Secret Santa Fic Swap

Last Exit to Imladris

Author: IgnobleBard
Beta: Brave Randy O
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Gimli/Elrond/Legolas
Warnings: bondage, slight S&M, DP, torture/violence. AU
Request: Bondage, slight S&M, DP, angst, fluff. Some Torture/Violence. AU. Third Age only!
Written For: Sivan Shemesh

Summary: The Dwarves have been enslaved by the Mirkwood Elves and Elrond manages to save one in a unique way.


Elrond grimaced behind the backs of his escort as he was led through the stone archway into the former King Thranduil's mountain realm. This was his first visit since the crown prince had declared himself King following his father's untimely demise. Prince Legolas had promptly initiated a war with the Dwarves of Erebor and enslaved them, forcing them to mine and smith for the Elves' profit.�

Looking around the dismal tunnel through which he walked, Elrond failed to see where King Legolas had used his slave labor to make improvements the stronghold. The walls had the same rough hewn look he remembered from his last visit 700 years previous and the torches set intermittently along the walls gave off more smoke than light.�

Still, Elrond had no choice but to deal with the Wood-Elves, for now that the Dwarves were under their control, no mining, stone or metal work could be done without paying tribute to the Greenwood. He had come inside alone to meet with Legolas so as not to subject Erestor and his guards to the unpleasant, claustrophobic task of dealing with the new King, who Vilya told him had been instrumental in his father's death. It galled Elrond to have to deal with this usurper but he had no choice.�

Elrond's escort took him to the throne room where he entered to see Legolas sitting upon the throne, a garland of woodland flowers wound in his hair. He looked down his nose imperiously, obviously no more pleased to see Elrond than Elrond was to see him. With a nod, Legolas gave Elrond permission to approach the Royal Presence.�

"Greetings, King Legolas, I bring you tribute in exchange for metals promised to Imladris in your last missive," Elrond said, with the smallest bow he could get away with in light of protocol.�

"What tribute does Elrond, Master of Imladris, bring?" Legolas demanded, the title 'Master' dripping with disdainful insolence from his lips.�

"Stores of food, oil, and wine, as per our agreement," Elrond said.�

Legolas turned to Galion, his seneschal, who hovered near the throne. "Has the tribute been measured and counted?"�

"It has not, my king," Galion said, glancing nervously at Elrond, "but our exchanges thus far have never turned up an error."�

Legolas glared at the Elf as if he would strike him. "It matters not what our previous exchanges have turned up," he sneered. "As my father used to say, 'Trust all but always measure the wine."�

The seneschal hurried to do his king's bidding as Legolas turned cold blue eyes upon Elrond.�

"You will stay until our business is complete," Legolas said. It was not an invitation.�

"I find myself compelled to accept your hospitality," Elrond said dryly, making another shallow bow.�

Legolas raised a scornful eyebrow and turned to a dwarf standing in the corner. The hairy little man had escaped Elrond's attention until now. He stood well back from the throne, his dark hair and clothing making him all but invisible in the dim torchlight. "Show Master Elrond to his rooms, Gimli, and do not dawdle. I know how long it takes you to go and return from every room in the palace, do you understand me?"�

"Yes, master," the dwarf said, and moved to obey. Chains rattled at his ankles, causing Elrond to start in surprise. �

"Are those necessary?" he blurted. The look in Legolas' eyes as he turned his attention to him caused Elrond to quickly add, "your Majesty."�

"You know nothing of these creatures," the king snapped. "They would cut your throat in your sleep if you'd let them, the dirty curs." He glared at Gimli. "And if Master Elrond gives me a bad report on your behavior, you will be punished. Have I made myself clear, dog?"�

"Yes master," Gimli said, his soft, gravelly voice filled with a defeated weariness.�

Elrond followed the dwarf as he clattered down the hall in front of him, swinging his strong, stubby arms. It had been many years since Elrond had had any dealings with Dwarves but though he felt no particular affection for the race, he held them no animosity either. What Legolas was doing, holding them in bondage in order to profit from their toil, was vile. Elrond was vexed that an Elf would act in so base a manner, and also that Legolas chose to ignore the wickedness of it in order to exact revenge on both the Noldor and the Dwarves. Thranduil would never have allowed such corruption in the Greenwood, despite his rustic ways.�

They reached the rooms where Elrond was to spend what he hoped to be only one night, and Gimli ushered him inside and toured the meager amenities. "'Ere's the washin' up bowl, 'ere's the cupboard for your fancy robes, 'ere's the... bed," Gimli rasped, and Elrond did not miss the vehemence with which he spoke the last word.�

"Thank you, Master Dwarf," Elrond said kindly. "I am sure I will be most comfortable."�

"May ye be then." The dwarf gave an awkward little bow. "If ye need anything just pull that cord up there," he pointed to a tasseled red cord next to the bed, "an' someone'll be 'ere to see to ye."�

Elrond nodded. "Thank you, but I am quite used to tending to my own needs. I shall not call."�

"Suit yerself," Gimli said, and he turned and stumped out.�

Elrond sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. It was going to be a long night indeed.�


Later that evening, Elrond heard a knock on his door and opened it to see a young slave standing there.�

"The master requests your presence at dinner," he said.�

"Tell your master I accept," Elrond replied.�

He began to close the door and the dwarf said desperately, "Excuse me, sir!"�

"Yes?" Elrond said.�

"I� excuse me, sir, but the master means now."�

"I will be along momentarily," Elrond assured him with a smile, and began to close the door again.�

"Please, sir!" the youngster begged, putting a hand upon the door. Through the mass of hair and braids covering the dwarf's face Elrond could see the look of terror in his brown eyes. "I'm to show you the way."�

Elrond felt his ire rise once again but he didn't show his frustration to the unfortunate young dwarf. Instead, he nodded his assent and followed the slave to the dining hall. He was shown to his place, well down from the king's table, and he sat taking in the large room, decorated with woodland flowers and greenery which looked as stifled by the gloom of the torchlight as he felt. His appetite was gone long before the food arrived, dulled by the sight of slaves bustling around, serving and glancing nervously toward the king as though expecting punishment with their every move. �

A serving slave placed a plate before Elrond and when drawing back his hand snagged the saltcellar with his sleeve, pulling it off the table. Elrond caught it deftly but not before the Elf at his side noticed the indiscretion. The Elf seized the dwarf by his beard and shoved him against the table right next to Elrond, making the plates rattle all the way down the board. The other slaves moved a bit quicker about their tasks, surreptitiously increasing the noise level in the hall while pointedly ignoring Elrond's table so the king would not take notice of the commotion. �

"Seven lashes, Drengr, you clumsy oaf! Report to the kitchens at once, I will check later to make sure you did not talk the kitchens master into going easy on you."�

"Please, it was only an accident," Elrond said, "the salt did not even spill." He set the saltcellar back on the table to show the Elf it had not come to harm.�

The Elf glared at him for a few seconds, deciding whether to insult a guest or allow the dwarf to escape punishment. When Elrond stared at him with a sternly raised eyebrow he released the frightened dwarf, throwing up his hands in disgust. "It seems you have a benefactor, dwarf," he growled. "Now make yourself scarce before I change my mind." He boxed the slave's ears and shoved him away from the table, turning back to his meal. The Elf glanced belligerently at Elrond and pitched in, ripping apart a small game fowl and shoveling it into his mouth, the juices dripping down his chin.�

"You're a fool for sparing a slave," the Elf said around a mouthful of bird, "He probably spat in your wine before he served it. Nasty little buggers, the lot of them."�

His indignation at the boorish Wood-Elf growing, Elrond snapped, "When you hold a man in bondage, he is forced to fight with whatever means is available to him."�

The Elf stared at him, his mouth half open, the wing of the fowl dangling from his greasy fingers. When he finally spoke, his tone carried a dangerous edge. "They are not men, they are beasts. We do them a service by keeping them alive and allowing them to be useful. We could have exterminated them but we were merciful - as you were not to our king at the Dagorlad."�

It was with effort that Elrond managed to hold his tongue in the face of this latest insult, the most offensive yet. He only managed to restrain his temper by reminding himself that this wound was older than Mirkwood's present king and would not be resolved at supper with a surly, half drunk Sinda.�

He picked at his food as course after course was placed in front of him. The feast was so ostentatious that Elrond began to wonder if Legolas was not attempting to impress him with the bounty. Then Legolas' voice lifted above the conversation, mocking and caustic, "What is the matter, Master Elrond? Is our fare not grand enough for your elegant tastes? Perhaps roast swan and hummingbird tongues would be more to your liking."�

A smattering of snickers and titters rippled through the hall at the king's words and Elrond cringed inwardly.�

"In truth, your Majesty your fare is much richer than that to which I am accustomed, though I thank you for your attention to my comfort," Elrond replied.�

"Ah yes, the legendary humility of the Lord of Imladris; he who takes in the outcasts and strays of Middle Earth and gives them succor. Tell me then, Elrond, have any of those to whom you have provided aid and sanctuary ever returned your generosity?"�

"In many ways have they done so, though probably not in the manner you would suggest."�

Legolas laughed heartily. "I thought as much. When you deal with the Strangers you must always check your purse afterward. They are infinite only in their devotion to power and the advantages it affords."�

Elrond had to bite his tongue to keep from pointing out that the Edain had nothing on Legolas when it came to a lust for power. Instead he said, "There may yet come a day when it will take our combined strengths to ensure the survival of all."�

Legolas snorted. "When the time comes I am sure the Aftercomers and Hobbits will march swiftly to your defense." Before Elrond could reply, Legolas turned to his advisor and made a comment Elrond could not hear. The show obviously over, the room once again filled with the din of many voices.�

When the dessert wine was served, a group of jugglers and tumblers sprang into the hall and the evening's entertainment began. Elrond stayed only as long as it took him to finish his wine, which he felt the sudden need to consume in three swift swallows, and then excused himself and retired to his rooms. Legolas gave him leave to go, not sparing him a second look as the minstrel struck up a merry tune.�

Elrond found his way back to his rooms and took off his robes, falling into bed in his underclothes, his head buzzing from an excess of wine and a surfeit of food. He fell into a light doze, awaking with a start some hours later, briefly disoriented. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment to get his bearings and then went to the basin, splashing a little water on his face to clear his head. His stomach rumbled in hunger and he looked at the red cord beside his bed, considering whether to summon a servant to bring him something from the kitchens. He discarded the idea at once. Not only did he not want to trouble the slaves, he also did not want the king to know he was seeking food after the lavish feast he had just attended.�

Thinking to slip quietly to the kitchens and grab a crust of bread and cup of water, Elrond threw on his under tunic and left his rooms. The halls were blessedly empty and Elrond hoped that, after their revels, the Wood-Elves would all be abed or at least safely ensconced in their rooms. Though he did not know where the kitchens were located, he navigated the honeycomb of tunnels unerringly, basing his best guess of the location on its proximity to the dining hall. He reached his goal and eased past the kitchen dwarves who were snoring loudly, sleeping close to the continually stoked hearth for warmth. �

A half loaf of bread and pot of honey called to him and Elrond helped himself, savoring the sweetness of the woodland honey on a chunk of half-stale bread. This feast was more to his liking than what the king's table had offered and Elrond sighed happily, his stomach settling to normal at last. Elrond washed down the snack with a dipper of water from the barrel beside the door then started back to his rooms.�

Not wanting to be caught wandering the palace unescorted, Elrond slipped down a hallway when he heard a guard coming and found himself in the royal wing. He could tell this from the finely crafted stonework, the style completely unlike that of any other hall in the palace he had yet seen. The dwarves had outdone themselves with the simple geometric elegance of the polished granite blocks, and the hall was lit, not by the dismal torches, but by a soft light that emanated from white gems set into the walls at regular intervals.�

Fascinated by the workmanship, Elrond wandered down the hall admiringly, forgetting that he was trespassing in the king's private area. As he neared a door at the end of the hall, he heard a shout of pain, followed by a low, anguished moan. Fearing the king was ill or in danger, and seeing no guards about, Elrond flung open the door, freezing in midstep at the sight that greeted him.�

Upon the bed lay Galion, the king's seneschal, naked, his dark hair spilling over the pillow, his hands twisted in the beard of the dwarf that sat atop him. The dwarf slave was naked as well, the russet hairs covering his body gleaming with sweat in the candlelight. The dwarf was riding the Elf's swollen member, grunting softly, as his own member, fully as thick as Elrond's wrist and topped with a fist-sized head, throbbed achingly above Galion's heaving belly. As Elrond looked on in mesmerized horror, unnoticed by the randy Elves, Legolas crawled upon the bed on his knees and began to push his gleaming arousal into the Dwarf's already occupied passage. Elrond could see the Dwarf's eyes well with tears from the pain and hear his pitiful groaning. But despite his obvious distress, the Dwarf's turgid member remained hard as stone and dribbled a steady flow of prerelease onto the Elf below. �

As the two Elves took the unfortunate slave, Galion yanked the Dwarf's beard, bringing his lips down for a brutal, biting kiss. Blood trickled from the corner of the Dwarf's mouth and his eyes closed tightly as though trying to shut out the indignity of the Elf's attentions. Legolas picked up a sash from the bed and looped it around the Dwarf's neck, pulling it ever tighter as their movements rose to a fever pitch. With a shout, Legolas came, his spent arousal forcibly ejected from the Dwarf's slick passage. Galion came next, his hands so thickly entangled in the Dwarf's beard that clumps of hair filled his hands as they were ripped from their owner. The Dwarf, meanwhile, half strangled by the sash cutting into his neck, his eyes rolling back in his head as he neared unconsciousness, released a truly impressive torrent of seed onto Galion's torso. Legolas loosened his hold on the sash, allowing the Dwarf to gasp in a lungful of air as he collapsed upon the shuddering seneschal. Galion pushed the Dwarf off him in annoyance and the little man lay on his back on the bed, his swollen member as hard as before his orgasm and pointing to Legolas, almost as an accusation. The king, with a malicious gleam in his eye, leaned over to lick and suck the head of the Dwarf's enormous penis, making the slave cry out in over-stimulated anguish as he thrashed upon the bed, covering his face with his rough hands even as another, weaker, stream of seed erupted from him.�

Elrond could now see that the Dwarf's shaft was tied tightly at its base with a thong of leather that bit cruelly into his sensitive flesh. When Legolas relented at last, releasing the Dwarf's member, he also tugged loose the knot of the thong, releasing his tortured penis, which quickly went limp. The Dwarf, who Elrond now recognized as the one Legolas had called Gimli, lay panting on the bed until Galion rudely ordered him to "clean up your mess". Gimli moved to obey, his eyes filling with horror and shame as he glimpsed Elrond standing in the doorway. The two Elves turned in the direction Gimli was staring and Galion flushed with embarrassment. He pulled the sheet up to cover himself, shaking the hair from his fingers, but Legolas' gaze was unabashed and amused as he moved to the door to greet his unexpected guest.�

"Ah, Elrond, come in. I did not expect you to drop by for a nightcap but as you are only half dressed, perhaps you would like to join our little party. The Dwarf is good for another round or two, if you don't mind Sindarin seconds."�

Elrond, coming out of his trance at last, stunned into silence and feeling exposed and suddenly ill, bolted from the room, Legolas' harsh laughter following hard behind him.�

He stumbled through the corridors and, coming upon a privy, emptied his stomach into the nearest hole, his mind swirling, his knees weak. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and groaned. Straightening up and pulling his tunic down as low as it would reach, he hurried back to his rooms. When he closed the door at last, he put a chair beneath the knob to keep any from entering and collapsed onto the bed, shaking, completely unnerved by what he had just witnessed. Did the depravity of these Elves have no limits?�

As day dawned, Elrond rose from his bed fully dressed, having donned his robes hours ago. He opened the door and strode purposefully down the hall, hoping to get back to his men unnoticed, when one of the king's guard caught up with him.�

"Where are you going, Master Elrond?" he asked.�

"I am going to breakfast with my men. Tell the king as soon as his count is done, we will be leaving," Elrond replied.�

"The king wishes to see you in his chambers before you leave," the guard said, "If you please, follow me."�

Elrond's stomach flipped over again, but he trailed the guard back to Legolas' rooms, entering when the door was opened for him. Legolas was standing before the mirror, braiding his hair, and he turned as Elrond came in.�

"Thank you for coming, Master Elrond. Please, have a seat."�

"I thank you, but I prefer to stand," Elrond said.�

Legolas looked at him sharply then sighed. "Yes, I feared I had left you with a bad impression last night. That is why I called you here. The count is complete and you may leave when you will, but I wanted you to know that what you thought you saw last night is not how things are here. The dwarf is one of my personal pleasure slaves. He was not being treated in any way other than he wished."�

"Forgive me, but that is not how it looked," Elrond said, his eyebrow raised skeptically.�

"You may believe what you will, but the dwarf volunteered to play the role of my toy. He enjoys the humiliation, thrives on it. It is one of the reasons he is kept in chains. I do not know what your lore says about their sexual habits, but if you believe any of what you saw was done against his will, then your knowledge of Dwarves is incomplete."�

"Very well," Elrond said, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "I accept your explanation. I am not unaware of the� preferences of Mortals. I apologize to you as well for intruding upon your private time. I became lost, heard the noise and thought you might be in distress. Forgive me for overstepping my bounds as guest."�

"No harm has been done. You have dealt with us fairly and I would not have this incident sour our trade. I have included another two hundred weight to your metals, and four slaves will I loan you as well to help with the forging. Just send them back to me when you have finished with them. Though we may not be parting as friends, I hope we may continue our trade to our mutual benefit."�

Elrond gave a slight bow, "We shall. And now, with your permission, I shall take my leave of the Greenwood."�

Legolas nodded, "Indeed. Safe journey to you and your men, Lord Elrond."�

Elrond was escorted out of the stronghold to the camp where his men awaited him. The wagons were already loaded and ready to go but Erestor was arguing with the Sindar about the four Dwarf slaves lined up, shackled, awaiting their fate.�

"We will not have slaves in Imladris," Erestor was saying as Elrond approached.�

"The King himself has given your lord the service of these slaves and you must accept," the Wood-Elf said belligerently.�

Elrond laid a calming hand on Erestor's shoulder. "I have accepted your king's offer. We will take your workers with us," Elrond said, giving Erestor a look that told him all would be explained later.�

The party set out, guards front and rear, the slaves struggling along in their chains behind the wagons. When they were well away, Elrond had the Elves help the slaves into the wagons and they continued on. They had almost reached the borders of the Greenwood when a contingent of the king's men came riding up, weapons drawn.�

"Our king shows you his hospitality and you repay him by stealing one of his slaves!" the leader shouted. "Give him up or fight, Noldorin dogs!"�

Elrond looked stunned, glancing at the slaves who were shifting nervously upon the wagon. "There are none here but those the king commanded we take," Elrond said. "You may search the wagons if you wish."�

Baffled by Elrond's equanimity and seeming lack of pretense the Elves sheathed their weapons and made their search. Finding no contraband the leader apologized to Elrond. "The slave called Gimli has gone missing. He must have used your departure to make his escape. We are sorry for the inconvenience." �

The warriors rode off and Elrond looked at Erestor then down at Vilya, which was glowing brightly. �

"We must make haste."�


As soon as they had gotten beyond the Greenwood and onto the plain, Elrond had the company halt. He bade Erestor take the other dwarves away from the wagons and then called out softly. �

"Gimli, come forth. This is Master Elrond and you are safe. I swear it."�

A long moment passed, so long that Elrond thought he must be wrong that the dwarf was with them. But finally Gimli edged out from under the wagon, casting frightened looks all around as though expecting to be beaten and dragged back to the palace. When he saw no one but Elrond, he came to him slowly, the chains at his ankles rattling as he walked.�

"My Lord, forgive me for puttin' ye into danger. I� I couldn't�" he trailed off, looking down at his hands. "I'm askin' ye not to send me back, but if ye will, I understand that too."�

"No, Gimli, I would not send you back, not after�" Elrond hesitated, not knowing how to say what they both knew he meant.�

"Thank ye, lord," Gimli said. "I'll work 'ard, I will, ye won't be sorry."�

"Let us discuss that later," Elrond said, laying a kind hand on Gimli's shoulder, which he quickly removed when the dwarf flinched away. "Forgive me, Gimli. I should not have touched you without your permission. It will not happen again. Right now just know that you are no longer a slave. You may take refuge in the Last Homely House until you decide what you want to do."�

"I'm in yer debt, my lord," Gimli said with a bow.�

The Elves made their way back to Imladris swiftly, barely stopping for remainder of the long journey. Other than being exhausted by the time they arrived, the party was in generally good spirits and the Dwarf slaves more relaxed and open than they had ever been in their lives. Shortly after his talk with Gimli, Elrond had the slaves' chains removed and told them all they were free and could remain in Imladris as long as they wished. He also told them they would be given work if they desired, and they shouted with joy and told Elrond they would be pleased to put their skills to use in their new home.�

Shortly after they arrived and were assigned their rooms, Gimli asked to speak to Elrond. The Dwarf was shown to Elrond's study and he came in and sat down, hesitating until the Peredhel asked how he could help him.�

"I'm not good with words, my lord. In fact, I don't 'ave much in the way of skills to offer your realm."�

Elrond wondered what the Dwarf was saying. "Do not trouble yourself, Gimli. There is much that needs to be done besides the working of metals. I am sure we can find some task to your liking."�

"Begging yer pardon, my lord, but there is only thing I've been told I've a talent for 'an I'm not sure 'ow yer kind� if ye� What ye saw, with the king and all, that's all I'm good for."�

Elrond was stunned. "Oh, Gimli, you do not have to do that anymore. No one should be degraded in such a heinous manner."�

"Did the king tell ye that I� asked for the job?"�

Elrond's eyes grew wide. "Are you telling me you�?"�

"Ye can send me away if ye want," Gimli said quickly, his eyes filling with tears, "but I won't deny it. I asked 'im if 'e would� use me that way. At first it was to spare my friends, for the Elves were makin' 'em do all kinds of� ye know, but when they started gettin' rough, I� It got to be somethin' more after that."�

"And why are you telling me this?" Elrond asked gently.�

The bit of Gimli's face Elrond could see through all his hair went suddenly bright red. "I just thought ye should know, my lord." Gimli said, hanging his head.�

"Thank you for your candor, Master Dwarf," Elrond said calmly. "I shall take your offer under consideration. But in the meantime, I think we can find other duties more suitable to a free man."�

"Yes, my lord," Gimli said. He bowed and left.�

Elrond put down his pen and leaned back in his chair, lost in thought.�

As the weeks went by the dwarves settled in better than expected. They worked hard and made friends among the Elves who treated them as brothers. Evenings in the Hall of Fire became a bit more raucous, but no less merry, with the new additions. All were happy save for Gimli who remained withdrawn and taciturn. Elrond had tasked the dwarf with the job of messenger for the time being, giving him the opportunity to learn his way around and to become known among those dwelling within the Last Homely House. Still, he did not know what to do about Gimli's� unusual situation, for the Elves in the valley were not given to the desires of the flesh to which Mortals, and some half-elves, were prone.�

And all the while, Elrond could not get out of his mind the sight of the dwarf's formidable member, his sweaty, hairy body, his musky scent. He tried to shake off the thought of what it would be like to have that cudgel imbedded deep within him, telling himself that to take advantage of Gimli in that way would be as base a thing as Legolas had done. Could it be true, he wondered, that the dwarf truly enjoyed the pain and humiliation visited upon him by the Elven-king? And if it were true, would he not be granting him a boon by allowing him to act on his desires, making him more comfortable in his new home?�

Finally, Elrond could stand it no longer. He could see Gimli was not happy and he regretted taking away from him the one aspect of his slavery that had made his life among the Wood-Elves bearable. Elrond called Erestor into his study to ask his advice and broached the subject with him.�

"It goes against every taboo of our culture to degrade another in this way, yet can it be considered degradation if the desire is there? Elrond asked.�

"But when one has no choice, can a desire be said to be that of the heart?" Erestor replied. "Gimli was born to his fate. He had to make choices in order to survive. That his body was trained to respond to those choices does not make them any less valid but neither does it make them true."�

Elrond pondered Erestor's words. "You are right, of course, my friend. Yet my heart tells me that for Gimli's spirit to heal it may take moving beyond our customs to bring him into a place where he feels safe to make a choice."�

Erestor nodded. "In healing others, we often are able to heal ourselves as well. In matters such as these the heart is often wiser than the head." he smiled. �

That night, as Elrond was leaving the Hall of Fire he chanced to meet Gimli who was running a message to Glorfindel. Elrond stayed him and looked deeply into his eyes.�

"When you have delivered your message, come to my rooms," he said. "Be discreet."�

"Yes, my lord," Gimli said, his eyes lighting with anticipation for the first time since he had come to Imladris.�

When Gimli arrived, he found Elrond, stripped to the waist, looking at him sternly but with a calm that put him at ease. He immediately took his position, standing with his head bowed respectfully.�

"Master Elrond," he said softly.�

"Master Dwarf," Elrond replied. "You were late bringing me my messages this morning. I feel punishment is in order. What do you think?"�

"I think ye be right, master. Forgive me," Gimli said.�

"I shall, as soon as you have properly made amends," Elrond replied, now strip!"�

Gimli hastened to comply, his hands shaking a bit as he undid his laces and shrugged off his clothes. When he was naked, Elrond was again struck by the stout, hirsute body and growing arousal. He felt his leggings grow tight as he pushed Gimli roughly, but not cruelly, against a table, forcing the Dwarf to grasp the sides with his hands. Gimli leaned over and spread his legs, making his sensitive areas accessible for punishment and Elrond fetched a rod from inside his wardrobe. He looked at the instrument of discipline for a moment, remembering the last time he had used it on a naughty twin. Why he had not destroyed it had never occurred to him before but now he thought it was because a part of him had hoped a moment like this might come his way.�

He slashed the air with the rod, making a whistling sound and Gimli jumped slightly but did not turn. Elrond could see the sweat was starting to break out upon the dwarf's scarred back and the musk that rose from him made Elrond's head spin. He raised the rod, intending to strike, but then paused and reached out with a gentle hand to stroke down the dwarf's sturdy, muscular back. Now Gimli turned his head and he could see the fascination in Elrond's eyes, feel the softness of the touch as the Elf's fingers trailed through the fine hairs on his back. He turned to face the table again, breathing deeply as his arousal swelled. When Elrond's fingers left him, Gimli steeled himself and the rod bit deeply into his buttocks. He gave a small cry and Elrond halted his second strike in mid-swing.�

"Are you well, Gimli?" he asked, concerned.�

"Yes, lord," Gimli said sheepishly. "He always liked it when I made noises like I was in pain."�

Elrond suppressed a laugh, not wanting to break the moment. "If you wish, you may vocalize your pain, but it will not affect my pleasure one way or another."�

Gimli nodded and Elrond slashed him with the rod again, raising a deep, angry welt just below the first. Gimli moaned and this time the sound was unmistakably one of wanton lust. Encouraged, Elrond laid seven lashes, mindful of his strength and the level of damage the instrument was causing the dwarf. He had never struck his own children with anything like this force, but Gimli absorbed it avidly, his moans of pleasure growing with every stroke.�

Elrond halted the punishment and told Gimli to turn around. He saw immediately that his work had been successful. Gimli was fully aroused, a pearly thread of prerelease suspended like a spider web from the flared head growing steadily longer before breaking off and dropping to the floor. Elrond took Gimli in his arms and held him close, rubbing his back soothingly.�

"You took your punishment well and I am proud of you," he whispered softly. He felt his belly and the front of his leggings grow wet as the tears coursed into Gimli's thick beard. Elrond stroked Gimli's back and gingerly traced the welts he had put upon the dwarf's buttocks. Vaguely he became aware that his legging laces were being undone, freeing his own wet hardness to the air. He gasped as he felt the hot mouth envelop him, his fingers digging into Gimli's shoulders as he fought to control the rush of pleasure that raced through his groin. Elrond soon fell into an easy rhythm with the tongue that caressed him so eagerly, until he was forced to pull Gimli away to keep the dwarf from completing him.�

"Not like this, Master Dwarf, if you please," Elrond gasped.�

Gimli started to turn away, to give Elrond the access he assumed he wanted but Elrond stopped him and tilted Gimli's head up gazing at him questioningly. "Have you ever taken an Elf?" he asked. �

He was certain Gimli was on the verge of fainting as the dwarf replied. "Never, my lord. It was not allowed, it would never be."�

"Did you ever wonder what it would be like?" Elrond asked.�

"Every time," Gimli replied, a growing expectancy in his eyes.�

"Then take me now," Elrond said, "for I wish for my hroa to be as filled with you as is my fea."�

Gimli understood on a level he had never tapped into before the significance of what Elrond was asking of him. The knowledge fueled his need in a way that only physical pain and humiliation had been able to do before. Elrond lay on the bed and Gimli knelt before him, sliding the Elven Lord's buttocks well up on his knees and using the prerelease that flowed copiously from him to prepare his arousal. He eased into Elrond, looking into his pale eyes to gauge his comfort as he deepened his entry. Elrond gasped and shuddered beneath him but urged him on with small words of assent and entreaties until the wholeness of the dwarf was ensconced fully within him. Gimli moved slowly, picking up speed stroke by stroke as Elrond clung to him with helpless fervor. With a final roaring plunge, Gimli spent himself into the prostrate Elf and Elrond, driven over the edge by the dwarf's unrestrained pleasure, followed him into the abyss of ecstasy.�

They ended up in a tangle, long arms and legs twined with short ones as they panted their way back to consciousness. Gimli gazed at Elrond with an expression so pure, so full of earnest appreciation that Elrond knew he had made the right decision for them both. Years of bitter slavery and soul-marring grief washed away as they lay in the sanctuary of each other's arms. �

Where would their path now lead? Not even the wisest could tell. And Elrond, with his ring of power and gift of foresight thankfully silent on the matter, was grateful for the obliviousness that surrounded the question, allowing them to discover the path ahead together through the healing odyssey of time.�

The End

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