Two Halves of One Coin by Phytha
Title: Two Halves of One Coin
Author: Phytha
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Erestor/Legolas/Haldir
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Torture, DP. Be warned!!

Request: Third Age only, angst (full of it), bit of fluff, MPREG is good, Double Penetration, explicit m/m/m. AU. Violence, Torture.

Summary: Three elves, two of them rivalling for the love of the third are set out on patrol. When grave danger arises, they have to master their jealousy.

Author's Notes: 1) The "Garden of One Thousand Pains" (I hope I translate it correctly) has still been executed in China not so long ago (don't know if it's still done). Some time ago at a lecture about torture, I happened to see some photos of the execution of a traitor. Although they were considered comparatively "tame", they made me quite sick and kept me sleepless for some nights.

2)I hope it is, what you wanted, I really tried to do my best. Hope you like it. Merry Christmas hon.


"What did Elrond think, sending the three of us out on patrol together." For hours Haldir had been swearing and grumbling. Well, to be correct, he'd been cursing since the very minute, he'd heard with whom he'd be assigned for patrol. "He should have known better, than to put me together with this superfluous scribe. I'm a warrior after all!"

Legolas just shook his head sadly, laying a supporting hand on Erestor's shoulders

"Just ignore him, love, he'll get over it, sometimes, I think." Worriedly he looked at the seething elf walking at a furious pace in front of them.

"Haldir please love, calm down!" he cried out softly, "Don't let it get the better of you. Lord Elrond is one of the wisest among elves, sure he has a reason for his decision. And now, here we are, let's make the best out of it. Remember, we have to protect our realms from the invasion of the Savage Riders. And," the sun-haired elf continued determinedly, "we'll do it together, all the three of us."

Since some weeks ago a bunch of strange, savage riders, coming seemingly out of nowhere, tried to invade the elven realms. In their wake they left murder and looting, torching and rape. Smoldering villages and decaying bodies marked their way. As all the realms were endangered in the same way, the lords had decided to send out patrols, consisting of one elf of every realm.

"I don't say anything against protecting your beauty." The warrior cast a lewd glance at his Mirkwood lover, "But I don't want to do any protection together with him." A sharp disapproving look towards the slender scribe. "And you know my opinion. We should just keep our heads low. Things like this happen, you know? It happens once or twice every millennium, we should have gotten used to it by now. Just think of the Rohirrim, they've been like this when they came into our land, raiding and killing. Then eventually they settled down and now they are breeding the finest horses and are one of our most trusted allies. Who says that it won't be the same with these?"

"Then, oh great marchwarden," Legolas hissed, clearly at the end of his nerves, "consider it an order of Lord Elrond. Do what every good warrior is obliged to do and follow your orders. And besides, "now the young elf almost stamped his foot in barely concealed fury, "Yes, Erestor is my lover as well as you are, and you know about it, I've never kept it secret. Come to terms with it, I love him as much as I love you and nothing will change that!"

Demonstratively Legolas kept on his dark-haired lover's side, wrapping his arm around his slender waist. Fuming with anger Haldir kept up his hasty stroll ahead of them.

Erestor hadn't said one word during the whole quarrel. Thousands of years of training as a diplomat had rendered him almost immune to any kind of teasing. Almost immune, but he couldn't say the continued innuendo didn't hurt his soul at all. But this was Haldir, the other bedmate of his love. Although he would never understand how the young prince could stand the touch of this haughty warrior, the young one surely had to have his reasons and the advisor was none to ignore them. Still it troubled him deeply to have his lover and his rival fight over him, exceptionally in a situation as dire as this. He stressed his hearing trying in vain, if he could hear suspicious noises over the heated hissing and grumbling of his two comrades. Surely they'd make way too much noise and with that they could put them all in grave danger.

Finally the brawl settled into an uncomfortable silence. The three elves continued to walk on like this until they found it time to set up a camp. Still avoiding talking to each other, they managed to get a small fire going and Erestor started to prepare a hasty meal.

"Come on, love!" Haldir crawled to his feet and saucily winked at his lover. "Let's go for a stroll in the wood while our little cook is busy preparing our meal."

"No, I won't." Legolas' voice rung deep with annoyance. "I won't go with you and leave Erestor all alone. Besides, we shouldn't split up at all. There could be danger, remember?"

"Well then, I'll go alone, I'm not afraid of some filthy riders. I'll leave you here with your bookish darling to protect. " With a sarcastic smile the Lothlorien warrior stomped away, leaving his mates in stunned silence. "Call for me when dinner is ready."

In his angry haste Haldir didn't feel the need to scout his surroundings. Snorting he dashed through the undergrowth, heedless of any danger that might occur. So he didn't notice that his feet weren't caught by some thick roots, but by a heavy rope, tracked through the copse. The next thing he knew was a hard and painful blow to his head then everything went black.

DRIP � DRIP � DRIP � the steady dripping of cold water on his head brought the warrior back to his senses. Unable to open his eyes at the first couple of tries, he strained his other senses to get an impression of his surroundings. Cold it was, as if he'd been brought to a place which never saw the sun. A cave perhaps, as far as he could presume. The foul stench of rotten leaves, mold and unwashed bodies hung heavy in the air. Rough hemp cut painfully into his bound wrists, almost all of his body weight held only by securely tied arms, stretching his shoulders to their very limits.

Haldir's dazed mind couldn't make out any sounds, except the steady thunder of the dripping water. DRIP ... DRIP � DRIP � the sound spreading through the whole location, breaking on walls, coming back to him in hundredfold waves. DRIP ... DRIP � DRIP � maddening drumming on his head, surging through his brain, ringing in his ears, wrecking his entire being. DRIP � DRIP � DRIP � cold slimy liquid running down his face, running down his neck, stinging in his eyes, drenching his body with a fetid broth. DRIP � DRIP � DRIP �nothing else, nothing else�

Then there was noise, the scuffle of feet, bellowing laughter of men, grunts ground out in unfamiliar tones, grunts that had no resemblance to any spoken word, but were answered by others in a similar way.

"Aya, boyz, beauty �s �wake. Lo' him 'as moved." The thick accent made the words almost unintelligible, but Haldir was grateful for every distraction of the mind-numbing drops. "Aya, boyz, playtime, fe'ch �em goodies!"

"Wa' we do wi' �im?" a second voice, eager with the prospect of fun. "Do we cut �im, cut off �is ear?"

"Donno wa'a do wi' �im . �ave �a wait fo' Bozman. Bozman�ll tell wa' a do."

"Ah, baby's wake. Good." A new voice, ringing with authority, surely this one must be the leader of the hideous pack. A rough hand gripped Haldir's chin and forced his head up. "Lo' me'n th'eyes, da'in'." The foul stench of rotten teeth tried to overwhelm the bound elf, almost making him retch. But at the last moment he managed to pull himself together, not wanting to show any weakness in the eyes of his captors.

"Bozman, wa'll gonna do wi' �im?" the eager voice again. "Gonna play? C'n I stick s'meth'ng up him ass?"

"Nay, Grimekin, that �n elf. �em elves all �re perverts. He gonna like. �ll give �im to Hangie." Digging his grimy nails deep into Haldir's cheeks, the leader of the strangers puffed his rancid breath anew into the elf's face. His thick accent seemed to have almost vanished as he continued his speech.

"You guy, for you I've saved a special pleasure. You're to walk the Garden of One Thousand Pains. One thousand pains and all reserved for you. Every single one more excruciating than the other. And death will be granted to you only after you've treasured them all. Don't think, you can escape into an easy death, Hangman is really skilled at keeping his playthings alive and suffering. And if we wait a little, your friends surely will come to your rescue. One of them isn't even a fighter, we listened to your words. They'll come directly into our holding and then we'll take them too. Won't it be fun to watch your friends walking the Garden with you, won't it be fun to hear their screams and smell their blood? "

The heap of scum surrounding the captured warrior, poking and pinching his exposed body with cruel fingers broke out in exited cheers at the prospect of this exquisite spectacle. Haldir desperately willed his body not to shudder and wince, although the icy tendrils of deadly fear wound themselves through his stomach and squeezed his heart. Unable to take any more he allowed his mind to flee into the comforting madness of the steadily dripping water. DRIP � DRIP � DRIP �soothing and cool, blending out all vitriolic words and painful manhandling. DRIP � DRIP � DRIP � dulling his senses, making him free not to notices his direful situation. DRIP � DRIP � DRIP � slowly driving his mind into the bright blackness of insanity.

A sharp stab of pain snapped him out of his refuge and only at the last moment he could suppress an anguished scream, not wanting to give this filth the satisfaction of bringing him to his knees. A rough palm had been closed around his balls, squeezing hard and painfully.

"First," Another sickening gust of breath "Hangman will cut off all the parts you won't need any longer. Like this," another agonizing squeeze, "then these", hard hands pinched and pulled his nipples, "and then these." brute fingers twisted most sensitive elven ears and this time Haldir couldn't hold back a tormented moan. "And this will be only the beginning; the real fun will follow after. Come on now, boyz! "The chief called back to his leering pack. "You can have �im now, but only play, not damage. Want �im strong an' in shape for the Garden!"

Within seconds uncountable rough hands ware all over the nude form, tearing and scratching, twisting and poking, cutting with knives, but never too deep, picking with sticks and pointed stones, punching, beating and ripping. In no time the elf was covered in thin rivulets of blood and purple bruises, thousand blossoms of pain blooming all over his whole body, giving him a small foretaste of the agonies awaiting him in the Garden.

After Haldir's sudden departure, Legolas and Erestor stayed in stunned silence for several minutes. Finally the advisor shook his head, sighing heavily. Pulled out of his daze the Woodland elf rushed to his lover's side, encircling him in a tight embrace.

"Please my love," he whispered with trembling lips, "forgive me to put you through this all. I didn't expect it to be this bad. There is no apology for Haldir's behavior, I can only beg your forgiveness. If not for him, then please do it for me."

With a deep heaving of breath Erestor tightened his hold on his lover. "I love you and you love me, you defended me bravely and that's all that matters. Though I can't understand why you keep up with this brute, I respect your reasons. Now let's get back to matters at hand."

When they were finished preparing dinner they called out for the stubborn warrior, but got no answer. Legolas started to feel quite uneasy and looked worriedly towards the bushes.

"Where is Haldir? He told us to call for him and it is not his way to miss a meal. I fear that something happened to him."

"Stop worrying," the scribe hugged his young lover reassuringly, "I think he just needs some more time to come to his terms about us. Give him some more minutes, he'll be back soon, this I'm sure of."

Thus reassured Legolas manages to wait patiently for his lover. But as the shadows grew longer and there still was no sound or trace of the warrior he grew more and more anxious again.

"Erestor I'm worried," he pleaded, "there is something amiss with Haldir. He would have been back by now, unimportant how annoyed he had been before. This just isn't his way. Besides his bad manners he's a trustworthy warrior. He would never leave us alone like this. I know something has happened to him, I can feel it in my gut."

"Be calm, love," cam the soothing reply, "stay calm, just give him more time. He'll be back shortly."

"No, he won't!" Legolas was surely upset by now, almost trembling with fear and agitation, "Can't you sense that something bad happened to him? Maybe he is hurt and needs our help. Please, love, come with me and let's look for him."

"Don't you think, you're stretching my limits of enduration too hard now?" Legolas' fidgeting over the, at the scribe's part not so much missed, marchwarden slowly was getting on Erestor's nerves. �This lout has been insulting and humiliating me for hours and now you want me to go and look out if he maybe has strained an ankle? How much do you think I can take?"

"I know, I'm asking much of you, I know there is no apology for Haldir's behavior, but maybe he's in danger, as his comrades we have an obligation towards him. We just can't leave him out there all alone." The prince's voice had a pleading note to it. "I understand that you are angry and hurt, but please, do it for me, you know I love him."

"I never will understand how you manage to keep up with that haughty brute. Why is it you love him so much? I've sworn to myself, never to ask this question, but what can he give you, that you can't get from me?"

"I love him as much as I love you and I need him as much as I need you. I need the way you worship my body with every gentle loving touch as much as I need the way he claims me with almost brutal force. With you I feel like the most precious being on whole Middle-earth, loved and cared for, and I really love this very much. But I also need the repression and pain only he can give to me, it makes me feel grounded, reminds me of who I am. Can you understand this? I need you both, you are two halves of one coin and together you make me whole. So please, help me to find him, I couldn't cope with loosing him, as well as I couldn't cope with loosing you. Please, I beg you, do it for me, do it for our love, but help me."

Unexpectedly moved by Legolas' confession Erestor only nodded his head in agreement. He never was able to deny his lover anything, but his newest request had almost stretched his limits. But the prince's words for him truly made sense, he knew that the fair elf was a being of many very different facets. Together they set out on their search for the missing warrior.

As Haldir had never tried to hide his tracks when he stormed into the wood, his way was clearly marked with torn branches and trampled grass. It didn't take the two elves long to reach a place that seemed to be the place of an ambush, deducted from the amount of mashed plants. The heavy coppery scent of elven blood still hung strongly in the air, but there wasn't any sign of a fight. Cold fear settled in both elves' hearts. What had happened to their mate? It was clear from the smell that he was wounded, the multitude of footsteps showed that he had been ambushed, but why hadn't he fought back? Even the number of aggressors shouldn't have been too much of a problem for an elven warrior of Haldir's skills.

Cautiously they followed the noticeable track ever aware of the possibility of hidden enemies. The smell of blood grew ever stronger and heightened as soon as they reached a cavern where the dull sounds of an exited crowd were to be heard. Readying their weapons the two elves crept in with ultimate stealth.

A hideous sight greeted them as soon as their eyes had become accustomed to the near darkness. Haldir was bound by his arms on a bended rock coming out the low ceiling, his naked body covered in bloody cuts and bruises. Slimy droplets of moldy water run over his head and back. A filthy pack of strangers, wheezing and bawling with eagerness, surrounded the unresponsive form tormenting the unmoving elf with bare hands, nails and small sharp objects. From their viewing point, the two elves were not able to make out if their comrade was still among the living.

"AAAIIIIEEEE!!" The ferocious war cry of elves cut through Haldir's daze. With great difficulty he managed to open his eyes. Stunned he gazed at his friends, moving through the mass of fiends like revenging angles. They had made it! They had come to rescue him! With great delight the bound warrior watched Legolas mowing down a couple of attackers, his daggers moving steadily in deadly circles. It always was a remarkable sight to watch the young elf fight. Bolts of lightning seemed to flow out of his long knives whenever they caught the sparse light. With furious speed they moved through the enemies, stabbing cutting and slashing, never missing their goal.

But it came as a real surprise when Haldir's eyes suddenly fell on Erestor. The so patient and calm advisor seemed to be possessed by a demon of war. He had two long swords drawn and his moves were as deadly as could be. But it wasn't the heavy, solid stance of a warrior he moved in, every step, every motion was a fluid dance. His body twisting and bowing, limbs bending and weaving he danced with his weapons in the fluid pace of a deadly lover. Haldir had never before seen anything as enticing as this and he felt deeply ashamed for having the scribe misjudged this badly.

With a swift pirouette Erestor suddenly was on Haldir's side, a blade cutting through the binding ropes at an almost unnoticeable speed securing the restraining material but never touching tender skin. At a heartbeat the advisor had spiraled back into the middle of the fight, continuing his deadly mission until no one of the enemies was still breathing. Only then did the warriors stop their actions, embracing one another in a tight hug of love and respect, their lips meeting in a deep kiss fuelled by adrenaline. Once they were finished confirming their devotion they turned to Haldir, who was barely able to keep himself on his feet and gently helped him out into the clean fresh air.

Back to their camp they washed and dressed Haldir's wounds and fed him with nourishing soup. Being clean and fed the exhausted elf slowly regained his strength. With a grave expression on his face he looked into Erestor's eyes.

"I have to thank you for all you did for me and I'm aware of it, that I didn't deserve your help after all I said to you. I have misjudged you badly, you are a great warrior with a kind and noble soul. Please know, that I'm � �hm - very sorry for my behavior and that I would like to ��hm � �hm � beg your forgiveness for every word." It was plainly noticeable that the proud elf was not used to apologies. "I would be very proud to call you my friend. "

With a glance at Legolas' hopeful face the advisor stood up and opened his arms for his former rival: "I accept your apology. Come here my friend and let me greet you in an embrace."

With shining eyes Legolas watched his two lovers embrace each other finally as friends as had been always his greatest wish. Releasing their hold on one another the new friends beckoned the young elf to join them. With a bright smile Legolas let his body melt into his lovers.

"The Valar be thanked, Haldir, that you're back with us. I was so worried, feared so much I'd lost you. Thank you so much, Erestor, that you helped me to save him. I need you both so much, I couldn't stand to loose one of you. Oh, how much I love you."

The two older elves held their young lover tight to their bodies, kissing his face and moving gentle hands in soothing circles over his still taut back. Sharing the young one between them they started to deepen their kisses and their caresses became more demanding. With a deep sigh Legolas gave in, enjoying the feeling of being touched by both his lovers. His body began to tremble with pleasure and his legs refused to carry his weight. With a low moan he let himself sink to the ground, dragging his lovers with him.

Sharing a secret wicked grin Erestor and Haldir started to molest their lover in earnest, hands roaming freely over his ample chest, gliding under his tunic and pinching already hard nipples. Legolas moaned in pleasure, moving his head to share a fervent kiss with Haldir. Seeing his Woodland lover thus distracted the scribe let his tongue slide into a sensitive elven ear, the nimble muscle licking over the brim up to the pointed tip, knowing exactly how much pleasure he would give with his action. He closed his lips over the most responsible tip and gently nibbled with his teeth. Erestor couldn't suppress a smile as his ministrations caused Legolas to squirm in wanton desire, a needful whimper escaping his throat.

Panting heavily Legolas pulled his mouth away from Haldir's lips ad turned o his ebony-haired lover to throughoutly explore is mouth with his tongue. His body shook with desire and dragging his knees up he opened his legs and moved his hips in dire need for friction on his aching hardness. This time Haldir captured his other ear, sucking hard on the tip and dragging his teeth over the shell. Legolas cried out in bliss and his hands started to tear desperately on his lovers tunics, wanting nothing more than willing away the hindering fabric to finally feel naked skin on his heated body.

Unable to resist the silent plea, the elder elves quickly shred all detaining clothes leaving them all in gloriously aroused nakedness. Returning to their task the two elves licked and nibbled down Legolas' chin, gliding their tongues down the tender neck, sucking at the most sensitive juncture, proudly marking their lover as heir own. Moving as one they finally reached the already hard marbles of the young elf's nipples, sucking them deep into their mouths, gliding their tongues over the peaked nubs, biting and chewing only to smooth the abused flesh with gentle licks and kisses.

Legolas swam in an ocean of rapture. The combination of Erestor's tender touches and licks together with Haldir's almost brutal chewing, the combination of the two sensation he craved for the most, but never was able to gain at the same time, almost drove him mad with lust. His steady moans turned to ecstatic cries, his body twisted and trembled in abandon as he was driven nearer and nearer to completion. But this was not how he wanted to come, this was not the touch he was aching for. Desperately he tried to push his lovers' heads lower, towards his straining and throbbing erection.

Obediently they kissed a wet path down the shaking stomach, each one avoiding to delve his tongue into the shivering navel, still unsure about touching the other's lips. They nuzzled the curly hair at the base of the pulsating cock and finally licked a slipper path on either side of the thick hardness right up to the crown. There for the first time their lips met, tongues twisting out, eager to get a taste of the steady leaking precome. They both moaned at the first contact combined with the sweetness of their lover's essence. Unable to hold back they shared a searing kiss over the pulsating head, entwining their tongues in a sensual dance, dipping into the leaking slit again and again.

Enraptured Legolas watched his lovers moving down on his body, shivering violently at the sensation of two tongues moving over his hardness. When he watched his lovers sharing a deep kiss over the crown of his cock, feeling their combined tongues licking at his slick wetness and delving into the almost unbearably sensitive slit, his body arched up in bliss and he cried his rapture to heaven. This was the most erotic sight he had ever seen, a sight he'd so long hoped for in his most secret dreams, but never expected to be able to see. Dizzy with lust he could not tear his eyes away.

Without breaking their sensual kiss, Haldir pushed the throbbing member with his tongue deep into Erestor's mouth. The advisor eagerly took the treat, slowly gliding his lips over the rock-hard length until he felt the blunt head nudging his throat. Relaxing his muscles he swallowed repeatedly around the pulsating crown, only to release the twitching hardness again from his mouth and, using only his lips and tongue fed it to Haldir's eagerly waiting lips. Like this they played for some time, getting more and more aroused, until they felt their lover's body go all rigid, while his breath came out in keening cries. Sensing their lover's impending release, they locked their lips together again, not wanting to miss one drop of the precious essence.

The way his lover's played with him, feeding his oversensitive cock to one another with their lips, sharing deep kisses, as they did so soon was more than Legolas could bear. His body stiffened in the approach of a mind-bending orgasm and arching up into an almost sitting position he spilled his seed with a long and keening wail.

Still dizzy and shaking with the force of his climax Legolas took his lovers in a tight embrace, showering their faces with kisses.

"Will you make love to me? I need to feel you inside of me, both of you."

"Won't it be too much for you?" Although heavily aroused at the prospect of this ultimate union of the three of them, Erestor was still worried for his love's wellbeing. "Won't it hurt you, you know I'd never do something to hurt you."

"I can take t. love." Legolas answered reassuringly, deeply moved by his lover's concern. "I want to be stretched to my limits, want to take you both in. I need this now, please, don't deny me."

"He'll take it well." Haldir supported his young lover's effort to calm their worried mate. "You know, that sometimes he likes it a little rough and painful. And we'll prepare him properly so that no harm will be done to him."

Reaching for the oil, stashed in their package, Haldir coated Erestor's and his fingers with the thick liquid. They moved their combined hands between Legolas' widely spread legs, circling the quivering opening before they slowly breached the still relaxed entrance with one finger each. Legolas purred in pleasure as he felt the deft movement of skilled fingers deep inside his body, the knowledge that they were doing this all three together making him feel ecstatic. Impatiently he urged his lovers on and soon his tight entrance was stretched to wide openness. Four fingers smoothly moved in and out of his clenching hole, twisting and curling, bringing his sated member once again to full hardness, but ever avoiding his prostate. Soon he could not take any more, the demands of his body growing too strong.

"Ah, please, can't wait any longer. Do it, ah please, do it now, make me whole!"

Straddling Erestor's lap he positioned his lover's rod right at his entrance and gradually lowered himself down, impaling himself at a slow pace on the straining hardness, moaning with pleasure as he did so. A strangled gasp escaped Haldir's lips as he watched the thick column slowly disappearing in his young lover's body. Never had he thought it could be this enthralling to watch his lover being taken by another.

Once he was fully seated Legolas lay down on Erestor's chest and turned his head towards Haldir, beckoning him near.

"Be gentle!" he whispered.

Touched by the trust shining in his lover's eyes the warrior swallowed around a lump suddenly forming in his throat and silently nodded his agreement. Almost in awe he kneeled between the spread legs of his lovers and for some time simply savored the sight of Erestor's thick hardness breaching Legolas' body. He couldn't resist the urge to trace hit tongue over the spot where his lovers were joined, eliciting a low moan from Erestor and a sharp cry from Legolas. Gently he eased one finger into the already stretched opening slowly loosening the muscle even more.

Erestor gasped as a finger stroked his cock in the tight heat of Legolas' channel. Resisting the urge to thrust deep into the velvety tunnel, he pressed his eyes shut and tried with all his willpower to block out the added sensations, knowing perfectly well that he'd be unable to last until Haldir was even fully seated, if he didn't will his body to calm down. Taking Legolas' trembling body in a firm hold he dragged comforting circles over his back, soothing them both with his actions.

Legolas flinched involuntary as the blissful sensation of an added finger was replaced by a thick cockhead, pressing into his already filled opening at a steady unyielding pace. Searing pain threatened to overwhelm all his senses, as his tight opening was stretched beyond all limits. His body stiffened, trying instinctively to resist the intrusion. Burying his face into the crook of Erestor's neck he whimpered in pain.

"Ah � hurts � hurts so much! Please Haldir slow down, give me time to adjust."

"Relax love!" Haldir murmured his voice hoarse with affection and arousal. "It will be so good for you, once the pain is over. Distract him Erestor, please."

Showering the painstricken face in tender kisses Erestor soothed his lover until he was ale to lift his lips into a searing kiss. Feeling the taut body relax once more Haldir continued his intrusion, slowly driving in to the hilt. Both elves waited for their young lover to adjust to the uncommon fullness. Only when Legolas started to move his hips in pleasure they started to set up a slow and languid pace, both groaning at the tightness and the added friction of their cocks rubbing together in the velvety sheath.

As soon as the pain had turned into pure pleasure Legolas' moves became more and more erratic. Never had he felt this full, this whole. The increasing moans of his lovers and the steady gliding of two cocks over his prostate had him crying out in utter bliss. Lost in abandon he thrashed his head, soon, all too soon feeling the telltale tingling in his loins as he once again raced towards completion. Keening on top of his lungs, enthralled in the throes of passion, his body spasmed as he spilled his essence in heavy spurts. The clenching of the already tight hole, melting their members together in heavenly pressure proofed to be his lovers' undoing. Howling out their bliss with one voice, they spilled their seed deep into the convulsing body. The whole world seemed to shake with their cries, as the three lovers experienced a climax that seemed to go on for ever and ever.

When they finally lay cuddled together, still panting heavily from the overwhelming sensations, their eyes slowly drifting shut, Legolas murmured in a sated daze:

"Lord Elrond truly is the wisest among the elves."


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