Skiing and Steamed Milk by Caethieu
Title: Skiing and Steamed Milk
Author: Caethieu
Email: [email protected]
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Erestor/Glorfindel
Warnings: None.

Request: Third to Fourth Age, a little bit of angst, snow angels and steaming hot...milk!

Summary: A trip down the mountain on the Feast of the Ainur


�So this is the one?� Glorfindel asked, trying hide any alarm that might show in his voice. The mountain, slick with impacted snow, looked steeper on the way down than it had when they climbed it.

�Yes. It is the same one,� Erestor replied, not hiding his amusement. It was a fresh, clear winter day, the kind that caused the snow to glisten like the Tuil�* dew and just now mid-morning. Cardinals and blackbirds stirred, bold against the whiteness.

�Well, what now, Seneschal*?� asked Glorfindel, still squinting a little against Anar�s brightness.

�We relax and enjoy our surroundings and think of the Ainur* who sang them into being.� Erestor responded matter-of-factly, very aware of his friend�s building anxiety. Surprises were just not the golden one�s thing.

�Certainly, it�s stunning, Eres, but I doubt that you and Elrond dragged his company up here for the view� Glorfindel�s tone was tinged with irony. He was referring to an event that occurred on this very day during the founding of Imladris, before Gil-galad had sent him to serve his new Vice Regent. Apparently during the first winter the Peredhel and Erestor had celebrated the Feast of the Ainur by dragging the troops up to this mountaintop and it had continued for several years after. Whatever they did up there�he was about to find out, he supposed, but the fact that it was no longer a regular event made him wary.

Erestor was not currently relaxing but methodically digging up a thorny plant with a small trowel that he had dug out of his bag. He wrapped the plant in a wet towel and placed it carefully in a sackcloth bag before answering Glorfindel�s unspoken question. �Aeglos. The variety that grows up here is slightly different than the one that grows in the medicinal gardens and Elrond wants to do a comparison study.�

Not quite sure what to do with this information, the golden warrior kept his peace. He settled himself down against the trunk of a conifer and concentrated on clearing his mind of tackling Erestor into the thorny brush.

A few minutes later, Erestor had changed activities: he was now pulling four, slightly arched wide boards and four wooden rods out of his bag. �Catch!� he tossed two of the boards at Glorfindel, who did manage to catch them, but did not look pleased about it.

�What do we do with these?� was his inevitable question.

�One goes on each boot�see the straps?�and you use these,� he tossed two of the rods to his companion, �to propel yourself and steer with.� He paused, watching Glorfindel�s expression at the moment of realization, �down the hill.�

Glorfindel, who had gone momentarily wide-eyed, had now recovered and was thinking fast. �You go first, and show me how it is done,� he exhorted.�

Lifting his eyebrows in amusement he found the side of the mountain that would be most conductive to his ride and began his descent without another word, having strapped his now relatively weightless bag back on. He reached the bottom and stopped himself with a graceful flourish and called back up to Glorfindel, �Your turn!�

But Glorfindel had always preferred to be the first to try something rather than the last. �I�ll be right there,� he called, while lashing together the two boards to make one very wide board, and retying the boot straps to stand at a different angle. After looking over his changes and finding them fast, he too began his descent.

As he picked up speed, the wind thrashed against his face, whipping his hair out behind him. It took some concentration to steer himself to safe paths at that speed, but he found he could do it. Once or twice he jumped over an impression in the mountain side and was able to land relatively smoothly. All went quite well, in fact, until he got to the bottom.

The snow must have been especially icy there, he reflected, as he rushed with alarming speed towards Erestor. He wasn�t slowing down fast enough�

With a jarring impact they collided, and the next thing they knew, Glorfindel lay atop a heaving Erestor. Muttering an apology, he rolled off and they both lay there, trying to regain their breath.

Glorfindel, of course, was the first to speak: �Except for the collision part, that was a lot like�something else.

Erestor glared with all the force of the sun but all he said was, �Indeed.�

After a moment, Glorfindel rolled over to his side and gave his companion a rather sloppy kiss which he ended by licking the accumulating snow of his pink-tinged cheek. �Thank you for the fun, Eres,� he grinned.

Hu*� replied Erestor indignantly, wiping his mouth with his (snow-covered) sleeve.

�But you liked it,� pointed out Glorfindel, brazenly draping a leg between Erestor�s.

�It suits you,� came the reply.

Glorfindel shifted his weight until he pinned the dark-haired Elf down. Snow laced both heads and was beginning to coat their garments. �Does this suit me?� he intoned, his voice deeper.

Faster than the warrior�s reflexes, Erestor flipped him onto his back and reversed their positions. �This does.�

�Really?� the golden-haired one asked, almost hopefully.

�Yes.� Erestor�s voice had dropped too.

They gazed at each other for a long moment, their eyes glinting, before Glorfindel spoke. �Tonight� he said. �We have to get back for the feast.�

�Yes, how do you suggest we cool ourselves down, since you started this whole turn of events, Lord Glorfindel?� Erestor was making a mock effort at returning to his usual demeanor.

Glorfindel thought for a moment, trying unsuccessfully to pack the snow into a ball. �Snow-Ainur! Of course!� he proceeded to demonstrate by plopping on his back and fanning his arms and legs in and out until he was satisfied. Standing up carefully he examined his work.

�Did you actually see any Ainur when you were in Mandos?� Erestor asked.

�No, but everyone says they have wings. Your turn,� he insisted, pointing at the ground.

Erestor obeyed in deference to the holiday, copying the warrior�s actions.

�Not bad, but I like mine better. Shall we name them?�

He received no reply save for a snowball hurled into his chest.

�See you at the feast, Lossfindel*.� Erestor called, and turned back toward the House of Elrond, hurling another snowball over his shoulder in answer to the one that struck him in the back.

Half an hour later, Erestor walked into Elrond�s study having re-braided his hair and changed into blood red robes. He was warm, but his cheeks still stubbornly sported a pink tinge. Glorfindel was already there. Elrond stood when he entered and offered him a mug spiced steamed milk. �Cheers to your safe return from the mountain!� he cheerfully toasted his two advisors.

�An interesting but tasty change from miruvor, Elrond,� Erestor commented after taking a tentative draught.

�I thought something steaming and creamy was in order to complement the theme of the day,� he replied.

Glorfindel almost spit out the sip he had just taken. Elrond raised an eyebrow and caught the glance Erestor shot him. Looking back at his chief commander, he almost smirked. �I see I chose correctly. Congratulations.�

�We haven�t�� Erestor began, but stopped himself.

�Ah.� Elrond mouth formed a rare grin. �It will be an interesting feast. Speaking of which, I believe it is time.�

******************* Notes:
This was my first attempt at Glorfindel-Erestor and I really enjoyed writing it. Sorry for the brevity, but I really hope it makes you smile�Happy Holidays!

1. Tuil�the season corresponding to our April and May
2. Seneschal�I know Glorfindel�s usually represented as Elrond�s Seneschal but Seneschals in Western history have been officers that oversee Feasts and other household events as well as mundane matters, so I thought these duties fit better with Erestor
3. Ainur�both Maiar and Valar combined. The feast day for them is my invention.
4. Hu�Quenya for �hound�
5. Lossfindel�Snow-hair

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