestor. R-NC17; Innocence unexpectedly seduced by experience or a visitor from a foreign realm, tribal tattooing, a willow tree. Do not include: Rape, incest, any extreme violence or cruelty, BDSM, MPreg, stereotypically 'fannon' or effeminate depiction of male characters, hobbits, dwarves, extreme AU, Shadowspawn.
Written For: Gloromeien

Summary: none given

Author's Note: Well, I got the willow tree, the innocence seduced by experience, and the tattooing. Elrohir insisted on appearing as well, and I couldn�t shut him up! I hope you enjoy it!


Elladan stared out across the valley over the treetops, lost in his own thoughts.�� He was telling himself, yet again, why his feelings and desires were so entirely inappropriate.� He is so much older.� He is one of father�s dearest friends.� He has never regarded you as anything more than a sometimes unwilling pupil, nor acted as anything other than a kindly uncle.�� He knew all those things.� The trouble was, telling himself why his thoughts were so wrong did nothing to curb his longing or despair.�

He was so deep in thought that he did not hear Elrohir join him, and jumped when a hand touched his shoulder.� �A penny for your thoughts, brother.� Your mind is far from here tonight.��

Elladan swallowed against the hard lump in his throat, and brushed one hand casually against his face.� As he turned to face Elrohir, he sat down on the low wall, drawing one knee up to hide his groin.� �Your pardon, El.� I did not hear you.��

Elrohir nodded.� �That was quite clear � I spoke your name three times!�� He sat on the wall next to Elladan and gazed at him.� �Who is it?��

�I don�t know what you ��� Elladan began, then stopped.� Elrohir raised one eyebrow in an eerie imitation of their father, and waited.� Elladan sighed.� He wished for the thousandth time that Elrohir could not judge his moods so accurately � there was never any point in trying to hide anything from his twin.�

�Who is it?�� Elrohir asked again.� �Male or female?� Already married or bonded? Too young?� Too old?� Looks like a warg�s backside?�� Considers you beneath contempt?��

Despite his gloom, Elladan began to smile at Elrohir�s final comments.� �If I tell you, will you go away and leave me in peace?�� �

Elrohir shook his head.� �No.� Because if you tell me, I want to know why you look so lovesick and desolate.� � He stopped, and gave Elladan a sharp look.� �It is not Legolas, is it?� Should I be jealous?��� He did not sound remotely concerned at the prospect.�

Elladan laughed.� �No!� Do not fear, El � you are quite safe.� I have no intention of coming between you.��

�Good.�� Elrohir gave a sudden smile at the thought of his mate.� �In that case,� we will decide what we are going to do.�� Now, for the third time � who is it?�� �

Elladan felt a little of his dark mood lighten.�� He should have realised that he was not going to be left alone to brood.� While there was nothing that Elrohir could do that would change anything, it would be a relief to share his secret burden.�

He swallowed again.� �Erestor,�� he said at last.�

Elrohir stared at him incredulously.� �Erestor?� But he ���

�Is far older, is father�s friend and counsellor, and is our former tutor.� I know that, El!� But I cannot stop thinking about him.��

Elrohir sighed.� �Perhaps you could talk to him?�� he asked without much hope.�

�No.� No!�� Elrohir, I cannot tell him about this.� He would ��� Elladan stopped, unable to finish.� He could not imagine confronting Erestor about his secret passion � it would be far too humiliating.�

�If he laughs at you or mocks you,� he will soon regret it!�� Elrohir growled fiercely, leaping to his feet.�

Elladan placed a placating hand on his arm.� �Calm down, El.�� Of course he would not laugh.� But he would be � gentle, and sympathetic, and understanding.�� He sighed.� �I could not bear it!��

Elrohir hugged him.� �Do not despair, El.�� We will think of something.�� He paused, thinking, and ran a hand though his hair as he tended to do when distracted.� �You have to talk to someone,�� he said at last.� �Not just me. Someone who knows Erestor � knows him well enough to be in his confidence, to share secrets with.��

�Not father!��

�No, not father � at least, not yet; though you know he will understand.� I was thinking of Glorfindel.� We have always been able to talk to him about anything, and he would never betray your trust.� Talk to him, Elladan � he might be able to help, or suggest ways in which you could approach Erestor.��

Elladan shook his head.� �No.� Not yet � El, I can�t!� Perhaps later. I will just try not to think about him, and maybe these ridiculous feelings will go away.�� �

�They are not ridiculous if you love him,�� Elrohir said firmly.� �Do not deny yourself the chance of happiness, Elladan.� Do not just assume that Erestor does not care for you � he may surprise you yet!�� He smiled.� �Goodnight.��

�Goodnight.� And thank you, little brother � it has helped to talk about it.��

He retreated to his own room, and his lonely bed, where he knew he would spend another sleepless, restless night.� � He envied Elrohir�s bond with Legolas, and their absolute trust in each other � though he knew that Elrohir found the long periods of enforced separation due to their respective duties hard.��� It was just as hard though, to have Erestor so close, yet so unreachable.�� He tossed and turned uneasily, trying not to think of Erestor, and trying not to imagine the touch of his mouth, the caress of his hands, and the press of their bodies close together ��

After a week of sleeplessness, Elladan was pale, tired, and ill-tempered.� Eventually even Elrohir lost patience with him.� �For the Valar�s sake, Elladan!�� he snapped.� �This has to end.� You are moping around, as miserable as a wet warg.� You are making me depressed.� You have to do something � how will you ever know how he feels if you do not ask him?� Promise me you will talk to Erestor � or else I will!��

�Leave it, El!�� he snarled.� �I will deal with this myself.� Do not dare to interfere!�� Elladan slammed the door behind him for emphasis as he left for the training grounds.�

He had taken on additional duties and responsibilities lately, hoping to exhaust himself.� It was only by keeping himself occupied and active, focused on the training needs of the young novices, that he was able to gain any peace, for then � some of the time � he was too busy to think.�

The morning�s session did not go well.� The novices seemed particularly clumsy, fumbling arrows and missing easy shots.�� As he gave one lad a blistering reprimand for missing the target on his third attempt, Glorfindel emerged from the commanders� hut.� �Elladan � a moment, please?��

�What is it?�� he asked sourly.�

Glorfindel gave him a quelling stare.� �I do not know what your problem may be � and at the moment I do not want to know � but your classes have been suspended for the afternoon.��

�What?�� Elladan asked, startled.� �But ���

�You are not to take your foul mood out on the younglings.� Do I make myself clear?� You are dismissed for the rest of the day.��

Elladan gave a curt nod, and turned on his heel.� Glorfindel spoke again.�� �Elladan.� I know you are troubled.� If you wish to speak to me � about anything � come to see me this evening.� Please.��

Elladan nodded again, but did not stop.� He walked away quickly, and did not stop until he reached the edge of the training field.� He was humiliated and furious � with himself, with Glorfindel, with the poor hapless novices.� He did not want this unexpected free time � he did not want more opportunity to think, to brood, to feel sorry for himself.�

He did not return to the house, for it would be too easy for Elrohir to find him there, and question him again.� He did not want to see anyone.� He needed to be alone � completely alone, for he was not fit company for anyone.� Instead, he followed one of the many streams that flowed through the valley, walking slowly along the bank, trying to avoid thinking of Erestor.�� The banks were overgrown with bushes and trees, and he picked his way carefully.�

The rushing stream widened into a pool of peat-coloured water.� The water ran deep and slow here, speckled by sunlight and dancing with ripples from fish surfacing to feed.� A willow grew out over the stream, its graceful branches trailing in the water.� He sat on the bank and watched a flash of brilliant blue as a kingfisher dived into the waters.� It emerged moments later, a wriggling fish held firmly in its beak. � He felt a certain sympathy for the unfortunate fish, caught helplessly, like him, in a grip it could not escape.� �

He lay back upon on the grass, his eyes closed against the glare of the sun, and slowly the peace and tranquillity of the valley began to calm his restless thoughts.�� The long nights of sleeplessness began to catch up with him, and he drifted into reverie.� �

It seemed like only moments later that his peace and solitude were destroyed abruptly as someone approached, greeting him.� For a moment Elladan wondered if his thoughts and dreams had conjured Erestor out of thin air, but then common sense reasserted itself.� �

He scrambled to his feet.� �Erestor!�� he snapped, startled into rudeness.� �What are you doing here � did Elrohir send you?� I told him not to interfere!��

Erestor looked taken aback by this less than friendly greeting.� �I was merely walking � is there some reason why I should not?�� He sounded affronted.� �And of course Elrohir did not �send� me � why should he?��

Elladan took a deep breath, and gathered together the tattered remnants of his pride.� �Forgive me, Erestor.� You surprised me, that is all.��

Erestor smiled.� �Your pardon, young one.� I did not mean to startle you.�� He moved on, and left Elladan staring after him in dismay.� �

Young one.�� In those two little words, Erestor had confirmed every fear and regret Elladan had ever had about the impossibility of his dreams.�� �Young one�� - he had made it quite clear that he regarded Elladan only as the son of his friend, and a former pupil, still little more than a child.� There was nothing more.�

With two little words, Erestor had destroyed his last hope.� Defeated at last, Elladan watched him go.�


As he walked away, Erestor wondered why he had used those two fateful words.� �Young one� � two little words that only underlined the differences between them, and Elladan�s comparative youth and inexperience.� Yet he did not want Elladan to regard him just as a former tutor, or a friend of his father.� He wanted � he sighed.� He wanted far too much, and it was far too late.� �

If only Elladan was someone other than who he was � then, the mere difference between their ages would not matter.� But this was an elf he had known since birth,� whom he had seen grow into a lively, inquisitive child and develop into a serious, dedicated warrior.� He had comforted Elladan through the crises of childhood, the scraped knees, and the times he had fallen out with Elrohir.�� �

But now � his affection for the child had changed into something very different, and it somehow felt as if he was abusing his position.� The fact that Elladan was long past his majority, and certainly no child now, did not seem enough.�

And yet it worried him that Elladan was so troubled.� It would have been quite clear even without Elladan�s abrupt greeting, and he had already heard about his uncharacteristic outburst on the training field.� He had always offered comfort, and could not ignore the need now.� He turned back.�

Elladan had not moved, but still stared at him with an expression of utter despair.� Erestor was filled with compassion, and stepped to Elladan�s side in concern, touching his arm when he did not react.�� �Elladan � what is wrong?� Is there anything I can do?� Let me help you, please.��

Elladan blinked as he came out of his stupor, but still hesitated for a long time � so long, that Erestor thought he would remain silent.�� Then he gave a deep sigh, and dropped back down onto the grass.� �I ��� he began.� Then he stopped, and seemed to change what he was about to say.� �I envy Elrohir,�� he said unexpectedly.�� �What he has with Legolas � they are so sure, so confident of their love, so happy.�� �

�And that makes you jealous?�� Erestor probed.� He was surprised.�� Such petty emotions did not seem like Elladan.�

�No!�� He glanced at Erestor.� �I do not mean that I resent it, or them, but ���

�But you wish you had the same,�� Erestor finished.�

Elladan nodded sadly.�

�Is there anyone?��

Elladan hesitated, then nodded again, his expression still full of anguish.� �But do not ask who, Erestor!� he begged.� �He � he has made it quite clear that he does not love me.� Not enough.� Not like that.�� His voice quavered.�

�Oh, Elladan,�� Erestor sighed.� He put a consoling arm around Elladan, wishing he did not feel so helpless, but full of rage at whoever had hurt Elladan so badly.� �I will not pry if you do not wish me to,�� Erestor assured him.� �But it grieves me to see you so clearly unhappy.� What does Elrohir say?��

Elladan sighed again.� �That I should talk to him.� But now even El has lost patience with me � he says I am as miserable as a wet warg!�� He gave a bitter grin.� �And the trouble is, he is right.��

Erestor smiled.� �I would not say you are that bad.� But Elladan, this elf is a fool if he has spurned your affections!� I fear he is not worth it � but if you love him, you have to try again.� You have so much to offer.�� As much as it pained him, Erestor knew he had to convince Elladan to follow his heart � though he feared that this nameless elf was wholly unworthy if he was so blind and dismissive of Elladan�s love.� �You are beautiful.� You have a noble heart, and a kind and generous nature.� You have a strength of spirit that I have rarely seen.�� Erestor poured all of his own love and longing into his words, able to speak freely at last, even if his words were veiled.� �You are brave and courageous.� If � if I was offered such a gift, I would seize it with both hands, and thank the Valar for my good fortune.� I cannot see how anyone could fail to love you.��

As I too love you,�� he added silently to himself.�

Elladan gave a sharp intake of breath and stared at him incredulously, and� Erestor realised with horror that he had gone too far, and spoken the final words aloud as well.� He looked away in shame, unable to meet Elladan�s eyes. � He had meant to give comfort, not add to Elladan�s anguish.� �Forgive me, Elladan,�� he whispered.� �I did not mean to alarm you.� You � you must not let a foolish old elf�s unwise words trouble you.�� �

He went to place a gentle, apologetic kiss on Elladan�s brow � but Elladan had moved unexpectedly, raising his head, and their mouths met instead.� This was no placating kiss of friendship � and no accident, either.�� Instead of pulling away as he had expected, Elladan returned the kiss with a passion and longing equal to his own.�

At last they broke apart.� Erestor�s heart was racing, but he could not contain the awe and wonder that welled in him.� There had been other lovers � brief, casual encounters of shared pleasures and gentle affection, but no deeper feeling.�� Not like this.� He glanced around, but the woodland and stream were deserted.� Despite that, he drew Elladan under the shelter of the willow branches into the cool green light, and stared at him in disbelief.� �Elladan ���

�I was afraid to tell you, Erestor.� I thought you would dismiss my feelings � my love � as a childish fantasy.� And then when you called me young one ���

Erestor smiled.� �It is a name I have always called you.� I love you, young one.� He shook his head.� �And I would never dismiss your feelings � or you.� Elladan ��� To convince him, Erestor stepped closer to Elladan and kissed him again, with all the repressed passion and longing he had never dared show the younger elf.� His hand cupped the back of Elladan�s head, and he felt Elladan�s fingers tangling in his hair.� Their kiss this time was longer and deeper, and he could feel the rapid beat of Elladan�s heart against his chest.�

The release of his pent-up desire nearly overwhelmed him, and he felt a familiar ache and stirring, which he firmly quashed.� Not that � not yet.� Elladan was new to love, and inexperienced, though certainly no innocent.� There were other pleasures he wanted to show Elladan first.�

Pinning Elladan against the trunk of the willow, Erestor kissed him again.� He brushed one hand against Elladan�s erection, and he gave a soft moan.� Erestor�s other hand rose, fumbling with the laces that tied the front of Elladan�s leather jerkin, and bared his chest.�

Freeing Elladan�s mouth, he began to place a series of soft, gentle kisses along his jaw, his neck, his shoulder, then down across his chest.� The grip on Erestor�s hair began to tighten painfully as Elladan clutched at him, uttering incoherent words of encouragement.� �

Erestor ran his tongue over each nipple in turn; a light, gentle touch that left Elladan gasping.� At last he drew his head back and looked up.� �Do you pleasure yourself?�� he asked softly.�

Elladan flushed, but then nodded.� �Yes,�� he breathed.� �When I think of you, or when I cannot shut Elrohir and Legolas out of my mind.� I try, and El tries to shield me, but our bond is so close � I can feel his ecstasy.� So I touch myself, and imagine it is you.��

Erestor felt humbled.� Elladan had loved him for so long � and he had never known, never guessed.� But then, why should he?� Elladan had hidden his feelings just as he himself had done.� There had been many nights when he had dreamed of Elladan, vivid, intensely erotic dreams; only to awaken and find himself bathed in sweat and his own seed.�

�You do not need to pretend now,�� Erestor whispered.� �This is real.�� He tugged at the lacings on Elladan�s trousers, pulling them down, and wrapped his hand around the long shaft, stroking it.�

Elladan�s sharp cry was muffled as Erestor kissed him again, his tongue caressing and probing.�� He continued to stroke his hand along Elladan�s erection, his thumb rubbing the base, smiling as Elladan trembled beneath his touch.�

Before the end though, he removed his hand and released Elladan�s mouth, breathing hard.� Elladan gave a low wail.� �Erestor!� Please ���

�Wait,�� Erestor breathed.� �Not like that.� Like this.� Now, come for me, young one.�� He knelt, and closed his mouth on Elladan�s shaft.�� Elladan gave a low, guttural cry as he thrust forward, and his hands tightened convulsively. �

Erestor swirled his tongue around the tip with a slow, sensuous movement, using all the skill of his long experience. � He knew what touches had pleasured his other lovers, and he knew what delighted him � and he knew what would prolong the pleasure for Elladan, and bring him to a pitch of ecstasy he had never dreamed of.� He swallowed Elladan deeply, then withdrew, brushing the sensitive underside with his tongue.�� His fingers traced gentle patterns on Elladan�s back, and his teeth nipped lightly at the tip before he engulfed the shaft again.� �

Elladan was gasping and breathless now, his voice an incoherent moan.� Erestor slowed, prolonging the torment for as long as possible, then relented.�� Elladan tensed beneath his touch, then he jerked forward sharply, filling Erestor�s mouth with his seed.� �Erestor!� Ai, Erestor ���

He thrust forward again, panting, then slid bonelessly to the ground.� Erestor caught him and took him into his arms, kissing him again.�� This time he shared with Elladan the taste of his own essence; a sweet, salty flavour uniquely his.�

Elladan was the first to break their kiss and draw away.� He licked his lips, and gave Erestor a slow smile of breath-taking beauty.�� �What was that you said about ignoring a foolish old elf�s unwise words?� It is as well I never listen to you!��

Erestor sighed and rolled onto his back, drawing Elladan with him.� �I was foolish,�� he repeated.� �Foolish to deny how much I love you.� Foolish not to trust that you would know your own mind, foolish to fear I could ever sway you if you were unwilling.� I should have spoken long ago.�� He fell silent,� running his hands through Elladan�s hair,� overjoyed to feel him so close.� �

Elladan stirred again, brushing his hand against Erestor�s still aching erection.� He was so hard it hurt, and moaned at Elladan�s light touch.� �

�Erestor?� Let me do the same for you.��

�Then touch me,�� Erestor gasped.� �Just touch me.� I would hold you in my arms � ai!�� Yes, like that!�� He clutched at Elladan, burying his face in the younger elf�s shoulder as his shaft was freed, then held in a firm grip.�� Elladan stroked him, a little hesitant at first, but then settling into a steady rhythm.�

Elladan!�� Erestor came almost immediately, arching his body as he spilled over Elladan�s hand.� He muffled his cry of completion against Elladan�s shoulder as he held him close, tight in his arms.�� Drowsy and sated, they lay together in the sweet afterglow, closely entwined as time slid away.�

At last Erestor stirred.� He gazed up through the canopy of leaves above them to the sun overhead and sighed.� �I have to go,�� he murmured, full of regret.� �I have a meeting with your father this afternoon.� Elladan � do you want me to say anything to him?��

�No.� Not yet.�� I would rather cherish this secret for a while before it becomes common knowledge.�� Elladan propped himself on one elbow, tracing a finger along Erestor�s face.� �I will have to tell Elrohir � though he probably knows already.��

Erestor chuckled.� �I never imagined you would keep it from him!�� I know he will say nothing.� Is it selfish to want to keep you to myself for a little longer?�� He stood, brushing himself off with his hands, while Elladan picked leaves from his hair.�� �I have to go,�� he repeated, though Elladan�s nearness was making him dizzy with want.� �I have to go.��

With a final reluctant kiss, he ducked through the living curtain of the willow fronds, and looked back once.� �Later,� he promised, and made his way back to the house.�


Elladan stood still for a moment, savouring that last kiss.�� He could still not quite believe what had happened � that Erestor loved him; that his secret, rather shameful passion no longer had to be denied; that his bitter sorrow and despair had been overturned so completely and so suddenly.�

Joy still bubbled in him, and he gave a sudden laugh of pure delight.� Shedding the last of his clothes � though Erestor had not left him many � he left the pale green cavern of the willow and stepped out onto the bank, sliding into the peaty water of the pool.� It felt cool and silky against his heated skin.�� He swam until the sweat and stickiness that covered him flowed away, his mind a blank haze.� He emerged at last, his skin soon drying in the sun, and pulled his trousers and boots back on before returning.�

He came into the house through a side door, and reached his room without meeting a soul.� That was fortunate, for he knew he would not have been able to hide his foolish smile or glow of satiation from anyone.� Changing into fresh clothes, he lay on his bed reliving everything � Erestor�s inadvertent confession, his touch, his kisses, his mouth �� oh, Valar, his mouth.�

His reverie was again shattered.� The door crashed open as Elrohir burst in, quite clearly straight from the training grounds.� His hair was in disarray, he was still grimy from combat, and he carried a darkening bruise on one cheek.� A wide grin split his face.� �Well?�� he demanded.� �Elladan, what happened?��

Elladan pushed him off the end of the bed.� �Go and bathe, little brother.� You are filthy.��


He relented at last, unable to hide his joy even if he had wanted to torment Elrohir a little longer.� �He loves me,�� he said simply.� �El, he loves me!��

Elrohir pulled him into a hug so tight he could scarcely breathe.� �I am happy for you, brother.� So very happy.�� He moved away, grimacing at his sweat-soaked body.� �I need to bathe,�� he told Elladan.� �Come and join me, and tell me everything!��

While Elrohir washed, Elladan sat out of splash range and told him nearly everything, though there were certain details he omitted.� Elrohir would guess those, anyway.� �But El, we do not want to tell anyone yet,�� he warned.� �We want to keep it private, at least for a little longer.��

Elrohir nodded.� �I understand.� We felt the same at first.�� He grinned.� �But soon you will want to shout it from the highest rooftops of Imladris!��

As Elrohir dried his hair, Elladan caught sight of the bruise on his face again.� He touched it with a gentle hand.� �How did you get this?� You do not normally drop your guard so carelessly like that.��

Elrohir flushed.� �I was sparring with Glorfindel, when I was � distracted. He strikes a hard blow!��

Elladan also flushed as he realised what had distracted his twin.� �I am sorry, El � I did not mean to embarrass you!�� He gave a wicked grin.� �I was a little distracted myself at the time.��

Elrohir threw the towel at him.� As he turned, a gleam of gold on his shoulder caught Elladan�s eye.� Tattooing was a Mirkwood tradition, according to Legolas, to signify one�s first lover.� Elrohir bore a tattoo of a golden oak leaf, the royal insignia of Lasgalen, and Legolas carried a similar mark, the rippling blue and silver waterfall emblem of Imladris.�

He smiled.� It would be a rather interesting tradition to introduce to Imladris.�


Elladan did not eat in the main hall that evening.� He was too nervous with anticipation of the night to come, and anyway, his absence would not be missed by many after his foul mood of the last few weeks.� � He also knew he would be unable to hide anything from his parents.�

Restless, he paced about his room.� Elrohir tried to calm his nerves with good-natured teasing, when he became suddenly serious again.� �The first time, El.�� It is � incredible.� I cannot describe it better than that, for it is indescribable.� You may think you love Erestor now, but wait until after tonight.� The moment when your spirit first touches his � you will never forget it.�� He smiled, and remembered joy blazed from him. �Tis wonderful.��

�How do you endure it?�� Elladan asked curiously.� �You and Legolas are apart for so long � how can you bear it?��

Elrohir shrugged.� �I endure it because I must.� Neither of us can abandon our duties or responsibilities, so we must live apart.�� He smiled again.� �The times when we are together � they make up for it.� I would not change anything.��

He poured another two goblets of wine, and gave one to Elladan.� �Not too much, my brother,�� he warned.� �Just one more cup.� Erestor will not want you incapable, nor insensible!��

Elladan glared at him, eyeing the half-full flagon.� �And the rest?��

Elrohir picked up the wine.� �I will take care of this.� I will need it, to drown out the echo of your cries of passion!�� He grinned as Elladan scowled at him.� �

�You are enjoying this, little brother!��

Elrohir nodded.� �Oh, yes.� It is not often I am in the position of being vastly more experienced than you, and offering you advice!� I intend to make the most of it.��

A soft tap at the door saved him from Elladan�s response.� As Erestor entered, Elrohir poured a goblet of wine for him from his flagon.� �Just one cup, Erestor.� Elladan will tell you why.��� He paused in the doorway.� �Be happy, El.� And Erestor � do not hurt him!� �

As Elrohir left, Elladan sipped nervously at the wine.� As he gazed at Erestor, his irritation at his twin�s teasing vanished.�� �I kept thinking that this afternoon was a dream,�� he confessed.� �That I would awake to find I had imagined it all.��

Erestor also drank, then set his cup of wine on the table, and stepped closer to Elladan.� �It was no dream,�� he whispered.� �Or if it was, it was a dream come true.� I love you, Elladan.� This is real.��

Elladan shivered as Erestor brushed a hand against his head, tracing the line of his ear and throat.�� He wore a loose, belted robe and as Erestor�s hands slid into the heavy folds, the empty goblet fell to the floor, his nerveless hands suddenly unable to hold it.� �Yes ��� he breathed as Erestor slipped the robe from his shoulders.�

Kisses trailed along his neck and shoulder, and down to the hollow of his throat.� Erestor�s touch was feather light, his hands brushing like thistle-down across his back and tracing down his spine.� Gooseflesh shivered over his skin, through the night air drifting through the open window was warm and heavy with the scents of summer.� As they kissed again Elladan could taste the sweet wine on Erestor�s breath.� His hands loosened the ties at the neck of Erestor�s robe and it slid to the ground to puddle at his feet.� Erestor shuddered, and Elladan realised that he was just as aroused and expectant.�

Hands and lips roamed over heated skin, caressing every inch of flesh.� Elladan quivered with delight as Erestor licked a warm, moist trail across his chest, circling each nipple with a gentle tongue before ranging lower and lapping at his navel.� �Erestor � more ...�� he moaned.�

Erestor pushed him down onto the bed.� He raised his head, but his hands did not stop their slow, delicate dance.� �I love you, young one.� So very much.�� He was behind Elladan now, his breath warm against the back of his neck, his hands moving in gentle circles and drifting lower and lower.� A hand slid between his legs and Elladan moaned, pushing back against Erestor.� �Yes!�� he hissed.� �Now, Erestor!��

�Patience, young one,�� Erestor murmured.� �I would not hurt you.�� Cool salve was rubbed against his entrance, and Elladan moaned again, dizzy with the need to have Erestor deep within him.� A slick finger probed at him, sliding in easily, and was joined by a second.� Elladan bit his lip, trying not to beg Erestor to take him now.� A third finger entered him, stretching and twisting, and Elladan gasped at the exquisite sensation.� He could feel Erestor�s erection pressed against his back, and hear the way Erestor�s breath hitched in his chest.�� It was clear that Erestor was struggling just as hard for control, and neither of them could take much more.�

At last, Erestor pushed his leg forward, and began to push into him.�� He moved with a sensual slowness and thrust into Elladan with a gentle motion, drawing out the sensation of this first penetration for as long as possible.� Despite the careful preparation Elladan felt a vague discomfort as Erestor took him, but he welcomed it.�� The glory of being filled and stretched and possessed overwhelmed him, and he pressed back.� �More, Erestor.� More!��

Erestor shifted behind him, until Elladan was cradled in his arms.� One hand stroked his shaft, while the other brushed across his chest with a light caress.� Erestor was deeply buried in him now, and he began to move gently, thrusting in and out.�� His lips roamed across Elladan�s back and shoulders, and he began to moan in time with his thrusts.� �Elladan.� Yes � oh, yes.� I want you, young one.� I love you.� I ��� His voice fell away into a low growl, and his grip tightened.�

As his joy and passion began to spiral ever higher, Elladan felt detached from his body.�� The sensations that Erestor was wreaking on him and in him were overwhelming, but now there was a similar loving touch on his spirit. The triple caress within and without, and deep, deep inside his soul brought him to a soaring pinnacle of ecstasy.� Intense orgasm flooded him as he spilled into Erestor�s hand, and in the same instant he felt the hard spurt of Erestor�s climax deep within him.�� Then he was engulfed in light as a blaze of glory swept through him.�

Sated, complete and still dazed, he finally came back to himself.� He was still wrapped in a tight embrace, and could feel Erestor�s comforting weight against his back.� � He stretched, rejoicing in the slight ache that pervaded his body, a remnant of Erestor�s loving.� Twisting within Erestor�s arms, he began to run his hands over the smooth, flawless skin on his back, exploring new territory.�

Flawless �� he recalled the tattoo Elrohir wore, the outward symbol of his love for Legolas.� It reminded everyone who saw it that he was bound to the woodland prince.� A marking like that, to declare that he and Erestor were lovers, would be fitting.� Already the time for secrecy was past, and he wanted the world to know.� The gentle caress of his hands turned firmer, and he shook Erestor awake.� �Erestor!� Wake up � I have an idea.��


Hauled from his bed � though it was clear from the rumpled sheets that he had not been sleeping � Elrohir blinked.� �You want me to do it now?��

Elladan nodded.� �Please, El!� Tell Erestor what it means.��

Elrohir sighed, tugging at the neck of his tunic and pulling it down to bare his shoulder.�� As the gold oak leaf symbol was exposed, he touched it with a gentle finger, and smiled at some distant memory. �This is a tradition among the warriors of Mirkwood.� It is the sign of an elf�s first lover,�� he explained.� �Legolas put his mark on me when we first became bonded.� It shows he belongs to me, as I belong to him.� We are mates.�� He touched the tattoo again, lovingly, before pulling his tunic straight.� �But it is a Mirkwood tradition.� Are you sure you want to do this?��

�Yes,�� Elladan confirmed.�

Erestor hesitated.� �Elladan � you know you are not my first lover.� There have been others.��

Elladan shrugged.� �I know that.� It makes no difference to me.� I am the first you have bound to, and that is what matters.� Besides, Legolas said that there are some who have many, many tattoos � one for each lover!��

Elrohir raised an eyebrow at this bare-faced lie, but to Elladan�s relief, kept quiet.� �Erestor?��

�Do you know how to do it?�� He sounded dubious.� � �

�Yes, of course.� Legolas showed me.� It is easy, Erestor.� And let me choose a design for you � a gift for you both.��

Erestor glanced at Elladan, and his gaze softened.� �Yes.� Yes, of course I will.�� His voice was low, and sent tremors of anticipation down Elladan�s spine.�

�Then who goes first?� El?��

Elladan nodded, and turned his back on Elrohir, leaning into Erestor�s support.�� An icy cold liquid swabbed across his shoulder, followed by a sharp jab, though there was no pain at first.�� Elrohir worked quickly, though the jabbing, stabbing motion of the quill grew more and more uncomfortable as the numbing sensation wore off.� He leaned against Erestor for comfort, but his knuckles were white with tension by the time Elrohir finished. Elladan twisted his head, trying to peer at his own shoulder, though all he could see was a slightly reddened area. � Then there was another swab of the icy liquid, soothing the sharp sting of pain, and Erestor�s lips pressed against the raw skin, soothing it even more.� �

Elrohir sat back.� �There.� Tis done, El.� Erestor?��

Erestor nodded again, and took his place.� Elladan held him, running a hand up and down his back in a gentle caress.�� He found it was harder to watch than it had been to endure, and he tried to avert his eyes, but the process and slow growth of the tattoo was fascinating.�� The pattern that Elrohir had designed slowly took shape under his hands until at last the final flourish was finished.� �

Erestor took a deep breath as he sat up, and glared at Elladan.� �You did not tell me it would hurt so much!�� he said accusingly.�

Elladan grinned.� �I promise I will kiss it better!�� he vowed.� �Thank you, El.� I love the design � it is perfect.�� He stood behind Erestor and studied the pattern � two intertwined �E�s nestled together � then leaned forward and kissed it gently, running his tongue over the skin as Erestor gave a soft sigh.� �I promised I would kiss it better,�� he breathed.� His lips brushed across Erestor�s shoulder with a light, gentle touch, tasting the salt of his skin and the slight tang of blood from the wound.� �

Erestor moaned and leaned back against him, pulling Elladan�s arms around him.� As Elladan licked at the reddened skin again he tilted his head back, and Elladan moved on to kiss upward along his neck, swirling his tongue around Erestor�s ear.�

Elrohir cleared his throat.� �I will leave you to it, then,�� he announced.� �Goodnight, brother.� Sleep well � or perhaps not!�� He gave a low chuckle. �

As the door closed behind him, Erestor turned to face Elladan.� �Sleep is the last thing on my mind,�� he whispered.� �Come back to bed.� The night is young, and there are many hours until dawn.� Love me, young one, and let me love you.� There are still so many pleasures to share.��


Much, much later, exhausted by Erestor�s skilled loving, Elladan drifted into dreams, the sound of Erestor�s voice murmuring two of the sweetest words he had ever heard still echoing in his mind.�

Young one� � two little words that he would never tire of hearing.�

The End

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